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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Wouldn't surprise me at all if he took it by a landslide.... PM for life sounds rather exotic.
  2. Should this surprise. Americans are generally looked upon as naive suckers.
  3. Why do they bother with the extended rhetoric - the environment is the way down on the list of priorities. ....and the people know it.
  4. Not so. Not even close. Another make believe ideal presented as factual and real.
  5. There isn't. The promotions and emphasis towards all things Songkran is part of the program. .....and most buy into the exaggerations, simply because it's repeated loud and often enough.
  6. So.....what's with this obsessive insistence of sneaking forbidden fruit through the borders - even when returning home? Mellow out, would ya...
  7. I believe you'll find that such mandates of face coverings among anything medical/health care associated to be nearly universal worldwide........even when societal populations have long discarded the ideals and practices. Still.....the institutions and establishment haven't gotten over the COVID nonsense as of yet - continue to push the numerous lies.
  8. Sleight-of-hand in association with The Great Reset. The Economist has been long apart of the club. Might you expect anything less than the manipulated bs stemming from this group?
  9. Generating billions for whom? Do these billions trickle down to benefit the civil commons? Or.....a case of the usual class skimming?
  10. Be careful for what you wish for - it'll come, along with the usual regional flooding.
  11. As it would be strictly business for any nation and their policies. We shouldn't single out Thailand for it's seemingly nasty hypocrisy - everyone's this way.
  12. Well.......every particular country has their own odd and assorted entry rules and regulations, whether they're appearing to be ridiculous, extreme or whatever. It might be reasonable to suggest that it's up to the individual to abide and respect said laws - otherwise, don't pass through.
  13. Oligarchical rank has it's privileges and they'd prefer to keep it that way.
  14. You don't actually believe that they might have any such intention of paying out, do ya? Just a come on.
  15. This is what happens when one never makes the effort to socialize or acclimate. Miserable old [and young] sods. ????
  16. What if you're too pissed to comprehend [or follow through] said probation order?
  17. What might also effect profits is when fewer and fewer folks are purchasing crappy products.
  18. Personally, I'd ask for a Winnebago.....fully decked out. That's not too much to ask for our support, is it?
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