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Posts posted by smedly

  1. So can I take it that several trial crossings have been completed in the kind of sea conditions that have prevailed for the last few weeks?

    As there are no other passenger ferry services operating far out in the gulf I'd also be curious to know what kind of rescue service is available at mid journey. I've never seen a sea rescue helicopter in Thailand and assistance by boat would be a good 90 minutes away.

    Dont worry about that, they have narrowed the boat name to a choice of two, not sure if its the Herald of Free Enterprise or The Marchiness.:D

    they should have taken this Idea and really went to town on it, bigger boat possibly able to take a few cars and bikes then I would see this as a viable business, looking at that boat and the possible safety implications I would prefer to ride through Bangkok, the gulf of Thailand can be pretty rough at times

  2. the problem is simple, not much wrong with buying a house but the prices are inflated and unless you want to sell the house for it's true value you will be stuck with it, tbh I blame the buyer for not realising that they are paying very inflated prices dictated by realestate agents who generally fool buyers by pulling prices out of a hat, if I see a house for sale for say 5 million I might offer 2.5 and a setang more, people buying house forget that they are in a 3rd world country and making comparisons with the UK or other western countries is quite frankly foolish, market demand dictates price and if you look at the amount of properties for sale and not selling then that should give you a good idea of the over inflated prices they are asking, I would also say that it is falangs that are being taken to the cleaners, Thais will be paying much much less for their house purchase than falangs, now I'm going to get slated for this post mostly from house owners because they all don't want to believe or see what I have just posted, it's a hard lesson to learn and a costly one.

  3. Spending money to hopefully improve road safety without education and enforcement is a complete waste of time.

    100% correct, this should have been supported with a TV campain and adds in local news papers during the run up to actual activation and also supported with the threat of hefty fines for those that where caught refusing to stop on red, also the road could have been marked clearer showing heavy stop lines and the crossing area.

  4. There was a thread about cars that seemed to conclude that you could not get insurance in Thailand or Cambodia to drive on the roads. You will also probably be strictly illegal as you will not get license coverage, but a Cambodia falang website said not worry about that - no expat in Cambodia has one either. So it's probably the case that it depends on how much risk you want to take about losing your bike to theft or damage.

    Insurance is available for purchase at the border.

    Valid Thai drivers license if recognized in all ASEAN countries.

    To the OP- bunch of the SSR boys did a run to Sihanoukville about a year ago and had a blast. Sanook-ville they call it. :lol: I was bummed I couldn't get away and join them at the time. If you want some company let me know when you're thinking of going and if the timing works I'd like to join you.

    Ride On!


    will do tony and thanks for the info, I guess all being well I am looking at going somewhere around the week of the 23rd Nov, I have no commitments so my time is pretty flexible, would rather travel with company than alone, if you like you can PM some dates that may suit you and we can go from there, and of course anyone else interested give me a shout


  5. Sounds like a good run One I would like to make myself and would be interested in the replies. I vaguely remember this was a topic a fair while ago and think the advice was it couldnt be done.

    couldn't be done ? not sure what you mean, as i understand as long as you have the grren book and you are the registered owner then taking a car or bike across the border isn't a problem, this is why i am asking here first

    I am considering travelling alone or if anyones up for the trip not a problem either.

  6. well I guess it really depends on what exactly you are after but moving from Frantic pattaya to hectic BKK just doesn't make sense, now if you had said moving to Rayong or Chanthaburi then I may have understood your reasoning, I notice you have mentioned the things you want to get away from but what is it you are leaving behind that you want ????

  7. Assuming I have a registered bike with green book etc and wanted to take a trip into cambodia can anyone see any issues, what are the roads like etc, was concidering going to Chanthaburi and going across near there and heading to Sihanoukville, is there a border crossing south of Trat instead of the usual one that visa companies use further North Sa Kaeo ??any help appriciated

    I see there's a crossing at Hat Lek

    Anyone any experience of the roads and stuff once over the border, is it safe enough to drive there, what about accomodation etc, just wanted some idea of what to expect if I decide to go for a trip

  8. what exactly would you like the police to do ??? you say the plate can't be seen and I assume the theives cannot be seen either, would you like the police to look in crystal ball and find your bike, sorry for being so blunt and I really sympathise with your loss but there is no magic in police work they know as much as you at this point.

  9. as already mentioned you must use the supplied power adapter with the ciggy lighter plug on the end as it converts the supply to the required voltage, so what you need is a ciggy socket which you can buy in any good motor shop, it will come with the socket and a length of cable to connect to your 12v supply, you can simply place it under your seat and then plug the garmin adapter in as you would in a car.....................

  10. open taskmanager (right click the task bar) look at the processes that are taking up cpu usage you say 100% so it will be obvious, Take a note of the identified process and if not obvious what it is connected to do a google search, once you have identified the sofrware uninstall it, if it is virus or malicious it may be more difficut to remove, you should be able to find info on the net to help with everything.

  11. wear your gold as I do but do something simple to avoid it being easily snatched, the main links of most gold chains are pretty hard to break as they are solid, the weakest link (scuse the Pun) is the clasp and the thin circle link that both join to the main heavy chain, what I do is add my own secure tie which can be made of whatever you like, I use one of those threaded coloured wrist strings tied as a secure extra link on the main chain across the clasp, it cannot be ripped off, Some will say that is foolish but most of the snatchers are young oportunists if they fail to easily remove you neckless or bracelet they will not hang around for a second try, it may also give you a chance to grab the little feckers and give them a good seeing too while others nearby come to assist, very rarely will there not be someone close to come and help and summon the police. If you look at statistics most snatches happen in public areas

  12. Many Harley Davidson riders remind me of the below commercial.

    Many of these riders seem to be in 'drag' & as such, they are nothing less than 'drag queens' of a motorcycling nature.

    As usual, it takes but a few to spoil the fun for the majority.

    I will also admit that I've never liked Harleys, since their reliability seems to be tainted (historically).

    Ignore them & they will be worthless...even though the bikes are already worthless. :lol:

    A Great post by someone who obviously has NO CLUE about Harleys nor the people that ride them :blink: but it made him feel better so thats ok :D

    Sorry, i agree with him, i bet a high majority of these guys only got themselfs harleys when they came here.....

    It`s all a bit (village people) if you ask me..something not right about having your feet in front of your knees..not that you would ask me.......

    now that made me laugh loudly lol

  13. I was on a sportbike meet and ride recently and the where a couple of exhaustless HD's turned up, I made sure I was riding in front of them, nothing against anyone and how they get their kicks but I'd just done 1000km and no way would I do that with or on a HD the noise would drive me nuts, couldn't keep the pace anyway so won't ever happen I suppose

  14. although I see your point about water and soda % margins it doen't really work that way, I do believe that in principal and reality prices should always be based on mark up % (contradiction I guess) but for eg, i you sold a drink at 6baht that cost you 1baht to buy you'd have to be selling shit loads to make the 60baht mark up of a beer that cost 30baht, the real problem here is not that water is wrongly/under priced for the business to buy wholesale - everything else is, and I'm talking about the building right down to the seat you are sitting in and the food, and the Thai employees are cheap to hire also by comparison,

    so based on what I am attempting to say here

    for the falang retailer buying in product and reselling to customer

    water correctly priced for a 100% markup so should be under 15baht to customer

    beer selll at 60baht 100% markup

    food sell at 100baht not 200 150% markup

    employee wages correct based on the above

    building..............way way overpriced, rent too high, biggest problem in pattaya, most falang run businesses are overpriced and unsustainable, small group of Thais own the bricks and mortar in this city and dictate everything, unfortunate that there is a constant crew of falangs willing to part will large sums investing in bars etc that simply will never do because of this.

    Then try to compensate by overcharging for water beer and food = fail in 90% of falang owned busnesses, some manage to scrape a small profit.

  15. So you got title from the dealer with just a tourist visa? OK. News to me.

    Can't say for sure but I would bet you need same docs as for anual extension to do a transfer. Good luck!

    And I would be interested to know how this turns out for you.


    Yes, it was no problem with a tourist visa. I wish I had know this 2 years earlier as I was renting a bike under the mistaken belief that I couldn't buy a bike in my name.

    Unless I hear something different, I'll head down to immigration with my mate and see what happens. My bike dealer will take care of the paperwork after that.

    problem here is what address did you give as your residence, you must have an address to put on the document

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