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Posts posted by atelko

  1. Would like to know the monthly costs for a good health insurance for a guy like me, who is in his mid twenties.

    What would the costs be about? More or less than THB 5000,- a month?

    Do good insurance tariffs pay also for check ups and vaccinations? And what about dental treatment? Do I have to get another insurance for that?

    Another thing would be the contract period. Is it 1 or 2 years or are there also shorter ways? What happens if I go back to my home country and I can´t use the insurance? Easy to cancel the contract?

    Or are there also international insurance tariffs that are active wherever you are?

    Hope you guys know the right answers to my questions :)

    To give you a general idea of what is available, this is what I have for my 6 year old daughter. I think it is expensive compared to others available but my ex enrolled her and I just keep it because they have been very good at covering problems. Actually we have gotten almost as much cash back as we have paid in premiums, not to mention the hospital bills.

    The company is a subsidiary or partner of Bangkok Bank. It costs 3500 baht per quarter and covers EVERYTHING charged by the hospital. Of course there is a maximum but I don't know how much. They even write us a check for 1000 baht per day of hospitalization to cover any expenses such as hotel or meals. Dental is not included but there is some scheme where at 25 years old she can elect to continue coverage for life or have the premiums already paid returned to her in a lump sum. Also included is life insurance for her and life insurance for her primary care giver.

    so 3500 baht per quarter is really cheap...ok it is for a 6 year old, but if I have to pay 10000 Baht for a premium service per quarter i got a better deal than in germany with my current insurance. so we´ll see. hopefully i find something that is fitting my needs..

  2. Just happen to have a 2009 price list for the BNH hospital and they quote a 'virtual colonoscopy' for 14,250 baht.

    I had a 'real' colonoscopy there about 2 years ago and I think the price was about the same (15K)

    I am not sure what a 'virtual' colonoscopy is exactly but maybe it is less invasive???

    thanks for the information...

    I do not exactly know how a virtual colonoscopy works. I heard that it doesn´t have to be put something in your rear end and that´s why you it is painless and you don´t need any pain killers or narcosis.

    sounds great, but the only thing that is not good with a virtual colonoscopy is that the doc can´t see whatever he is searching for and it´s smaller than 8mm.

    Do you know when to check yourself frequently? All 1,2,3,4 years?

    Actually people should start checking theirself in their mitd 30´s, but especially in their 50´s they should check theirself at least once a year...

    I am in my mid twenties, but think it won´t be bad to check myself with my age...

  3. get a private german health insurance (there are dozens of good companies), select whatever cover you think you need, add 20% auslandszuschlag and forget all local insurances.

    I currently have a private insurance here in Germany, but I do pay about THB 5.500,- per month and that is with a yearly contribution of THB 42.000,-.

    I think with an extension of staying abroad I have go begging. Probably it is cheaper to get a Thai Premium insurance....hopefully! :o

  4. Hey guys,

    here in Germany you are also allowed to drive mopeds and motor-scooters with your car Drivers License.

    I heard that you can also drive or rent a motorbike with your foreign DL when your allowed to drive scooters, because for Thais it is the same. If you can drive a scooter you can also drive a motorbike is what they say.

    Now I am wondering if I have to have a real motorbike DL for also driving it with my Thai DL when I am applying or do they also not really care?

  5. Thanks for your post - sorry to take so long replying but I think there's a bug in the forum software. I didn't get any emails about this thread after it was moved to the correct forum! So I'm playing "catch-up" now :D

    I liked the TZ3 - apart from no zooming while videoing - but mine needs fixing now: the screen has gone blank after being intermittent for a while. I opened it up (I have good quality "watch makers screwdrivers") and found a very small thin ribbon cable had completely broken. This cable - which connects the screen to the camera body - is folded on itself and squashed flat, jammed between the screen and the camera body. It failed along the crease of the fold. I think that's a pretty poor design. But I suppose no camera is perfect. Everything else on the camera works, but I'm shooting blind!

    I am starting to record videos more and more these days, so I'm now thinking of getting a good camcorder and basic "Super Macro" pocket digicam.

    The problem I find with SDHC cards is that the ones you get with the camera as a "free special offer" are always the slow ones that the camera manufacturer doesn't recommend for best quality video recording. :o

    i tried the tz7 yesterday again and must say, if manual focus and focus itself is not interesting you and you want a good cam wih good video recording quality, then I would say go for the TZ7.

    I am actually rethinking to buy another cam and not the TZ7. I don´t like how the focus reacts. Maybe I am curious when it comes to that, but I think it´s normal when using DSLR´s all the time an no compact digital cameras for years.

    Now I am in a dead end zone...Pay double the price and get a Nikon D90 DSLR or the TZ7 with a Focus, that in my eyes, sucks a bit?

  6. Im under 35, i rarely drink, go to the gym almost everyday as a hobby, am polite as anything and rarely ever meet girls who arent prossies or freelancers and i barely go with them as i prefer to leave it to you older folks to make prats out of yourselves and think youre gods gift to women.

    But i do agree with you about under 35's who go to Bangkok clubs they do think theyre a cut above by picking up a freelancer and denying what she actually is, ive seen a few get told were to go by girls i know to be prozzies, the kind of little idiots who were to afraid to speak to girls back home and think theyre studs in LOS.

    PS I stopped going clubbing by the age of 26, when pills stopped having the desired affect.

    seems to be that there really are younger people in TH who aren´t any weirdos or are living in their naughty dreamworld...

    maybe I don´t see any of them, cause they do their thing and avoid going out.

    I am also sick of it. have been out enough in my home country already. don´t need to continue f****** up my body just because I am in another country.

  7. hahaha....

    funny thread with its funny answers :D

    acutally I am uner 35 and one of the younger Farangs. Didn´t see one of those goofy Farangs outside.

    But I see thos Farangs with Hawaiian Shirts, Shorts and weird Slippers and mostly a mustache or those guys who are running around like we are in the 70´s.

    Anyhow, I can definitely understand that most of the Thais think we aren´t the best choice to hang out with. I wouldn´t either stick around with somebody like that :D

    If I see those younger Farangs I am wondering, how they still survived with their half baked attitude in that country....

    Any normal younger Farangs in here? :o

  8. Would like to know the monthly costs for a good health insurance for a guy like me, who is in his mid twenties.

    What would the costs be about? More or less than THB 5000,- a month?

    Do good insurance tariffs pay also for check ups and vaccinations? And what about dental treatment? Do I have to get another insurance for that?

    Another thing would be the contract period. Is it 1 or 2 years or are there also shorter ways? What happens if I go back to my home country and I can´t use the insurance? Easy to cancel the contract?

    Or are there also international insurance tariffs that are active wherever you are?

    Hope you guys know the right answers to my questions :o

  9. So this is all about:

    I am not an aggressive person, but sometimes I take a walk in middle of the night. even if there is nobody else on the street, except me.

    That maybe sounds strange to you, but I need is to get asleep. This is because I have a sleep disorder.

    Whatever I do I can´t go to sleep, Even strong pills don´t show any effects. Tried everything with my doctor.

    This all is no problem in Germany, because it is safe and so on but I think that all changes when I will be in Bangkok.

    So this is why I would like to know if it is legal to posess CS-Spray or a spring cosh in Thailand?

    I mean all those people who are selling that stuff on the markets all over Thailand do not make it legal just für providing you with that stuff. And the guys who are selling it are teling you everything you want to hear or what makes you buy it and them a few THB richer.

    That is why I want to know it from you wise guys :o

    Sure, some people think that it might be more clever to run away or give the muggers what they need and that´s it. But if you look at the news that does not always do the job. The robbers are getting much more aggressive and are not just interested in your belongings or they are just afraid to get caught afterwards when letting you go.

    So let´s say it is legal, do I have to register or report it to the police, so te police can check it with my registry or the police station if they check me and my files for no reason on the street and find the "weapon" in my bag?

    If it is illegal, what happens? Do you have to pay a fee, get deported or what? I mean, I don´t want to break any laws and won´t use them if they are illegal, but am just curious about it.

    It´s all about self defense. I am not a big, tall & strong guy that you should be afraid of and I do not run around with a T-Shirt and street wear, it is more a casual and business style I am wearing and that makes me maybe more a pointed victim....

    I am also out at night not just because for taking a walk and the room I will be staying is a few sois inside the main road like many not so exclusive/luxus condo-buildings.

    Hope you guys know something about that issue...

  10. What do you need to certify your present residential address at the embassy or the IO? A Bill that shows you paid rent for a month or do they need more?

    Where and how do I get a medical certificate? Do I just go to a hospital and say that I need it for my TDL-Application and they make a short check?

    What is the check all about? And how much does it cost?

    I read that somebody with an international DL doesn´t need to pass the practical test, but still has to make the written test.

    Is it possible not to do both of them?

    I did also read that by showing your Thai ID at some parks and other places you get discount or don´t have to pay Farang prices.

    It is not a big deal for me if that is not right, but if it is correct, it´s good to know :o

  11. Probably found the right import tax rate for the stuff I want to import, but I am not sure if they do charge me more Import Tax than the the tariff code is telling me.

    Or do the charge the official import taxes and no higher ones?

    what if they do and you tell them it is not the correct percentage and show it to them on their website? do they make problems, cause of not loosing their face or are they saying I might be right and check that again?

    And also I would like to know if you have any experience or idea about having something imported on your name or someone who is Thai.

    Will a package have to take the same procedure for paying import tax and so on like for sending a package to a Farang?

    Do they charge the same fees or are they not so rigorous when you are a Thai/sending it to a Thai, because also for them Farangs have enough money to pay the full fees or even more.

    What is your experience?

  12. Even the 7/11 has them in my village.

    atelko , do you work for Gillette and are you doing a survey of Mach 3's availability.?.. :D


    hehe....not really :D

    want to stay in thailand a bit longer than my previous travels.

    i thought that i definitely need new blades when I am over there and I don´t want to miss the Mach 3 blades to use....

    thanks for the informations.

    so thb 340,- for 4 blades, huh?

    is that the regular price or can you get those cheaper? or is that already a bargain for those blades in thailand? ( and again: believe me LeungKen, i do NOT work for gillette. lol )

    they do use cheaper metal for the blades in the asian countries. that is why they don´t really last long and you can feel the difference after shaving 2-3 times.

    if you look at the blades, they are darker or lighter than the ones you can find in europe or the u.s..

    thanks for the quick replies.....

    funny, i have a very thick, rough beard and i get 2-3 weeks out of a blade, i shave daily.

    Also, its not like they are large items, if you are convinced tat "asian" blades are inferior why not bring enough to last?

    i don´t really care if they are better or not...just wanted to give the information, because arnoldjr said that his blades from TH aren´t as good as the ones he used oversea....


  13. Even the 7/11 has them in my village.

    atelko , do you work for Gillette and are you doing a survey of Mach 3's availability.?.. :D


    hehe....not really :o

    want to stay in thailand a bit longer than my previous travels.

    i thought that i definitely need new blades when I am over there and I don´t want to miss the Mach 3 blades to use....

    thanks for the informations.

    so thb 340,- for 4 blades, huh?

    is that the regular price or can you get those cheaper? or is that already a bargain for those blades in thailand? ( and again: believe me LeungKen, i do NOT work for gillette. lol )

    they do use cheaper metal for the blades in the asian countries. that is why they don´t really last long and you can feel the difference after shaving 2-3 times.

    if you look at the blades, they are darker or lighter than the ones you can find in europe or the u.s..

    thanks for the quick replies.....

  14. I really hope that you can get the Mach III blades in Thailand...Some may think that it is just a marketing trick but I swear that they work much better than anything I used for shaving before...

    anyhow, the last time I was in bangkok, there wasn´t any mach 3 or its blades to buy, but that has been exactly 2 years already....wow, time goes by too fast :o

    has anyone spotted the blades somewhere? and if so, for what horrendous prices do they want to sell them? :D

  15. Does anyone know of a Good shop to purchase Xbox 360 Gear and parts in the Bangkok area?



    would like to know the same...

    currently thinking about selling my ps3 before coming over to thailand and getting a xbox 360.

    so if anyone knows the prices for a xbox360, if used or new doesn´t really matters. as long as it works and is clean :o

  16. Do you know if there is a record about me in the system of the consulates, if I are trying to apply for a visa that will not be issued?

    I heard that every consulate thinks and works differently about issuing visas. some will decline your application right away and others will give you your stamps in a couple of minutes.

    My concern is that if I go to one consulate and they say no, the second one maybe sees it in the files or their system that I was applying before already and is wondering why I am trying it again somewhere else and declines it, too.

    Do they charge the fees just for an applied Visa or also if it has been decline, because they had to do the same work?

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