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Everything posted by smedly

  1. Vietnam might have something to say about that
  2. deport and ban him after a hefty fine for DUI
  3. what tarrifs does Thailand apply on vehicle imports ? it is a lot more than 25%
  4. wow, 14th floor, miracles do happen
  5. stories like this come down to one thing IMO money Why is this elderly couple still in Thailand, they need to get out now
  6. 16 year olds in gun fights...............what next
  7. he had zero chance of braking at that speed
  8. or in a medically induced coma, I don't trust these for profit hospitals,
  9. medical insurance is not the same as travel/accident insurance
  10. if there's a way to feck it up these greedy ### will do it how about putting resources into the increasing carnage on the roads - oh wait, that costs money with no gains to certain people
  11. look the news last few months, locals fighting stabbinig ,, Chinese are now scared to come to Thailand, every day we watch fatalities on the roads - buses with multiple fatalitiies, carnage, you would think after years they would figure out what the problem is, but no it is getting worse, as i have said many times - THE POLICE NEED TO PROATIVELY ENFORCE THE LAW, not wait for something to happen, they need to catch the drugged up bus driver "before" he kills" 30 people, they need to stop drunkndrivers beforw they kill, Thai police have no clue about prevention - and detection or prevention, until they understand this people will continue die and the carnage
  12. was the boyfriend also searching for her ?, did he report her missing ? sounds like a right scumbag hope they find her alive but not looking good
  13. no need t pay this, that is why he was ripped off, same as 12 month extension - if you meet the legal requirements it is bt2000 every year
  14. more serious issues on Thai roads than this very minor fun
  15. this is a busy tourist area of course the police chief has his focus on foreigners as the problem - really ?
  16. I know a lot of people have their phones registered using their Thai partners name because it has benefits, we are treated differently for many things here
  17. this is skewed and not a true reflection e.g. - none of the Toyotas bought in Thailand are imported from Japan
  18. unless "stuff" is made here import tax is up to 300% i.e. tarrifs, Thailand has no brands they can call their own, literally everything is foreign designed and produced produced here, try importing a Toyota from Japan, this is a highly protectionist country which is IMO why they have nothing of their own - this approach stumps growth and development which is why Thailand is so retarded
  19. and he has photos of his valuables ?
  20. you think Thailand trades fairly? see how much tax you will pay for an imported motorbike or anything really
  21. keep him sedated, bt139k per day, sorry but I don't trust these businesses to act in your favor, this guy is a money making machine while they keep him sedated cynical I know
  22. massive ? I have not seen anything"massive" in Thailand, apart from massive corruption and road carnage, two busses a week crash ........what ??? massive
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