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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Collectives and cooperatives are largely a good idea.....if only we could get everyone on the same page. Sharing for the greater good of the commons has become a thing of the past. "I've got mine, so **** off appears to be the present mantra.
  2. Indeed. Though, most probably wouldn't want to understand this, as such a disparity of this nature is obviously much more prevalent in the UK/USA.
  3. Hmmm... Don't even know if he's that. Oligarchical chosen dictator sounds more appropriate. ????
  4. The overwhelming percentage of everyday Thais don't fly domestically - the preferred method is ground transport of one variety or another......therefore [this invented issue] has very little impact on everyday life. Not terribly observant are we?
  5. If it's not a Eurocentric way, it's just civilised.
  6. Even more realistic, how does a petty political dispute over a regional airport reflect of any such importance to the everyday Thai.
  7. Firstly. one might have to define what a fine and quality education would be in Thailand. I would be terribly suspect. Especially at the university level. The reputation has revealed itself over and again.
  8. As I read/hear this hard-wired ideal repeated over and again - what does an extended tertiary education with anything? Has little to do with goodness, intelligent or reason. Stands to ration, that the supposed scholar is just as ignorant, corrupt and disconnect as the uneducated or lesser learned soul. Truly applies to the clandestine and unkempt world of politics......less any other endeavor.
  9. ......and why is he continued to be referred to as a PM? He's not that - technically and legally.
  10. Perhaps a kinder and gentler colonial master? One that doesn't require the use of military and associated at every turn. ????
  11. I've heard it rumoured that running contrary to banking policy might be an ultimate offence. Decapitation or at the least, life without parole.
  12. Mixing with the younger set? Would that be the Generations That Haven't A Clue? If that's the only choice - I'll pass. Cheers. ????
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