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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. ...and become a very common mindset among those who have been conditioned to blame others, less having responsibility for oneself, for your own faulty misdoings.
  2. I dream of the culture that was presence some 40-45 years ago when I first bound upon these shores.
  3. Well....a decent civilising mission would fix that. Different Orientals.....how dare they. ????
  4. Describing the reality of the U.S. to a tee......which you conveniently omitted in your oligarchical scenarios.
  5. Remember.....the bottom line - they'll require approval and blessings. All of which might not be guaranteed.
  6. Don't think that the two [MV and PT] were ever that friendly or engaged in similarities. The so called "alternative" relationship was more than likely made up by the media circles.
  7. All is just a complex distraction, where the moot rhetoric is accepted.
  8. Perhaps, subliminally reflective of what many foreign residents consider themselves to be - migrants, refugees and non-entities. Only slightly [if that] engaged in the societal ideals of acclimation and adjustment. They consider themselves strangers, so naturally they're looked upon as strangers. Nothing matters of the extended social/familial environs - it's all about themselves.
  9. I guess one could always be fitted with the fashionable idea of [old guys] adult diapers. Done amazing things with the unnoticeable designs now.
  10. Most definitely. There needs to be a big shake up in one form or another. Hopefully sooner than later. Keeping with the topic at hand, I would be more than dreamingly curious to wonder what would really come about if by some miraculous happenstance that Move Forward were to conquer all......gather an overwhelming parliamentary majority [minus the traditional military cronyism] and premiership, etc. What kind of models and practice would they set? Policies for the betterment of the commons? Could they hold the attention and support of the good Thai populace? Perpetuating a gradual change that would be representation for the future? Or......might it be the same old boondoggle that we've come to live with?
  11. How about real concerns for the more important sectors of the economy, in which tourism isn't one of 'em. Do wish we'd get away from this fantasy that tourism and associated is that vital. Just a cover - and repeated loud and often.
  12. Imagine what they could do if they were unified and walked the walk regarding the betterment of the commons. Has little or nothing to do with the people, but instead themselves. Nothing will change.
  13. I'm sure all is in the making as we speak. Same as it ever was. Your bit above. Are you suggesting revolution will break out? ???? I don't think so. The usual dreads that speak as if they know what's going on.
  14. I suspect that such suggestions regarding any new and refurbished and their take on these age old policies is little but a marketing ploy by particular sources. Nothing less than a gimmick. Thailand's approach to migrants and refugees has been similar, without budging, for quite some time. I certainly wouldn't expect any incoming government to be allowed for such change.
  15. ....and disappointment. Was looking forward to the spectacular show.
  16. Yes, more than a bit wearisome. But...it's what they do. It's what they've always done. Time to wash these traditional ways away.
  17. Universal, ain't it. Yet, too many choose to ignore or recognize as such. Not much difference [if any] in the Thai system and anywhere else.
  18. Doesn't matter the generation [and their supposed insight]. Things will never change unless a full-scale and collective revolution comes about. Speaking of which.......have you truly observed or understand this current new generation? Personally, I'm rather suspect.
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