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Posts posted by grandpops

  1. There is something on TNN. My wife is saying that they are reporting that the British are angry over the events in Bangkok last week, when Thaksin addressed his followers in that phonecall.

    Believe me, the British are never angry about criminals, terrorists or bent politicians living in the UK. He probably did something really evil like address some Ms in the passport office as Miss or even worse.. Mrs!

    But, what if he did come back? The police wouldn't arrest him as he is one of theirs and most of the population of Thailand that resides outside of Bangkok, would be there to protect him.

    Then see what use a yellow happy clapper is against my mother in law and her mates.

    It's not as simple as some seem to think. For the sake of the high season, I wish it was.

  2. Why not just Toss-a-porn, SJ?

    Toss-a-porn, it is then....

    Ex-TRT execs want post-coup order revoked

    A group that includes former Thai Rak Thai Party executives is drafting a bill to revoke Announcement 27 from the Council for Democratic Reform (CDR).

    "We're only trying to call for our rights in politics," former Thai Rak Thai executive Tossaporn Serirak said yesterday.

    This bill has nothing to do with seeking amnesty for the 111 ex-Thai Rak Thai executives banned from politics, he said.

    He said about 20 People Power Party (PPP) MPs supported his group, and he was gathering 10,000 signatures to push the bill through.

    If the bill passes, his group could contest the next election.

    - The Nation / 2008-11-07

    Whether or not it passes, PAD could contest the next election! Any news on that front?

    Please feel free to quote the Nation, or ASTV if as you feel fit. Or failing that, you could offer your opinion on whether they should. Mine BTW is that they should and if they win it, all abide by the decision.

  3. These are the same people who will cry when the tanks start rolling. Time for them to go home I think.


    They CHEERED the last time the tanks rolled, or did you miss that day in civics class? :o

    That's cos they were behind them smart boy.

    This JDsneeringINASIA cannot be told anything. So to paraphrase what he wrote yesterday, just give up on him.

    The strange thing I notice on here is that a number of people from the far left of the falang world seem to be treating this right wing coup as a popular peoples uprising.

    Nice to see the army is more impartial these days. They certainly are more politically savvy than the PAD and have so far refused to be drawn in to act against the people who voted in the party of their choice.

    Don't see the demonised Bush and his allies actively undermining Obama in this way. He and McCain accepted the choice and so do I even though I think the american voters voted the wrong way and were misled by the media. Thats democracy.

  4. Nope, not a grandad at all.

    The little one was wrapping a cup in bubble wrap to post it to her grandma in Udon at the exact moment I was making my account.

    Asking how many pops it would make I said a thousand. 1000 is a grand so its 1000pops really.

    Maybe kpops would have been less deceiving, can I change it? I really dont know.

    Wow! Edit. I just noticed the proceeding post was from popmybubble! co-incidences or what!

  5. so true!!

    esp among those condo fliers!!!------and most were farangs men, strange here, isn't it? :o


    Common sense if you are wanting to petty point score would be to think through why they jump off buildings. It's to avoid going back to a country with women as awful as you.

    Yours is a sick post and if I were to laugh at the post in this link I would be quite rightly kicked out of here.

    Suicide and dying are never petty subjects. Each one has its own tragic tale.

  6. Koo in all fairness we have to point out that the reds have launched a fair number of attacks on the PAD and the parliamentary opposition over the past few years including hitting an ex-PM with a chair. It would be very niaive to believe that the reds are non-violent. Both sides are emminently capable of employing violence and have proven it.

    I haven't seen the reds do anything to the yellows. So far they only have 2 meetings to show they are supporting the current government.

    Since you can't be bothered to know anything of your own country or what happens here ....... I am done with you.

    Still wailing, sneering and insulting your way to your 9,000th post. Still not changed a single mind nor condescended to accept that opinions other than your own exist. Your family must be pleased as punch to be living under your despotic rule :D

    I notice you didn't respond to Koo's post about 30baht health care, the loans, IMF fund, finishing the airport etc. Must be so inconvenient that the one you most detest, brought about more social improvements than the entire gamut of PAD/(anti-Democrats/Army friends you so love to support.

    Leave the sneering a minute and lets have a list of Achievements of PAD. Thats achievments, things accomplished. Things that Thailand benefitted from. I'll start you off;

    1. blocked phuket airport and turned away 20,000 people and caused untold misery and hardship to a tourist island already suffereing in low season. Anyone in Phuket will attest to an increase in crime has since followed.

    2. scared thousands of Asian tourists into cancelling their holidays to thailand for the coming high season.

    :o sorry, not being to helpful am I. I'll leave it to you as you know best. And sorry, I don;t have video footage of them cancelling!

    Glad you are done with us, perhaps we can continue with these debates without your petulant outbursts.

    You have spent far too much time on posting to have possibly learnt anything much about this country.

    Bye, and don't let the door catch the back of your big ed on the way out!

  7. With international media giving its full support to Thaksin and lambasitng PAD (and sufficiency theory last year), it's no wonder PAD are chanting "farang go home".

    And GP's Thai lesson was just plain wrong.

    The question is why most of the international media support the previous PM? There are a number of reasons for this and they do not include his money. The military has a lot to do with it and also the PAD ideas and hopes for Thailand just reinforce that support for the previous PM. Easy to see why and if you ask people from the North and North east they will tell you the same.

    And they, outside media, are more objective than the media here, certainly ASTV.

    Anyway, the lines seem to be drawn, we will have to wait and see now which way the people turn.

  8. :o grandpops ........

    those faRang that live here mostly know better than to buy into what you are trying to sell.

    I am sorry that you cannot see clearly enough to know that Thaksin was the one that destrovyed a fledgling democracy in Thailand and that his continued presence in the political landscape must be dealt with..

    I am also sorry that you don't understand enough Thai to get what is being said at rallies :D

    They were chanting in English!

    Tis pitty you never learned to read thai! If you did you would know that there is no R in the thai alphabet. Its ร เรือ you are confusing with R. is a rolling sound with the tongue and as the front teeth never touch and scrape the bottom lip it is not an R!

    Or are you one of those long time expats that never found the need to learn Thai properly! By that, I mean to read and write it as well. If you leanrt one word of Thai each time you post, you would be practically fluent by now!

    Spend more time learning Thai and less time supporting Sondhi and you might learn something! See you on the language forum.

  9. Veera accuses Thaksin of insulting King, judicial process

    Secretary-general of the People's Network Against Corruption and PAD supporter Veera Somkwamkid Thursday led a group of People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) supporters to file a case against ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra on alleged lese majeste charge.

    The move came after Mr Thaksin made a phone-in to political talk show to speak to his supporters on Saturday.

    More from the Bangkok Post here.

    Would this be the same PAD that has little popular support and puts out vile statments that any other organisation is anti monarchy?

    Whouldn't the other side be considering filing charges against PAD on the grounds of false advertising. ie using Democray in their name whilst they are actually seeking to destroy it.

    Its time some of you falangs stopped supporting this mob. They really don't like foreigners, long stay expats, foreigners owning houses/businesses etc. Some of them really were chaning Falang go home at a rally.

    Don't let your blind hatred of the frying pan Thaksin drive you into the fire of the PAD!

  10. Also fallen foul of the ACLU and the gay rights activists. None of whome want to accept the majority vote passed in the ban on gay marriage across a number of States. Think the Mc'Cain camp will be storming the whitehouse anytime soon alleging stupidity on the part of the American voter?

    TO give this a Thailand theme, we have seen something like this here. It's where minority groups think everyone else too stupid to vote on issues like this and therefore don't accept the results. Lot more to come on this as every looney left group in the US is going to be pushing for their day in the sun.

    Is this the shortest honeymoon period on record?

  11. Incidentally you can bring your own bottles into Ska bar but there is a small fine to pay think it is around 200 baht : )

    Thai for "corkage": ค่าบริการในการเสิร์ฟไวน์

    ค่าบริการ... kâa bor-rí-gaan ---- service charge ; service fees

    ใน............. nai ------------------- in ; of

    การ............ gaan ---------------- task ; work ; job

    ไวน์........... wai ------------------- wine


    I have found it common practice throughout Thailand (for many many years I might add) to take your own bottle into bars, pay a "fine" and be supplied with water and Ice. The ice and coke are where they make the money anyway as most club whiskey is sold cheaply.

    Its also common to mark up an unfinished bottle and leave it on the shelf until you go back next day/week etc.

    Most of the places that don't allow this seem to be falang owned beer bars.

  12. Just because he is dark skinned doesn't make him 'black', as he is in fact mixed.

    Next up, calling Luk-Krungs 'white' if they are elected to something here in Thailand? Or are they basing this race-thing on looks only, not blood?

    Anyway, congrats to Obama, now show the people how wrong they where. Even a democrat talking about hope and change will when shows come to show act like all the previous office holders did.

    Suddenly, he isn't black any more.

    hehe..good one

    He is black when, and as long as, it is beneficial to him.

    And he is not black enough to win an election in Africa. Lets hope the PC crowd and the Left wing move on to the racist facist murderous regimes in that continent now.

    Don't need to come to Thailand as all our politicians are above that kind of thing!

    Last word on this for me. Thailand related! The sun is just heading towards the sea outside my window. That beautiful end of day dip in temerature is hitting me now and am going to the market with the missus.

    Whatever happens in the world is not as important or big as the fantastic life we have over here.

    Good luck to the lad, most of us will never have to go there again.

  13. Can someone tell me why is this topic relevant to Thai Visa....its got nothing to do with Thailand......moderators?

    It's already been discussed. Read the thread and you'll find out.

    At a peak there were at least 600 people viewing this thread (now over 200) and as ThaiVisa sells advertising and sponsorship probably based on the number of page views and users, they'd be wise to let this run a bit longer.

    Gives the PC of the world their day in the sun! And us a chance for us to tell them that when the rhetoric finishes, he/they have a job to do that is beyond them! :o

    Well beyond them.

    A lot of money will come/stay here thanks to this new socialist republic. Like most empires, they destroy theirselves from within eventually! Pass me the fiddle.

    Mind you, a lot on the left will have to live with one less chip on their sholders now. A whole raft of "equal rights" lobbyists and lawyers will be on their way to the dole queue.

  14. WOW! And you are representative of the nut-jobs that support Obama?

    No, i'm just Anti-Bush. I hate democrats just as much as republicans. I even call them Republicrats and Demopublicans because it's all just POLARIZING BS. That's why you leapt at the chance to dog me out. You are just on one side, and don't see both. And that's the problem, and always will be.

    There are just as manu nutjobs on each "side". But the founders meant the two party system to be COMPLEMENTARY, NOT DIVISIVE. The Socratic method of teaching and learning through debate is meant to expose insights, understand how each of us think.

    Not to devolve into endless diatribe over nothing.

    Jesse Jackson is an even worse KOOK than Sarah Palin. And, he dared to show up at the celebration after being caught on tape secretly muttering how he didn't like Obama, and thought someone should bring him down.

    Fortunately millions of people decided I am more correct than you are.

    And to the joker talking about Obama as Osama, -did you learn your logic from a gumball machine? Is the limit of your critical thought based on how words "kinda sound alike, and what sounds alike must be alike". A meeting with Al Queda? Nah, i'm actually not gonna both with you after all.


    And if they jump off a cliff tomorrow?

  15. What has this got to do with Thailand?

    The only thing I am glad of is this 21 month unashamed and childish name-calling farce is over.

    Unless they mean Thailand will have overtaken the USA in productivity and wealth by the time during the next four years.

    They are going to hit all the high earners, who are then going to bugger off and make money in China, India etc. Or, export more jobs to Asia as their inward capital dries up. Who is going to move vast sums from Asia to America to have it "Re-Distributed"?

    Hope the experiment with socialism is more successful that it was anywhere esle in the world. Learn from the system in the UK. The more benefits or "re-distribution of weath" you give, the more scroungers, scammers and bone idle people take advantage of them. Then there is an army of lawyers required to ensure that these scoungers and scammers do not have their "rights" withdrawn.

    Victory for the left wing press thats all and we in Asia are quite happy to benefit from it!

    Thank you

  16. Only the mentally insane would want to retire to the UK.

    It is just another ploy by the government trying to look tough on a failed immigration system they have in place. This will no doubt fail thanks to Tony Blairs Human Rights Charter he made law.

    Anybody wishing could simply claim it was against their human rights and would be granted retiree status.

    The numbers of non EU people wishing to retire in the UK must be minimal by anybodies standards, so it will have no real impact or meaning to most people.


    Hope they keep the hideous cherrie there when she retires. Imagine having all that money and power and marrying someone who was less attractive than their dad!

    My dig at the Blair Witch is that she drove most of the more politically correct policies through in the bedroom.

  17. [

    Finally, the sheep roars :o .

    If this guy had more to offer than a few bleats and whimpers he would be in power now.

    The problem is not just that Thaksin was too strong, it's that the Democrats are too weak. And that's their fault, not Thaksin's.

    Sorry Sir, who is the sheep in this case?

    The Democrats try, try in earnest, just have a look what this thread, the PAD is all about, if you would have understood, you wouldn't have written such BS.

    Read further, as long as his cronies are at the helm and no massive changes in the system are allowed to be made, nothing can be done unless its for the benefit of the well established circle of cronies and the "Amendment of the Charter" will just tighten the grip onto power further!

    This is not a simple game of Monopoly, where dices decide, here the master is pulling the strings from a safe haven as he wishes, a convicted criminal and ousted politician using every means to get things done HIS way!

    Think again!

    If the Democrats had any strengh or a leader that hadn't just assumed he would be in power, they would have won the election.

    I'll spell it out again as you obviously havn't read or understood my posts. "I WOULD PREFER A DEMOCRAT GOVERNMENT TO A TRT/PPP ON ANYDAY" Please show some maturity and stop calling me a Thaksin lover. I am not!

    I'ts the self righteous PAD that are the problem and they are around as a direct result of the weakness of the Democrat Leader and the Democrat party as a whole. The election was close enough for them to have won it if they had fought it properly.

    You should understand that should the PAD get in with their appointed government idea, it will be the end of critical analysis of the government. There will be no posts on here slagging off the "New Order" as we are free to do on here with PAD/TRT/PPP/DAAD and you can take that to the bank.

    A small group of PAD, when they shut phuket airport were chanting "Falang go home" until somebody realised the PR gaff and shut them up. Their cronys last year when in power tried to bring in the FBA and even tried to make it more anti foreigner in its final draft. They will screw the country over just to keep themselves at the trough.

    Be careful what you wish for... you may get it!

  18. Check list

    1. bars closed

    2. poor people re-located or hidden behind advertising hordings

    3. market stalls removed.

    4. destroy soul of city.

    5. soi dogs re-located (shot). Anybody remember the "we took them to a farm for holiday" quote?

    6. beggars and hawkers... "what beggers and hawkers? this is the hub of everything"

    7. clean streets

    Last one they did in Bangkok when GW came, I turned up on a flight back from the US and I didn't recognise Sukhumvit Road.

    Bangkok looked like a sterile boring drab city. Surprising what you miss when its not there. Can they destroy Chiang Mai in 5 weeks!

  19. Will Thaksin phone-in be aired on NBT?

    The public has been kept guessing on whether ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra's phone-in and pre-recorded video will be broadcast on the "Truth Today" programme.

    However, Democrat Party Leader Abhisit Vejjajiva warned that if the phone-in were to be replayed it would be tantamount to the government acting as a mouthpiece of the convicted former leader.

    Veera Musikaphong, co-host of the "Truth Today" talk show on the state-controlled NBT channel, said he may or may not rebroadcast the speech, which was first aired in front of some 50,000 people at the Rajamangala National Stadium on Saturday.

    Veera, himself a former Thai Rak Thai party executive , said that though Thaksin's speech does not fit the show's format, excerpts or the entire discourse could be aired if a co-host were not available on a certain evening. The show runs from Monday to Friday.

    He added that the pro-government satellite television MV5 had already been broadcasting the speech.

    Meanwhile, Abhisit said the government had no excuse for letting state-controlled *and taxpayer-financed* NBT channel air the speech.

    "I'm not sure if it will be seen as a defamation of the courts or the institution [the monarchy]. Would this be appropriate? By watching the news, one realises that there is an existing condition of conflict. Why doesn't the government recognise this? What the people need most is to have the government restore peace. If [the talk] is replayed, then I can't see it as any other way but an intentional action by the government [to create rifts]."

    Meanwhile, Democrat Party Deputy Secretary-General Thepthai Senaphong threatened to sue the Chief of the Public Relations Department, which oversees the NBT channel, if the footage is broadcast.

    "You can prepare for it ... and get a lawyer in advance," he warned.

    - The Nation / 2008-11-04

    Finally, the sheep roars :o .

    If this guy had more to offer than a few bleats and whimpers he would be in power now.

    The problem is not just that Thaksin was too strong, it's that the Democrats are too weak. And that's their fault, not Thaksin's.

  20. most people from one area wont know the real names for certain animals because they just dont have those animals in their own areas therefor no name.

    feral dogs, wolves, foxes, dingoes, coyotes they are all maapbaa.

    we are surrounded by jackals, foxes and feral dogs here on the kibbutz: to my husband they are all maabpaa-- although as far as i know, in central thai jinjok is actually fox. i guess there is no word for jackal since there arent jackals in thailand. as far as feral dogs, guess no specific word for that either though i dont know why as there are tons of those in the thai villages and sois... just like in some languages there is no word for male donkey and female horse as opposed to male horse and female donkey (one is a mule one is a hinny)...

    and suunak is the polite - read central thai not issan 'lowly' dialect- word for dog, mostly house dogs as far as i understand from korat husband. which is all rather funny if u think about it as the word for 'what?' in hebrew is 'maa'...making thai men irritated and good for puns which they do understand , regardless of other posts implying that thais dont have a sublte sense of humour...

    and we have wolves living in the desert; lighter in colour, smaller, but still lupus however u look at it. guess they dont read books to know that they need cold weather.



    Fox is สุนัขจิ้งจอก suunak jing jog

    wolf as above is หมาป่า maa pa

    got it from my นิทานอีสป Esops fables.

    Esops fables are available everywhere at every level of language and most thais are familiar with them.

  21. I gave it almost five years (2004 to present)... no, I was not happy living in Thailand. I am now in the midst of resettling in Los Angeles and suspect I'll be happy here, once my wife rejoins me. She's the only reason I ever went to Thailand, and she's the only reason I'd ever return there.

    As for why, I guess there's no better way to say it than that I could not acclimate. To the weather, literally, but also to the culture, language, etc. I felt that I was retreating into myself instead of thriving. I don't have any animosity towards Thai people or Thailand in general. There are parts of the USA where I'd probably feel just as out of place, but I was never forced by circumstance to live in those parts! :o

    I reached what felt like a clear turning point this year, where I realized I had to choose a future path, because the status quo was wearing me down. <snip>

    I feel much the same way. I have been here four years, living very comfortably in Bangkok and Jomtien, with a car and household help....really all the comforts ...but the climate and the language are two things I can not cope with and I also found myself "retreating into myself instead of thriving" as you say.

    I still like much about Thailand and am very in love with my Thai partner. For now, my solution is to spend more time (and more often) away from Thailand at my home in the desert of Southern California. I revel in the quiet and dry weather there and the ease of daily living. This arrangement seems to work for me and I am fortunate to be able to do it as I feel I am getting the best of both worlds. My partner will be undertaking a MBA program in Los Angeles soon so we will be able to be together nearly 100% of the time. Spending an entire 12 months in Thailand without respite makes me crazy, and brings me to the edge of depression as well.

    In my culture (American) we tend to complain less and instead do something about what is bothering us. Which is why I was delighted to leave the US four years ago when the Bush was re-elected. Now I feel more comfortable returning there.

    These are well thought out posts and I hasten to add, I am not going to knock you in anyway.

    I too felt some isolation in the early days. I found that living in comfort was what was isolating me.

    Once my money started to tighten up and I moved from Bangkok to Krabi then to the wilds of Chalong Phuket my isolation eased.

    I love my live in a little soi with what seems like a hundred families living within 10 meters of me. People nosing in on me, seeing what I am doing, chattering and gossiping, looking at what food the falang is eating or what clothes I have out on the porch drying.

    Not for everyone, but it is worth a try. Maybe that big condo in the falang area is what is separating you from the loveliest people on earth!

    Good luck whatever you decide to do.

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