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Posts posted by grandpops

  1. From the OP

    The army chief said Thursday that he hoped to end the standoff without any more blood being spilled.

    "Whatever I do will depend on the situation, and the outcome would be good for the country and we can uphold the law with no people dead or injured," General Anupong Paojinda told AFP.

    Any action "must be legally responsible", added Anupong, who was last week put in charge of security in the capital by the government.

    If they let him do it properly, he is the only one that can solve this. A true statesman of a younger generation could be born.

    But what the PAD, the CRES and especially Suthep want is only for the Red side to be defeated and sidelined for ever. They are undermining Anupong by acting independently of him, organising mobs etc. along the lines that two mobs are better than one.

    If that is true, then this red mob has righted the PAD mob at the airport (WHICH IT HASN'T). So even the bizarre logic of the Banned Suthep does not hold true.

    More effort to resolve this and less calls for violence and retribution is the only way. As uprisings go, this one is still low level and under control. You just don't realise how bad this would be if they started killing red shirts.

    Get behing Anupong and stop calling for violence. It is never the answer.

  2. I still can't get over the fact that the Police are useless. They can't even prevent a fight when they are standing right there. All they need to do is their job, why are there not mass sackings because of their inability/unwillingness to their job?

    They have lost all respect here & I'd be very suprised if they havent lost total respect of the Thai public.

    They never had any respect but that is not the issue anyway.

    This isn't an incident taking place with 2 or 3 drunks fighting, this is potentially a civil war which only the Army seem to be trying to prevent.

    Quite clearly on every report on every channel this week, the Silom mob have had free reign to lob bottle and stones. The propaganda minister got it wrong sending in the press to that area. As the reds were doing nothing much the film crews filmed what was going on around them in the Silom area and that was an organised mob rioting. Uncomfotable but true.

    People on here want violence, but they want it yellow on red. If you spend all week calling for violence and trying to perpetrate it and (as in the case of the Government) letting one side form amidst your army and police lines what do you expect. They got the violence they wanted (from the Silom mob but not the Army) and their only regret is that people on the "wrong side" died.

    Need bigger people in Government than Abhisit and Co. Violence is wrong on both sides and a mature government should have spent more time resolving this issue than organising PAD back on the streets.

    This could be just the begginng and I think Anupong is the only man who can do anything much here. Nothing is better than killing a few thousand people and inciting the country to war. Enough family and friends back in the North for serious Beruit level violence to be brought to Bangkok if they get this wrong.

    Crying to the police will not help. They are not doing their jobs with either the PAD mob or the Red mob, which is even handed and not as inflamatory as killing people on one side.

    Locking up the Government along with Thaksin, Newin and half the elite would be a good first step.

  3. another 300 or so red shirts just arrived to Rajprasong. A long line of motorcycles, 3 buses, maybe 10 pickups. I'd say reenforcements from the north.

    Helicopter flying around the area, redshirts trying to shoot it down by rockets fired from Rajprasong stage or somewhere very near.


    The BBC piching in now with more bad news for the Government.

    The volatile atmosphere has recently been heightened by pro-government protesters, waving Thai flags and hurling abuse and water bottles at the red-shirts.

    The BBC's Alastair Leithead, who is at the scene, says a group of a dozen or so people have walked through police lines and started throwing bottles and stones towards barricades manned by red-shirt protesters.

    The mob at Silom were so under the command of the CRES that they just behaved like this in front of the worlds press for 3 nights. Nobody outside the Nation and TAN gave the Silom mob anything but their scorn.

    Every channel is showing footage of them. why, because the press corps is embedded with the Army at Silom and are filming all the hypocrycy and venem coming from the PAD.

    The PAD and CRES will have to start controlling the media better than this. They obviously took them there to film red shirts on the offensive and ended up showing the world what they are really like behind the smiles.

  4. Now it's up to 75 injured, 1 dead. I hope the reds appreciate that they've signed whatever the government needs to stop their madness.

    Red democracy at work. If you don't agree with us, we'll blow you up.


    Most footage ironically is shot from the Police lines as the press are all on that side of the road. ALL of them without fail and I mean even channel 7 and the Nation have been showing the Silom mob raining a constant stream of bricks and bottles across the road all week. Damaging cars, and fighting with police trying to hold them back.

    If even the propaganda arm of the CRES are showing the world this, where do you suppose the world thinks the truth lays? Where was the PM and why was that odious BANNED politician running the show as he saw fit again on TV tonight? Need the Army in and the Democrats in Court on Murder charges as well as the mob they apparantly arrested tonight. Not heard much on it yet.

    There really is only one side here provoking trouble. Even TAN are running long sections of violence from the Silom side. Time to change the camera angles me thinks!!!

    But, as this is a legal mob got up by businessmen and elites, they will be ok. Infact they are back there now by all accounts.

  5. PAD pinks showing their true colors now ...yellow!

    And same with their supporters. They have been building up a big appetite for Violence as they thought it was going to be the Reds getting shot.

    TAN started out tonight with what appeared to be a balanced piece of Journalism. Then Khun Paisal stepped up to the mike with his spitting, venemous monologue.

    The irony was that as he was burbling something about lawlessness, the screen was showing revolving footage of the multi-colors (the night before) lobbing bricks and bottles in the road. The reds were well out of reach and were watching bemused. One group provoking and carrying out all the violence.

    Also, there were mobs shouting and screaming at the Army, making fatuous comments about the reds etc.

    All the while poor old Khun Paisal was bleating and blathering and killing off the bit of reputation the women had managed to claw back for the station before he came in. He blathered about lawlessness in Bangkok (forgot the PAD), armed factions roaming the streets (forgot the PAD gunmen in Bangkok on the sound truck) he wailed about the Army doing nothing (the same nothing they did when PAD were in the airport) etc. etc. All with no sense of irony.

    Well, they all wanted violence, the Army threatened it, the PAD threatened it, the PAD falangs on here called for it The Silom Mob carried it out and the real anger now is that the wrong people (as they see it) got hurt. How many som nam nahs from the PAD falangs tonight if the army had shot a load of them and put another 800 in hospital?

    It is always the wrong people who get hurt and these numpties should learn to turn their backs on violence. But they won't

  6. If you look at Thai TV now, you will see this odious criminal, banned politician and coup plotter. This is the man who wants to be power broker


    If ever the Army should take action against somebody it is him.

    He has organised the mob as Silom and sent them in against the Reds.

    Anupong. It's your time now, take this creep out of circulation.

  7. If you look at Thai TV now, you will see this odious criminal, banned politician and coup plotter. This is the man who wants to be power broker


    If ever the Army should take action against somebody it is him.

    He has organised the mob as Silom and sent them in against the Reds.

    Anupong. It's your time now, take this creep out of circulation.

  8. anyone else thinking that this "civil court order" is a preparation for exactly that - put the PM in a safe place where he can't order anything and let the army take over the responsibility for cleaning up?
    Civil Court grants injunction which prevents PM from using force to disperse red shirt rally

    If Martial Law needs to be declared to circumvent this insane court order then let it happen and let it happen now.

    I wholeheartedly agree. This has gone beyond civility and civil law.

    Thats as good as we can hope for. There have been calls all week from people undermining Anupong.

    The army need to cage and muzzle Thaugsabun and the PAD, AND Thaksin. Abhisit is toast and nobody on either sides believes he is in charge.

    This looks like the Elites breaking up and changing sides. Courts and Army go one way (to the centre), CRES, Friends of Tyranny and their leader and Thaugsabun fall in for a readguard action.

    One uniting factor I noticed on a round up off all the protests, PAD early days, Reds both times, no colourds tonight is they all have the same mentatliy and priority.

    They all set up a stage, get the music on and make a party. Gave me hope for the Country. Whatever they believe in, they are Thais at heart and prove it in this way.

    I hope all the falangs on here who were baying for the blood of the reds all week learn not to do this. It is sick, they are all people and we are all deeply saddened by the death of this poor woman tonight.

  9. Sounds like things are getting out of control

    Think things will calm now. It's obvious the bombs didn't come out of the red side so it must be an Agent Provoctuer.

    There really are people on the ELite side who would kill a few of their own to drag the army in.

    Army only hope really and they will go after CRES who have been undermining them all day... IMHO

    As the reds went to the UN and called for third party talks, out came the PAD, Thaugsabun and his Army co-horts. Threats of PAD violence saying they will clear them off the streets and the renegage army commander issuing threat this morning, Memebers on here crying out for violence all week, why dont' the army anthrax them, bomb them run them over with trains, agent orange them, starve them out etc.. Shows who wants the violence. And look at the ones that will be crying in the morning about red violence.

    Violence was ok when they were calling for it against the reds, bang and a few injuries in Silom and violence is not ok. But it will be ok again when they call the army to kill reds wont it?

    WE do not need anymore ratcheting up of this.

    I hope all the people are ok.

  10. If this break out into all-out fighting, god help Anupong. Heavy lies the hand of culpability on his shoulders for utter deriliction of duty.

    i guess it'll be in news 2mrw: afp reports anupong saying this:

    "AFP : Anupong says red shirts ''not criminal offenders''"


    "AFP : whatever army does, outcome would be good for country and we can uphold the law with no people dead or injured - Anupong"


    _first quote_ sounds like opposite to narrative of "terrorists", right?

    _second quote_ sounds like - what? a man under fire from air-force, aware of split in army, eager for retirement, maybe resentful to have been put into "hot seat", maybe too old for "hawkish" approaches... i don't know...

    Now that will put him in the Statesman class if he can pull that off. Hats off to him if thats true.

    Twitter showing pics of police and army holding back non coloureds.

    Wouldn't look good if they held back this rioting mob then went and shot up the reds camp would it.

    Still time for Anupong to be a real player in this. Get Thaksin out, PAD out, Suthep out and it could work.

  11. From the Thai military and also from intellgence sources domestic and foreign comes the sober discovery that the colonel killed on April 10 and the two other equally high ranking army officers who were "maimed" by sophisiticated sniper fire were on the list of officers to receive top ranking positions in the coming October reshuffle, and whom were openly close to army deputy commander Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha who is slated to succeed Gen Anupong as Army Supreme Commander when Anupong exits to mandatory retirement in October (if Anupong isn't gone before then).

    The conclusion is that the sophisiticated, precision hits of the three officers is as political as they were tactical. The three were hit by high powered sniper shots that were laser guided by "spot and shot" teams of Reds. The effective sniper shootings of the three top ranking and tracked to higher position officers also succeeded in breaking the military chain of command on April 10th, thus resulting in essentially leaderless troops who were reduced to firing at will and at random, producing more civilian casualties and deaths than otherwise likely would have occurred.


    VERY interesting and informative post but why on earth can't the government get those facts, especially about the sniper teams, disseminated to the world media? Their public relations skills are non existent while Thaksin has an army of PR people around the world beavering away on his behalf, spreading his lies and propaganda :)

    Because these are NOT "facts" - they are wild speculation, at best.

    All previous reports on the death of the colonel and the injuries to other two officers were very clear - they were the result of an M-79 grenade (an inaccurate weapon, as I have already commented). There was a lot of speculation about who fired it, some knowledgeable and/or informed, most simply absurd, but there were no reports that they were hit by sniper fire.

    Now suddenly they were hit by "laser guided" sniper fire from ""spot and shot" teams of Reds" for motives that are "as political as they were tactical"??

    What absolute and utter garbage.

    Lasers are used to light up targets by the military in two main ways. Firstly, for laser guided munitions such as Cruise missiles and "smart" bombs, by a spotter on the ground for weapons fired from some distance away. Secondly to assist combat shooting at relatively short range, where there is little variation between the laser and the bullet track. While a laser designator could be used to point out an individual for a target it it could be counter-productive for a sniper team as it would not only give the target a warning that he was being targeted ("what's that little green spot on your chest?") but also identify the firer's position if seen. Outside of science-fiction there is no such thing as "laser guided" sniper fire - it is not even in the same category as the "super-power rifles" previously reported. Its simply garbage.

    Are you saying its those pesky laser pens that hawkers sell.

    The game would be if a policeman was targetted with a laser image of a big brested woman. Surely that would prove it;s not some kind of startrek weapon.

  12. I Think another turning point has been reached.

    Beween out staff, wives, friends etc. there are more yellows than reds, but they do keep it civil. Espescially at work we do not rail like we do on here at each other.

    Couple of the reds now are slagging Thaksin saying he should be here. I am sure this is going to be the feeling of many reds, more and more now.

    Also, some on the anti taxin side are not PAD followers anymore. They were and they went to the rallys against Thaksin, but none of them identify themselves as PAD now.

    It could ease the situation if Thaksin is not seen as the greater force behind this. I think he was the catylist but can't see him back now. AND AND.. IMHO that would be the best thing for Thailand now.

    A National Unity Government featuring some of the current red leaders would really seal his ouster. Can the Army think like this? I'll not hold my breath.

  13. On Tuesday, an unknown group of people put up stickers on Silom Road saying that the red-shirt group wanted a new Thailand with Thaksin as president. A move like this suggests that the right wing and elitist forces are employing old tactics to label the opponents as anti-monarchists.

    surely there should be charges against whoever made these stickers. It is obvious that it is the PAD as no Reds have been down there.

    The area is under lockdown with cameras everywhere anyway.

    If the reds did this it would be on tape?

    So, the PAD are prepared to commit LM in order to preserve their place in the trough. Nice though that even some at the Nation are seeing through them.

    Few at the top their need to be dispatched to calm this down. They are rabid lunatics and more and more (except the intellegent PAD followers on here) are seeing this.

    If these are the Elite of Thailand in Silom reading and believing these posters, then they are obvisouly much thicker than the un-educated farmers they so despise. Are they really the worlds thickest Elite?

    The gloves are coming off on the Elite side as they are nearing the end of their reign. no pretense now that Abhisit is in charge. Its PAD, Thaugsabun and some dissaffected (with Anupong) army commanders.

    Airforce fired verbal warning this morning. In Thai terms, what he said was very strong. So, most of the Army cannot be relied on to shore them up forever, the airforce want to see common sense prevail and a political solution, the police are on the reds side and should not be underestimates and the Navy.. well nuff said.

    Those of us who have been here a long time remember when they did actually confront each other!!

    grandpops I have a very simple question for you. Easy to answer. The answer is either yes or no. Is Mt. T an Elite? I await your answer.


    Failed. Now listen again. I say this often. Yes he is an elite!! he is a different elite and I don't want him back. I have been trying slowly today to give some of you newbies some grounding into these characters and why they hate Thaksin. He basically started shutting down one of the most corrupt autocratic regimes in the world. Any you missed all this because you think he dodged a bit of tax. Poor you, that you have to show your immaturity on here when you post.

    Now read your lessons from today about the CRES and this man and tell me are you happy that he is running the country. I posted in depth about why these people fell out with Thaksin today .. on here. And you can't be bothered to read it

    So http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suthep_Thaugsuban Nice man? I have been posting this today and nobody has stood up and commented positively on this post. Do you want to be the first.


    Yes I will be the first. Suthep is a bad boy for sure. I was very dissapointed by Khun A. keeping him in his adminstration. He should not be in any position. In my opinion he should be in the Bangkok Hilton serving a long time. This is one reason the reds have credible repore with the pepole of Issan or anyone else. They see this guy as above the law and when they are caught on the local corner not wearing a helmet by the boys in brown they have to pay a days wages. The guy who works for me hates his guts and I cannot repeat here what he would like to happen to him.

    I know there is a real gap between the haves and have nots in this country. After all I have lived in Isaan for over ten years.

    In my opinion the real root cause of the gap falls directly on the current and previous governments. Historically every rulling party has not taken any intrest in educating the Thai people. If they can keep them ignorent (and I am not casting dispersions on my fellow Thais) they can control them with a few crumbs from the table.

    In my opinion this is what Mr. T did best. He came up here to Isaan and personally handed out 5,000 to 10,000 Bhat to local people. Smart politition. But he took so much through corruption from these people.

    And now this rally is only about getting him back ASAP. If it was for the right reasons I would be a number one supporter.

    Glad I came and looked for your reply.

    I actually agree with so much of what you said that it would be churlish to look again to pick fault.

    Knowing Thais as the opportunists and side swappers they are, I think it difficult for Thaksin to come back now. He is finished as he (if he had any credibility) could fly into Chiang Mai, raise his supporters and route Abhisit.

    They will want leaders (if they succeed) that saw this thing through. Plenty more up and comings now.

    I still think the Elite will try and shoe Newin in, but his time could be past as well. AM sure the Army will not relish the prospect of calming joint mobs of yellows and reds if this man ever gets near power. Now that could be a coup to please the whole country if they got rid of him.

  14. I wonder why Grandpops and his ilk are not already participating in the Red Shirt Brigade demonstration as their rhetoric in support of the Red Shirt Brigade and the out and out condemnation of anything or any one who may be opposed to the Red Shirt Brigade is indeed interesting if somewhat pathetic.

    Armchair critics and heroes all of you, if push comes to shove any of you willing to go and throw your hats into the ring ?

    If this country and its political machinations are so distasteful to you why are you all still here ?

    Perhaps the life style you so often accuse others of following is perhaps your lifestyle too.



    I saw a beach once. Think it was when I lived in Pattaya. If you go down to beach road (rather aptly named don't you think) its on the opposite side to the bars. I told my friend but he still doesn't believe me.

  15. Time to say to Illegal gatherings" You have * hour to move or you will be removed" thats the standard fair, reasonable way of removing such a gathering. Only in Thailand the security forces and politicians haven't got the determination to uphold law and order. Pathetic State

    Oh they have the determination to order it, but they don't have (or are not sure that they have) the right numbers.

    Move in if you don't have the numbers and you are toast.... even if you are the Army!

    I think when Newin gets in it will bring the PAD and The Reds together..... and I am not joking on this one! Until then the country will be divided.

    Thai TV were showing footage this morning af all the unrest. Very fair and sad reporting with a peace song been played over the top of it.... Think it was chanal 3 Good piece and a popular station.

    One of the clips showed the blue clad militia lining up. Now you think Thaksin and PAD are bad people.... which they are. Just wait until this lot get tooled up!

  16. Thaugsabum

    As I've noticed numerous moderator comments to use proper names for people or the post gets deleted, your apparently intentional and repeated slights of Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban (note proper spelling) falls outside that moderator-established parameter of proper names.


    In al the time I have been using this website, I never imagined that there could be posters who behave in this fashion. I just saw this an am astounded.

    Apologies for the wrong spelling, it will be right now. I apologised to the moderators and am not going to discuss the moderators in this thread.

    Sorry that some feel the need to try and have some posts removed some posts that were well considered, but thats TV. Least we have outed you for this. I trust you will do your complaining about moderation by use of the report button next time.

  17. So Pimay,

    you don't read the post and you don't answer to them.

    I was responding to an article in a newspaper and you have just shown yourself up.

    OT, it all looks quiet at the base today, lots of tourists walking round, lots of fun, but not sure is it is as fun as the PAD's yellow Airport bash.

    Those of you who were there will have to tell us just how much run that was.

    So Pimay, if you don't want to be taken seriously, we wont take you seriously.


  18. 6000 hard core reds. That sound manageable.

    Pity they did'nt crackdown on the yellows previously, if they had of, maybe the reds would'nt have copied them. The two airports and government house were occupied without any resitance from the army or police. Double standards.

    The yellows left on their own accord. Are the reds going to follow their lead?

    The yellows left once the courts ruled to dissolve the government at the time, which was what they wanted, then they left.

    Why is it that most of you foreigners that have no say or right to vote, can't post honest and truthful facts as they occured.

    None of you have any political say in Thailand so why are you even bothering to twist the facts so as to show favouritism towards either the reds or the yellows?

    Your all nobodys when it comes to politics in Thailand!


    Pimay must be trolling as I answered the post like this already.

    It was post 205 on this thread. sorry, I thought you were following the thread

    it was in an article on here from the Nation. I didn't lable them right wingers, the Nation!!!!! yes you heard that right.... The Nation did. Read around a bit, I can't remember which thread its on.

    The political battle becoming dirtier by the day

    By Supalak Ganjanakhundee

    The Nation

    Published on April 22, 2010

    Types but does not read.

    SEALY, please do try to keep up. At least you could read the post before you show your self up.

  19. On Tuesday, an unknown group of people put up stickers on Silom Road saying that the red-shirt group wanted a new Thailand with Thaksin as president. A move like this suggests that the right wing and elitist forces are employing old tactics to label the opponents as anti-monarchists.

    surely there should be charges against whoever made these stickers. It is obvious that it is the PAD as no Reds have been down there.

    The area is under lockdown with cameras everywhere anyway.

    If the reds did this it would be on tape?

    So, the PAD are prepared to commit LM in order to preserve their place in the trough. Nice though that even some at the Nation are seeing through them.

    Few at the top their need to be dispatched to calm this down. They are rabid lunatics and more and more (except the intellegent PAD followers on here) are seeing this.

    If these are the Elite of Thailand in Silom reading and believing these posters, then they are obvisouly much thicker than the un-educated farmers they so despise. Are they really the worlds thickest Elite?

    The gloves are coming off on the Elite side as they are nearing the end of their reign. no pretense now that Abhisit is in charge. Its PAD, Thaugsabun and some dissaffected (with Anupong) army commanders.

    Airforce fired verbal warning this morning. In Thai terms, what he said was very strong. So, most of the Army cannot be relied on to shore them up forever, the airforce want to see common sense prevail and a political solution, the police are on the reds side and should not be underestimates and the Navy.. well nuff said.

    Those of us who have been here a long time remember when they did actually confront each other!!

    grandpops I have a very simple question for you. Easy to answer. The answer is either yes or no. Is Mt. T an Elite? I await your answer.


    Failed. Now listen again. I say this often. Yes he is an elite!! he is a different elite and I don't want him back. I have been trying slowly today to give some of you newbies some grounding into these characters and why they hate Thaksin. He basically started shutting down one of the most corrupt autocratic regimes in the world. Any you missed all this because you think he dodged a bit of tax. Poor you, that you have to show your immaturity on here when you post.

    Now read your lessons from today about the CRES and this man and tell me are you happy that he is running the country. I posted in depth about why these people fell out with Thaksin today .. on here. And you can't be bothered to read it

    So http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suthep_Thaugsuban Nice man? I have been posting this today and nobody has stood up and commented positively on this post. Do you want to be the first.


  20. On Tuesday, an unknown group of people put up stickers on Silom Road saying that the red-shirt group wanted a new Thailand with Thaksin as president. A move like this suggests that the right wing and elitist forces are employing old tactics to label the opponents as anti-monarchists.

    surely there should be charges against whoever made these stickers. It is obvious that it is the PAD as no Reds have been down there.

    The area is under lockdown with cameras everywhere anyway.

    If the reds did this it would be on tape?

    So, the PAD are prepared to commit LM in order to preserve their place in the trough. Nice though that even some at the Nation are seeing through them.

    Few at the top their need to be dispatched to calm this down. They are rabid lunatics and more and more (except the intellegent PAD followers on here) are seeing this.

    If these are the Elite of Thailand in Silom reading and believing these posters, then they are obvisouly much thicker than the un-educated farmers they so despise. Are they really the worlds thickest Elite?

    Here we go again. The "right wingers". Can we please leave the US politics out of the Thai politics???????????

    grandpops please try to come up with a viable reply to posts without your personal labels of people who have a different opinion than that you.

    It was in an article on here from the Nation. I didn't lable them right wingers, the Nation!!!!! yes you heard that right.... The Nation did. Read around a bit, I can't remember which thread its on.

    The political battle becoming dirtier by the day

    By Supalak Ganjanakhundee

    The Nation

    Published on April 22, 2010

    It was post 205 on this thread. sorry, I thought you were following the thread

  21. On Tuesday, an unknown group of people put up stickers on Silom Road saying that the red-shirt group wanted a new Thailand with Thaksin as president. A move like this suggests that the right wing and elitist forces are employing old tactics to label the opponents as anti-monarchists.

    surely there should be charges against whoever made these stickers. It is obvious that it is the PAD as no Reds have been down there.

    The area is under lockdown with cameras everywhere anyway.

    If the reds did this it would be on tape?

    So, the PAD are prepared to commit LM in order to preserve their place in the trough. Nice though that even some at the Nation are seeing through them.

    Few at the top their need to be dispatched to calm this down. They are rabid lunatics and more and more (except the intellegent PAD followers on here) are seeing this.

    If these are the Elite of Thailand in Silom reading and believing these posters, then they are obvisouly much thicker than the un-educated farmers they so despise. Are they really the worlds thickest Elite?

    Here we go again. The "right wingers". Can we please leave the US politics out of the Thai politics???????????

    grandpops please try to come up with a viable reply to posts without your personal labels of people who have a different opinion than that you.

    It was in an article on here from the Nation. I didn't lable them right wingers, the Nation!!!!! yes you heard that right.... The Nation did. Read around a bit, I can't remember which thread its on.

  22. When it all explodes, the foreigners wandering around like morons will get injured, and then start bleating about how their embassies won't take care of them and pay the hospital bills that their insurance companies won't cover because of civil unrest. If anyone lacks common sense they deserve what's coming.

    I think you mean they will make very awkward witnesses to your cause.

    How dare they get in the middle and disprove all the propaganda like that, how dare they. They are disproving the case of the CRES with every photo they take, every comment they make.

    So, what do you yellows think now CRES is running the show? Is it all you wanted it to be that a man who should have been banned years ago, brought down his own PM (last time) got banned again for what I can see was much worse than what Samaak did but didn't go, got fired last week my Abhisit and still calls the shots from his bunker with his Elite Army Corps round him.

    Nice guy and am sure you will get the Democrats elected in double quick time with him at the helm. Mind you, its getting nasty now on TV .. Al Jazeera gave the PAD a real hiding on a 40 minute special this morning. LM charges in the pipeline.... you bet. Even some of the English Language program Thai presenters were against them.

  23. On Tuesday, an unknown group of people put up stickers on Silom Road saying that the red-shirt group wanted a new Thailand with Thaksin as president. A move like this suggests that the right wing and elitist forces are employing old tactics to label the opponents as anti-monarchists.

    surely there should be charges against whoever made these stickers. It is obvious that it is the PAD as no Reds have been down there.

    The area is under lockdown with cameras everywhere anyway.

    If the reds did this it would be on tape?

    So, the PAD are prepared to commit LM in order to preserve their place in the trough. Nice though that even some at the Nation are seeing through them.

    Few at the top their need to be dispatched to calm this down. They are rabid lunatics and more and more (except the intellegent PAD followers on here) are seeing this.

    If these are the Elite of Thailand in Silom reading and believing these posters, then they are obvisouly much thicker than the un-educated farmers they so despise. Are they really the worlds thickest Elite?

    The gloves are coming off on the Elite side as they are nearing the end of their reign. no pretense now that Abhisit is in charge. Its PAD, Thaugsabun and some dissaffected (with Anupong) army commanders.

    Airforce fired verbal warning this morning. In Thai terms, what he said was very strong. So, most of the Army cannot be relied on to shore them up forever, the airforce want to see common sense prevail and a political solution, the police are on the reds side and should not be underestimates and the Navy.. well nuff said.

    Those of us who have been here a long time remember when they did actually confront each other!!

  24. today the prosecutors of PAD have deferred the case again to June 16.

    They all hope and try to twist to get away for their serious crimes committed, be it red or yellow.

    A sensible decision when you see that they are running the show again through CRES and their new found Army lakeys.

    By passing Anupong is not a smart move by Mr Thuagsabun. Nor is sending legions of troops and police all round the country. Stretches them too much and gives them time to considder their loyalties and the space and time to act on them should they decide the time has come to change from neutral :):D to reds.

    He is already a very discredited individual and everybody knows it. Everytime journalist and diplomats need info on these people, its all there. Not modified or censored by anybody, it's all there. He is actually banned and only stayed on because nobody argued with his assertion that as he resigned, they could not remove him from office. Only in Thailand.

    What if the Army splits? Who are they going to send to bring them to heel?

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