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  1. Little Russia building more condo for Russians?
  2. What's the criteria for being a countries representative at ASEAN?
  3. sign your bin chit everytime you get a new drink
  4. i love it when Kamala lovers have nothing left except personal insults to throw at the Donald...it means they're all out of puff and President Trump has won
  5. What is a EM bracelet ? Photo please
  6. RIP bloke. Those quad bikes in Oz cause quadriplegic injuries like nothing else.
  7. Exactly...malicious rumours without the video.
  8. after watching the full 40 minutes.... Pre planned by Zelenskyy. He wasn’t ever, going to sign over mineral rights.He thought he could walk in give the same bluster he gave Biden and walk out with more money...telling Trump how he (Trump) would feel was the trigger...good on Vance and Trump getting up the little weasel
  9. shock horror owns a suit and rubs his nose before telling porkies or is it a sprinkle nose rub? what does it all mean?
  10. or a ladyboy he hadn't paid ☻👣
  11. Is there a comfort model? Such a lovely mouth 😋
  12. Afghanistan is where nations have gone to die ...history proves that ...we never learn from history
  13. Builds rapor with Trump...take away the brown nose letter from chucky babe and he got nuffink.
  14. A song from 1969 by Blue Mink called Melting Pot...had the plot sussed back then.
  15. #2 cracked me up. You employ the techniques the book says ...in Pattaya? 🙃😂
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