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Posts posted by hotrod4098

  1. I have a fairly good idea that she is not a prostitute. We spoke every day and she worked at a sushi restaurant. I was very stupid to have unprotected sex and I will never make that mistake again. For the record, I got tested 2 weeks ago after I didn't hear from her it come back negative. It was even more scarier than this situation.

    There are many degrees of prostitution in TH. A girl that needs a few bucks at the end of the month might not be against going down to the bar, hooking up with a naive stranger, then seeing if she can get some money out of him in the morning. Sometimes they say something like, "I need to borrow a little money..." Happens here all the time.

    Also, studies show most Thai girls with HIV don't tell their partners they have it.

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  2. I have a fairly good idea that she is not a prostitute. We spoke every day and she worked at a sushi restaurant. I was very stupid to have unprotected sex and I will never make that mistake again. For the record, I got tested 2 weeks ago after I didn't hear from her it come back negative. It was even more scarier than this situation.

    There are many degrees of prostitution in TH. A girl that needs a few bucks at the end of the month might not be against going down to the bar, hooking up with a naive stranger, then seeing if she can get some money out of him in the morning. Sometimes they say something like, "I need to borrow a little money..." Happens here all the time.

    Also, studies show most Thai girls with HIV don't tell their partners they have it.

    • Like 1
  3. seems like it is psoriasis..this can be treated with betnovate cream/ dermovate cream...

    a simple trip to any pharmacy will tell you what you have.

    psorias does not go away..you have it for life...it may just move around different parts of the body..

    simple test...is the skin white in color and raised...and flakes off...then under neath it is very red...if so it is psoriasis...

  4. as i have said before...teaching english is just a way of earning some money to stay in thailand...look at some of the ages of them..late 20 mid 30..where have they got any experience of teaching in a class room... most have never been employed in there own country..let alone a teacher training course... spoke to may so called teachers in sisaket...guess what...most where from bangkok ...backpackers ,who did not want to go home,,so where just earning a few bhat to remain in thailand... you do not become a good teacher with out classroom skills..and thai class rooms are very hard to teach... nearly every one takes the option of teaching when they dont have any money.... why should thai children be taught by non teachers..IE...no qualifications...

  5. teaching in thailand is used as a visa scam..reason being they have no cash to stay thailand long time...

    as i said how can a drop out be a teacher..some have never worked at all in there own country..unemployable comes to mind...

    then they get a job teaching...can that be right...they are less educated than the person they are teaching...this is for self gain..

    nothing to do with improving the childrens education..

  6. it was greed by the farmers who sold out the rice for a premium payment...they chose to join the rice pledge..

    they could have sold it at the going rate locally...but greed got the better of them..

    i think you had to have over 100 rai to join the pledge...so they are not poor farmers...

    poor farmers i class as having only a few rai and making around. 60000 a year not 500000 a year...

  7. we hear of rice farmers not being paid..pledging scheme..

    who can pledge rice..when people read farmers not paid,i think it is only the ones who have many rai of land...

    so instead of selling it to the millers at say 12 bhat...they took the big bucks of selling it to the pledge for a lot more...so got stuffed...

    so how many rai do you need to join the scheme....

  8. whats the tax when you sell a house..had a friend who paid 2.5 million in pattaya...kept it 8 years...was hit with a big tax bill...

    so people saying my house price has gone up....may not be correct..the tax could wipe out ant profit

  9. take a look in some of the schools in the villages...teachers can not teach,,pupils are so unruly..they call it free issan..meaning

    parents do not tell the children right and wrong.. so they take this in to the classroom..

    this can never change..so you get a very low level of education...

    around 13 on wards a lot of kids drop out of school..as the parent is just to lazy to make the child go to school...

    a 13 year old kid leaving school, has the education of a 8 year old westerner...they are so far behind...

    the whole set up needs sorting out...

    • Like 1
  10. Perhaps not all Thai men are boozers, but it's rare to find any Thai man (at a party, for example) who will decline an offer of beer or booze.

    More than a few times, I've had conversations with attractive Thai women, and asked the question: "Why don't you simply go to your village and find a nice young man, about your age, and make a family?" Nineteen out of twenty times, the answer will be something like: "I won't, because all the men in my village drink too much."

    Maybe I hang with a bad crowd, but well over half the Asian women I've gotten to know (out of dozens) have either been raped or date-raped before their 18th birthday (sometimes as young as 14, and sometimes by a father or brother or even a grandfather!). Do I have a crappy attitude about that phenomena? Yes. Girls should be safe and enjoy their girlhood. I would love for all the girls who have been raped or date-raped - to take legal proceedings against the rapists, but that's impossible in a country like Thailand. With very few exception, all those rapes involved alcohol, so if you believe (as I do) that alcohol is a drug, then they could also be called drug-related crimes. By any yardstick, alcohol is the most dangerous drug in Thailand (and the world), and it's particularly galling that the #1 anti-drug crime fighter in Thailand is an alcoholic.

    Can't Yingluck find someone to head her anti-drugs policy who is a non-alcohol drinker? No, she can't, And that brings us back to the initial premise that 'essentially all Thai men are boozers.'

    father was sending his daughter to pattaya for money for the family...and he done the deed on her..he said i wanted to do that before a falang did..sick or what

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