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Posts posted by jcon

  1. Without going into too much detail (I already feel like I've hijacked the thread) trogers, yes she the 1/2 rai and then the current home, but in the near future about 1 rai (and the house on it) next to her current home will be hers through inheritance. So she will always have some form of land (a combined 1.5 rai plot in central bkk is pretty huge all things considered).

    And I may have been over-exaggerating a bit when I said I told her to sell the land, cash out and invest in the 'stock market.' I didn't really mean to plow everything into the markets, rather my point to her was just NOT to buy the condo for 40 million. That point still stands.

    I just don't see much value in a project like Le Raffine (I swear the pools will collapse onto each other someday... it's just something I don't have confidence in Thai engineers being able to accomplish in the long run).

    As for the Sukhothai Residences, well my current view is to NOT buy anything that is not finished, period. I almost got burned, and that was just for 6 million, not 40... My current view is IF buying, buy in a PROVEN project... that's just my own personal opinion. Others may think otherwise.

    donx, yes it may sound like a contradiction when I say that I observe off the balcony so many empty units (the implication being no buyers) and then say I have a friend who is willing to drop 40 million... but then again, she is just one person who by chance happens to be cashed up and close to me. I would not extrapolate her position onto that of 'your average condo buyer' (whoever that may be - again, subjective).

    I've pointed out to her that she could save huge cash buy buying 2nd hand and going through a refurb to whatever spec she may want - but her main issue is privacy (2 units per floor - private pool, etc. at Le Raffine)... she is not in the position to live in a place where there are more than a few units per floor let alone 10-20. The reason for that is simply personal.

    Back on track of the main point of the thread, I'm still observing empty units all over bkk, even in the 'trendiest' of areas... If you look in my thread in the motor forum about the Enzo Ferrari, you can see for yourself the sheer emptiness of the parking structure of that particular building, which by all measures should be 'popular.'

    The only way to know if a particular building has tenants is to literally observe it during all hours of the day/night... "Sold out" is the most over-used word in Thai real estate IMO. There can be so many pitfalls in Thai real estate (well, everything in life, really) that the need to eliminate as many potentially damaging factors as possible is of paramount priority (that sounds like a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised how many people just don't do ANY due diligence when spending their cash in Thailand).

  2. donx - yes all cash. She has a plot of land in the same development where Paradon lives, out on on nut, Prime Nature Villa or something like that... buyer willing to purchase at around 43 million (1/2 rai).... She wants to sell that land and buy the condo... I REFUSE to let it happen... I say sell the land, bank the cash, and wait for something to invest in after what I suspect to be another October FireSale in the stock markets.... NO CONDOS IMO.

    trogers - I'm just plain against her putting that much cash down on any condo. She already has a beautiful house on 222 sq wah in the city, beautiful... I'd value it around 30-40 million, and it's a hel_l of a lot more peaceful than a condo... but for some reason she wants to buy a condo - I say the house is 100x better, and just stay there and invest the rest of the cash... I hope she listens. I want her to stay as liquid as possible, a couple of more years of work and if she sells her properties she should have around 100 million... if the baht strengthens over the next 5-10 years (and lanna's prediction of 20baht/usd comes true, she'll be able to live a good life anywhere in the world... instead of sitting on a dump of a condo with a leaky pool with oil-money neighbors....

    My vote is to buy a nice little house in New Zealand, small but nice, and an apt in the south of France, and just spend time travelling the world... mid-30's she's lucky... and before anybody thinks otherwise, she's a self-made woman... and hot as all hel_l to boot... hrm maybe I should 'jeep' her????

  3. Funny conversation I just had tonight, reminded me of this thread... I have a friend who just told me she was going to buy a unit at Le Raffine Sukhumvit 39, and I went ballistic on her, spewing out NO NO NO NO, in 10 years the pools will all leak and fall down all over each other blah blah blah.... She had mentioned it in passing that she wanted to buy a condo in the city, but I had no idea that she was this serious (she already had a room picked out, etc....).... But she is decidedly Thai (well Half-Thai, but Thai in her way of thinking) and she was saying she just thought it was nice, blah blah blah...

    40 million was the price they gave her, and I went bonkers (yes, I just said bonkers), saying christ save that money, invest it somewhere else and you may have 100 million in 5-10 years instead of a broken down POS condo that cannot be sold... Same friend I convince not to buy a new Lexus RX because her old one is just fine... I've been trying to instill the 'save your money, cash is king' idea in her, and I think it's slowly sinking in... She's one of those people who can make a ton of money but has no idea how to manage it, which is the terrible thing about the industry in which she works - I've seen people rise so so high, only to fall off a cliff due to poor money management (a la MC Hammer - what did he have, 20 million USD???? - now broke).

    Then I went on to describe the same thing that I've been noticing, empty units all around, and told her 'hey, listen - instead of going into the sales office and having everybody kiss your ass, go look at the place at 7pm, 8pm, midnight, 8am, noon, whatever, and see how many 'sold out' units are occupied, and who is living there... Due diligence can be such a foreign concept to certain people.... but I'm glad I got a hold of her before she went off and blew her money on that condo... I swear there aren't engineers good enough in Thailand to build such a structure without disastrous consequences say 10-20 years down the road.... water is HEAVY!!!!!

    I showed her this thread, and of course she couldn't be bothered, but I think my point stuck with her - at least I hope so. 40 million is no joke, and if invested wisely, can take her a long way in this life if she doesn't dump it into some condo....

    So I suppose one lesson is that there ARE some buyers. But dam_n maybe they just have too much money on their hands.

    I tried to explain to her the 2nd hand condo theory, but I'm not sure it's sticking just yet...

    To address the poster who said my points are subjective - yes, they may certainly be, but I've seen A LOT of condos, high-end, decked out, and the wealthiest Thais I know don't buy into the shiny projects... and re: the occupancy of the 2nd hand lowrises, though I can't make a generalization that they have higher occupancy rates than the new 500+ unit giants, I have seen first hand that many of the ones that my friends live in are FULL. So it's a small sample size, but first-hand information nevertheless, which counts in my book.

    I can't comment on the "pride of ownership" or the even more hilarious notion of "pride of occupancy," but I'd favor the notion of the "pride of not being a sucker."

  4. I would agree with trogers and the other members' sentiments above, but I would add that it is a better investment model overall in terms of ROI vs. the new places.

    Low-rises in good locations, with only a couple/few rooms per floor are much better value for money than any shiny new unit IMO. You get higher ceilings, and a lot more floor space (2 bedroom condos from the 'old school' are at the very least 100sqm, usually more like 150 sqm, whereas now developers call a 55sqm place with 2 shoebox bedrooms a "2br"). Just gut the place and deck it out to high spec and it will beat most new projects hands down. And fewer owners in Thailand is overall better for the building IMO - as opposed to 500+ unit structures with low occupancy and even lower % of owners paying maintenance. In the smaller older buildings, you can at least see with your own eyes how it has been maintained over the years, and there is A LOT less (if any) turnover - the owners own and keep, period... less transient tenants = better IMO.

    I've also noticed better overall building quality in the better older condos... during the last boom there wasn't as much cost-cutting as compared to what is coming online now or in the near future...

    edit: i also like to peruse the classifieds, and yeah that "Gerwin" guy has some pretty ridiculous ads! 300K/month for a 110sq wah house?

  5. ...I'm rambling, half a bottle of whiskey will do that...

    Explains it all. :o

    yep, I was actually replying to an idle-speed control problem in the motor forum and then had to rant about people's misunderstanding of economics... but back to the bottle. But I think I had a point in there somewhere!

  6. I've been observing 3 buildings from the balcony at Icon II Thonglor: Icon III, The Height, and Noble Ora, all in plain view... also i can see the Hamptons (I think that's what it's called, a bit further down the road). I comment almost everyday how empty these buildings are. The Height (the one really really close to the road on Thonglor has I swear 2 tenants... Icon III has a few but not all lights are on by any measure... and Noble Ora (while actually a good project IMO, only 50K/psm when I was first looking at units) seems to be pretty empty too... or else people really like the dark and never turn on their lights.

    Smaller buildings, like Icon II, and other smaller private buildings (2 rooms per floor, as opposed to 30) are always full... and these are where the well-off live from what I've seen.

    Just my 2 cents from what I see from the balcony. But The Height I swear is the emptiest building I've seen, and I do observe it every evening when I smoke from the balcony... I swear I saw signs that said it was 'sold out' 2 years ago...

    Clover Thonglor soi 18 (Benz thonglor) is a ghost building because they are having BMA problems... that's 500 units that can't be transferred...

    Again, from what I've seen, the wealthy Thais live in the smaller more private buildings and the big big projects are either for speculation or just not sold out.

    How long has Raimon land been flogging the Lofts Yenakart? 5 years now? What a POS.

    Even the 'middle class' condos, the huge ugly ones that go for 2 million to say 5 million look dead from what I see around town...

    I would go 2nd hand, pre 1997 buildings which have a proven record of maintenance and good tenants.... then deck it out to high standard, and save yourself a bunch of money... quality has been sacrificed in a big way in ALL of the new units coming online, A grade or not... Athenee? Grade A my ass.

  7. So you feel a weaker baht will not help, and the following does not make sense then

    1) tourist converts a dollar at the exchange

    2) Tourist spends less as he gets less

    3) Bar Girl, tuk tuk driver, food seller etc make less money as there is less to spend

    4) Issan girl. guy sends less money home as they make less

    5) People in village have less money to spend

    6) My wifes parents own the village shop and they have been hit with a 60% down turn

    If the expats on this site can not see how the basic money chain works, then we have no chance that Thai's will

    classic example of how someone has a distorted view (read self-importance out of whack with reality as it refers to economics).

    we're talking about the ECONOMY in general, imports/exports on a grande scale, not bar girls and cell phones and buffaloes...

    and haven't we already data that indicates from other exporting countries that in the current economic climate, devaluing currency isn't doing shit if nobody is buying anyway... there is proof out there, i'll let someone dig it up I can't be bothered, but it's not a silver bullet to devalue and then boom exports booming again and all is well... that would be ignorant at the very least.

    I think Tarisa has been doing a fine job given the shit happening all around her.... and people forget the baht has lost 15-20% against the USD from it's highs already... I just hope lanna's prediction of 20thb/usd comes soon... I wanna blow this joint, asap. That would be sweet for those with assets in Thailand (some would say illiquid, but everything has a price), and a doubling of net worth of assets in thailand would be a huge bonus...

    and just for good measure, applying western ideologies re: economics (or any social science for that matter) to thailand requires at the very least a cursory examination of economic sociology and it's idea of 'embeddedness'... for a good read on the subject, Mark Granovetter is the man.

    I'm rambling, half a bottle of whiskey will do that. Sorry if I don't make sense. I thought I was replying to the motor forum :o

  8. I think given the current political situation, global economy, and future royal issues, 41 is possible, maybe 44 on a spike down. After that I think it heads to 20THB:1 $USD in the next decade or so.

    Double in value against the USD in the next decade? Reason? Too many USDs around at that time? Honest question.

    If I could have 20THB:1USD I'd sell all properties/land in Thailand and buy a house in Colorado and stare at a beautiful mountain for the rest of my life... I would still hear the noises of Thailand in my head at night (dogs, motorcycles, chaos), but then I would look out my balcony into the moon-lit snow-capped mountains and smile. Ok, that was my dream quota for today :o

  9. My UBC box has thrown the code of the devil at me:


    I've had it with UBC many times already but there really isn't a good alternative (at least that I know of). Tmr the UBC guy will come over and replace the box, which in 2 months time he will have to replace again....

    Is anybody in Bangkok using Livestation? If so, what kind of internet package are you on? I get the message "stream unavailable" for every channel I pull up on Livestation. I can't recall my True internet package that I'm currently on, but it was the best one when I signed up like 4+ years ago, so it's probably the worst one now... time for an upgrade for sure, but I'd like to know which packages are actually good. Thanks.

  10. 1st guess, idle speed control.

    2nd: try turning everything on in the car, full on air, full high beams, everything.... then press the brakes.... stall? Could be a failing alternator, but that should give you some funny behaviour before the stall, like flashing lights on the dash and stuff like that.... but you did say it stall when slowing down, and the brakes (do you have abs) take a lot of power...

    but try the idle speed control... I don't know what it's like in that model of car, but often a shot of the Sonax spray in there will get things sorted...

    this is a very dangerous problem (you only mentioned getting stuck on the road as your concern)... one of the worst things that can happen to you is for your car to lose all power at speed... there goes your power steering, brakes, etc... then you're in for real trouble. fix it quick. cuz I don't want you rear-ending me!

  11. 100k might give you respectable lifestyle in Laos, but anything under 500k/month in Bangkok would be slumming it.

    haha totally!

    hrm, 2gs of blow 2x a week = 20k per month

    2 bottles of champagne at the club 2 x per week = 80k baht.

    there goes your 100k! and you don't even have a place to stay or eat yet...!

    some TV millionaires swear they can't get by on less than a cool million a month... but where did all of them go? Surely they are sipping champagne in the south of France, nah - they 'choose' to be in BKK with their uber-classy teerak from BFE... riiiite.... i swear 2 years ago ThaiVisa must have had the highest average net worth per member of any forum in the known universe... until they woke up. there was a time when there was a pissing contest every week or so. Now I'd say many of those guys don't have a pot to piss in, or rather never did in the first place.

    100k should be fine if you don't go overboard. Don't waste money on prostitutes and you're good. But then again, if you want a decent car (I'm talking simple Camry or similar, there goes another 1.3 million), couple vacations per month and you're out at least 20k, plane tickets home, etc. etc... nope, surface is right, less than 500k slummin it :o Get used to Mama noodles my friend.

    I would have thought the OP would have known what kind of lifestyle was achievable here in BKK, as didn't he claim to have spent some significant time here??? It's not rocket surgery!

    Good old Neerenam gets by on IIRC like 4999 baht a month and he's dang proud of it :D

  12. I doubt anyone will have accurate figures here, as they can't just do a survey at the Land Dept. since so many people are using one method or another of circumventing the land code. In the neighborhoods that we own, a good portion (maybe a little less than half) are Russian family type buyers.


    You're talking about done deals and what happened in the past-not relevant to what

    the OP posted .

    this is talking about the prospects for the future............

    and take a look at how far the Russian stockmarket,oil revenues

    and the rouble have all collapsed and you'll see why these people

    will not be splashing any more money around for quite some time :o

    Actually I'm talking about the present as of today. And as mentioned, yes, sales are indeed slowing down but they haven't stopped. If that were the case, we wouldn't be building the next development we have in line... we'd just put everything on "pause" as none of our projects are bank financed.

    Plenty of folks/developers will be hurting, no doubt.


    Heng, you're in the real estate biz, and you're chinese-thai - so you must know P'Ko (well you're about his age, yes?) and his brother P'9 (kow - ex-bf of our own Paula Taylor)... Do you? Is your 'trakoon' bigger than theirs, as you see it? Just an honest question, as you come off as the resident land king on TV. I'm just wondering if you actually know your place?

  13. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    I've been away for pretty much all of April, and I see this thread has gone absolutely nowhere. Alex posts pictures and conspiracy theories, Naam retorts with his own brand of humor, ad infinitum.

    Where did Harmonica, doomsayer #1, go? Did he seriously come back to Thaivisa after a multi-year hiatus just to say that he was "right" (but off by, what, 2 years - in which time any fool could have made some serious cash)... and then go away? Or did he just get raped in the markets this past month by being short the world.

    Alex, maybe you can keep a scrapbook of all of your photos you post here, and put them in an album titled "This is how I spent my 30's." The older guys like Naam, et. al have a reason to be on the computer all day - they are older and retired - but you are just wasting away your youth with this crap... that's not a flame, either. Take a month off of the internet, come back, and you'll see how ridiculous everything sounds - it's all about perspective.

  14. It's said that the "in crowd" have now gotten bored with Fallabella and moved to Wine Bridge. Minibar Royale is quite pleasant but not yet a proper bar - although they plan on sorting out some music.

    Parkbridge is good for an afterhours place only. They make a big effort with guest DJs, the place is SMALL but therefore sociable.

    I hope Nomad on soi 12 takes off - it's a good restaurant, great service and has an adjoining club which is cosy and well decorated.

    Which will be the next well-known club to kick the bucket do you think?

    Ya people have moved to Wine Bridge for about a year now IIRC, I still don't really like it. Fallabella is heinous now with the Thai band playing - was there friday night and it could have been any Thai bar on Ekamai... packed but horrible. The food is really good, though - so I will keep it on my list for late dinners on weekdays.

    Nomad - been there one time - nice place, I think they have to do something about the dance space in front of the "stage" - it's a bit awkward IMO. But then again, I've only been once, and had all of my attention focused on a girl, so what do I know...

    Next BKK club to bite the dust? - I hope it's P35 - that place is bruuuutaaaallllll.... hyped to be uber-trendy and "New York Style" - but it's like a club designed in 1995. And if you're gonna be in a location that crappy, you better kick ass (which it doesn't).

  15. Hello men, hope you had a nice holiday :o

    Scuderia is now what I'm leaning toward (good call Digitalman). I was just staring at the car (it seriously hasn't moved in a month) from the balcony again and I can see twin black racing stripes along the bonnet... just like I've seen on an F430 Scuderia in Stockholm (though I think you can order that custom paint job on any of the Ferraris for what, 10-15k USD, right?).

    The air dams on the front are DEFINITELY angled, I can see that clearly with the naked eye - and like I said, there is a 360 Modena downstairs at this condo which I see every time I go up and down the elevator so I know the 360 well.

    I still hope it's an Enzo, and I swear the center part of the air dam is larger than that of the Scuderia, but maybe that's just my wishful thinking. Either way, nobody is driving the thing (or else the guy parks in the EXACT same way, to the inch), and that in itself is a dam_n shame... those Italian horses deserve to stretch their legs...

    I suppose I could just walk across the street and find out for myself, but it's just more fun staring from the balcony!

  16. Hmm, I guess I can add a few bars to the list:

    Aqua - Four Seasons Hotel: Nice drinks, nice food, nice atmosphere, NO MUSIC (blah). I guess it's good for a date, if you're say 40-ish...

    Fallabella - 101 Rajdamri (on the Royal BKK Sport Club grounds) - good food, mmm... nice place to chill outdoors, but they've had this live band thing going on for some time now which isn't as cool as it used to be... it used to be that if you went to this place for a late dinner on fri/sat, you'd see 99% of BKK's "in" crowd, but thankfully it's down to about 35%. Or I just don't care to know anybody anymore.

    Eugenia Hotel lobby bar - this place is coooool... totally chill, maybe too chill, but if you're on a date, then it's nice, and not many people are there... the hotel itself looks like a nice place to stay. And security will be tiiiiight as it's a stone's throw from the Prime Minister's residence!

    Parkbridge - Somwhere in Silom - I don't remember anything about it, too drunk....

    Some Morrocan bar in Ekamai - don't remember the name, but it was really chill... property owned by the MBK family... but the bar will close at the end of the month so go quick while you still can...

    Hmm... I will add more as my memory improves... yes, sundays are much harder nowadays....

  17. I can see it with my own eyes... I swear it's an Enzo Ferrari.

    But I don't have a good enough camera to get a nice clear shot - it's just across the street from the ICON II at the ICON III on Thonglor, and I stare at it every night when I smoke on my friend's balcony.

    Enzo or not? (it's not 360 Modena, even tho in the pic it may look so, it's definitely not - with my naked eye I can see the visage of the Enzo - and there is a 360 Modena downstairs for easy comparison).

    How much would a freakin' Enzo cost in Thailand? Nutty. Gasohol 95? HAHAHA!

    What do you think? Enzo?


  18. Had to dig up this thread, having some huge problems coming up in a townhouse I own but don't live in.

    I go to the house a few times a month, mostly to park one of my cars there. But I just heard last night that my neighbors on one side are moving out (well I knew that already) but that the new neighbors were going to be 7 FAMILIES, YES 7. And 5 TAXI DRIVERS, WITH 5 CARS. Now I freaked out, and asked the neighbors on the other side if it was true, and they said yeah, they saw 2 VANS of people coming to look at the house.... ridiculous. Now 2 houses down has already gone to shit as a taxi driver and his 15 'relatives' or whatever have moved in, making noise and I've never heard a 4 year old use some of these swear words that even I use rarely... now if I get another 7 <deleted> familes in next door and god knows how many people (20?!) I would die.

    My house is just me when I'm there, nobody otherwise.

    So I called the owner of that house and said <deleted> is going on, do you not care who moves in, the neighborhood is going to shit. She said the crew is coming in from Isaan, and they already paid deposit. I said, listen, I'll pay you full rent cash for the whole year and I will just park one of my cars there, I won't even use the <deleted> house - just please give it to me, for my sanity and the safety of my house. Long story short - already a long story - I think I'm gonna get the place, but now I'm afraid of retaliation (of some kind - since I did jack the house from 7 taxi drivers and their families)...

    So A) I either have to stay in my own house and look after the other house also (and my cars).

    Or :o Live in the detached house that I own that is not in this neighborhood, and leave the townhouses unattended (the one that I own and the one that I am renting just so nobody else can come rent it.

    The owner thinks I'm nuts just to rent out the entire house and pay cash for basically nothing but a parking spot, but I'm a security nutcase and Thailand is going downhill fast.

    Anyway, I want to set up cameras at the townhouses that I can view from my detached house as well, and from the townhouse itself. 2 cameras there should be sufficient, I think (one for the front of each townhouse - or should I put one way up on the 2nd floor?)

    Question: I will leave the outdoor lights on 24/7, and I was wondering if I get infrared cameras, will the light from the lights outside interfere with the infrared at night? Should I just go with non-infrared since there will be lights on all of the time... but then I'm thinking someone can just break the lights and then I would need infrared.... but how can you identify anybody from an infrared cam anyway (it's not like I'm in the house to monitor)?

    tigerbeer, do you have contacts in Bangkok? This is a serious pain in my ass and I need to sort it out ASAP. The guy who installed my 4-cam system is AWOL, can't find him - a friend of a friend of a friend kind of thing. I need someone I trust.

  19. lol ya, but if he's half thai and seriously handsome he would cut to the front of the line in the Thai market commercials. Half Thai is better than full Thai it seems, all the commercials feature guys looking like white guys with a slight Asian mix to them. He should really give it a shot, being half Thai....

    Ok you have a point. But like I said, very few NA models in BKK, and for a reason.... If the OP is from a decent town in North America, he's gonna be in for a shock having to live in model housing in Rompo Mansion a stone's throw a away from the shittiest part of town... Rompo is paradise for someone from Uzbekistan, or BFE Russia, but for a North American, it's not exactly... err... well, 'up to standard.'

    But if for the experience, I agree. Just remember if you get stuck at Rompo, you will be there with A) meathead muay thai fighters who, i swear, hang out around the front entrance in their muay thai shorts and no shirt (farangs btw) and :o Brasilians who smoke weed all day everyday... fun for awhile, until you find yourself having to scream in order to get a word in... then you will be begging for a North American friend....

    And yes, maybe the OP can get on the short-list, but that still doesn't change the fact that the pay rates have gone into oblivion....

    But can I say this a third time - ass soup. Fine, they weren't as quality as they were 5 years ago since now they just send people off the street over and call them a model, but still... ass soup if you want it. lol

  20. Dunno of you're from the US or Canada (you said NA), but there are some markets in NA that you could make a decent living in - depending on what side you fall on, fashion or commercial. Toronto is pretty good for Asians. Chicago is a catalog market, but the day rates are still good (in 2001, it was 2k USD at Arlene Wilson for a guy, 2.5k at Elite for a girl - but things I'm sure have changed re prices)... but hel_l booking a Sears catalog for 2 grand and getting regular work beats the crap out of what you would get for having to parade around half-naked for the 'gayest' modeling city in the world - BKK, Thailand, for hel_l I don't even know what they pay the new models, my guess is 6-8k THB for a show.

    And since BKK is literally the 'gayest' market around, stylists, and show producers, etc. have no concept of how fashion is changing around the world... when Milan fashion week had new thin male models out, Thailand was still going totally gay, 'beefcake' (to borrow from teacup) body types... zero sense of 'fashion' I swear to you if you fall on the fashion side, you will be asked to show things that NO OTHER market in the world would ask of you as a professional... But if that's your thing, then so be it. Don't say I didn't warn you.

    NYC, I can't say about the market there. Barcelona has suffered the same influx of Brasilians, and so has Milan. There will be literally 50 guys in line waiting to cast (and of course you as the North American will be one of very few so you'll have to deal with the Brasilians just blatently cutting in line, etc. etc... and roaming in groups... of course this was a few years ago, but really to be honest I can only imagine it being worse now.

    Try your home city. If you want to do Asia, build your book and then give it a shot. HK is the best IMO. They work fast, don't try to touch your balls at every chance, and are professional.

    And the while the poster above me may be correct, there is still a lot of competition - and in the Asian-looking male market, you will be going up against actors and singers....

    But like I said, it can be ass soup. And it'll be fun when you're an old man to tell your kids that their old man had gf's from Brasil, Russia, the Ukraine, Uzbekistan, etc. etc....

    This reminds, what ever happened to member steveromagnino?

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