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Everything posted by smedly

  1. it would not surprise me if more people are getting severely ill or worse from the flu than CV19
  2. wasn't the latest subsidy on international arrivals supposed to be some sort of massive collective insurance for exactly this - what happened to that ? it was a great idea, seems it has gone into deep pockets instead
  3. tour them in - lead them around - rip them off
  4. wow you excelled yourself with that one - I can see an up-coming spoon award heading for you lol
  5. any particular motive for your post tubby - it just reafirms the naivety of some people posting here, as you get older you're supposed to get smarter and wiser - life has been wasted on you
  6. you understand that in solving murder a motive is usually established first, in Thailand especially involving farangs that is usually were someone has something to gain and is almost always financial - I connected a very recent trip home to the possibility that he brought cash back with him which could very well be at his home and is also untraceable since it is not in a bank account, I know people that do this when visiting their home, the only person that knows about this cash is the deceased and very likely his live in Thai partner. financial gain is a good place to start when looking for motive but very difficult to uncover were a wad of cash is concerned, his home bank might show a large withdrawal before returning to Thailand, this would indicate he had cash at his home, would Thai cops look at this - I'm not sure. alternative to this would be a business disput (again financial) or mistaken identity, there's not much else that fits
  7. if you don't agree with what I said then fine I have no issue with that - it's called a discussion
  8. his home in the UK, I know lots of people bring cash with them when returning here from a home visit
  9. can you not read, you obviously have no clue - like I said in my post - who benefits financially from his death - it's called motive and in Thailand when farangs are murdered it is almost always a financial motive - someone gains alot of money and thinks they will get away with it - cash that nobody knows about (not banked)
  10. must be better than being slapped on the noggin from a drone or a HIMARS
  11. what a joke, .....................who is voting for either of you ? oh but of course that doesn't matter - like I said ....what a joke
  12. 365 days a year those are tasked to deal with it - are the worst 3rd world
  13. that is all Thailand needs - a pile of weed heads to add to all the drunk drivers on the roads ......... what are they thinking ..... oh yeaah someone is looking to make money ............ what else no control of drunk drives - where does this go now ?????
  14. The cabbie, identified as Mr. Narong Pinkaewk, 61, told The Pattaya News that he was waiting to exit a convenience store when the victim suddenly crashed into him. He confessed that his car’s bumper slightly protruded onto the road, but also claimed that the victim lost control of her motorbike and collided with him. hmmmmm
  15. i agree, but making an effort to catch them 365 days a would be a good start, the police have no interest in doing so it seems so it will continue
  16. IMO this could be the expected result in 6 day period throughout the year if police actually made an effort to catch them, in fact it could be even higher than this since some of the regulars may have considered a higher chance of getting caught so didn't - and yes - Thailand has a serious drink driving problem, part of the reason it not addressed is because those tasked to address it are some of the worst offenders
  17. it should include anyone and any type of vehicle
  18. the problem is not penalties it is lack of effort by police on detection, penalties are almost useless if a drunk driver believes the chances of getting caught are next to zero unless of course they have an accident but it's too late then and of course then we have a drunk driver that flees the scene of an accident - the other issue, penalties for leaving the scene should be just as severe as drunk driving itself
  19. sounds like normal police work - why not 365 days a year........................is it ok to drink and drive after the 4th Jan ??
  20. I will also wager that this vehicle has a dodgy history - possibly stolen in another country
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