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Posts posted by grandpops

  1. Well, the Army and PAD must have some support in the country.

    I am asking DTAC now. If you are a user there is a link on here

    http://www.dtac.co.th/english/contact.html Hope they are HAPPY! to tell its customers that they have not been taking money off us and giving it to a Fascist Coup Monger! Thus ruining our high season.

    My Thai friends are asking round as well.

    Give em benefit of the doubt and will give us something to do whilst Nero Anupong is fiddling and waiting for his masters to let him off the leash.

    EDIT To laugh at the above post. Thank you also!

  2. Offices in nearby airport locations asked to evacuate by 6pm.

    DTAC and other companies sending their workers homes

    Got the makings of something..

    DTAC have been named by the UDD as being supporters of the PAD. They have sent their staff home indefinitely to protect them. Things spiral further out of control. Somebody has to do something and it likely wont be nice.

    Now that is interesting. DTAC are behind this as well. Any word on the truth of this? Now we really could put them in line to lose a lot of money, even as mere falangs.

  3. I have just heard that the Army has been seen moving in from Korat, has anyone else heard this or seen anything

    Must be some PAD in Khorat as they are more likely to be running from a fight than too one.

    A coup would be good as those who support democracy can then force them into embarrassing climb down after embarrassing climb down like last time.

    Remember FBA and all that? All land and businesses in Thai hands? More restrictions on Foreign Capital inflows etc. Visa restrictions, rights to gather and protest banned.

    Why not just invoke that right to protest again now? The Army did it last time and they were happy with it and it would instantly make criminals of the ... well.. criminals at the airports meaning the Army could spring into action. Well meet with the Banks again anyway :o

    The Government in Chaing Mai is still in the country. The army cannot even manage a Rock Festival :D:D:D:(:D let alone a country.

    At least if they do the coup we will then have the Appointed ones put in the Junta Cabinet and they can show the world for the second time in 2 years what a bunch of complete 1950's throwback Fascists they are. Wheel em out, lets have a laugh at em.

    This appointed Intelect Government propsal sounds good on the PAD stage (to them) but Who are the real life people they are proposing... Muppets thats what. Remember the Culture ministry at the time, they wanted to turn the clock back to 1920 or earlier.

  4. I [my personal view] believe it's a coup brewing.

    Hope that's the worst that is going to happen, my opinion, I reckon Thailand is heading for civil war.

    Bankrupcy and an internal Army feud. All thaksins men are still there behind the scenes and didn't Anupong look nervous yesterday!

    Note the response today of the Indian Army against their insurgent terrorists. No running to the Bank of India for a meeting with Business men leaders there. Get the guns off the terrorists and catch em dead or alive.

    Should have happend here once the guns came out.

    Back to the Metaphore. The people own, paid for, feed, stable, race and clean up the shit after the horse! They are actually to a greater extent "the horse" as they are drafted in often against their will.

  5. http://www.junkonline.net/articles/618-Ban...angkok-2930-Nov

    This is Bangkoks <EDIT Asias!> biggest Music festival being cancelled just now. 50 groups over two days.

    AT. da da da da da da daaaaaaaaaaa The Thai Army Barracks!!! :o Somebody just lost billions on this and will be stuck with all the booze and food they were going to sell em.

    Will the Army be interested in SUing PAD? or will they just get it from the Tax Payer? The same Tax Payer that pays them so stand by and let a mob take over two airports, one of them being part of their barraks.

    What about Sunbelt Asia and some real comments from the pros.

    We are talking about Business leaders and Banks etc. Find out about them first. There was talk this morning of the Bangkok Bank being involved.

    Anyone stateside starting a class action? They will find Sondhi and his mates money whereever it is in the world. How would you find out about ongoing class actions etc.

    Who did BlancmangeApong meet with yesterday, it said bankers and business leaders.

  6. This thread already shows the makings of a good 'un. Some much needed light-hearted relief during a time of stress and pain.

    Let's keep it civil, and it'll be fun.

    I'm off for a qiuck shower, but will eagerly return in five minutes, with a tiger, for some more (and much needed) 'lesson on life'.

    Quick shower, how about a nice long bath or don't you like nice long baths?

    And Tiger! Why not drink Chang...

    If people come to Thailand and don't like nice long baths and Chang they can just bugger off.

    As can newbies who still havn'e discovered outside of Bankok and feel the need to have Thai place names in their avatars to impress their mates back at the anorak factory.

    I hate this thread so I suppose I better just bugger off as well.


    PS anybody know why I encourage these trolls! Answers on a post card...

  7. I losing few K per day already. But the big news is that the Army was holding Asias Biggest Rock festival with 50plus bands playing over two days on three stages.


    It was at the Thai Army Stadium so they have also lost all the beer and food sales, the T-shirts, bling etc. All the flights and hotels have lost out along with the Taxi drivers. More PAD fans. AND I bet all the beer and bling was already moving to the staduim as it starts tomorrow!! Bugger.

    Impressive line up and WERE expecting a lot and estimated 250,000 were there last year!!!

    Add this to Bangkoks loss of the ASEAN summit and the Government moving to Chaing Mai with all the media circus etc. Think, they are all staying at hotels and guesthouses in Chaing Mai, drinking in CM bars and hotels and buying CM food. I direct loss to BKK and a direct gain to CM.

    Money will start to talk soon. But has the Karma started. First big financial loss to The Army.

  8. Long term. IF and I say IF, the PAD get their way, there are months of fighting and pre election shooting and rioting ahead. If its a Coup, its screwed and foreign Investment totally evaporates and the country is paralysed even more than the last time as the whole country know the Army is weak and will not submit to its will as they did last time. And that is the best you can hope for?

    Sorry, where are my manners... Have a nice day!

    The things are resolved in a few days. For the negative future you are right if the courts or army or who ever does not cut the roots of Thaksin and TRT.

    Positiv case:

    A military coup, if people trust in the army (and that depends on the acting persons) and they make a cut and bring all the TRT criminals to court we have an impact for a few months. If it is resolved today all the tourists have forgotten it in 6 months. Business investments are something different, more based on what they think will happening in future.

    Alone reducing the massive corruption on useless megaprojects will balance the negative effects in a couple of months.

    Of course worst case scenario: new election with almost civil war elements and a stupid, corrupt weak government will be far worse than what we have now.

    I solemley promise that Business confidence and loss of earning will be felt for years to come. Anybody cancelling this next month will for sure throw the teddy out and re-lotate the next years events. 100%

    Your have petty hatreds of the man who did so much for the poor, health and education and so much for the regions (this is really how the world outs iside of ASTVsee him) and love of a Right Wing Facist loonatic that tells people to stuff used tampax in statues and believes in the bogey man(and this is really as the world outside of ASTV sees it). And for that is mired in corruption for nearly 2 billion baht that he and his cohorts made disapear.

    Believe what you want but you are going to feel it in your pockets differently. Luckily the Army Stadium Rock concert is the first big cancellation and loss of money. Ha bloody ha. Hard rockers my ass!

  9. This situation is no longer tolerable, the whole county paralyzed by just few nutters,. With the army and the police are just watching.

    Such cynicsym. They are not just watching.

    They have all that tea money to collect, all those "ladies" to police and re-locate around the city, brothels, bars and nightclubs to run, gambling dens to protect, market traders to harrass.... the list is endless so do give them a break.

  10. H90, the penny has not dropped with you . Please forgive me for making a detailed and considered post rather than just sniping and interposing knee jerk propaganda.

    You and Thai business are not going to sacrifice a bit of your business for a greater good.

    You and the country, its people and its business are going to lose a massive amount of money for a very long time to come. FACT. I promise you, you have not even seen the start of the begining of the begining of the money loss that you are going to suffer.

    In Bangkok you are going to lose and incredible amount and regions such as Chiang Mai will benefit from it. Bandkoks loss is the rest of the countries gain.

    People will think twice about Chiang Mai, Phuket and Pattaya. They will not even have to think about Bangkok as its an absolute no-no.

    Wait till they start cancelling major exhibitions at B-Tec. Wait till the couriers start routing through Malaysia to service the south, through Chaing Mai to service the North. ASEAN has already been lost to Bangkok, MICE.. who the hel_l is going to even try to hold a conference there this year? Nobody in hel_l.

    Knock on effect is that all the industries that service these events like Hotels, Taxis, Couriers, Internet and Electical Service Engineers, lighting, transportation companies, waiters, security staff, cleaners, cooks, maids, entertaninment musicians, designers, set builders and designers etc. need I continue? ARE OUT OF WORK OR NOT EMPLOYED ON THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!

    What then follows is massive unemployment followed by massive social problems, more prostitution, more drugs, more theft. FACT. Sorry you cannot see the effects of this yet and didn't have the foresight required to think before you and your lovely PAD riot around the capital.

    Long term. IF and I say IF, the PAD get their way, there are months of fighting and pre election shooting and rioting ahead. If its a Coup, its screwed and foreign Investment totally evaporates and the country is paralysed even more than the last time as the whole country know the Army is weak and will not submit to its will as they did last time. And that is the best you can hope for?

    Sorry, where are my manners... Have a nice day!

  11. Its just the main three haters of Thailand up to no good. They are still in the vietnam war mentallity in Vietnam, Cambodia is a basket case if ever there was one and Laos is a Communist throw back land that time forgot kind of a place.

    Anybody think Thailand more dangerous than Cambodia. Give me a break.

    All this big money is lost anyway for Bangkok so thats a plus. All those empty hotel suites that could have been full of rich leaders, rich deputies, rich secretaries, the world press out binging every night etc. etc.

    Billions Sondhi, billions and all your own work.... Well done

    For it to re-locate to the beautiful city of Chaing Mai would be the icing on the cake.

  12. Attention!

    New and groundbreaking proposal to end the turmoil in Thailand and make everybody happy:

    Let Somchai/Taksin govern the North from Chiang Mai while Sondhi and his Yellow People can govern the rest from Bangkok. The North can than separate and be known as Lana-land or Lalaland. Issan can join them if they wish after a referendum. The Bangkok run part may be called Krungthep-land or Moomooland.

    Actually the South may split from Bangkok as well. Apart from Patani state which will surely go to Muslims the Phuket and Samui islands can perhaps became independent Farang Kingdoms. The names for them can perhaps be decided later after few drinking competitions.

    Notime, If only by saying this you could make it so :D To just imagine a country like Chiang Mai-Issan-Rayong not only with its vast agriculture resources, but also its beauty both in landscape as well as people would be great, and the best part is that the corrupt thai-chinese power brokers in BKK would be cut off from any further raping of the people and the landscape of this great region! In the coming years with agriculture resources becoming a more and more valuable commodity, this new Lanna-Issan-Rayong country will be known as the breadbasket of Asia. The PAD are welcome to the cesspools of BKK and Pattaya, and with their share of the money from the sale of Phuket and sumui to the hedge fund operators and investment bankers that will be fleeing prosecution in the U.S. and Europe, and the sale of the far southern provinces to Malaysia, they can begin building a massive sea wall to protect BKK from the rising oceans :o

    Agreed but with the moving of the sea wall to the North of Bangkok!! A few years of exposure to the sea would make it a much more beautiful place!!

  13. Looks like Somchai is retreating to the hills. :o

    communicating from his Chiang Mai Bunker to the War Room in Bangkok by ham radio...

    War Room set up to monitor airport's situation

    Minister of Transport Santi Promphat ordered an establishment of a War Room on Wednesday in order to observe passengers’ situations and cargo business at Suvarnabhumi international airport around the clock.

    The anti-government People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD)'s protesters have laid siege at Thailand’s main international airport since Tuesday night.

    ThaiNews / 2008-11-27

    So the Cabinet can meet in safety from the anarchists. Hurrah at last.

    And don't think a move to the North would be a bad thing for the country either. Lucky Thaksin spent all that money on the regions when he was in power or the PAD coup would have strangled the country by now.

    I think a permant move would be popular and suck great wedges of money out of Bangkok elites pockets which is what they seem to want these days.

    Good contrast is Chaing Mai to the racist, eliteist, robber business community of Bangkok. Hope Chiang Mai continues on its march to the the Capital of Free Thailand.

    Bangkok. The PAD can have it as an enclave which is all it amounts to these days anyway. Enjoy your empty bars, hotels and restaurants this high season :D:D For you Bangkokians, the repercussions have not yet begun. They will be financial ones, enormous, long lasting and no end of apologising will reverse them.


  14. Noticably a lot less disruption here with the red-shirts outside protecting it. It's most pleasant here and legally ELECTED officials are free to come and go.

    Also, we are open for tourists to fly into and the weather is nice. Give that toilet at Swamland Bankok a miss until they sort their muppets out. Better chance of Fed-Express etc getting though and pleny of companies here are ready to take on the extra work. I was in Phuket two days ago and its the same there.

    Let other areas of the country have a chance. Bangkok has long been the overrated centre of business and commerce.

    Contrast that with the PAD coup in Bangkok with all the misery, violence, criminal damage, assaults, massive loss of face and income.

  15. History. Perhaps if one looks at who is bankrolling the 'yellow brigade' they will find it is the Thai elite, they who lost a fortune in the nineties crash and having blamed foreigners for their ill have no concern what the world thinks, they more than likely have 'squirelled' their money into somewhere safe and could not care about tourists. It is the average Thai who will suffer and the status quo will continue, they will be kept in their place as before. The 'red brigade' on the other hand have shown to the world restraint and initially gained sympathy but unless they get their timing right this will soon disappear. Both sides do not want to lose face but care not for the ordinary decent Thai

    So the army just surrendered the Airport to a rabble that from what I hear first hand were just milling around.

    It shows that PAD have very little influence outside central Bangkok and maybe Don Muang should just be turned into an Army retirement home and gold course. I am sure the regional airports will be happy to take on the extra work and MONEY from moving goods and people around.

    I like your post, but who are the businesses you comment on that are behind PAD? Who are the "educated thai middle classes" that we hear about who decided to bankroll a right wing anarchist mob? Not all of them are at the absolute top of Thai soceiety so lets be hearing about them and seeing some of them defend this mess.

  16. Explosions, gunfire heard near Government House

    Captain Supradit Plengchawee, a military police, who inspected the scene at 2 am, said he received a phone call from a PAD guard, alerting about the gunfire.

    Supradit said the PAD suspected that a group of assailants opened fire at the PAD guards on Phitsanulok Road from inside the Education Ministry.

    Supradit said the military could not go inside the ministry to investigate because it was odd hour.

    Source: The Nation - 27 November 2008

    Thats what he said. What he meant was "those who live by the sword, die by the sword" stop bleating and get on with it.


    The Civil Court has issued an injunction against the protesters, ordering them to leave Bangkok airport.

    Channel News Asia reports this morning that the PAD has 15 days to comply with the injunction.

    Oh thats a lot of good and will help matters ...

    This is the new politics. The Army, the courts sit and pass the buck and duck responsibility until Mr Sondhi says jump.

    If Chiang Mai airport can be kept PAD free it will be to the benefit of the country. All those millions of Baht Directed from Swampy Airport to the provinices.

    Shows Thaksin was right to not put all the countries eggs in the Bangkok basket! With regional airports like this, Bangkok can be left to wither on the vine until the people that oppose PAD take matters into their own hands.

    Whither away swampy, the empty apologies of the finincially strapped PAD backers will find no sympathetic ears outside of its own elitist circle.

    PS on the PAD anouncement thread we are trying to identify the Banks and Businesses that are bankrolling PAD. More useful than just engaging in mudslinging and it may even cause financial hardship to the ones who need to feel it. IMHO

    Can any Thais see if this is happening on pantip.com. My Thai isn't good enough to read all this stuff.

  18. I read a report today on TV (can't find it) about The Bangkok Bank Bankrolling the PAD and people taking money out of accounts in protest.

    What should happen now fellow PAD haters is that the bankrollers are outed. This is missing in their "Announcement".

    They should be outed here so people can vote with their feet (wallets) and boycot or dispute this policy with their shareholders. Shareholders who must now be sh1tting bricks.

    Outed to the millions of people worldwide that may want to avoid doing business with them in the future.

    Outet to all the people caught up at the Airport who may want to avoid giving any money ever again to businesses or hotel chains that are pumping money into PAD.

    This is going to cause long term ruin to them and thats for sure. I coup, a PAD government, a Thaksin Government, an appointed government is not going to stop them taking this hit. They have made their bed and we must ensure they lay in it.

    For all its rhetoric and daily 24 hours of propaganda, they have not yet thanked the Banks and Businesses for giving them money.

    Please note I said businesses and banks as this is who General BlancmangeApong met with yesterday. Only in Thailand would the Army in the face of serious strife run and ask his bank manager what he should do. Banks, I may remind you, being the cause of the last two massive financial meltdowns in this country.

    So, Do I close the Bangkok Bank a/c, default on the mortgage and go to court saying that the knock on effect of their hand in losing my sourse of income caused me not to be able to pay them their interest?

  19. ^Perhaps, but the PAD are a bunch of criminals, so what is the difference??? :o

    The difference is.....no one else wants to step up to the plate. If not PAD then who?

    No one wants to be a garbage man. But someone has to take out the garbage.

    Remember, it was ordinary citizens in the US who initiated the fall of Nixon.

    I'm actually affected by this. My mom is scheduled to fly into swampy on Dec. 3

    for my baby's first birthday. That looks iffy now. I still support PAD.

    Read my lips.

    The PAD dare not stand for election because they have no popular support.

  20. the govt was elected, and this is what pisses them off to no end

    Oh, and I thought it was "Thaksin ohk pai" all the way.

    How did you manage to miss that little reason to be pissed off, BM?

    Whatever he did, it wasn't enough to put voters off voting for him! Along with the army and Installed temporary government legislating against him winning.

    Thaksin at worst cost the country a bit of tea money to line his pockets and his cronies and that is accepted practice in Thailand.

    The PAD have lost billions of baht and a lot of this will be long term losses not realised for months to come.

    PAD have no support in comparison. A few misguided soles with time on their hands emboldened by the worlds most cowardly army.

  21. Breakingnews

    4 explosions occur at Misakawan Intersection

    Published on November 27, 2008

    Four explosions occurred at the Misakawan Intersection near the Government House early Thursday.

    No one was injured in the incident, which happened at 4 am.

    Guards of the People's Alliance for Democracy said grenades might be launched from the Education Ministry.

    Some military police were deployed to check the scene immediately.

    -The Nation


    Welcome to PADland. The PAD are lucky that they are not under the full asault from the Authorities that they would be in any other country in the world... and with popular support at that.

    They are now emboldened and when they have to be reigned in there will be bigger trouble because more sheep will have joined them.

    Brainwashing of PAD... naaaa a quick rinse is all thats required with most of them!

  22. Whatever all the opinionated farang think, it's interesting to not that ALL of my educated friends in Bangkok (Overseas MBA's, Executive level positions in BKK etc.) support the PAD. If it was so black and white like some of you make it out to be, I don't think PAD would capture the hearts and minds of such people.

    Have you read Pantip.com website recently? I presume you can read Thai as you refer to Thaivisa posters as "opinionated farang". One of the highest traffic Thai based web boards and there is very little love for PAD there. You can sit there and believe that PAD has mass support over Bangkok, but very few Thai's i have spoken to support PAD anymore, a lot of people have lost faith in them, and this recent 'Terrorist' style move will diminish their support even further. Lets see if your executive level friends in Bangkok still support them when PAD cripple the countries economy and bring civil war to the streets of Bangkok.

    And there in your post is the truth. They are a right wing, self appointed elitist mob. Thank you for pointing that out.

    If there ever was a Thai Hitler it is Sondhi and there are very dangerous times that these supposed "educated Thais" are dragging the country into.

    General BlancmangeApong has to answer for this as he emboldened them by letting the loose. They have tasted power now and thats what this is about for PAD.

    God Help Thailand with Sondhi and BlancmangeApong in the positions they are in.

  23. Well, thats covered it from the PAD side then. JD, Sriracha, H90 and co

    Should the General have insisted that PAD form a party

    Should PAD form a party - No comment

    Who should be deputy minister - No Comment

    List a raft of policies that could get this PAD Party elected - No comment

    Should PAD respect the outcome of the next election - No comment

    As we suspected, no comments and no positive ideas, just snears, snipes, smears and knee jerk responses.

    D- all round you guys. and we waited four hours now with 6 or 7 prompts for you. Would be really interesting to hear if you have any of your own opinions.

    I even said I would like Thaksin out and The democrats in and said I would accept a PAD Government if it were elected.

  24. If Somchai would do his part to avoid bloodshed, by resigning and dissolving parliament, then I think PAD would honor their pledge and stop the protest. What I hope would follow is an election campaign in which PAD does not run as a political party, but instead allies with the Democrat party and its candidate for PM, Abhisit. If the Democrats can manage to put forth a platform that offers something to the poor folks in the north and NE, they might just be able to win the next election.

    The PAD does not want to offer anything to the poor folks. They want to keep the poor under-educated with nothing, that is how they get their 100 baht a day labor to get as rich as they are. The PAD hate the PPP because they are helping the poor and are a threat to their exploitation of cheap labor. The PAD I know have passed college no matter what grades they had as long as they were paying the tuition. They also have got many jobs from knowing people and not on their qualifications. There is no way some should be in the positions they are in. This is just as corrupt as vote buying but being to their advantage it is OK with them. With the poor people being the majority they have come into power and are a threat to their exploitation. They say they are too dumb to vote. If you exploit the masses and keep them under-educated they will be victim to vote buying and can come into power in a democratic society. Untill the elite offer people an equal opportunity for education and employment this is what they will get. This will never happen as the elite might have to actually pass college and qualify for their jobs.

    Please inform us about which PAD people you are referring to when you say the underlined phrases above!

    Then please explain how that does not apply to some of Thaksin's family and most of the TRT/PPP faction?

    I'll wait with you. And whilst we are on the subject, we were asking questions of you earlier that you ran away from.

    Remember page three :o

    So off the old high horse and on with the questioning about whether the good General should make the PAD stand for election or bugger off.

    Or what policies should they adopt and who in particular should be involved.

    Me, Cougar 52, FatherF et all are waiting. Thats page three and a couple on page four Post listed below infact. you are all so keen to snipe and kneejerk respond. Why not answer a few important questions in an adult way.

    48, 55, 57, 63, 70, and the hilarious 84 by Father F who tried to pin you and SrirachaPAD as well to no avail.

    **flame removed***

    Up to you as we Thais say

  25. If the PAD has a leader who is credible and acceptable to most (the Thais civilians and the military), this whole thing would be in a can, sooner than later. :o

    Mind you, they would need some policies as well. We have been trying for 3 hours now to get the PAD apologist to state what policies they should have.

    Even more interesting is that they will not come out and state that the PAD should form a party.

    A PAD Political party would get the ass kicking of the century if it stood in Thailand. Thats why they dont do it

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