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Everything posted by smedly

  1. They believe that would make them look bad so they tell lies - it is not in their interest to tell the truth or so they believe - lets get another budget going ............... I hope the west will question just like the thieves in Rusiian - where did you get this money from
  2. you having a laugh or what you have already exceeded that officially even though you will not accept an ATK case as positive - what is that all about plus the thousands of tests that people are doing themselves and for some strange reason - keeping it to themselves Thailand has not escaped omicron - it is not under control - you cannot control it, all you can do is keep the lies pumping out thinking that people actually believe you Have you ever thought for a moment that telling the truth might actually work better - nope, because there is a lack of education in the ranks - only big pockets and you have that off to a fine art - billions and billions of budgets - where is it ????
  3. Ptayuths military control - "New Normal" There is no such thing - you either have a normal society or some ## you want to impose on the people of Thailand - here is a heads up for Prayut - the people in this country will not accept your vision of control - drop it now Also this so called emergency decree has run its course - either declare your future intentions now or open this country up, stop using covid as an excuse - we are done with that, there is anger building in the population - we have had enough of this ##
  4. it the one instance in law when you are guilty until you prove otherwise - refuse a test and .........................someting I totally agree with
  5. anyone see the funny side of this Kaosan road will not be closed - it's just they will not be officialially celebrating anything so they will be doing what normally happens there on a nomal day ................... which is
  6. Will he ever see a jail cell ? I do hope so, I also hope victims of this thief get some of their money back although I have my doubts on both counts he is certainly not the first or last farang to commit this sort of theft - be careful out the folks
  7. where's the usual finger pointing photo that follows these crimes - that would be a rather confusing one to say the least
  8. is it iPhone or Android, this is critical info to get the best advice
  9. shouldn't that warning be for tourists you have invited to your country "Prayut warns foreign tourists not to drop their guard as covid is rampant here"
  10. so what is the message here all other times DUI is ok Laws should be enforced 365 days a year not a few days over a holiday period
  11. Experts predict a weakening baht may boost exports and tourism no kidding but will make the hiso purchase abroad more expensive In a world were we are now seeing a tightening on officials/governments who steal and launder money and invest abroad - it is not just Russians - Thailand must be well up there, so you want to buy a property in Kensington - were did you get the money, they may as well all be drug dealers who cannot explain it either How many police/military in Thailand are billionaires - try explaing that one, oh it all came from my wifes noodle shop .............ahem
  12. the rest of the world has moved on - Thailand needs to waken up you cannot milk this covid cash cow forever - comment directed at those who are filling their own pockets and in Thailand there are many Either open or don't - either lockdown or don't, time to move on and stop this stupid nonsence, tourism generates money for all Thais - but hey who is interested in that - this government certainly are not - personal gains No1 @@@ the rest of you
  13. do you people want elected leaders for a start, I have yet to talk to a Thai that doesn't want the current leaders gone, if an MP in the UK doesn't win their constituency seat they are gone no matter what - as an individual regardless of party they cannot serve as an MP period
  14. check what farms are spraying on grown crops and check what mass production are feeding animal livestock - I suspect nobody is checking, greed money and profits rule, the world we live in
  15. Prayuth, Anutin, Prawit and family members with luggage filled with .......... ? going for a long holiday
  16. yes our foreign investestments and outflow of stolen/laundered money needs to be protected at all costs, once we have flushed it clean we don't care - it is coming History has a habit of repeating itself were humans are concerned - and Asia finance is no exception - greed always floats to the top
  17. it doesn't matter what you do (unelected senate) The Thai people want true democracy not some biased fudge that you are going to try and implement The time has come .........................people need to elect who runs the country Those that think they can just be appointed by their mates - need to get a one way ticket out of Thailand, I really hope they make the right choice - 70m people wnat you gone
  18. It is like Putin demacracy - it is me or I will wipe out anyone that stands in my way - unfortunately they are all military - that is the landscape in Thailand - yes ok they are not poisoning people but they are getting rid of them one way or another It will not work - Prayuth and his mates Anutin and Prawit are pretty much history as far as I can see - the people of Thailand hate them with a vengence, they know what they are doing and will no longer put up with it - it is not Red or Yellow - it is all of the people united against these theives and power mongers what another emergency decree ............ for what ? Pack your bags and leave your loot behind you - Thai people will not tolerate this much longer, go meet up with your mate in Montenegro what good neighbours you would be
  19. why is she even banged up, is she ill, seems that Thailand is copying China to a degree with draconian lockups and lockdowns which serve no rational purpose - you cannot stop omicron no matter what you do, better to let it go and take care of the few that need treatment and make sure the people at risk are fully vaccinated
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