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Everything posted by kimamey

  1. Of course we don't know which part of the business is underperforming, or if they all are. It may be the the Miss Universe sector is financially sound. I don't know how well it was doing before it was sold.
  2. Yes it's standard uniform for government workers, but with differing decorations. My wife has one as well as the white dress uniform. The normal ones are worn on Mondays, I think nationally. Next Monday look around and you should see a lot of them, particularly after working hours. The government is fairly militaristic in it's look and setup. If you look at the boards in a lot of government offices showing the hierarchy, the uniforms get more flamboyant the further up you go, until they almost look like the military head of a dictatorship.
  3. The guy on the left isn't wearing a helmet and unlike Thai roads the laws are respected and enforced on racetracks.
  4. I don't think the issue is so much with these pictures, but with the ease of producing harmful misinformation. As for the legality, I don't know. In Thailand the Computer Act, or whatever it's called can probably be used as it is in other cases of real or perceived harm.
  5. How long have you been looking at Bob's rear
  6. I was going to make a comment about this, but this article is a lot more knowledgeable than I am. It's worth remembering that tax officials do it as a job so they may well be better at it than you are unless you are in employment that requires expertise in the area of taxation. Not living anywhere has many implications as shown in the article. In my case, until Covid I was spending time here and the UK on a roughly 3 months basis but slightly over the 180 days in the UK. Now I still have to pay tax on the rent I receive, my small private pension (I have a larger one to take soon) and my state pension. At the moment I'm still able to use the NHS, although that may change, but as I'm married to a government worker I get state healthcare here anyway. My pension doesn't get increased and I'm losing, I think, about £940 a year, before tax. That will increase in April with the next rise. I still have a UK driving licence and car, but it's getting more difficult, and expensive in regards to insurance. It might be cheaper to pay tax here as I don't have a great income, but I'm not sure it's worth it for the small saving If it looks easy to just move around to avoid tax, check you aren't missing something first.
  7. I have a DJI Osmo Action, the fist version. I used in at Cha-Am beach and it stopped working whilst using it in the water. I took it out of the holder and the battery case wasn't closed properly, so my fault, although I'm not sure how it happened. It became quite hot and the 2 red lights were on, but nothing else worked. It seemed dry inside but then it doesn't take much water to cause problems, and the heat will have dried it out. I've seen people on YouTube who have just dried them out and they work again but this will have been salt water. Anyway I need to see if it can be fixed. I'd seen a DJI sign but I couldn't remember where. On searching I found a DJI Phantom shop in Khon Kaen and this must have been the one I saw as we go past there a lot. I'm in Mahasarakham but that's easy for me to get to. It's on route 2 from Ban Phai, south of the city between Toyota and the bus station Has anyone used them? What's their service like? I could take my wife but it would help if they speak some English. Thanks for any help.
  8. There is something that's sometimes bystander syndrome where a person is less likely to help if there are others around. I'm not sure that covers the laughing, comments and filming though.
  9. Thanks for that. I only have a limited knowledge of what happened so your post was very helpful.
  10. Japan might have taken over if Thailand hadn't supported them from what I know. The reason I've heard put forward as the reason for them to not be invaded is that the British were on one side in Burma and the French were in Lao and Vietnam. There was a border between Lao and Burma but if one side had invaded Thailand it may have caused both more trouble that they needed so it was a sort of buffer zone. I'm sure the Dutch were involved somewhere but I can't remember. Off topic really but it might explain the desire not to take sides but I'm not sure it's a very good excuse.
  11. I would have thought the downside for Putin is that there will be a lot of military age Russians avoiding fighting in Ukraine. by hiding in Thailand.
  12. Maybe the Israelis are going for 2 years? Bad taste possibly but if you don't laugh it'll ruin you.
  13. With Russia it's mainly the government that's the problem rather than the majority of Russians themselves. However it does seem strange that Canadians, amongst others, are considered less welcome than Russians. I suspect that Russians will bring in more money than Canadians so you won't count as much to politicians who may have financial connections and incentives. Plus extra money to Thais in those tourist areas will get more votes.
  14. I wonder how Putin will feel about it, given that quite a few of the 'tourists' will be avoiding callup for military service?
  15. Would the BJ be before or after immigration? Maybe 2 BJs. One to entertain you whilst you wait for immigration and another whilst waiting for your bags. Should also stop the scramble for bin space on the flight. I've just had a thought. What about other family members? Wives, children or parents. Would it be behind a screen, unless you're business class of course.
  16. It's possible that travelling in a tuk tuk is more likely to cause death or injury than guns. Stricter gun control would be welcome but I don't think it's that likely you'd be shot visiting Thailand. The roads are more of a problem and I've never been killed or injured in my time here. The drop in numbers may be for other reasons but some people will always be spooked by things like these but it will pass.
  17. There are quite a few vehicles with faded numbers on their plates and I wouldn't be surprised if some use fake ones.
  18. Fortunately my wife has never been violent and I don't think she'd know how but it was just a strange sight seeing her peeling small onions with a meat cleaver. They seem to use those a lot. As for her brother I suspect it was a mistake by someone who was young but it was a strange story. Your situation seems to have been far more serious and your reasoning is probably correct.
  19. Yes, it doesn't mention if they were visiting or live in Thailand. As he has a return ticket I assume he lives in the UK, at least some of the time. If she lives there with him then stealing his passport is not a good idea, particularly if she's going to need a visa at some point. She may have had it in her bag and just run off without thinking about it. My wife carries mine if needed as I don't have a bag.
  20. I could leave but that would mean leaving my wife here to look after her mother. Then there's the help we both give to her daughter, sister, and brother, plus 4 dogs. I can't afford to go back to the UK and keep up my financial commitments in Thailand. I want to stay but I would like to spend more time in the UK with my family there, but again I can't afford that so I'll stay and complain if that's alright by you.
  21. It seems as if she was a passenger. Other than that it's the questions we always ask.
  22. SEK 750,000 (approx. 2.5 Mil THB) According to the article. Other than that there are currency conversion apps for phones and you can convert on Google
  23. Yes. There are too many cowboys at the moment.
  24. I once came into the kitchen to find my wife peeling small onions of about 2 - 3 cm or an inch with a meat cleaver. That sight has stayed with me and made me very careful, given that Thai women apparently have a liking for detaching men's tackle if upset. I mentioned this to her a few months back and she told me she'd once hit her brother with one when they were young and he annoyed her. I jokingly asked "the sharp side or the blunt side?" The sharp side apparently. She thinks they were about between 7 and 10. What have I married? She's left handed as well, which wouldn't normally be a problem, but I'm beginning to wonder.
  25. My wife's been caught by one on the way from home in Mahasarakham to work in Roi Et three times. It's about 9 km after the border. She's never been caught going the other way though. In more of a hurry to get to work than come home to me I suppose. I think the first time was in June and then twice within a week in July or August. I did wonder how many people pay them and what happens if you don't? I seem to remember a story on here recently about chasing unpaid fines but I didn't read it.
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