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Posts posted by hotrod4098

  1. download a program..just voip...put the thai sim no in the program..this will give you a verified no..which is the thai no...

    when you use this the thai no will show up..

    can be used any and i phone android or computor..

    i call thailand from the uk ,,and my thai no shows up...can call any country it will show thai no...

    it stores around 4 numbers which you can change..

  2. My FIL in Issan grows one crop of the best Jasmine rice a year, then he sells to the highest [Chinese] bidder and then buys the lowest grade for his family to eat. Common practice the wife tells me. Lucky for him that he didn't go with the govmt scheme.

    Makes me wonder what % of rice farmers got suckered into the scheme [scam]??

    if you had a lot of rai..greed kicked in and you joined the scheme...those with little rai sold it and got the cash..

  3. i think a lot of people when reading the rice pledge scam seem to think its just a case not getting paid by all farmers not the case

    1..you did not have to join the scheme..

    2..you had to have a certain amount of rai..to be worth while.

    3.you could have sold it on the day it was cut ..locally...

    greed got to the farmers in a big way..and brainwashed...sisaket was going for 12 thb a kilo..not sure what the pledge was paying...so drop in a 100 x 56 kilo sacks..paid on the day ..cash in hand job done now problems....

    pledge...i wont more ..i greedy..sell to government...and they did...and got nothing...there was no need to sell to the government except sheer greed..

    they got what they deserved,,now its whinge time,,i have not been paid...you reap what you sow...

    ps..the village i lived in was buying rice from moo ban at say 14 a kilo then storing it to sell to the government..thinking 2 thb a kilo profit was good cash..a lot of people where in on the pledge.and lost money...

    money no 1... no thinking involved

    • Like 1
  4. as sar nar in thailand is huge...SAVING FACE...how can this be sorted out..impossible..

    the rice scheme for one should never have happened..it did happen because it was designed to make people huge amounts of money...

    the word is NEVER IM.. meaning i am never full..or in other words i will never have enough money.. or enough of everything...

    there greed is there for all to see..

    the rice farmers who have not been paid could have sold there rice for 12 thb a kilo..but joined the pledge..to get more. say

    around 18thb a kilo..inreturn they have got stuffed..

    with thais its all about the bigger picture with money...they dont think or plan ahead..

    so the ones who have not been paid..greed got the better of you..now you pay the price

    • Like 1
  5. We were together 5 years total, 3 years married, I fell in love with this woman & she showed affection to me yes, I got SMS messages saying 'miss u' & all the usual kind of stuff right up to I'd say 2 months before the split, she worked & what she made was hers I paid for everything!

    I'm quite blown away by it all really, only sussed it all out yesterday!

    the same happened to me..done a runner with a guy from norway..my money was used for him to stay in

    thailand...they even tried to scam me on a land deal for 600000 thb....

    i hope karma works

  6. Many seem to be shouting war and trying to ignite one. All caused by one single person for greed and desire of greatness. 64 years old and gathered billions. Still it's not enough. How does he think he can return to Thailand and live? Become president of the north? It will not happen.

    64 years old...thats the reason..he does not want to die outside of thailand..as he gets older he will get more scared of this..

    this is why his sister can not back off..THE FAMILY ,.big stakes to play for..

    ask any thai.where they want to die,,and most will say...in my village,,my home land

  7. a friend of mine,lived with a falang and her baby boy in pattaya for 5 years the baby was thai...they split up..and she took the baby back to the village..

    as the child was now 8 years old .he was more falang than thai...the result is no thais will play with him...as far as they are concerned ..hew was brought up by a falang ..so was falang..

    the boy who speaks perfect english..from his schooling in pattaya has a very hard time...so much that the mother has decided to bring him back to pattaya..

    thais are cruel

    • Like 1
  8. ok here is a story that will wake you up..

    girl was seeing a bar owner in pattaya,,after 18 months she was seeing a new guy as well as the short times in between...

    she finished the bar owner and went with the the younger guy.....

    while he went home.she went back to the bar owner and got pregnant just for short times...

    so the new boyfriend comes back and she hid it well from him ,that she was pregnant with her previous boyfriends baby...

    3 months down the line after he had gone home she has a abortion...

    so with every thing clear,,she goes home to the village....money coming from falang land...

    being bored ,,she starts playing around...and you can guess what happens...she gets pregnant again by a falang...

    now the tricky bit is this..the new boyfriend wanted a baby with her for visa reason..ie marry etc..so he was aware of her

    period dates...he comes back and with in a week she had to lie to him about the pregnancy...

    she is seeing another falang..when he goes home..she has had her baby..which her now husband thinks is his...

    her husband pays for another mans baby....she has fun with the falang as he lives in thailand..

    so do not believe any thing ....a hell of a lot of pattaya girls will blame any one as the father to get money..

  9. i am a diabetic.. my sugar levels have been good..so was on diet control..no medication...my count was 5.8...i spent 2 months

    in pattaya drinking sam som coke every night...to wards the last few weeks i was very tired...thirsty and peeing every hour...so i

    was aware my sugar level had gone up...

    back in the uk had the blood test..the highest reading i have ever had 13...was in the danger level...

    so the reason being is that thailand has a lot of sugar in the food..and the cocoa cola is one of the worst things for diabetes...

    i got lazy eat to much drank to much...so it caught up with me...back to the serious stuff in the uk..will return to thailand and this time,,,will not do the same again...

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