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Posts posted by hotrod4098

  1. I would stay in a local hotel and just visit for the afternoon.

    sometimes the girl may appear fairly honest but the family lurking behind are a bunch of devious rats.

    the good girl gone bad..its the family that do it...seen it in many villages...they hound the girl for money..never leaving her alone..her mind just goes spinning...

    i am just removing my girl from the village due to this

  2. by going to the village it is to show him...so later on he will be requested to give large lumps of cash for everything they wont..

    all villages are the same..they want falangs money..and that wont change..

    air con dont bother..they dont like paying the electric bill....the list is endless..

    do what i done..sit on my hands..does calls problems...but it your cash...not the family

    • Like 1
  3. word of advise...get a lawyer..and i mean one that specialize in land deals..do not let you partner or her family choose one...

    this is a big investment...think about it..long and hard

    think what would happen if things go wrong...

    for me ...it would be no lawyer no deal...

    i was presented with a land deal ...6 rai..the family was trying to stich me up...one call to my lawyer..the deal was blown out of the water...the land could not be sold..saved me 600000 thb..

    Wow...6 rai for 600,000THB was it swamp land in (lower) Nakon Nowhere with (a fake) sor bor kor title

    it was in sirratana sisaket by the river...sor sam kor .....the titled had been photo copied...the deed was in to the bank for money owed on it for over 20 years...

    the deed holder was to be given 100000,,just for giving the deed to my ex wife to show me the land title...

    she was then going to pocket 500000 her self.

    it was a big scam had it come off...but the lawyer said some land in sisaket could be common land ,and it can not be sold..only transfered...

    when she new it was game over..so was the marrriage

  4. I'm struggling with this, alcoholic, heart valve replacement, diabetic and goodness knows what else - now opening a bar on the darkside! Makes me wonder about so many things.

    Things appear to be getting tad personal, so let me just say this. .

    Just because I do indeed suffer from a variety of serious, chronic medical complaints, that doesn't mean that I am going to quietly go away and curl up in a corner and wait to die.

    It wasn't so very long ago I did indeed feel that this was my fate, but ever since I managed to put my stomach ailments and the accompanying misdiagnosis behind me, I feel better than I have done in years and am full of hope for the immediate future.

    If I can do a few things to keep me occupied and turn a bob or two profit, then that is what i will do. Those who read my blog will know I am running a small vehicle rental business,(which so far has done pretty well), and I have just set up a site to sell Thai products on eBay.I am also persevering with my writing in the hope that one day I may be 'discovered.'... (yes, I know, no hope, but there's not harm in dreaming), and just this last week I started doing some contract copy writing for a web site.

    Opening a bar near to where I live is simply another step along the way to try and turn around a serious reversal in my fortunes, and nobody can accuse me of not giving it a go - at a time when I had thought I would be lazing my life way into the retirement sunset.

    I'm not quite sure what you think i will be doing at this bar, but let me assure you that I will not be swinging from a go-go pole and neither will I be juggling cocktail mixers from behind the bar.

    My GF and her family will be running things and all that I will do is to provide a bit of 'brain power management' (assuming there's still some left), and instead of bashing away on my laptop on the table at home, I will be doing it from the corner of a sleepy, lakeside bar, where I can keep a wary eye on things.

    I will also be happy to down tools and chat with anyone who wants to, (excluding of course, the estimable piston broke, who I assume has ruled himself out).

    And no, i will not be telling stories of my life, you will have to buy the book or read my blog to get that kind of low-down - nothing is for free these days.smile.png

    So I don't think that my anticipated bar activities will over-tax this ageing alcoholic reprobate... and with a bit of luck, there's a few more years of life left in this ugly mug of mine, gainsayers notwithstanding.

    Well if its anything like the other bars around the Lake it will be very sleepy, exception being mini marts bars where the beers are 30 baht cheaper and plenty of company. It will have to be something completely different, and i don't think the name will make one bit of difference as to to how many customers you get. Try and get staff who speak at least half a dozen words of English.

  5. many good girls go bad...the reason is the family...the pressure is huge...

    the soon as the family no a falang is around its game on...you got it and we are going to have it...MONEY...

    the long ball game i call it...these thais will wait years to get what they wont..

    its a endless drip...the falang keeps paying to keep his girl happy,but surely his money pot will go down...

    the transfer of wealth is complete...she has it all he has nothing...he has now switched positions with her...

    what does a thai girl want with a falang who has no money....

    so she bails out..and the poor guy has nothing..no wife no money...depression sets in..and he chooses to end it all..

    so sad..but these girls are very devious to get what they want..

    FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY....they are the ruin of many relationships in thailand...

    best way...pay for play on the day...dont get involved..

    • Like 2
  6. so sad.RIP..

    easy to build a new life if you have money..maybe he did not...so no money and no wife,,makes people a different person...

    my wife left me after just 4 months of marriage..yes thai..was with her 6 years...also i was depressed...but i had money to recover...takes time,,but life goes on.

    my heart is now locked..and no thai girl will ever open it..

    rest in peace fellow...so sad

    • Like 1
  7. as i see it...why did the OP,,not ask about a visa before he got married..surely that is a must..

    if i was on benefits,,i would make sure all was 100 per cent before i got married ,and dont have a problem,,

    now the OP has a big problem..he can not support his wife,as he can not work..

    can not live in thailand either as his benefits would stop....you are allowed 4 weeks outside the uk at any one time..

    the OP gets the highest rate of disability allowance,so will never work...

    how can any one make such a mistake..

    chance of visa to uk...very limited

    • Like 1
  8. 3.6.4. The applicant will not need to meet the minimum income threshold. Instead, the applicant

    is required to demonstrate that they will be adequately maintained without recourse to public

    funds. The relevant guidance is set out in IDI Chapter 8 section 1.7a. This does not allow

    the applicant to rely on promises of third party support or prospective employment or a job


    here you have it...you need to show you can take care of her...

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