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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Blows him out of the water as a "handsome man" Makes the vitriol easier to understand....pmsl
  2. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and still hasn't been gazetted on Friday. Would you buy a used car from this man?
  3. my guess is omicron will put a dent in this trade. Poor Mr Joe with 6 Grams of cocaine?....he had just scored and was on his way to party.
  4. ''China is not going to invade Taiwan any time soon'' My Taiwanese friend says that China owns all the Taiwan infrastructure by proxy and can bring the country to its knees in 24 hours. With the advent of hypersonic missiles now making conventional warfare obsolete be prepared for saber rattling like we have never seen before.
  5. they don't need to with the sub base thats being built in Cambodia,
  6. lemon juice your hair and stand in the sun wearing board shorts...surf blonde beats all
  7. this mortal coil? (sorry, couldn't resist)
  8. I must be the odd one out...I feel naked if I don't have mask on before I walk out my door.
  9. not one news report on Oz media can i find. how old is this news item?
  10. wombat

    Airport taxi

    as much as you can be gouged for silly....up to you.
  11. That is a question that needs to be asked. Why would they?
  12. Of course they didn't kill him. Thats obvious from the cctv...he chose to suicide rather than give up the name of his supplier. Even blind Freddy could see that.
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