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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. And it truly is no different this time around.......the same hopeful and deluded dreamers [especially from Farang circles] that go on about pie in the sky that things might be changing and the hold that the traditional military/elitist groups have is slowly dissolving. More often than not, things are never what they appear to be.
  2. What is it with this mindset? These ancient fellows that think they can be a benefit or consider themselves worthy.
  3. The bottom line should be clearly understood - there is no difference between any of 'em.
  4. Aside from the expected picayune political shenanigans and tabloid-like desires, I still might be quite weary towards their determination to retain their hold on everything.....surely, the traditional elitist aren't gonna give it up that easy. Even if they are down [and know it], not gonna change the reality that they'll connive their way back into the power fold - by hook or crook.
  5. ......and corrupted, belonging to the same criminal organisations.
  6. Yes. In a round about manner. Remembering why the military exist and their sole purpose - especially as applying to Thailand. The greater polarising influence comes by way of a deeper tradition. Almost subliminal in nature.
  7. Overthrow the army by way of the people. ???? That's rich. More than likely more frustration among the circles of deluded Farang, for whatever reasoning think they know what's what and what's not within this society. Pitiful.
  8. If you recall, old Thakky was abroad on a state visit when his power was ceased in a coup.....he was asked not to return or face trumped up charges [which weren't even declared yet]. So much for the ideal of facing prosecution when in power.
  9. So true. Have to wonder about the observation skills of some.
  10. Does it truly matter who gather majority - it'll all amount to the same circus anyway.
  11. ....and continue to be totally oblivious to their highly destructive general lifestyles and cultural manner. We speak of and discuss, valiantly, about the sky is falling - yet do little to practice our protest or dramatically adjust the way in which we exist.
  12. Indeed. The general ignorance and indifference towards such is equally similar throughout the West. Occidental cultures certainly don't have the market cornered as applying to knowledge regarding such subject matters.
  13. What struggle might've that been? You might be reminded that the 1932 coup was an elitist and suppressive [civilian/military] variety to seize control - nothing to do with a popular rebellion and the fallacy of promoting a direction of a free and democratic state. Just the opposite manifested thereafter.
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