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Posts posted by jayinoz

  1. I know many variations of this exist in Thailand and I have spent many weeks off\on looking through the best option to get my child Thai citizenship. I think I am over complicating the matter, as various government institutions state differing things. I would have thought bringing your child to be born back to the better country to have a passport then been a dual citizen would be done regularly. And is- both ways... Born in Thai or born in fathers home country.

    I chose for my son to be born in Aussie to acquire Dual nationality. Plus he was covered by health insurance in Aussie. My girl was only on a tourist visa.

    Born in Aussie he gained citizenship and even the baby bonus- which was an unexpected bonus :D ...

    The we travelled back to Thai when he was 4 months old. Now he 8 months old.

    Where in CMai or Lumphun do we register his Thai citizenship?

    What is required?

    Is the process as complex and payment ridden as immigration makes out?

    We wish to put him on the family house book as a registered Thai citizen. The family book is for an estate in Li, Lamphun.

    Can we do this all from Chiangmai and where?

    Any assistance the is factual, not guessing, would be appreciatated. Cheers :)

  2. Death is too good for Taksin- he is trying to make himself into the framed poor innocent victim. Yer right- the government burnt down central world and killed nearly 100 people just to get to him- to frame him.

    This man seems to have a God complex- arrogance reaps no bounds. He needs attention.

    Cannot wait till the day he is against a wall a shot for his actions. It will be a media circus, which he enjoys trying to convict him however.... he has the money and power to get away with it.

    He waits for some people to be out of the way. IMO.

  3. Try a female for this job Danny...

    As they find out more in a couple of hours than a thai man will in days.

    I advise a girl I used once named Aor, her number is 0817649061.

    She did a good job.

  4. Best to go to the Sripat Clinic on 13th floor, Sripat Building, Suan Dok Hospital, this is the semi private part of the hospital and ask to see the specialist who deals with bladder problems (sorry don't know the technical name).

    If you go to a type of GP he will only refer you to a specialist so you might as well go there first.

    thanks for the information.

    Hi Phil,

    I did exactually the same in 2007 for several months, being to get off the booze and girls for several months. It so happens in Hillside also... As value wise I came to dislike being caught in a typical trap. Self control and discipline needs to be applied- as it is easy to go back into old habits.

    Family doctor wise Raintree near TOT, just after Narawat Bridge has a lot of recommendations. Good library and information over there- it a Christian affiliated place yet u do not need to be Christian. Hope it all works out for you. Using self control and directing your life towards what you want will prove very valuable. All the best...

  5. Always have the option of getting a BA in Bangkok while working nights at a tutoring center.

    Yes yes I know, the whole WP thing, but honestly how many people do you know who ran in to trouble?

    Very true.

    I know 2 people whom were put into jail and needed to pay 30,000bt then asked to leave the country due to working with no WP. Primarily due to a policeman not liking the owner however- this is the only case I have come across...

    The owner headed OS to avoid a 5 year jail term and 500,000bt fine. It was all about something between the policeman and the owner. They got stuck in the middle of this conflict. :)

  6. Hi Nick,

    Are you the guy from South Africa that stayed at my GH a couple of years ago. As this story is nearly exactually the same. You (If you) told me a good strategy to get work was to put out a distress call to others, like what has been done. I am sure you have received a few PM's. You fell in love with Thailand and got a spot on a Thai movie...yet had some issues with drugs. Then everything fell apart teaching wise and in the movie spot once you headed down to BKK. :D

    The fact your name is Nick and the stories are soooo very similar- I can only speculate you are the guy whom hang around at my GH for quite awhile. You burnt your bridges with the private English schools I got u into...

    3 years ago in Cmai you had no TESOL, no uni, not finish high school, nothing yet managed to get work for 300bt ph. Yet you (if you) had issues with some hardcore drugs for body building and drink, that certainly took its toll on you financially, career wise and personally. U left in 2007, after begging for money for a return ticket.

    If you have returned you know CMai has work for you with a TESOL, if you have not burnt all your bridges. In CMai if you have your Tesol now you will get a better rate. It sounds like outside BKK maybe the way to go for you.

    PM me if the same guy- I will give you a few numbers. I hope all is now OK with your past issues. I am guessing the movie work did not work out, as you needed to take off. You could have done very well here.


    If not you Nick, PM me anyway and I will point u in the right direction if you wish to come to CMai. Cost of living is generally less expensive than BKK. I would argue that a better quality of life and opportunity to save money. Unless u still into many girls, drink, etc.

    Quality of life wise I would recommend CMai. Yet it not for everyone. Savings wise there are much better countries to save bigger bucks if you have a Tesol- Korea, Japan (Yet most need a degree also), China. Thai would be one of the lowest paying out of the quality developing countries, as people love to live in Thai for various reasons. The way you 'sell' yourself is also a very big factor...

    Another option is going to the lower priced countries that accept any English speaking proposed teacher- Cambodia, etc. Yet rates are half that of Thai. Thai is a quarter of Japan and Korea- in general (On average).

    All depends on your priorities.... Hope you found something now. Cheers Jay :D

  7. Feel Better? :)

    Sometimes we all just need to Vent, when in fact it probably would have cost more in your own country... The delays and in reality a 'Warrantee' is manufacture only in this country in most cases. For sure compared to Advanced nations they are behind the '8 ball' in terms of Customer Service.

    When they have your money and sold an item (most, not all) will never give money back. The harder the job is naturally the more it will cost and of course would a shop not get the best deal they could from you in our own country.

    Blame the shop, manufacture (They never cover shipping) but no Thailand. You all good after that vent.... :D

  8. BANGKOK: -- Thaksin Shinawatra and his lawyer Robert Amsterdam were a busy couple this week. Their barrage of media interviews unveiled their lines of defence in the face of an arrest warrant approved by the Thai Criminal Court in connection with "terrorism" charges levelled against the former prime minister by the Thai government.

    Here's what they are telling the world: Government agents burnt down the CentralWorld in a well-planned and professionally executed operation to frame the protesters; Thaksin did not fund the red shirts' rally; and seized weapons were a set-up.

    Telling these outrageous lies does nothing but strongly suggest guilt. :D

    Taksin must think all of us in the world are stupid and he is above us all... It annoys me that he always turns things around and accuses the opossition of the exact acts that he does- it has been his way for over a decade.

    Many saw this man coming a mile away and long ago- his ambition reaks of greed, corruption and arrogance towards all of us. :D

    Money can buy substancial power in developing countries. The sooner people like Taksin ared done and dusted, Thailand can emerge from its corrupt and developing world status. :)

    Thailand needs leadership for the 'People', not for themselves... :D

    Taksin is not your man... He is for himself.

  9. -snip-Never seen anyone get a ticket, everyone triple parks all over the place and they want me to go down to police station to pay a fine. Surely Thai's would mostly take no notice- what would they fine a Thai- 50bt. Unheard of... -snip-

    When my bf parked at the right time, in the right place, but facing the traffic (instead of the other way) he got a fine. I cant recall how much, but i think it was a couple of hundred baht. I cant recall the amount as was a while back, but i do recall i was surprised at the amount. Oh, and he is Thai. ..and I wasnt with him when it happened. Of course he was annoyed. Of course he paid it.

    I was fined 400 baht for this one. It doesn't seem to apply to parking in sois though, or maybe it does but it's not enforced. It actually makes sense if you think about it. The driver is positioned on the right side of the car and moves left in to oncoming traffic. This is potentially quite a dangerous maneuver.

    What made my fine a completely uniquely Thai experience was that after the policemen issued me the ticket, he rode off on the wrong side of the road in to the flow of traffic. This still makes me laugh and the story has bored many a drinking companion over the years.

    The traffic police can make up whatever they wish--- now my ticket was whilst I was renting the car. Yet I later bought the car and now own it... :D

    Do we actually think that the police can be bothered going after the previous owner then to be told they rented it privately. The private renter then bought it... So they need to pay the fine. :)

    I told the previous owner of the car and he told me 'Mai Pen Rai' they will do nothing. They will not hunt hi down and IF they do then he calls his friend in the DMV to cancel the ticket----- problem solved. :D

    Still especially on Thapea Rd they should write in ENGLISH as well as Thai--- as it is a Tourist area... As opposed to the many who called me an arrogant Farnag- u are so much better... I will not get into a pissing contest but I played the game in Thai for over a decade. :D

    All us Farangs whom been here more than a year think we know it all... we know nothing for many decades... Chok Dee to all who try- I am not better or an arrogant Farang (Well sometimes Arrogant). But who is not when u worship far more than u will ever be in ur own country. Many of us are nothing in ur home land yet feel we something here...

    We are all Arrogant- do not think u are better than the rest.

  10. If you can at least afford ANY car in Thai u are not a POOR Farang... but understand ur meaning...

    Message me and I will give you the info to bypass most of the taxes and fees. Of course u will need to make an under the table payment. Yet I found it a fifth of the cost of doing all that is needed to buy a cheap car.

    I recently bought a 120K bt car on a Tourist Visa, not allowed yet a smallish payment made them fake the necessary work permits, residency, etc.

    I am on a nothig Visa meaning extension stamp arrived on nothing 3 months ago... Yet purchased a Motorbike and car without needing to get all the necessary Doc's. A lot of time and money saved... IM if want more details... I did not know it was possible until a few days ago, now i know under the table is often far cheaper than doing it correctly.

    Especially for cheaper car, yet more expensive cars would save a fortune.

    Cheers Jeremy

  11. I got a parking ticket on Thapae Rd today... many other cars were parked on that side of the road. I was not on the red-white stripped lines. We are unsure what the fine was all about yet was plastered on my front window.

    My thai girl tells me it states I have 7 days to goto the police station to pay a fine. It simply states you cannot park on the side of road. My girl was shocked when I said I am not paying anything... she seems to think the police will come chasing after me- Yer right. They are not that organized surely.

    I am sure that the Police must have seen me (A Farang) getting out of my car with my thai girl. Then decided to stitch me up, as all other cars had no ticket.

    My girl was horrified to see me rip the ticket up into bits and throw it into the rubbish... :D

    Never seen anyone get a ticket, everyone triple parks all over the place and they want me to go down to police station to pay a fine. Surely Thai's would mostly take no notice- what would they fine a Thai- 50bt. Unheard of... :D:D

    It that time of the month I guess- police not been paid since start of the month. Any pull ups and pay offs have normally happened towards the last few days of the month. As they need a few extra bucks- I am sure the policeman waited around for sometime to gain a pay out- that is the only thing I can think of... :)

  12. Having spoken to her on another matter concerning property, I think that Miss Nittaya Wangpaiboon of 168/48 Chang Klan Road CM 5000 would be very good. A very pleasant and obviously very knowledgeable lady with adequate English - recommended too by the British consulate.

    The lawyer I had for 2006 setup a new business for me. Her name was Miss Nittaya and charged me 80,000bt. Very over priced IMO. If a different lady I apologize, simply ask her her rate to setup a business. My Miss niytaya needed to get 5 other Thai's to sign over there shares into a blank, my wife at the time retained her 20% interest in the company which i needed to buy her out of.... Even though she did nothing- such is life- live & learn- all that nonsense. :)

    Anyway i was not happy being done 80K, and paying off 5 Thai's. As after this I found that Ed from Subelt solicitors would have performed for a quarter of that sum...

    Overall not a happy experience at the time... :D

    I have made several land and house purchases (in my wife's name of course) and unlike in the UK never used or needed a solicitor, after agreeing a deal with the seller do the following.

    Get a bankers draft for the required sum from your bank, the go with the seller to the local Thai land office where the deed (chanot) will be changed into the name of the new owner, (one has to pay the purchase tax right there and then) after the procedure you are the new owner (legally your wife of course) taking the chanot home with you on that day, no solicitor is needed, thus you can safe those additional costs.

    If there is an outstanding mortgage, then you have to ask your bank for two Bankers Drafts one for the mortgage provider, and the other one for seller for the rest of the purchase sum.

    On the day of the transaction a clerk from the mortgage provider will also come to the land office at the agreed time to collect you bankers draft and in return provides the chanot for the office to complete the ownership alteration.

    Good deal, save on the cost of the over charging lawyer whom specialize in Farangs for 1 reason only- more money.

    The same as suggested above would work for a Condo, car, etc I would suggest. As ultimately your contract can mean next to nothing. Money talks- bs walks.... If someone broke the contract it takes 3+ years to rectify in court anyway- what a joke.

    I have 5 outstanding broken contracts against Landlords and tenants that are over 4 years old.

    Leasing contracts like in paying Key money for a business like all Thais then rent you will need contracts. And hope the landlord does not try to deceive, as has happened to myself in the past. As suggested above. Sometimes the conflicts can have a bit of the wild west feeling about them. Yet it all experience in a world that is nt our own...

  13. is it just me (probably) but they are more of a girlies bike than a fellas? I sometimes see guys on Fino's and driving Jazz cars and they look... err... sort of feminish? I guess a darker more masculine colour may help...

    Good guess- it is the my misses wish for either a Scoopy or Fino. Yet i want to use the thing, we have a car i am just purchasing this week- was our rental but rental man needs money so made him an offer...

    Thais love new and she is pushing me that way- we looked at some Honda and yamaha shops and the Scoopy has lots of extras...

    She was wanting the girlie blue but I would feel like a girl to borrow it- probably her plan. So i am insisting a the more classic colors or brown and black or beige. It looks more classic but I like the more classic looking older ones. Approx 2006-07.

    I would feel confortable driving that without feeling like a gay (Not that there is anything wrong with that- Seinfeld quote).

    Trying to convince her that the older Classic is better yet New is new. Peace of mind and no hassles for a bit more.

    Will look at more during the week- some New models look OK Classic wise but the older ones look more classic. I think in 10-20 years they would be like the 70s, 80s Vespas of today. IMO.

    Milage wise Scoopy's are better- yet what a cr#$ name. Plus lots of extras. Ohhh I am driving my Scoopy- Honda would never name it as this in Aussie. Scoopy scoopy Doo... :)

    But boy do the New motorbike tell pocky pies about their competition- like the Honda dealers say Ohhh a Fino can only get 30km per litre, it actually 46km. Where Scoopy supposedly 49km... What is this E5 petrol that Scoopy's take- seen E10 i think- not E5. It meant to be a couple of Bt cheaper.

    Another consideration between new and used can be economy. As typically a 3 year old vechicle will use up more petrol, but not a lot. Compared to the car it will be NIT NOY. Yet considering changing the car to GAS- supposedly 30km per litre. Started a poll on the motor Forum and some hardcore Gas guys started a debate that is a good value read.

  14. Having spoken to her on another matter concerning property, I think that Miss Nittaya Wangpaiboon of 168/48 Chang Klan Road CM 5000 would be very good. A very pleasant and obviously very knowledgeable lady with adequate English - recommended too by the British consulate.

    The lawyer I had for 2006 setup a new business for me. Her name was Miss Nittaya and charged me 80,000bt. Very over priced IMO. If a different lady I apologize, simply ask her her rate to setup a business. My Miss niytaya needed to get 5 other Thai's to sign over there shares into a blank, my wife at the time retained her 20% interest in the company which i needed to buy her out of.... Even though she did nothing- such is life- live & learn- all that nonsense. :)

    Anyway i was not happy being done 80K, and paying off 5 Thai's. As after this I found that Ed from Subelt solicitors would have performed for a quarter of that sum...

    Overall not a happy experience at the time... :D

  15. >>Tears rolled down the faces of many in the Chiang Mai crowd as they hugged loved ones who had returned safely from weeks of demonstrations, but many expressed anger that troops had shot at protesters in their crackdown.

    "I am sad that the government can order the shooting of civilians. But at the same time, the people and the world now know what kind of cruel government is in power in Thailand," said 35-year-old Noi Jupp.

    "My heart is with the Red Shirt supporters. They are poor people. What we are fighting for is justice. This is why my heart is with them," she added.<<

    Yes poor people who were paid by a cruel deceptive Dictator named Taksin- you can only sympathize with these suposed poor people for so long.

    They brought the country to the brink of a civil war, which has been Taksin's intention since being asked to step down in 2006...

    This may keep popping up for a decade or 2 to come, until Taksin is done and dusted. This is a temporary retreat- they will say they won the battle this time- not the war.

    Don't hold your breath for long term peace- this country is fractured beyond believe now- to blame is Taksin's corruption money that he paid to Red leaders. There is no doubt.

    Keep the Terrrorism charges...same fate beholds him as Saddam Assan in the future. The sooner the better IMO.

    Imagine if Sadam was stopped in the early 90s, Taksin is like Sadam in the early 90s. Or wishes to be........... Stop him now... Convict him- try him and give him the punishment he deserves and his family and Red leaders. There supporters are like Hilter supporters- it is difficult to condemn the people whom have been tricked by superior minds and money...


  16. The poll has been pretty much even between NO WILL NOT CHANGE due to extra wear and tear on engine and YES WILL DO FOR THE $$$ SAVINGS...

    Half that state money savings not worth it and a be FAT WHO CARES about the enviroment gets a big ZERO.

    I knew the Enviro factor would get next to nothing, all this horse ballocks about the politicians giving a cr&^... When you come down to it- it is all about whether you want to save the dollars at the risk of your engines longevitity.

    As a novice I have heard far too many times that the longevitiy of the motor will be affected- so I believe it is true... Yet I will save 40% odd savings every week on Gas. That will save me near 1000bt every week, as I drive a lot around Thailand.

    Do the Gas fitters actually cover the engine in their typical 2 year warranty- I would suggest NO??? :)

    Is the ROI good enough- YES, if the engine lasts nearly as long as it would on petrol.

    I am sure many experienced engineers do believe that more hassles come from gas... yet the cost savings may justify the hassles in the long run- if you lucky.

    So I will convert my 10 year ols car to gas- but i would be reluctant to do so on a much newer car than runs efficiently already.

    Lot of debating on this topic- good. Good value thread to read if thinking of converting to gas... :D

  17. Really, the SET is up? I think you mean up in flames.

    Yes literally- Lol... far too much optimism in the Thai SET for me to invest in it... I was waiting for foreigners to pull out all their money from the SET long ago. The market is a puzzling game- played it for many years as a stockbroker in Aussie. :)

    Current world news in scaring all us investor, yet whom is optimistic in Thailand future.

    Remember the stockmarket is a guess of what that stock will be like in a year or 2. Depending on the sort of trader\investor you are.

    Value wise and soverign risk wise I do not think the SET is worth it now. Yet the market thinks differently, so be it. If I can get it right a fraction over half the time then I am doing far better than most. :D

    This year I have been underperforning with some great small cap companies in Aussie\China- hopefully this will change. Not the time for me to enter the SET again currently.

    Thai big banks should do OK- yet not if the world economy comes to a halt again. I lost over 30 mil bt in the 2008 crash... game plan was to make it back again by 2012. Looking unlikely unless i get more risk adverse then of course the funds could swing either way...

    Also the BT Vs Aussie dollar is puzzling- Aussie off 10%. Mostly commodities as Aussie economy mostly commodity based in large part, so the Aussie dollar under pressure against all currencies. Plus Aussies hiked up tax on commodity only companies, or trying too. All this leads to weak Aussie Vs BT. As you will find with other commodity based countries, Canada, Russia, etc. Aussie hardest hit due to supposed Super Tax on commodity only companies- it will never be passed however... Good buying opps in Aussie market IMO. Not Thai just yet... :D

    Thailand is tourism, services and soft commodities mostly. SET 20% too high in my valuation....

  18. SWIFT transfers are quick, reliable, and the fees are negligible.

    Negoitable fees- never heard of this- doubt it. Which bank and how did you do it.

    Thanks for all the other responses...

    Not a good time to transfer money over, as Aussie dollar just dropped 10% compared to Thai in a matter of days. I thought the reverse would happen when Thailand is nearly in a Civil war :) . I am confused i would have thought our dollars would be worth a lot more in an unstable country... approaching Burma and Cambodia if Taksin gets his way.

    Thanks for the poster instructing on transfers of 30k, as one day i hope to trade on the stock market here when the time is right.

    Not now- not now... I guess when the heat cools and stock market rebounds we will get a better rate---that a big IF !!!

    Cheers J


    When him and his clonnies are gone, Thailand can live in peace again... His revenance in his heart has lead to his undoing. He is a Terrorist on the run and any country should immediately hand him over to Thai authorities for the punishment he deserves.

    Terrorism comes with a DEATH sentence. Stop him now before he becomes the Saddam Assan of SE Asia. A similar fate will find Taksin, hopefully sooner rather than later.

    Innocent Thai and foreign blood are on his hands- he needs to be bought to justice. Only a matter of time.

    COME ON France- hand the terrorist over...

  20. I just cant, i just cant bring myself to pay 100.000 baht for a car thats 5000 baht back home, ok you can say it has no relevance but id rather use public transport than drive one of those piles !,.and anyway ,someone that knows me might see me, and i couldnt face that,. :D

    Yes the 2nd hand prices continue to disillusion me in Thailand... I guess you need to think of it like this. I bought a 300,000bt Honda Civic, which would have cost the equiv. of 150,000bt in Aussie. Yes a rip off in Thailand. Yet when sold 3 years later I got 250,000bt for it, that's only 17,000bt depreciation per year (1450bt pm) on some cars.

    If renting the same car in Thailand it would have cost me 16-20000bt pm (Approx 200,000bt pa).

    Only way to look at it- or you drive yourself CRAZY thinking- this stupid thing is worth less than half this in my own country.

    I NEVER see any cars under 100K now under 18yo. Out of curiosity I went to the website the OP advised, clicked Nissan Sunny, and no such thing as a 40 or 50,000bt Nissan Sunny. Not sure which world you bought and sold ur Nissan Sunny in... Not this one... :):D

    2nd hand car imports are taxed 380%

  21. Paypal

    Paypal must be hooked up to a bank account anyhow, so I do not see the advantage...

    So if hooked up to my Aussie back accounts still need to get the cash out of my account...

    I think you mean have a Thai bank account hooked up to paypal and another hooked up to an Aussie account. Transfering between the 2... Maybe that could work. Must withdraw fees when you deposit from Aussie account then withdraw to Thai account. Maybe not-- Mmmm will look into that. Not sure of the exchange rate for Paypal however, probably not so good. Yet if can deposit in Thai bank in Aussie dollars then the Thai bank should give their Thai rate- Bonus.

    Exchange rate wise nothing beats bringing in the cash direct if possible. Going straight to Super Rich- none in CMai. I know of one Super Rich exchange in Pratuwan, BKK.

    Sick of fees on transfers and ATMs that is for sure... :)

  22. I am finding it hard to find a listing of the cheapest Vs easiest ways to bring money from OS. When you are in Thailand, if you have your banks OS. Mine are in Aussie...

    I need approx 300,000bt within the next 2 weeks to purchase a car and motorbike. Tried BKK Bank with Saving Account ATM card from Aussie and they will not do. Limit of 20,000bt per day. They stress to open a savings account with them, but i do not really wish too.

    Can anyone tell me the best option for the best exchange rate and lowest fee. Speed of delivery is a lower priority. Please advise. :)

    1) ATM- Up to 15000 to 20000bt depending on the Bank per day.

    Pros: Easy and quick

    Cons: 150bt fee + international transfer fee + limitation of money per day = Expensive and Inconvenient. Plus the exchange rate is a rip off.

    2) Cash- Limited to taking $10000 out of country in any one plane trip. Without declaring you are doing so.

    Pros: Easy and great exchange rate in Thailand. Bring your own currency and never change in your country. Always better in Thailand.

    Plus easy to exchange. Handy and available.

    Cons: Safety, insurance will not cover if lost, limitation to how much you can bring in any one trip, inconvenient as you cannot often plan exactually how much you need in anyone trip.

    3) Bank account in Thailand

    Pros; send in dollars to get best exchange rate, takes up to 5 working days, over $10,000 in any one time must be declared, easy when set up.

    Cons: setup account issues (Visa status, etc), international transfer fee, may feel not as safe as bank in own country, interest rate not as good here typically, inconvenient.

    4) Western Union like transfers.

    Pros: Easy and immediate.

    Cons: Need someone to send for you, or you need to perform for yourself over the internet, typically poor exchange rate, very high fees.

    5) Visa, Mastercard, etc.

    Pros: Easy and quick inside bank.

    Cons: Like ATM card limited to 20K bt per day, inconvenient, high fees from everywhere, etc.

    Any other options??? Cheers

  23. Staying in Kantary Hills now. Super duper nice, but only 117 sq m for 2 bedroom. And for a low low price of ~66k / month. Just mentioning this. They meticulously clean your room every day, and you get a nice fitness, pool, and "lounge" area. It seems steep but for what they offer it makes sense.

    66K pm for 117 sq mtr- it must be something very special. Sounds like BKK pricing to me.

    You can find great places over 100 sq mtr for 20-30K with nearly everything you will ever need. Anywhere near the main areas.

    Never been to Kantary Hills, must be a very affluent area. Cheers.

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