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Posts posted by grandpops

  1. Yeah Yeah Yeah plus.

    Good thing the sheep are now penned in at the Airport.

    Red shirts in town and the Government can now organise its meeting seriously and no idiot PAD can disrupt it no as they are surrounded by police in three separate locations.

    Court house will be different as if the Gov not have time to change constitution, the UDD with blokade the court in the same fasion so they cannot disolve UDD... Police and army cannont stop UDD now or its a coup in name and Thailand is totally shafted by the foreign community.

    PAD lost the propaganda battle as Prime Minister (ELECTED THAT IS) Little Lord Faunterleroy is looking the picture of innocence and the PAD are looking like a Right Wing Death sqaud from the South americas of the 60's and 70's. Maybe not on Thai Visa and possibly Burma, but certainly to most of the rest of the world. Fancy Burma moving up in the rankings as Thailand moves down.

    Two years of poverty and hardship in Bangkok and they will be paying Thaksin to allow them to vote for him.

    Anarchy for sure for sure.

  2. The thread should be renamed:

    Thaksin incites bloodshed


    Thaksin hopes for bloodshed

    Oh come on, you can do better. Why not sink to the depths of The Nation in biased 'journalism' and make the headline 'Fugitive Thaksin incites bloodshed'. It's utterly ridiculous the way they conduct what they might still consider journalism. It was just frivolous and unnecessary. This is why I never buy this paper, it's trash, same level as Manager and ASTV.

    Is he a fugitive from Thai law, or not?

    He is a futive from the Junta law. This posting of mine where I have to tell every PAD lover individually tells me that you know nothing about Thailand, less about its Court system and even less about Thai politics.

    Research more and post less if you cannot get the basics right.

    Look up the names of the Court judges who are after Thaksin.

    See when they were appointed and by who.

    With this in mind, AGAIN for those who don't get it. It would be impossible for Thaksin NOT to be prosecuted and impossible for the PPP NOT to be disolved by them.

    This set of judges and constitution rules are soley in place to keep the Elite in power and the poor out of it.

  3. I'm leaving this post until tomorrow unless I see it kick off on TV in the bar later.

    Post of the day to Koo82. EDIT and CATTOC. Just seen it but very good post.

    This is how many of my Thai friend see the situation as well. I have heard thias defend Thaksin very strongly along these same lines personally.

    He really was not the villain they set him up as. I remember the stagnant totally corrupt elitist set ups of the 90's. The vast majority of falangs on this board have no idea of Thailand. No idea of how the Army and elite have hamstrung this Government from even before it was elected. It's sickening, but why try and convince those that think a PAD world would be better. Perhaps they are better in ignorant bliss.

    This "educated" clique use the rest of the country (particularly the north) as a source of cheap prostitutes, cheap workers and cheap commodities that they can sell on at vastly inflated prices. They are the parasites of Thailand and hopefully on the way out, even if PAD do delay this process for a bit longer.

    Any of the annoying PAD sheep who wants a source or proof of this can get it easily. Just go round the beer bars, massage shops, cheap foodcarts, hawkers, litter collectors, maids, cleaners, hotel security guards, carpark attendants, street cleaners, gardeners etc. Ask them where they come from!! It's almost never Bangkok.

    Think more Robin Hood when you think of Thaksin and careful what you wish for! He did a lot of things good for the people of the country that many falangs never get to meet.... the real rural working thais, not the ones that tell them they are handsome every five minutes.

    Thanks Koo82

  4. this is terrorism:

    ASTV Anchor Rutthawut Mitrmak takes cover as he hears gunshots and explosions outside the ASTV studios.

    The ASTV studios were attacked at around 2 A.M. last night. M-79 bombs, which were followed by gunfire, were launched at A STVheadquarters while ASTV News1 was broadcasting live from its studio.

    Anchor Nutthawut Mitrmak took cover under the desk as assailants opened fire into the studio and several other sections of the building. He was slightly injured by broken glass.

    M-79 bombs were found to have caused extensive damage to the first and second floors of the building.

    Assailants also gunned down windows and balconies on the third and fourth floors, where TOC's studios and editorial staff are housed. Minor damage was found in TOC's studio as well.

    [video on thailandoutlook.tv]

    Wow. And from such a realiable source. Im starting to believe in PAD now. :o

    Thanks for the video link, we enjoyed it immensly. Look forward to seeing more soon.

  5. Declaration of the European Unionon the situation in Thailand(Bangkok, 29 November 2008)

    The European Union Ambassadors in Bangkok reiterate their serious concerns about the siege of the Bangkok airports, resulting in the disruption of international air traffic and already over 100 000 passengers being stranded. While respecting the right of protesting and without interfering in any way with the internal political debate in Thailand, the EU considers that these actions are totally inappropriate. They are seriously damaging the international image of Thailand.

    We urge the protesters to evacuate the airports peacefully without delay in order to avoid a major consular crisis and its economic consequences for Thailand.

    We call all parties in Thailand to takes steps to resolve the crisis and restore public order, respecting the rule of law and country’s democratic institutions.

    finish quote.

    Never mind, its only the EU saying this so they can ignore it, not that they will ever read it in PADland. Not like Sondhi has spoken or anything is it!

  6. Just more Grandpropaganda ignore it.

    All basic stuff that us long term residents know and its googleable.

    Midas could have looked up the names of the Court Judges

    Checked their appointment dates

    And seen I was right.

    What he said about Thakin was wrong or he would have posted this ammendment document reffering to head of state. If it was a Government proposal Sondhi would have had it printed in the Thai media long ago or up in letters on his little cart. He hasn't because it is his lies.

    Prove me wrong, perhaps I have missread and missunderstood who the Junta Appointed.

    Finally, I am disapointed with your remark about me. Whilst I disagree with a lot of your posts, I do agree with some and they (your posts) are ususally well thought out and considered.

    Its the likes of JD and SRjohn with ill though out, Knee jerk responses that lower the tone on here and I do admit that some of my post have an element of needle to them, but thats part of the cut and thrust of web boards. I do enjoy the full on intricate "debating" with you and a few others as opponants though.

    Keep it up

  7. What next will people start naming the companies that support the PPP so the other half of the country can boycott them? It all smacks of desperation.

    Well if you named all the people who voted for PPP first, that is fair play. The PPP is not a Fascist Party envoking a coup and rule by Elite. There is much more taste in the world for Fascism.

    For my part, I'll name all the people in the Country who voted for Sondhi.

    Erm help me out guys, its slipped my mind.

    DTAC seem keen to distance themselves. I'll post what Novotel say. EDIT ACCOR it turns out to be a massive french company. I'm just letting know about the class action possiblities!

    Dear Sir,

    Regarding from your e-mail about the political crisis. We are verry sorry to hear about that.

    But let us confirm for 100% that we have never supported any parties as we are neutral .

    We are just a cellular provider company. Please understand that we have no connection to any

    related parties. We have been effected from this political crisis as well. We would not take a risk of

    our customers to be troublesome. So we insist that we have no relationship to any of these parties

    at all. If you need to get more information, please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards,

    Mr.Palakorn Winothapun

    E-Service Ubit

  8. Most people in Thailand do not support the PAD. This is why the PAD will not accept new elections. Who do you want to hurt by a boycott?

    Most people in Thailand do not support the PPP. This is why the PPP-led coalition-government will not accept new elections. Who do you want to hurt by a boycott ? :o

    Great thought there, though I suspect you copyed some of it !

    However, you did miss it that whilst indeed more people who VOTED, didn;t VOTE for PPP, NONE of the People who VOTED in the ELECTIONS, VOTED for PAD because they dare not stand. Sondhi's ego would not accept it for sure. And that is why you have a PPP government in power that has no reason whatever to stand aside for a fascist mob.

    The only instability is the other faction of this Fascist mob, namely the Army who encouraged it, are helping man the barrackades and refusing to act. Dont confuse weak Government with Army Coup.

    PPP don't have to accept new elections. They just won the last 4 easily.

    Conversely, The PAD/Deomcrat/Elite.Fascist pary lost the last 4 easily. The last one they managed to lose despite it being gerrymander, legislated for and guaranteed by the Junta and those oh so clever "educated" Bangkok Thais.

    The PAD want elections to be held but for nobody to be able to stand in them. Same same to you my friend if you like to have it that way.

  9. Many ex pats living here are considering leaving.

    Are they ?

    I've been hearing this for the last 18 years, but still they stay.

    I thought of it once or twice... Then I get out of my house and look around and realise that I am insane to ever think of living anywhere else in the world.

    Some say it, none do it. Well only the skint.

  10. ..... My wife, her region and her family have nothing to do with Thai reputation or what it's become because the ethnic Thais hate her and her kind. They changed the name to exclude others...from Siam to Thailand favoring the ethnic Thais, the yellow shirts, those who feel they deserve their hold on money and power...yes, the same yellow shirts who believe Isaan people are too uneducated and too stupid to be allowed to vote. Amazing they voice this out loud and can look themselves in the mirror that night and claim they are Buddhist people! I've been present when strangers (ethnic BKK Thais) have said horrible things to her and it hurts because she identifies with Thailand but ethnic Thais tell her she's not really Thai but some redheaded stepchild of the country, basically (if you're a farang, you'll understand this term)....

    Uh, apart from the class divisions, there is also an obvious ethnic division between the two political sides with the PAD being the party dominated by the Sino-Thai elite of Bangkok who have also convinced some urbanized Thais that there is some sort of shared self-interest in joining the PAD. It is the PAD that spews hatred against the ethnic Tais (Lao/Isaan, Khon Muang, etc) in the outlying provinces from Bangkok. Thus there are far more ominous undercurrents in this current conflict than many are willing to admit.

    The main undercurrent being that this is a revolution in progress. Not from the Right Wing Fascists at the airport but from the rural poor.

    More and more they are sticking by their guns that they elect leaders and expect them to be allowed to serve out their terms.

    Big problem for PAD and the Elite is that the rural poor now have internet access and this is a dangerous thing for the Elite. Thias can now see how they are being shafted and can openly discuss things that they never could do here.

    No, the PAD are a reaction and rearguard action by the "educated Thais" who feel under threat financially, to the slower already in process revolution of the poor becoming enfranchised and aware.

    It's been in the air for years and the PAD can only hope to slow it down a bit.

    This "Educated Rich Business Elite" have just lost a ton of money twice over with this and will 100% lose a ton more with its after effects.

    The rural poor have lost nothing, but have gained hope from Thaksin, cheap universally available health care and a stake in their future. Impossible to stop this now it is in progress.

    EDIT Received this from DTAC just now.

    Dear Sir,

    Regarding from your e-mail about the political crisis. We are verry sorry to hear about that.

    But let us confirm for 100% that we have never supported any parties as we are neutral .

    We are just a cellular provider company. Please understand that we have no connection to any

    related parties. We have been effected from this political crisis as well. We would not take a risk of

    our customers to be troublesome. So we insist that we have no relationship to any of these parties

    at all. If you need to get more information, please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards,

    Mr.Palakorn Winothapun

    E-Service Ubit

  11. Nothing to negotiate. Leave em there, they are doing no harm to the north of the country. In fact Chiang Mai could benefit long term from this.

    Billions of dollars lost for what?

    If the Army support criminals like this, let em stay. It'll smoke the rich backers out of the PAD camp when their businesses are down the pan next month. They have a lot of money I hear in the PAD backers accounts, but with a world wide recession, Banks going tits up and a list of PAD backers about to be released, it is not and endless supply. These "Educated Thais" dont' have trees on which money grows.. unlike us handsome falangs!

    Also surpise a lot of PAD supporters when cheques don't arrive, goods don't arrive, salaries go un paid.

    Many of em are probably so caught up in the propaganda they havn't seen or heard the train of financial ruin coming up on them.

    Choo choo. I forgot to mention... with Sondhi driving it and his "educated Thais" in the carriges cheering.

  12. Wether it is 30000, 100000 or more it must be the opportunity of a lifetime for those lucky folk who have had the benefit of not having to go home and thus have further delights from Thai hospitality. They can also thank their lucky stars that they have made a positive contribution to reducing green house gasses by those planes not flying. It is possibly a debt of gratitude that they will be unable to repay for the rest of their lifetimes.

    They must be thanking their lucky stars that they lose their jobs and important business meetings, their children miss schools, etc. Lucky stars indeed. Tell me you're joking, please.

    I have reported Esprit for trolling already.

    Don't give him any oxygen.

  13. First 6pm Saturday, next 6pm Monday...how about they just stop speculating. Sigh.

    For Saturday, they said "Saturday 6 pm the earliest". For the most recent announcement, they skipped that. ;-)

    I hope you're right :o I've made reservations for Thursday hoping that will be long enough, but I don't want to keep my hopes up too much yet.

    They are giving them the jitters. Keeping em awake and nicely of them now, they are trapped at the airport by the police. Trapped by their own stupidity.

    So what! Many Thai businesses and leaders turning up on TV here, Al Jazeera, CNN, BBC complaining about massive multi billion baht losses to the freight services.

    Millions of baht worth of perishables to be thrown away including flowers, seafood and fruit that were being exported. So if any Educated Thai can make a forward prediction, the Export industry in Thailand is going to start feeling the pinch NOW :D:D

    The Seafood industry when the cheques for the food at the airport don't arrive. Etc.

    This educated elite may find it a better idea to remove PAD and have Thaksin back at the helm. This is where he would have been if they hadn't gerrymandered his removal through the courts.

    PAD haters. Forget the gibes about convictions etc. They don't count if the Judge was put in power soley to convict him.

  14. Back on OT. I suggest in future, nobody reply to the troll posts supporting PAD.

    Lets stick to the task in hand.

    This report is every where in the world and came on here late last night from another source.

    Fingers on the pulse everywhere in the world except here in Thailand in the upper echalons of Thai society.

    This protest as we know is a "Coup by Cowardice" that has failed. Government is safe in Chaig Mai and more entrenched than PAD are at the airport.

    Looks like Thaksin is showing his hand now as the strong leader this country needs.

    If the Army clear out PAD, the country will more to the final stages of the Business Elite controlling Thailand.

    If the Army Coup, it will lead to civil war that will finish the Business Elite controlling the Thailand.

    There is no win for them now whatever happens. They have shown their hand to the world and have no support whatsoever.

    Almost every press report mentions them as "so called" PAD or "the ironically named" PAD or mentions the disparity between their partys name and their aims.

  15. I don't think this kind of public warnings do good in the present situation - from the person, who was recently sentensed with few other courts in the pipeline. He should leave the politics to the PM and cabinet. If he wants to say to somebody he just might call them

    One day perhaps one of you knee jerk responders who quote the garbage you have heard from other PAD sheep will try to understand some basic facts about Thailand.

    Number 1 You are not Handsome, you are rich!

    Number 2 The Courts of Law (sic)

    The Courts were set up by the Junta.

    They are made up of Elitist PAD/Junta Members.

    They were put in office during the Coup

    The constitution was put re=written during the Coup

    They were put in Court to make sure Thaksin never got back into power as he is a threat to them - he is -no threat to 99% of Thais.

    So, with all this, how could Thaksin NOT have been convicted and sentenced by them? Unless they wanted purging by their real un-elected, Non-accountable masters!

    This is simple stuff. You must be crazy if you think this Court operates in the interests of anyboy but the Army. Absolutely simple. Can you walk standing up?

  16. Somehow, this makes sense to me:


    Very convincing isn't he?


    Starting to look like Robin Hood as well. Took all that Tax revenue from the Rich "Educated Bangkok" Thais and gave the poor cheap health care, village loans, roads airport upgrades etc.

    Only the rich can lose now as the poor never had anything to lose. All the wallets and business that is hurting now are rich wallets and businesses. A lot of poor workers will just carry on being poor if they lose their jobs.

    Somchai and Thaksin have rung rings round PAD and elite. Somchai in Chaing Mai looking more and more like Little Lord Fauntelroy. Army really going to go up there with their tanks? Perfectly behaved and seperated the Angelic Thaksin and PPP/TRT from the Fascist Elite that are running Bangkok into the 18th Century. This is how it is looking outside of ASTV guys.

    No way, BlamanceApong is now going to feel the heat from his rich backers to do something before they become.... Mods I hope this is not too strong for this forum :D POOR :D:D Oh my god!!! Educated Bangkok Thai Poor!!! Please delete if that is too offensive to PAD lovers.

  17. Interesting comment I read on another forum, may well have already been posted here so apologies.

    Based on the ideology of the PAD , are these protesters or whatever you want to call them demonstrating to achieve less democracy?

    Would that not dramatically reduce their rights to legitimate protest in the future?

    Thats the point. If the elite use PAD to get Thaksin out and their aging muppets in thats on thing.

    If they they turn on Sondhi and he tries this with them they will kill him instantly. They would't wait for him to inflict this damage with them in charge.

    Perhaps a glimmer of light is that this if affecting PAD supporters much much worse than Thaksins poor farmering supporters in the north. I have yet to see farmers being unable to get to work!! Yet to hear of local businesses in Buri Ram hurting with lost tourist revenue and cancellations. No Bitching in Pai about Fed-Ex not getting through.

    Sure everybody is affected, but really, its the Democrat areas of the South Phuket and The Bangkok "oh so Educated" Business sectors of Bangkok that will take the real hits. Sure factory jobs, maids jobs and "entertainment Girls jobs" will take a hit but these people are poor all their lives as well as historically.

    There is no real loss there to the poor, and in the long term if this Educated Rich find themselves broken on the wheel of the PAD, the poor stand to gain in the long term when Thakisin comes back. When not if now Sondhi and its only a matter of time before somebody very very rich starts ringing round Nakornsithamorats gun for hire community!

    Yes its the rich that are going to pick up the tab for this. :o:D Probably better leave the PAD there until they have pissed of every single Thai in the country, then shoot them. Hopefully, plenty of "rich Educated" will be getting their houses and cars re-possessed and perhaps having to sell their selves to slobbering falangs to make ends meet.

    EDIT - well said Martin above. this could turn out very badly for the rich... I do hope so

  18. Thaksin urged his supporters to "protect democracy": "If you protect Democracy you may be painful for a while, but if you allow dictatorship to take over Thailand you are going to have a nightmare for your whole life."

    interesting thought me thinks

    He also urges Thais to respect the rule of law. What are your thoughts on that?

    He's outsmarted the elite for starters.

    I liked the news items posted on here today. All totally scathing of the failed Coup in progress and the Thai Army and Police.

    Not like the old days is it BlancmangeApong when a Coup was... turn off the radio and tv stations... bang bang your dead and we are boss not.... tv back on and smiles all round from an in the dark population.

    this is being played out in their living rooms and they now see they have nothing to fear from these bodies as they are being pushed around by old ladies and mothers with babes in arms.

    PPP win hands down and somebody should through the towel in for sondhi and the army before they are maimed for life.

  19. didn't you read about the courts today? Around the 13-15th the PPP and Chart Thai will be dissolved, because of MASSIVE vote buying. so they are elected but not democratic.

    PPP and it's allies was buying the election result but were not democratic elected.

    The real winner still was the democratic party with the most real votes. But they didn't had money enough for to "buy" coalition partners and even wasn't "offering" enough benefit to them before the election?!

    But let wait and see on the December 2. 2008 w2hile the Leaders of the ruling parties need to be in person at the Court Hearing of the Supremecourt regarding the dissolution case against their parties. That hearing will be public AFAIK.


    The courts don't mean diddly squat as the Junta appointed them. Thats the problem with appointments and waging vendettas. You put the people in these high positions and everybody else knows that they are the puppets of the Junta and the "educated" Bangkok thais :o Sorry, I always find it difficult to use those three words in a sentence without laughing.

    It will be a conviction for sure because we all know thats what they were appointed to do. Nothing else just try to keep thaksin out. Then there will be an appeal because there always is and before anything can happen, Thaksin will be back and they will all be un-appointed and another appointed lot will clear him

    You pontificate on the state of Thai Politics and Justice System as if it was built on the same reliable foundations as the German one. Its not mate.

    "He's coming home he's coming home he's coming, Thaksin's coming home!" Courtesy Badiel and skinner.

    He is all over the worlds press and internet today and they are all over him because they know the above is true and the only realistic solution for Thailand at the moment.

  20. I'm driving to Phuket this weekend as friend has a bar and restauarant in Kata. He says the Kings Cup has been cancelled for Monday due to the Muppets at the airport.

    Still saying it will go ahead but start on Tuesday now.

    Nice birthday present to a beloved soverign mr Sondhi. Hope you receive the thanks you deserve for this.

    MICE estimated loss for this week is 300,000,000 dollars already in cancellations.

    Plus the Army sponsored Bangkok 100 event :o:D

    And the Laguna Triathlon which is a world series event is under threat as well.

    Not looking so "educated" now are they these Bangkok Business men.

    My prediction is that Thaksin will be back in power soon. Nobody else in Thai politics with the balls or the brains.

    Bitch all you want about convictions. They mean squat now and your beloved PAD will be picking up thousands of convictions once there is a clear out of the Courts by K Thaksin.

    Welcome back sir, how was the holiday? Would you like me to get some piano wire and PAD leaders for you sir? :D

  21. That looks like Bangkok Bank, DTAC and ThaiBev. Lets wait for the denial!

    I've often wondered which of Thailand's established companies were helping fund PAD. Maybe the companies named are free of guilt, but I have a gut feeling that there are financial interests that intend to profit from the financial meltdown that will soon occur.

    Think about it. Who benefits if heavily financed companies can't service their debts and either lose assets through repossession or forced deep discount sales. Who are the folks with the large amounts of liquidity that can gobble up those assets.

    A certain ex media-magnate, who sold out a couple of years ago, and has been funding this chaotic government ? But that would be totally corrupt & cynical & immoral and ... erm erm. :D

    A smart move for Thaksin would be to fuel long term unrest. Force the price of Thai companies and banks down the wait for the Elite to organise a coup to make the Baht to tank. In this scenario his money that is out of the country increases dramatically and he is back at the top of the pile.

    The "educated"sic Business elite here is then shafted again because they are too old and outdated to cope with the world as it is. Let Thaksin back in whilst they are trying to drag Thailand through a time warp to 50 years ago.

    Should he do this ? or has he already done it :o:D:D surely not!

  22. Cant just end can it.

    Army cannot coup because nothing to coup in Bangkok.

    Government is in Chaing Mai so still government.

    Only way out is to arrest PAD.

    BTW the guards are there to keep the sheep in! Brother in law went there for 500 baht a day and they threatened to kill him if he left.

    He feignhed illnes saying going to DR and they took his card and said they would kill him if he didn't come back.

  23. Chamlong says senior person calls him to end protests

    Chamlong Srimuang, a co-leader of the People's Alliance for Democracy, said Friday morning that a senior person called him to end the rallies against the government.

    Speaking to the crowd at a PAD rally site at the Don Mueang Airport, Chamlong said he replied that the people could not stop.

    He said although a lot of damages have been done to the country's economy, the PAD was not the source of the problem.

    He said the government was the source of the problem so the PAD would not stop until the government resigns and cancels its plan to amend the Constitution.

    Source: The Nation - 28 November 2008

    Just giving them that extra bit of rope I feel.

    The article you published from the Straits Times can also be taken to be the opinion of the Government and "Elite educated Thai Businessmen" would do well to heed that and get their muppets back on the leash.

    This could be a turning point for Chamlong as unlike in the past where fascist idiots get off scott free, I have a feeling he will be dealt with :o

    This "Coup by cowardice" is never going to work as no Government in the world will recognise any of them Period. The US is bound by law not give any aid to them under these circumstances... If you remember the debates from the last Junta.



    The seat of power is safely in the North this time, not out of the Country during the last coup! Bangkok left to anarchy at the whim of those so so "educated" Thais in the Military.

    They want to coup but the slipery goverment is not rolling over and playing dead this time. How about slashing the military budget and using their beautiful golf course lands and training ranges as farming land. Allocate it to the poor and put the Army out of work. Who is paying their salaries btw.

    No problem moving seats of power. It's been done before and Bangkok could soon be a thing of the past, a sory of port city like Hull, Zeebrugge, Hamburg etc. Useful but not that important.

    Who is the famous entertainment business going to entertain this month! Themselves by the look of it.

  24. I want the list of the Pathetic Adult Disorder backers...I want to see who is funding these idiots that are ruining Thailand

    I want the list, I bet you there will be Privy councillors, ex and current military leaders, Media Tycoons...and possible a Fund Mgr or two who are holding a short stake on one or two companies or the SET

    I want to see the list....

    A look at the stock movements may help tomorrow as the "educated Business Elite" will start selling off the stocks whilst they are still worth something.

    Find that link to the article from Jiles P Ungathon of somebody at a University. They are investigating the same thing.

    The good thing is that its really the beginning of the end for this high end mob. They have shown their hand and been outed for the elitist fascist snobs they are. No going back for them this time, no Mai pen Rai and a quick bung. They are on their way!

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