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  1. None. I'm returning to USA when age 65.
  2. No, but I'll give them a try.
  3. Age 55. I have some pre-existing conditions and have been rejected by three insurers so far. Cigna Global Silver (rejected "after careful consideration" within 10 minutes of application), AXA SwitchCare4 & Allianz Beyond 6. I was expecting them to exclude coverage for any cardiac related events due to my hypertension, high cholesterol & relatively high calcium score, but they all outright rejected me. One of the widely recommended brokers from various Facebook groups suddenly stopped responding to my emails the moment after I sent her my list of pre-existing conditions. Are there other companies that are more likely to accept me, with exclusions? I’m especially concerned with coverage for cancers, which I have no history of. The three policies I applied for all have maximum annual limits of at least 30,000,000 THB. Am I more likely to be accepted for a policy with lower maximum limits? I’d be satisfied with a 15,000,000 THB annual limit. If it was all that was offered, I may even purchase a 10,000,000 THB policy. I won’t consider WrLife and can afford to self-insure in Thailand until US Medicare age (65) but would rather not.
  4. Does Makro accept a Citibank credit card issued in the USA?
  5. In addition the the Charles Schwab Investor Checking Account, Fidelity Cash Management Account also refunds all foreign ATM transaction fees. The only difference is that Fidelity refunds immediately and Charles Schwab refunds at the end of each month.
  6. I cured my toe fungus with Vaseline (petroleum jelly) applied twice/day.
  7. Thank you. I'm not sure if being in Mauritius is a good or bad thing. Do you have any insights into HCI Group? Healthcare international. I'm being offered a policy from them through a broker. They apparently cover heart attack & stroke even though I have high blood pressure, albeit with a 30% additional premium
  8. Please let me know if you have any claims experiences with this company. Trustpilot reviews look (mostly) good. From what I can tell in my limited research, the policy terms are clear and fit my needs. Even their 13 page "Policy Wording" document is accessible and seem more reasonable than others. Expatriatehealthcare dot com
  9. Would a Roth IRA conversion in USA be considered income? Its definitely a taxable event in the USA.
  10. I'm interested in the DTV as an alternative to the Non-Immigrant O-A and Non-Immigrant O visas. I don't intend to retire in Thailand until early 2026, but am tempted to apply for this now, before it changes or goes away. If I'm granted the DTV, does my wife have to pay an additional 10,000 THB (or US$400 in our case) to apply separately as my spouse?
  11. I believe this is exactly what Tim Newton (Australian) does. He has a few Airbnb houses he rents on Phuket. See his YouTube channel - Tim Newton Today (TNT).
  12. Medical Mass from feminized seeds. Short & bushy. Not the best yield, but relatively tolerant of poor growing conditions.
  13. I've stayed at an Airbnb several times in Thailand. All less than 30 days. Never asked for my passport or passport number and Airbnb doesn't have it either.
  14. Does one need a prescription to purchase a CPAP in Thailand? I was wondering what I'd do if mine quit.
  15. Yes, this is how I understood the case to be today. My wife and I (both USA citizens) would both be required to have separate 800K THB minimum bank accounts the first year. Not really a problem other than the loss of interest we can receive at "home".
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