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Everything posted by smedly

  1. if you are in a city with poor air quality a mask might be a good option, can't think of any cities in Thailand
  2. give it a few days and the staff will be maskless
  3. who is launching it lol Thailand are not launching anything, waste of money, I know who I would like to launch into space - 5 people - 3x begining P and 2x A
  4. seems he got caught - one of many that don't maybe the mayor can give us all his own financial status and and its source - that would be a very interesting read lol
  5. Keep the power Prayuth - abuse at its worst if you cannot run the country properly without this power abuse then go
  6. it isn't, it has already reached a point were you are going to have to ask what they are putting in food - cannabis is not like an onion or carrot - it is not a vegetable
  7. this is very disturbing that a restaurant has to tell customers there is no cannabis in thier food - I mean ### ?
  8. while they promote its use and pass it out for free - hard to figure what the intention is, it can only be money but how, do they want to add it to everything claiming it is good for you ? and cures everything - quackery
  9. disclosure - I have smoked the odd joint when I was younger, I didn't and still don't see any real harm in it, provided you don't go over the top what is going on in Thailand right now is scary, it's as if the government wants everybody (whole population) spaced out all the time, in food in drinks is smokes and god knows what else. Not sure why they are doing this but they better get control of it now. There are long last effects of canabis abuse on the brain, ask anyone that thinks the earth is flat lol........................conspiracies paranoia etc etc, lives ruined people turned into basket cases The Thai government need to rethink this, I do not want weed in my fried rice or any other food like it is somehow now a perfectly normal and safe ingredient like onion stop it now
  10. being there with her for a time does not make him a murderer - it does make him a suspect or person of interest but police would need to find compelling evidence to prove that he actually murdered her
  11. so tourists are now being accused of having sex with macaques in Hua Hin, wear a condom - simple
  12. agree, posts that long should be in a truck were they actually fit RIP
  13. why wait ??????? stupid nonsense everything you are relaxing ......................... was already relaxed get another hit on that bong .......................it might make sense Anutin wants the whole country spaced out ...................................very foolish as they are finding out bong..kers
  14. I think I have the answer How many times did they pass round the bong during this meeting lol
  15. While insisting that the intent of the decriminalisation of cannabis and hemp is for medical use and for economic reasons
  16. lol beat me to it, highly recommended that Prayuth and Anutin never remove the mask, bring happiness to the people
  17. head upright - find ears - feel for elastic cords x2 behind ears - pull backwards and out, if you have very large ears "ahem" Mr Prayuth - you may need assistance
  18. what is the point - nobody voted for him to be PM (Thai Public) and the same goes for the rest of the DPM's - who (THai Public) voted for them ???????? They appointed themselves - welcome to the biggest Democracy scam on the planet The people can vote all they want but you will still end up with these uneducated @@ who will just appoint themselves - Demacracy Thai style - I think the same happens in Russian and a lot of countries that claim they let the public vote ..................................but it means absolutely nothing , if I was Thai I would be very angry nobody should be running this country unless the Thai people directly voted for them - UK PM cannot be in No10 unless the people put him there - if he loses his seat Bye BYe the so called demacracy in Thailand is a complete joke - what will change it - I dred to think but it needs to happen
  19. it served no purpose in recent years
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