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Posts posted by atelko

  1. i got no points in flensburg.

    i know some guys who were living here in thailand for quite a while and got their thai dl acceptedin germany. unfortunately i have no contact to them any longer.

    i dont see any problem at all if you get your theroretical and practical tests done.

    maybe things have changed, but i dont understand why.probably they wont accept any dl if you were living here just for a short period of time so that it was one of that dl tourism cases. but almost a full year living here doesnt make it look like that i guess. i do also believe that zour personality and looks make a big difference in geraman when dealing with authorities.

    maybe you are right, but it is really hard to believe that they wont accept any applicant, even those long term thailand residers.

    did you try it already or are these just your thoughts?

    "on the other side i was told by a guy that this was not correct. i have to be a thai dl holder for at least one year to get it also accepted in my country."

    none of it is correct. german authorities are even cracking down on driver's licenses obtained in one of the EU states. and if you have points in Flensburg they will just laugh at you.

  2. Hey guys,

    I have heard once that if i got a thai drivers license here in thailand and go back to my country to get this thai dl to my national drivers license after getting the tests done i should have lived in thailand for at least one full year.

    on the other side i was told by a guy that this was not correct. i have to be a thai dl holder for at least one year to get it also accepted in my country.

    so my questionto you is: whatis correct and whats not?

    i am residing in germany if i am not in thailand.....

    i have been living here in thailand for nearly 11 months already

  3. I am thinking to repaint my black car to a lighter color or a new black again, because it had some bumpas a nd list some color through that caused by others.

    I have no idea how much a full varnishing in same color and a new color costs. I know that if yoi got a black car and want a much lighter color it costs probably more because they have to put more colour on it so that the black wont shine through that.

    I am currently located in pattaya. Are the prices much more different from bangkok? If you could also tell me an area or adress where to find a car shop that is varnishing i would be very thankful.

  4. wow, i think living with the fear to getcaught is driving you crazy.

    not getting in contact with the police and so on.....how did you guys rent an apartment? dont they want to see an id or did you rent it through somebody else`a friend or fmaily member?

    i would suggest that you should come over here and have a look first, but as it is not possible i would suggest you to try getting your visa or whatever in the us. i know that a lot of mexiacan get their visas after even 2-3 years through that, but it doesnt mean you will get it after so many years. its all about your lawyer, your story and good luck.

    other than that go to canada if it is easier there. heard a lot of good things. and after you got your visa or citizenship you can go back to the us without a problem.

    but you must decide. when choosing the us way you probably dont have a possibility to try canada or else, cause you get deported and cant come to the us for at least two years. sometimes they block you for more.

  5. i guess they charged you for that. i get packages from bkk every week. some are just 1ß2 kilos, others are 6 kilos and more. i never pay more than 100-150 for those packages shipping and they are sent via EMS also.

    i don´t know if the post office charges for the packaging or if they are free, but i get my packages also sent with new packages and not used ones.

  6. yes 10.000 bt, for a gate made and fitted with padlock,,a single gate,,same size as a door gate,so i presume a security gate made and fitted over a entrance door would be around the same cost,

    hopefully not :)

    but i better pay for my safety once and safe with the rent.

    i think installing it into the frame from the inside would be better i think. so that nobody could actually see the security-door and think it is just a regular apartment door as all the others.

  7. my electrical bill is bht 1500-2000 everytime. i am living together with a friend of mine, who is using the aircon and letting the outside light and floor light on all the night. probably watt-consuming light bulbs :)

    also the tv was on all the time before, but the satellite dish is broken and thats why not in use anymore. that cut down my bill about bht 300.

    i am using my pc all the time and just my fan and my light bulb in my room. other than that nothing more.

    the washing machine and the refrigerator might be the problem. i know that those refrigerators are killing you when turned to max, but on2-3 its ok.

    more items are not in use.

    oh yes, the cooking plate occasionally when there will be cooked.

    it came out that the air-con is using just about 1.2 units per hour.

    paying bht 3.6 per unit in my rented house at the moment. when moving to my new apartment next month it will be baht 7 per unit so that my electrical bill would explode from my current 1500-2000 to 3000-4000 and that just for electric. too much in my opinion.

    this is why i want to cut down my electrical unit expenses.

    any ideas or tips about that?

  8. According to this page http://translate.google.co.in/translate?hl...cial%26hs%3D7gw the LG S13LC is 13,000BTU and has a power consumption of 1165Watts.

    This translates to a consumption of about 1.2 units of electricity per hour (4 Baht a unit) when cooling. Obviously if the unit is not cooling constantly it will use less, how much less depends upon the temperature setting, the colder you have it the harder it works and the more you pay.

    The same page gives an installation cost of 2,500 Baht, I suspect your local aircon outlet would be somewhat cheaper.

    then i really don´t know why my bill is 1500 or 2000 everytime. i am living together with a friend of mine, who is using the aircon and letting the outside light and floor light on all the night. probably watt-consuming light bulbs :)

    also the tv was on all the time before, but the satellite dish is broken and thats why not in use anymore. that cut down my bill about bht 300.

    i am using my pc all the time and just my fan and my light bulb in my room. other than that nothing more.

    the washing machine and the refrigerator might be the problem. i know that those refrigerators are killing you when turned to max, but on2-3 its ok.

    more items are not in use.

    oh yes, the cooking plate occasionally when there will be cooked.

    i thought it would be the air-con but aprox. 1.2 units an hour is lower than expected.

    paying bht 3.6 per unit in my rented house at the moment. when moving to my new apartment next month it will be baht 7 per unit so that my electrical bill would explode from my current 1500-2000 to 3000-4000 and that just for electric. too much in my opinion.

    this is why i want to cut down my electrical unit expenses.

    any ideas or tips about that?

  9. You must be on a very tight budget.

    i want to safe and cut down my expenses. was too much the last couple of months loosing money for nothing.

    you know there is a nice saying: getting his firstmillion done is easy, but keeping it is the real job...

    and that, my friend, is just possible to slow down a bit and keep your monthly costs to the lowest as possible. who is spending too much is either spoiled and doesn´t know that there can be 2 sides of life or is already a millionaire and is still spoiled with and in life :)

  10. Hi,

    I am moving to a apartment that has no hot water in the bathroom.

    I would buy a cheap water heater in big c, homepro or whatever and install it. the owner said it would be no problem and would be ok to do that.

    but i would like to know if the electricity consumption of such a heater. I like to take a shower with hot water. even if it is really hot outside.

    just dont wsnt to get a high electric bill same as before when living in a apartment.

  11. As I am moving from a house to a small apartment with no air-con installed and just a fan I would like to know how much it would cost me o install my own air-con that I am having in my house.

    I was aking in a shop that is selling air-cons and they wanted to charge me bht 5000,- just for installing it.

    A friend of mine said it would cost about 1000 or 1300 (depends on having all the stuff to install it or not).

    do you know anybody who an install them cheap or have an idea about the costs?

    I really don´t know how much I am loosing by using my aircon at the moment and would like to know how much it is. my electric bill is pretty low. about 1500-2000. i am running my pc, tv, fan and water heater in the shower mostly. air-con is running not that often. if i am awake in the daytime it runs more often. if i am aweake in the night-time and sleeping at daytime it doesn´t run at all.

    it is a 12000btu i guess but i am not sure. maybe even smaller. here is a pic of a sticker that is attached to the air-con.


    how much units would this loose when running an hour?

    Kindly regards

  12. I have been using Maxnet/3BB with its Premier 3MBit line.

    Due to moving to a small apartment and having a couple of internet shops around me, that will make it impossible or very hard to get my real premier speed. The service sometimes is so slow since december 09. my neighbours 3BB indy package is even faster than my 3BB premier one. with local and international websites/services.

    Therefore I would like to know if I could downgrade to 4MBit Indy or even cancel my contract with them?

    I am with 3BB for about 5 months already.

  13. Hi,

    I am moving to a small cheap room (thai style) that is clean and pretty much ok for me, but i am a bit curious about security. living just with thais and no security is bothering me.

    i heard from other guys who are running apartments that some of the farang renters have been installing those safety-doors in front of the regulsr doors, but did not know how much it costs.

    does someone know about the prices? i mean the safety doors that are built like gates and not those mosiquito-doors.

    i know taht you are showing off that there is something to get in your room, but it is not a big building. the apartment doors are to the front of the building and main street. so everybody could see when the safety doors and doors re cracked by someone and it takes the person a little bit logner than breaking in with a regular door.

    thanks guys.

  14. Hey guys,

    a friend of mine wants to move back to bangkok and doesn´t know how much it would cost him to get his stuff brought tdo bkk.

    its just opffice supplies, pc, monitor, desk, seat, clothes, kitchen/cooking material and other personal stuff.

    Not that much at all, but he got no idea how much it would cost. he is, like me, still looking for an apartment in bangkok and cant tell the exact area, but an estimate would help out.

    How should it be done? are there companies that do it for such a small household, are they too expensive or are there other ways?

    hop you guys know a bit about the pricing for moving.


  15. 2000B for your required spec ! No chance. 3500B 4000B can get you an apartment with aircon, fan, hot water, furniture, CCTV security, True TV pack inclusive near Fortune Town within sensible walking distance or a 10B motorbike taxi to the MRT.

    Prices are going up in the area as too many bloody Farang taking a liking to the area.

    furniture is not needed. have everything with me in my current rented apartment and can take it with me. other than that i would sell the stuff to my neighbor.

    if a fan is available it is ok for me. i am a bit tough when it comes to heat. but i hate taking a shower wih cold water. no matter how hot it is outside. feel cleaner taking a shower with hot water :)

    i mean 3500 would be ok if it is in a good location and the rest is perfect.

    other than that still looking for cheaper stuff. i sit on my computer all the time hen i am in the room and if not i am out all the time.

    my living and my bedroom have a fan and aircon, but the fan is quite ok for me. even in the hot daytime...call me crazy :D

  16. i want to move to bangkok and am looking for a cheap apartment in bangkok. it should be near a bts or mrt station.

    an air con would be a plus and a wardrobe, too. hot water is a must. i am looking for a clean room and not sharing my eating with cockroaches.

    a bed and all the rest aren´t that important. got all that and keep it if needed.

    it sould be just clean ( no roaches and other stuff and mold), hot water, safe enough not to worry that my stuff is gone just after beeing a night out and next to a bts or mrt station.

    i know it is a bit tricky, but i am not asking for other fancy stuff.

    the area should be a bit central. if nana, lumphini, pratunam, ratchathewi, din daeng or whatsoever. just to make a guess. it souldn´t be too far, because i dont want to spend all he money i am saving for my rides to the city and back.

    i am a european male if this helps a bit. so no female dormitory for me :)

    price range would be 3000 and less. I know that there are some rooms available for even 2000 in those areas, but there are no pics provided and some do have pics but in reality they are in much worse shape than shown. a friend of mine who was living there told me that there are some rooms like i am looking for and he was in one, but doesnt now the address because it´s been a while.

    hope you can help me out.

    and for all the others - wish me luck :D

  17. Here are the requested infos you were asking for:

    - i am willing to check ou all the thailand area, except the islands.

    - i am mostly located in 3 areas. Chonburi, BKK & Phetchabhun

    - i am lookong mainly looking for t-shirts, but also longsleeves and polo shirts for men and women in different colours.

    - the products will be printed from us and are also for the thai market.. This is why i am looking for affordable prices.

    - i was thinking in looking for suppliers from china, but was aware of high import taxes so that the cn & th prices. or do apparels and garments are also free of import taxes after china joined the asean agreement?

    I hope theese informatons help to see what i was looking for.

    Thanks for the already posted replies

  18. Hi,

    I was wondering in buying those regular cotton shirts that are used for almost any shirt printings that can be found here in Thailand.

    The shirts must be really cheap to get anywhere here, but I don´t know where.

    Does anyone know a wholesaler or eveb producer of those shirts here in Thailand? Those masses of printed shirts that are done mostly here in Thailand have to be bought somewhere here.

    I found some guys who are selling those but they are selling theese blank shirts even more expensive than already printed ones. that was kind of a bad joke from them.

    does anyone has some informations for me?

    best wishes

  19. You could easily find something in that range of price in Pattaya (actually not too far from the center and you could buy a motorcycle over there)

    I don't know where you have seen those flats at that price in Bkk, but I believe they are poor standard (as in crowded community)

    Mind you, you might be able to find what you need in the Pratunam area (the not so well to do side) or even Onut but I doubt any owner will be willing to accept a payment the way you intend to.

    I do not think a bank will ease a mortgage for a non Thai; the best way would be to deal with the owner directly (if he is not in rush) but I see a problem there: the money has to be wired from abroad with the purpose of purchasing a flat

    Furthermore you are targetting very low (pricewise), that means that your budget for a business is even lower: If I were you, I would rent a small place to see how the business is doing and start from there

    you are right with pattaya. tchere are plenty of apartements available that are located in the center for that price range.

    My business budget is not lower. it is much higher, but I just need a place to sleep that I want to decorate and change it also like I want it to be and thayt is not possible when renting it.

    Sure just renting would be the wiser decision on one side. on the other side I do not lose anything. Then it is just a good holiday apartement for me and the family if something doesnt go well.

    I just don´t want to pay cash, because I don´t want to have too many funds parked right away.

    With the money transfer from abroad you mean the full ammount for getting the sale done?

    but with a rent2own method that should be possible or not? oxr does it not matter how it is done with the owner and it needs to be shown the money coming from overseas?

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