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Posts posted by atelko

  1. Hey guys,

    A guy told me that it is also pretty common to buy a house here in Thailand and arrange a payment plan directly with the current owner.

    This way is used by some foreigners if they can´t get any home loan from banks and don´t get the thai wife into it.

    He also said that it is a pretty safe thing, because everything is written and signed in the contract.

    I know that this way of owning property is also used in many other countries - "rent to own".

    I would like to know if that is also a good way here in Thailand or I or other people should be aware of that possibility.

    I think it is a great way. Sure, probably not all owners are willing to choose that way and you don´t have the variety of houses to choose from, but if somebody doesn´t really care and just want a house that belongs to him after a while and not just paying the monthly rent for nothing, it is a great way.

    Hope you got some informations for me about that...

  2. Had a conversation with a friend of mine here in Thailand, who had a little accident with a lady over here.

    the girl was not using any anti baby pill and the condom was broken after the act. So now we are not sure if the girl did not use any anti baby pill because they are officially not allowed here in thailand.

    is it possible to get the morning after pill that is used to prevent pregnancy after the sexual act and not using the regular pill?

    if so, where can the guy or the girl get the pill and how much does it cost about?

    can the guy go to the pharmacy or has to go to the hospital and buy some or does the girl have to go and get them?

    i know from a good friend of mine who is living in germany , that just women can get the pill in a hospital and men wont get them.

    but how is that handled in thailand?

    hope you guys can help me and/or my friend with some infos asap, because i think the morning after pill can be used up to 48 hours after the accident, right?

    just for the record: it is not about me. The guy is much older than me and is not into internet and his english is not good, too. that is why i am trying to get some informations through this forum :)


  3. I recently came to Thailand and forgot some stuff at home and also wasn´t quite sure if I gonna need it and let it there.

    Now I do need some stuff from there and want to be sent here to me in BKK. My father will be sending me my stuff one by one that will be needed.

    I know some people might think that is too much work and why not just buying it new on Thailand?

    There is an easy explanation for that:

    1.) Why should I spend money for it if I already have it?

    2.) Wake up! Money is not growing on trees, guys!

    So now I am curious if I could get the stuff without paying any custom tax for my own stuff?

    I did not buy and let it be sent to Thailand. I just want to know how to get it done so that I don´t have to pay extra for something that I already own.


  4. Should do the numbers to find out if it is real!

    400 Employees!

    1 year of Employment!

    USD 150,000,000

    150,000,000 / 400 employees = USD 375,000 stolen per person in his one year of employment!

    USD 375,000 per person / 12 months = USD 31,250 per person per month to make USD 150,000,000!

    Something is very wrong here! His salary should be typical Dubai Expat at about USD 20,000 month.

    If I had stolen this much money I would be on my private island behind locked doors with total protection not drinking in some bar near Nana!

    Sounds to me like he is the sacrificial lamb for some reason!


    PS Excuse me doing the math. Old banking habbit like diddling old ladies out of their due savings interest!

    ok, let´s say the numbers are correct.

    even what you said about a dubai expat salary of USD 20.000 per month.

    we should not forget that this is all about a real estate company he was working for. and normally those guys working in a real estate company are getting a fixed income + commission.

    and if there was a fraud in that high ammount of money, the company he was working for was selling some houses, offices, buildings, apartments or whatever to at least pay the salary.

    so it can be possible that he got the aprox. 31K per person each month.

    but what is wondering me, is why nobody said anything if he took all the salary of 400(!!!) employees.

    either they were all naive, he was too perky enough that nobody thought it would be such a big deal and he wouldn´t have the balls to do such a thing and he told them that there are some problems and it needs time till he fixes it and gave them just a couple of g´s per month to pay the rent and something to eat and took all the rest.

    anyhow, the guy wasn´t pretty clever. he just had the balls and/or was too stupid enough to get that coupe done.

    but for coming over to thailand, whether it was a soi xyz or the nana are....everybody knows that thai government and police are coorperating with other countries, especially when it comes to such a fraud ammount.

    ok some are lucky and don´t get caught here in thailand, although they were making much bigger/worse stuff. but they know who to pay some money to get their immunity.

    there are plenty of countries where you can live like a king with your money and don´t have to hide it and you don´t have to worry that the police knocks at your door.

    the guy, in my eyes, was stupid as sh*** (sorry for that :) )...

    i saw him on thai tv yesterday night. just heard "arab, arab, arab" all the time and he just looking so innocent and playing with his tounge as if he had anumb mouth of cocaine or something like that.

    first i thought he got robbed by arabs and was shocked or something like that. but when i read this message, it makes sense and i give a big applause to the police that they catched him. even though i think it wasn´t that hard to find him. i am sure that the police was thinking it would be much harder to find him.

    and the guys in the uae made a good decision when contacting thai police to check his location.

    if they wanted him dead, he would have been found and slaughtered. fraud and stealing is a big deal in arab countries and they do anything to get their justice. and some guys who are running a company that makes at least 150 mln. in one year have their special friends anywhere in the world. these are the free bonuses for having a lot of money :D

    i don´t think it would have been good if they would have caught him by their own. it is good how it was done and handled and i hope they guys who are still waiting for their salary will get it asap.

    everybody can be or get rich by fraud or other illegal reasons. you don´t have to be an einstein for that. but you will sleep better and be more proud of yourself if you have done it legally and by your own (or with a partner)

    just my 2 cents...

  5. Hey guys,

    I need your advise for opening a bank account here in Bankgok.

    Arrived a couple of days ago in Thailand and thinking about getting me an account.

    What exactly are the positive sides of having a Thai Bank account? Is it really needed or just a gimmick?

    Are Bank accounts free of charge or do I have to pay an opening fee and/or monthly fee?

    Can I get a credit card or just a prepaid credit card?

    What are your recommendations or thoughts?

    Have a great day

  6. Well, with the start of the rainy season the supercross events have wound down now.

    The next major window of superx opens during the rainy season end and start of cold season...

    Hope to see you there :)

    if i´ll catch the right date and am in thailand during that time, i will definitely be there. don´t want to miss it.

  7. Hi At.

    No i don't live in Uttaradit.

    We were just there for the day.

    Just 1 french-looking farang showed up with his thai BF.

    But it was hot as hel_l that day so maybe it kept the rest of the local expats indoors?

    i would have gone there, too. even if it is that hot.

    do you know if there will such an event soon again? would be interested in going there the next time.

  8. I didn't delete it is here in this topic now.

    You were to quick. I planned on sending you a message to let you know what I did.

    Any more questions?

    sorry, then i got it wrong...

    At the moment I don´t have any further questions. The only thing I would like to know about is contacting an immigration office within the first 24 hours.

    I read that I do have to contact them if I have a Non Immigrant O Visa and that most hotels will do it for you, but not all are willing to.

    As I am not sure if I will take a hotel for a couple of days and search for a room in that time or if I will take a room I already found directly.

    Do I have to go to the immigration office that is the nearest to my planned address or am I free to choose in the first time?

  9. Hey guys,

    I need about 135g/m2, 220g/m2 or 300g/m2 thick Paper that is bigger than Din-A4. Everything that is A3 and much bigger is good.

    I think to remember that Office Market had it before, but currently I am not in Thailand and the last time was a while ago so I forgot the prices.

    Does anybody know where I can get that paper/cardboard in different colours and for what prices peer sheet?

    I really need it and can´t take it with me. If I could I would, but a) it weighs too much to take it with me and there is no free space in my bag, unless I want the paper to break and :D I think it´s kind of stupid to take a whole bunch of coloured cardboard sheets with you to your trip. As if Thailand is a country where you can´t get anything :D

    Hope there is someone out in this community who got the right information for me... :)

    There are large companies: office mate and office pro (or similar), They have almost everything

    yeah i wasn´t sure if they are still selling it. it´s been a while since i havent been to thailand and i am not in thailand at the moment so...

  10. Hello,

    I picked up 5 large sheets of good quality white card, i think it was A2 for about 20 baht a piece a few days ago for an art project.

    I remembered being impressed as it was a good bit cheaper than back home. (London)

    I need to pick up some supplies this week so i'll have a look for you and give you a shout.

    Basically, don't worry you'll have no problems getting what you want at a good price, a good place to get cheap stationary/ Art supplies is opposite silpakorn university (Art/design) there are a few little shops selling stuff for the design students at good prices.

    Robinsons (supermarkets) also have good office supplies and i've seen them selling lots of coloured paper/card in the sizes you're after.


    thanks for the info....i really apreciate your help. if you don´t know if there is a solution for a small problem it can make you o crazy. thinking all the time. "maybe it´s better to take some with me, just to be sure, because if i won´t find any I´m screwed" :D

  11. Hey guys,

    I need about 135g/m2, 220g/m2 or 300g/m2 thick Paper that is bigger than Din-A4. Everything that is A3 and much bigger is good.

    I think to remember that Office Market had it before, but currently I am not in Thailand and the last time was a while ago so I forgot the prices.

    Does anybody know where I can get that paper/cardboard in different colours and for what prices peer sheet?

    I really need it and can´t take it with me. If I could I would, but a) it weighs too much to take it with me and there is no free space in my bag, unless I want the paper to break and :D I think it´s kind of stupid to take a whole bunch of coloured cardboard sheets with you to your trip. As if Thailand is a country where you can´t get anything :D

    Hope there is someone out in this community who got the right information for me... :)

  12. I merged you new topic into this existing topic. No need to start a new one.

    You mentioned a bank account already.

    If you found a job you could get a work permit with the visa entry you will have. Then if you wanted to you get an extension of stay. You could not do this if you had a tourist visa without possibly leaving the country to get a new visa.

    If you have a reason to get an extension of stay you can do it with the visa you have.

    You don't have to worry about getting a new visa for almost 15 months.

    With a tourist visa to stay for 90 days you would have to make a trip every entry to immigration and pay 1900 baht every time. Then get a new visa after 6 or 9 months after the visa is issued depending upon how many entries you get.


    sorry, was in a hurry and forgot that i have already written it here :D

    thanks for deleting it. and i was wondering what happened to it :)

  13. hey guys,

    I am curious about the mobile internet network in thailand.

    what has the most coverage?

    what is also the fastest network you should choose?

    3G/HSDPA, etc.? What is available mostly in BKK and around?

    Want to upgrade my NB and put a card inside but need to know which one i should need. doesn´t really make any sense to pay more for a hsdpa card if there is network available for that.

    hope you can help me out... :)

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