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Everything posted by wombat

  1. ''strict regulations'' / ''large gatherings'' are not words usually seen in the same sentence?
  2. @ All of the above nay sayers... Never in the history of mankind has so much money been spent on one plant trying to find something wrong with it to no avail.
  3. Fear mongering gutter journalism at its best.. MAY is not have.
  4. er....every female is a prostitute...they all get paid for their service to man in many different forms, however you want to look at it we pay.
  5. Mad dogs and Englishmen in the heat of the midday sun. The natives don't grieve when the white men leave their huts, Because they are, definitely nuts!
  6. i bet out of a population of 57 million, does not make this a poll worth anything.
  7. They probably read the success that Portugal has had re: the war on drugs. A page was taken from that book and applied.
  8. Portugal has succeeded in the war on drugs yet no one talks about it. why is this so?
  9. put adds online in facebook saying you want to buy one
  10. curious asks how does that compare to the deaths from covid?
  11. golly gosh gee wiz...maybe ...just maybe thats all the people out of work in the tourism/entertainment industry? i could be wrong and i am always prepared to stand accountable when wrong, i don't think i am on this occasion
  12. I drive to arrive alive...everything else is irrelevant if you are driving defensively
  13. that makes perfect sense to me. I'm curious what a 7/11 ham and cheese warmed between the thighs of a dusky maiden on agogo play mat will taste like?
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