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Everything posted by kimamey

  1. I've got a Lloyds account and use my daughter's address. I have a very small Santander one as well and a Sainsbury's credit card. All my money from pensions and rent from a flat I own go into it and then I can send it here when needed. I've been meaning to check with Lloyds if this is ok. My address for my tax account is the same. I have thought of buying a place to use in the UK but I wouldn't want to use that address as I'd have to get my daughter to check for post all the time. It's easier to just get it sent to her.
  2. One of the advantages I've found where a longer walk is involved and its not accessible on a motorbike is that its much quieter. The only time Thais seem keen to walk any great distance or climb steps are in temples or anywhere connected to Royal projects. Those do have the advantage that there is usually less litter and are fine to visit, however if you want peace then a park with a trek or climb is the best option. It would also give you the chance of getting a fine athletic figure like mine. ????
  3. I don't know who chose the picture but they don't look Chinese, Japanese or Indian. Is it reducing fees for parks or reversing the increases? It may be a start but I think the other issues mentioned in the article as well as making immigration procedures less complicated are more important. Some shouldn't be that difficult to achieve but things like pollution, particularly in border areas may not be so easy.
  4. Let's hope so. He got away with it last time though.
  5. He doesn't need to become PM. He wasn't PM the last time PT were in power, his sister was. It didn't stop him being in control.
  6. It's a bit vague isn't it. Regardless of whether cannabis for recreational use is good or bad, it's going to be harder to control it now after it was legal.
  7. How do you tell a real police officer from a fake one? Is it how expensive their car is? 'engaging in actions that defamed or vilified law enforcement officials.' You could claim they do that themselves. Let's hope they don't read this forum.
  8. Possibly decide which ones to 'partner' to gather funds?
  9. I suspect this is the timeline. Someone is waiting whilst their S Class is being serviced. They're thinking, 'I haven't made any announcements lately. I'm not getting noticed.' They write down 'Tax incoming funds?' Someone says, "Your vehicle is ready sir." A policy is born
  10. I'm in Mahasarakham and we have outages but usually at night for a few hours, usually during rain. It's possible we have shorter ones without me knowing, although now I think of it there was one a few weeks back. The fan stopped working and the router stopped but it came back on within a minute I think. I use a laptop so a few seconds stoppage would be covered by the battery and I probably wouldn't notice.
  11. Given Thais can get 4 on a bike seat I'm not sure why they'd need a sofa. Having said that you seem to have found a way to make a bike suitable for foreigners.
  12. By 'other dangerous creatures' I assume you're thinking of Thai drivers and Thai women. The women can be pretty deadly if you annoy them and they have access to anything sharp like a knife, or they are your wife. If it's both then you're in trouble. Having said that if you survive you will be much calmer when encountering a snake or scorpion which is a good thing.
  13. I suppose it depends what you're looking for and where you are. I'm in the north east. If it has to be wild then you'll need to spend time trying to find it and as others have said the national parks are probably the best bet. For me even looking at the owned animals and visitors to the house and land can be interesting, especially if it's new to you. There are lots of geckos of course and If you're lucky you might see one shed it's tail, which will often continue to move for quite a while. There's a gecko (about 18 to 20 cm) looking at me from behind a calendar on the wall right now. . I watched him very slowly creep up on and catch a moth last night. I've had them, and scorpions and snakes just in the bedroom. Water buffalo, although not wild can be interesting to watch when they are in the water. There are monkeys or gibbons that are pretty easy to find. Good luck
  14. Show me the witty headline pun and I'll certainly do my best.
  15. If they learn from the mistakes of the previous scheme then it could help. The trouble is I suspect the only things they will have learnt are, how to get more money out of it and how to improve covering it up
  16. So you hang around men in bars do you? If you're married, then that might be the safest option. I don't so I couldn't say for sure but I'm not surprised by what you say.
  17. Yes it is. However I suppose it depends who told you you're a good person, or a loser for that matter. ????
  18. So long as Thai food isn't too spicy I quite like it. It's when it covers the taste, which it often does so you can't taste it under all the chilli's. The mention of KC and McDonalds was partly in jest, hence the emoji, but I don't think they are that unhealthy, it's the quantity that's often the problem. Mind you I rarely have either anyway.
  19. Some is ok but I can't eat it if it's too spicy. If I try it then I can't taste anything else. Spices were used a lot in Britain many years ago for the reason you mention, to cover the taste of rotten food before they were able to cool it to slow down the deterioration. I suspect that's why food in Isaan is claimed to be extra spicy. Being the poorest region in Thailand over the years means that refrigeration came later, hence the need for spicy food. Fortunately the young are realising the delights of KFC and McDonalds. ????
  20. Maybe because the article is about Thaksin. I myself complain about Thaksin but I don't always feel the need to bring in Prayut. If you're going to mention Prayut why not mention all the others as well. I believe Prayut was involved during the killings in 2010 so yes he should be included, but he wasn't the only one.
  21. He couldn't manage that last time, so no reason to think it will be any different now.
  22. 2baht's idea to use it for Children's Day seems a better plan given this section of the story. "Thai admirals reportedly looked undecided since China’s CHD620 engine had not been combat-proven anywhere or used by any world navies" They wouldn't want to go up against the jet ski mafia under resourced.
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