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Everything posted by smedly

  1. where does the cheating and dishonesty stop in this land of lies
  2. Woman stabs 11 year old child in the neck: "I was just waving my knife around and was angry" she claims oh sure that's ok then - must be quite normal behavior ...... right
  3. exactly why people should be free to express opinions about proceedures/services they receive from businesses provided of course they don't lie they should also have the option to sue for damages and compensation - these people should stand over their work and claims, they must be open to scrutiny and not hide behind defamation laws to cover up incompetence
  4. sounds like a right "fruit cake"
  5. traveled hundreds of times on long distance buses what are you ? a ## bus driver LOL
  6. I generally agree with most of your post but "British Woman" was not called for, many people have accidents here while on holiday and they definetly are not all British women Hospils here are a racket (out of control) and there is no legislation to stop them - a look into the ownership of these establishments will reveal all. I would like to see a breakdown of her bill itemised for every baht - ok she had a few broken bones which generally are not serious injuries in the grand scheme of things - dare I say routine - how her bill came to be almost 2m baht is quite frankly verging on extortion - Thailand is in need of a regulatary body to bring these theives under scrutiny - as far as I know there is no such thing and it is obvious why
  7. does anyone actually check the winning numbers and realise this superstitious nonsense is just that
  8. simple solution, allow parking on beach road
  9. who is investigating the NACC
  10. They don't know how wish they had kept this one until 1st April how about the commission investigating unusual wealth with people in office - oh that's right, the people in office modified the rules so they did not have to declare earnings or wealth- I mean that is a huge red flag right there
  11. great contribution
  12. it applies to every form of transport in Thailand
  13. this highlights something I have been saying for a long time regarding the general aproach to standards and safety in Thailand, I won't post a link but do a search for these words Deadly Airline Culture! The Story of One-Two-Go Airlines Flight 269
  14. some people just shouldn't be in relationships - if this was suicide it sounds like his actions/apparent abuse played a big part in it, I hope the truth is found
  15. since when were these arrestable offences ? impound the vehicles possibly if it is written in law allowing them to do so and there is a fine for no licence/helmet/insurance and other driving offences - they just can't make it up as they go, I agree going after the rental companies but there must be provisions in law to allow them to do this also.
  16. for 5yr renewal you don't need med cert, your renewal is like this I believe - ist licence 1 yr - 2nd 2yrs - 3rd 4th etc 5yr
  17. most TV's have a standbye light if it is getting power - it is usually red is this light on if it has one - it will also flash if the TV is getting remote signals - worth checking what brand is the TV if there is no red standbye light on when it should be then you could have a mains power issue, the first thing to check - make sure that the power cable os plugged all the way in on the back of the TV - if it is then make sure the wall outlet is providing power - plug something else in there if the power standbye light is on - check that it is flashing when you press any remote buttons - if not then open your mobile phone and turn on the camera - point the camera at the front of the remote and press a button - you will see the ir pulses from the remote in the phone camera - if you don't see this then the remote is not working (some remotes have a BT connection to the TV generally referred to as smart remotes) TV's that come with smart remotes usually come with a standard ir remote as well x remotes. I would n't call a service center until I had checked all the above
  18. maybe she had a Thai license
  19. beats being drafted lol
  20. 8% says the opposite - I would agree if it was more than 80% there is obiously something very wrong when 92% of established foreign businesses are going elsewhere
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