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Posts posted by grandpops

  1. Totally outsmarted and outwitted PAD and the Army. The Army didn't help PAD with their coup because they were cleverly boxed in by the Government AND secondly because they are a Fascist mob in a blind rage and have been accepted as such by almost the entire world.

    PAD are the villains this time and little Somchai is coming to the rescue.

    And if you could reciprocate with a list of PAD achievements this week please!

    Coup No

    Army takes out government NO

    Thaksin in Jail NO

    Embarrassed country and made it laughing stock YES

    Embarrased HM by dragging his good name and reputation into their sleazy vendetta against Thaksin YES

    Lost the support of their business backers and banks who are well on the run now YES

    Lost the country billions of DOLLARS YES

    Screwed the High season YES

    Brainwashed a few thousand morons into supporting their cause YES

    Sorry got to go for a fag. More later

    so their only accomplishment is that they outwitted PAD, thats kind of debatable considering PAD are occupying the airport as we speak but what I was meaning is what have they done to improve the lot of the average Thai?

    Not very good at this are you? You remind me of the Life of Brian sketch "apart from the roads, the law and order, the clean water etc. etc. WHAT have the romans ever done for us"

    Better to think first, think again, write, read then post. not bad effort but not good enough for any more replies from me.


  2. the stage was set when the PPP made Taksins brother in law the PM, what did they think would happen?

    They thought it would solidify their position which it did.

    Keep them popular with their people which it did.

    Antagonise the Fascist PAD and make them show their hand which it did.

    railroad the Army to make a Coup or butt out which it did.

    Put the Elite Business community on the back foot which it did.

    Bring about real and lasting change to Thai politics.. which it will.

    They don't need to make any concessions to an idiot minority, nor should they. You are crazy to believe the PPP want or need to appease these cretins.

    It was bold and brazen and has sown the seeds for real change in this country. People now cannot just let things be, they have to come out and be counted. The PAD were not alone in wanting change. The PPP want change from their tired feudal system and centurys of oppresion.

    Smart move I say and Somchai has done it well. And if Thaksin is behind it so what, they owe the PAD and their sheep no explanations for anything and as such have given them none.

    I can see their decision antagonised PAD resulting in the airport being closed and whatever happens next but I havent noticed that they have done anything yet, perhaps I missed it, but apart from attempting to make a start at changing the constitution and allowing Taksin to make a public appeal what have they actually done?

    Totally outsmarted and outwitted PAD and the Army. The Army didn't help PAD with their coup because they were cleverly boxed in by the Government AND secondly because they are a Fascist mob in a blind rage and have been accepted as such by almost the entire world.

    PAD are the villains this time and little Somchai is coming to the rescue.

    And if you could reciprocate with a list of PAD achievements this week please!

    Coup No

    Army takes out government NO

    Thaksin in Jail NO

    Embarrassed country and made it laughing stock YES

    Embarrased HM by dragging his good name and reputation into their sleazy vendetta against Thaksin YES

    Lost the support of their business backers and banks who are well on the run now YES

    Lost the country billions of DOLLARS YES

    Screwed the High season YES

    Brainwashed a few thousand morons into supporting their cause YES

    Sorry got to go for a fag. More later

  3. post-67611-1227808094_thumb.jpg

    Another for translation. This one is cute, it has a heart. :o

    Dtong garn rot rab phi nong

    tam bpai niab suwarnabhumi :D

    Cant see the Thai Characters on my keyboard in this light to look up the words I don't know.

    something like need a carthing for go to niab? suwarnabhumi.


  4. the stage was set when the PPP made Taksins brother in law the PM, what did they think would happen?

    They thought it would solidify their position which it did.

    Keep them popular with their people which it did.

    Antagonise the Fascist PAD and make them show their hand which it did.

    railroad the Army to make a Coup or butt out which it did.

    Put the Elite Business community on the back foot which it did.

    Bring about real and lasting change to Thai politics.. which it will.

    They don't need to make any concessions to an idiot minority, nor should they. You are crazy to believe the PPP want or need to appease these cretins.

    It was bold and brazen and has sown the seeds for real change in this country. People now cannot just let things be, they have to come out and be counted. The PAD were not alone in wanting change. The PPP want change from their tired feudal system and centurys of oppresion.

    Smart move I say and Somchai has done it well. And if Thaksin is behind it so what, they owe the PAD and their sheep no explanations for anything and as such have given them none.

  5. Youhouuu a new mobile phone market in town :D

    Regarding the lady, I couldn't resist to laugh, it reminds me a cartoon when I was young named "M.A.S.K." :o

    Do you think she will stay until the end of this "final battle"? :D

    Hey, lay off the Educated Bangkok elite will you. Anybody got anymore pics? Espesiclly ones with Falang PAD in them.

  6. I am completely surprised that so many seem to favor a coup!!!

    It should not require a coup for the police and army to do their job and maintain the peace. Their job is to maintain the peace, not take out the government. There has even been a court order for PAD to leave the airport, just go and enforce it.

    People should also start suing the PAD leaders for damages caused for the disruptions to businesses, the estimated quote I heard on the radio was around 1 billion baht a day. I wonder if they would be willing to foot that bill.

    This is just getting ridiculous...

    It requires a rethink from an elite that thought they could dress in yellow, present everybody else as traitors (including at one stage the Army!) throw Lese Majesty suits at honest journalists and academics that disagreed with them and have their "appointed" judge friends do the rest. Remember Jonathan Head for gods sake,

    Unfortunatly for the regressive PAD, the New politic will be a new order and this generation want no truck with the oppresive business elite that have screwed them (literally making them probide girls for bars etc.) down the centurys.

    Wait for the list of Business backers. It is being used to get them to withdraw support from the PAD at the moment. These business Backers are terrified of the publicity. It will come out though it will come out.

    Start off loading shares in any company you think is backing them. Start watching selling of Bank Stock etc. this week as the Elite offload their shares in businesses that are going to suffer for this outragous act of sponsoring Fascist groups.

  7. Well as he is obviously so anti corruption somebody better make sure he is here legally and that he never lifts a finger outside the remit of his work permit.

    The last Junta were mad keen on Thai nominees in companies as well. Surely no danger of this upstanding individual falling foul of any laws. Unless you know better!

    I don't know him but the name "Muppet" just won't leave my head.

  8. I really cant think of any other country in the world that would let it get this far!


    In most other countries in never would have gone this far. Thaksin would already be in prison.

    Forgive me Father if I speak out of turn :o

    Perhaps one way out would be for Thaksin to come back as PM and throw PAD and their leaders in Jail.

    I am sure that if Mr Thaksin went to prison to visit these Fascists he would find the conditions so bad that he would never be corrupt again!

    We get a PM that can run a country and he scares himself to keep on the straight and narrow.

    Is this not perfect or have I missed something? Speaking of which, I better get ASTV on or I'll miss the KICKoff :D

    Also looks like Thaksins money in England is appreciating massively. nearly 10% this week by the look of things.

  9. Sorry soundman -- but many of us know that ptotesters for the PAD are not getting paid. However the difference WOULD be that vote buying is illegal during elections.

    To paraphrase your ususal knee jerk responses.

    Name, videos, links, signed witness statements must be provided by you. Or we dont believe you :o

    The PAD are on the run. If not tonight then soon as they are a jaded Fascist rear guard movement of a feudal system that has been condemned to death by information spread on the interenet.

    Coup, Junta, PAD, nobody can run this country as it will instantly descend into civil war if the army get in. Who could govern and who will protect the thousands of outlets of the PAD backers?

    The Government know which businesses are backing them and the businesses are sh1tting bricks. If they are exposed they have had it... Look at DTAC today. Could the army protect every DTAC outlet in the country? And what about every branch of every bank thats involved?

    No my friend. The reason we don't have the list of business backers is that the Goverment is using it to get them to withdraw support. Up to them but my guess is they will!

    Underlined so you dont try your old beloved PAD trick of playing royal cards.

  10. My two cents.

    I feel the PAD pose a short term risk to the country. Its only a desperate elite trying to cling to a centuries old system that cannont survive long term in this Internet age. The poor "know too much" and are starting to realise why they are poor and how they can get out of poverty by shaking themselves free of they pernicious system

    The real risk is of a Coup and then the red shirt rising. Its this side that could let the blood as violently as Cambodians did.

    Think, centuries of surfdom, mothers, sisters, daughters in hock to the high classes and working in brothels, bars, massage parlours to repay "debts" to hi so's. Only hope of a modest living to hunt down a "handsome falang" or worse in other countries.

    Sondhi is rabid and vocal and mad and they will have to get rid of him themselves (the elite) anyway and as soon as possible, coup or no coup.

    Its your classic peoples (poor ones not PAD turning up in SUV and leaving the baby with nanny) uprising which is dangerous. Think French revolution and Pol Pot and the horrific bloodletting after years of oppression or perceived oppression that will be nasty.

    Anybody in the wrong place at the wrong time could easily end up dead for no other reason than a release of anger or a petulant random killing by a royalist with a grudge. The Khmer rouge didn't distinguish between good journalist etc. If you were not from a dirt poor background you were dead.

    I hate the PAD, but they will fall apart soon as all desperate fascist partys do. Their backers are from a generation whose time is past and the new generations will not tolerate their Lo-So status in life anylonger.

  11. I still believe it is possible to remove the protestors without too much violence (use fire trucks and hit them with water and u ll see) from the airports... It seems the Thai Police though might not be trained enough to manage such events and it could easily degenerate if this is the case but it is possible to remove them...
    "We will not leave. We will use human shields against the police if they try to disperse us," PAD leader Suriyasai Katasila told Reuters news agency.

    I doubt what you say is true Sunray.............


    Top of the morrow to ya FatherF.

    Same goon also said this. True statment nobody in charge and PAD descending into anarchy "internal this time :o " as they fall apart.

    There were also grave concerns that a coup attempt could spark a nationwide violence involving pro- and anti-Thaksin mobs as well as the military. Suriyasai Katasila, a PAD leader, told The Nation: "Coup is the least of my concern now. I'm worried about violence because nobody seems to be in full control at the moment."

    Protesters at three rally grounds _ Don Muang, Suvarnabhumi and Government House _ were also advised to take off their yellow shirts and put on ones with different colours if they were to leave the areas.

    The Nation.

  12. I cancelled my Thai airways ticket and bought a one-way to Malaysia since I need to be here next week anyways. Looks like i'll be shopping for business clothes for my meetings.

    Still have no clue as to what they are fighting for, coup'ing, because they lost an election or they feel is was rigged? Anyone can shed some light?

    They seem to think that the democratically elected government is just another sphere of Thaksin's influence. They (PAD) and their friends prefer and are in favour of military coups, hence increasing the power of unelected bureaucrats and the army. They also accuse Khun Somchai's government of being anti-royalist - which is bowlecks.

    As you say, they just don't like losing elections.

    Now i've heard this a few times today yet nobody can explain how PAD can loose an election it has NEVER participated in. Anyone.....anyone?

    OK slowely now... They do not participat as THEY JUST DON'T LIKE LOSING ELECTIONS.

    They further cannot stand as they have no policies, no leaders (its just a mob), no direction politically, and most importantly, No popular support.

    Go home sheep whist there is still hope for the country.

    And how about this direct from the horses mouth.

    There were also grave concerns that a coup attempt could spark a nationwide violence involving pro- and anti-Thaksin mobs as well as the military. Suriyasai Katasila, a PAD leader, told The Nation: "Coup is the least of my concern now. I'm worried about violence because nobody seems to be in full control at the moment."

    Protest leaders at Government House surreptiously told their followers that "this may be our last night". With the leaders having always said the "war" would end in a couple of days, that can be interpreted as a positive statement. But with the state of emergency imminent, the remark also sounded ominous.

    Protesters at three rally grounds _ Don Muang, Suvarnabhumi and Government House _ were also advised to take off their yellow shirts and put on ones with different colours if they were to leave the areas.

    Nation website.

    Are the PAD leaders all still singing from the same hymn sheet? No, they are thinking of saving their skins.

    Divide and conquer good luck Somchai. I thought you were the worst possible choice at first but I have to say... The boy done well and is gaining in stature whilst the PAD are now exposed as the vile Fascists they are.

  13. PM declares state of emergency on airports

    CHIANG MAI: -- Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat declared state of emergency at Don Muang and Suvarnabhumi Airports which are under siege of the anti-government protesters.

    Somchai said the imposing of the emergency state will be on temporary basis.

    City police bureau will be in charge of enforcing the decree at Don Muang Airport under supervision of Interior Minister Pol Gen Kowit Wattana.

    The Royal Navy and the First Region Police Bureau will be in charge of the jobs at Suvarnabhurmi Airport, Somchai said.

    -- The Nation 2008-11-27

    Thats that idiot BlancmangeApong out of the loop that. Let the Navy in, they have seen more of the world and are thus likely to be far superior in intellect than the Army.

  14. The Genie is out of the bottle though now and the poor are not going back to the farms to provide children to work in bars, massage parlours and on building sites for the benefit of the Business Elite. Nor are they going to slave away to produce rice at 11baht per kilo for some fat chinese thai "Educated" business man to sell for 100 baht abroad.

    All the rural poor have internet access now or friends and family that have it. They know what things cost, they know how much this idle rich make from them and it is definately the begining of the end of the feudal system.

    When this PAD coup fails, which it will sooner rather than later whatever happens tonight, the real change will start.

    I rising from the left could really have painful consequences for anybody in this business elite and the more chaos and poverty PAD inflict, the more painful it will be for them in their turn.

    Watch when the list of PAD supporters is released. Can you imagine if it is big companies like DTAC, TRUE, Bangkok Bank, Siam Commercial and Thaibev that are behind this! There will be violent retribution on most of their outlets here. Can the army protect all these brance offices and outlets in Thailand... No. Can the Army prevent foreign companies takind retribution and suing against their assets. No.

    PAD with this last through of the dice for the "educated elite" lose which ever way you look at it. It's just a matter of how long we wait.

    Something has changed dramatically this week and even with Coups, Guns, Armies, Tanks and the best efforts of the PAD, there is no going back to the Status Quo!

  15. They really do pay people...usually for high profile protests. First looking for free supporters, food, etc. Not sure how much but some people who have gotten the calls have been offered a nice amount compared to a typical day's work. Nothing gets done unless someone's paid or it affects money...everything is money money money in Thailand (everyone knows that)!

    Then prove it. Audio, video, picture. Anything we can take seriously and verify the claims being made.

    I hope Thaksin comes back and kicks some ass next time around and he was "democratically" elected.

    The courts seem to disagree with you and Thaksin ran away rather then face sentencing, so I disagree that he was democratically elected.

    To the extent that they are not bearing arms, they have enormous sympathy from me if they are injured or killed.

    The other day they were shooting people, so I disagree with your "they are not bearing arms". Before you try to deny it, it was them. You can easily verify the trucks in the shooting video and the pictures of trucks at the airport used in the protest.

    Rubbish. Please provide live video footage signed by Jonathan head, Man Khi Moon and your mummy or we will just not believe you.

    When your business is affected you will know and there is no escape from this outcome now. Businesses, all of em are going to take a tanking from this.

    Hope you enjoy your little yellow clapper when you are sat on the plane home SKINT :o

  16. ThaiBev is rumoured to financially support PAD, too - that's why Chamlong didn't say a word when they were readying for the latest SET listing.

    Can reds boycott Beer Chang?

    Tonight I will be drinking Beer Chang in solidarity with the PAD. :o

    Maybe that's why the paid thugs in Sanam Luang that attacked the PAD a month ago were given Leo instead of Chang.

    Yes whilst they are still solvent.

    The FA will have the lot of em out of their if they are involved in this kind of Coup mongering.

    They do have standards in the west fortunataly and Thaibev and the rest are going to have to live up to those western standards if they want to continue doing business there. There are a couple of million foriengers affected by ruined holidays from all over the world. They are going to be looking for any companies that may have financial assets in the west to grasp. Put simply, they will want to sue the arse off them and with the aid of the internet they will be after em.. wooooooooooooooo

    Sponsoring Fascist Coups is not what is expected of em... unlesss they want to just concentrate on the Thai market. And as they are listed in Singapore they are very exposed.

    Anyway, a list of the lot of em is about to be published so a lot of brown trousers in the "educated business class Thai" community this week.

  17. please,

    do somebody have trusted sources of informations or proof that PAD is paying protesters?

    This is Thailand for Christ's sake.

    Everyone, top to bottom , is corrupt to the bone.

    Seconded. How do people manage to get though life being so naive! Proof :o

  18. I have been in a small village during elections ... believe me, there were 2 bus waiting!

    the villagers would first argue and then decide which bus to take, they would get 500 baht anyway, no matter which bus they take ...

    the rural population votes for the PPP because Thaksin has been the first one who has ever done anything for them, to the PAD the rural villagers should be enslaved ... that's why they don't vote for them !

    to claim that the democrats don't buy votes is just ridiculous ...

    again; you call it vote buying/fraud ... I call it sponsoring of democratic awareness !

    keep trying ;-)

    Link --- please share for the class what election the PAD ever stood in? They are not a registered political party and have not run in any elections.

    Then why don't they <deleted> off then. Be a party and stand or just go away and boil their heads. The PPP is a political party and and Elected on at that. PAD has no rights what soever.

    Be part of the system or quit wingeing.

  19. From TOC

    People's Alliance Not Worried About Coup

    UPDATE : 27 November 2008

    Ruling MPs have vowed to disclose a list of companies that provide financial support for the anti-government protest by the People's Alliance for Democracy.

    Chamlong and Somsak also urged the Director of the Airports Authority of Thailand to help clarify to the people that the cause of the current economic downturn is not the PAD's blockade of airports, but the government's poor performance.

    As for the court's injunction against the PAD's rally at Suvarnabhumi Airport, the PAD's core leader claimed they have yet to receive the court order, but said the group will appeal the ruling.

    MPs from ruling coalition parties led by Pathumthani MP from the Chart Thai Party, Ekapod Panyaem, released a statement asking those opposed to the PAD rally and the military coup to wear red shirts to express their stance against such moves.

    The group also advised the people to boycott products and services from the companies that back the PAD's movements.

    Eakapoj said ruling MPs will disclose a list of people and companies that provide financial support for the PAD's moves soon.

    Lets have the list pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze. We can really get into them. I think he "Eakapoj" is presurising them to cut their backing of this idiot.

    Its a big threat and if the army stage a coup and that list gets out!!!!! Will there ever be hel_l to pay. Can the army defend 20,000 business outlets and banks? I dont think so

    Chamlong and Somsak really are whistling in the wind. Do they like jail food!

  20. any experts? how difficult is it to take the airport without guns considering that PAD may has some basic anti tear gas gear and may brake in all offices to hide there. As well some might be armed with guns.

    What they can do else in the worst case, destroy essentiell computers to ensure no normal operations for a while.

    It is not difficult to get rid of them. First security needs to quickly lock the place down. Then the police need to come up the ramp with the water spray things, this will force the crowd down the other side of the ramp towards the exit and out on to the highway. Of course, using the water will cause a few scraps and gashes as the protesters get knocked to the ground by the force of the water but they will quickly retreat, other countries use this method and it is effective, chances of anyone dieing are very slim indeed.

    If the police use what little brains they have then the eviction can be achieved quite quickly.

    Dont want Kids gloves now. What is needed is a good hiding for all the PAD, all the gunmen and masked men in prison and Sondhi and Anupong on treason charges.

    Certainly they need a new army chief and any Coup leaders this time will find it impossible to govern or gain any symtahy outside JD, SrirachaJohn, Plus and J90.

    The PAD are reported worldwide as a Fascist Right Wing Mob. Who's right? The rest of the world or JDinPADland? and Srirachajohn. Free speach on all matters has been observed in ALL the press and MEDIA of the world this time except here. But believe me there are so many references to "somepeople" that the great firewall of China along with the Berlin wall cannot keep thais from seeing this.

    When BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera and Bloomberg comentarys are all the identical as with the free press of the world... even the Nation now it says something.

    Wish for BlanmangeApong to ride to Sondhi's aid and it will finish this country from the business elite top down next time. Don't forget the poor are already poor and its the "educated thais 555555555555" that will be slipping down the social ladder. Sufficiencny was never meant for the middle classes was it! It was meant to stop the poor aspiring to anything other than surfdom.

    They are going to go home from this PAD riot and find their buisness in tatters and themselves downwardly mobile. I hope we can watch as their cars and bikes are repossessed as it mostly credit with the middle class and the Banks are going tits up.

  21. ThaiBev is rumoured to financially support PAD, too - that's why Chamlong didn't say a word when they were readying for the latest SET listing.

    Can reds boycott Beer Chang?

    That looks like Bangkok Bank, DTAC and ThaiBev. Lets wait for the denial!

    Just seen the most scathing report on the PAD to date and it was on Al Jazeera. Scathing of the PAD and their elitist aims it set out their policies as dictated to their Journalist.

    They are threatening to use human shields.

  22. UDD threatens to take action against PAD

    BangkokPost.com) - The pro-government United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) will call its red-clad supporters to disperse the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) demonstrators at Suvarnabhumi airport, if the government does not take direct action against them, UDD leader and political talk show host Veera Musikhapong said on Thursday.

    Mr Veera, referring to national army chief Anupong Paojinda’s suggestion for the government to dissolve the parliament and the PAD to leave Suvarnabhumi airport, said the proposal is deemed void since both sides have rejected it.

    He said the best solution is for the cabinet to take legal action against the PAD by exercising the police authority and letting the army impose the Emergency Decree to restore the situation. Otherwise, supporters of the UDD will take care of the PAD themselves because the country would face more damage, if the crisis prolongs, according to the UDD leader.

    People Power party (PPP) MP Jatuporn Promphan said if the government does not receive cooperation from the police and military by driving the protesters out of Suvarnabhumi airport, the police and army chiefs may have to reconsider their roles.

    Mr Jatuporn said he is afraid that the Civil Court’s injunction ordering the PAD to leave Suvarnabhumi airport will not be followed, similar to the Government


    Bout time there was an army reshuffle as well. Appalled at their in action and if they try to stop the police at the airport we really will know where they stand.

  23. Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat will declare state of emergency specifically for the Don Mueang and Suvarnabhumi International airports to empower police to break the demonstrations, a source said.

    The prime minister would not use military forces to deal with the protesters but would use police.

    The source said forces from the Metropolitan Police Bureau would be deployed to crack down on protesters at the Don Mueang airport and police from the Provincial Bureau 1 would be used to deal with protesters at the Suvarnabhumi.

    The Nation

    Masterstroke Somchai. Divide and conquer.

    Spread the sheep round 4 or 5 locations then... :o Who needs a giant wooden elephant.

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