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Everything posted by smedly

  1. have fun getting rid of them lol they have two choices - escape Russia or be sent to Ukraine to be slaughtered in a T34 - Thailand sounds good for 30 days
  2. it also amuses me at the sheer ignorance and underatanding of what people are reading care to explain what you think is going on here that only you are getting
  3. who on earth would subject themselves to this it is verging on a punnishment the mind boggles
  4. so just legalise everything that is illegal - is that your solution ?, just bin all laws for everything - a utopia for criminals and evil people - where are you going to put all the bodies just nonsense
  5. well get him right back here
  6. lol, it is still a bribe, vote buying, yes other parties are doing it too but not quite .............. vote for me I'll give you bt10,000 - too funny
  7. long post - how about RTP just doing their job, not much chance of that is there, infact they very obviously have no clue what their job is.............3rd world
  8. not to worry, after songcran everyone can continue to drink and drive without the risk of ................... probation whatever the ##### that means they just can't help themselves - drinking and driving is ok just not this week, the stupidy is shocking - enforce the law 365 days a year - how ###ing hard is that my theory is that RTP and officials drive drunk so they are the biggest offenders - the carnage will continue while the very people that are tasked to enforce the law are drunk driving themselves ........... 3rd world and will never change
  9. so have the Thai police arrested those involved ??????? if not why not - not really difficult is it.............am I missing something ###ing arrest them - how simple is that
  10. So the other 360 days of the year don't matter, have you ever considered enforceing the law every day of the year !! - isn't that your ### job
  11. this should be interesting - they are right of course but will this get anywhere also worth noting that DPM Prawit has been responsible for road safety these last 9 years - has there been any improvement ?
  12. if the establishment looses this sham of an election what do you think will happen either way the people of Thailand need to get a backbone
  13. this is why using a phone while driving is highly dangerous not saying 100% the cause of this horror but from my own observations here - highly likely RIP
  14. it was either here or slaughtered in Ukraine RIP
  15. although this is pretty funny what I find more hilarious are the many elderly western folk usually from easter Europe France etc wearing these hideous mounds on their heads - some of them look like they should be on the end of a shaft - LMAO
  16. anyone else fed up looking at this ? must be a week already................why ?
  17. had to read that headline 3x times - still not sure lol
  18. we will never hear of this again - as if by magic he will have complied and be right back were he left off
  19. quote from the article Pattaya police in conjunction with other relevant agencies also reviewed several bars on Soi Six on the prior day, April 5th, 2023 what do you think happened on the 5th, I have a good idea
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