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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. That'll be a while yet, here. Though, it's becoming quite apparent such a suppressive and controlling system is settling in for good throughout segments of the "civilised" West....
  2. Well said, Mike. A side note: I must say, after long observations, that the Thai parliamentary system/procedure is a very odd duck that is geared and design to ensure the stodgy ruling elite their place. Requires radial infrastructural changes.....and that's just for starts.
  3. In all my years have never witnessed this magnitude of forest/bush fires in country.......most of which have origins from the traditional practice of field burning. Most will never learn. I'm saddened and disgusted.
  4. 1956. 1963. 1973. 1976. 1992. In retrospective, 2010 doesn't even come close.
  5. The authoritarianism comes in the same form whether a civilian or military-inspired coup govt. The most amazing paradox is seen through the population and their everyday lifestyles - regardless of standing government in place. Still remain independent, free and self-sufficient regardless of said government. Been of this nature for decades under the supposed [and mythological] repressive political machine or the same under the elected civilian democratic variety. Simple observations over the years and a better understanding of several decades of history will show you that the population has never been repressed under the mythological strains of this textbook authoritarianism. Most [outside] critics aren't truly observant as to everyday way of getting on.
  6. There's truly only a couple of countries that find it necessary to control, meddle and create a wide path of nastiness. I might say that most of the world does mind it's own business, largely - but because of the intentional interference from these couple of power states......the value of self determination becomes moot.
  7. Sounds good in theory, but history will tell you that every/any coup rarely has any such effect on trade or tourism.
  8. ...and all his cronies. As long as we're at it - sack the lot.
  9. Though, a true cleansing might take quite the collective effort.......and struggle.
  10. Yep... You might be offending those that clearly don't understand these things.
  11. The dollar will soon be less and less an influential/significant trading unit - generally speaking. Already starting to turn.
  12. Yes, of course. It's all about the protection and well being of the customers. Well understood that the banksters are your dear friends and extended family. Bless the financial institutions.......
  13. Actually, there are no specific rules or tradition as to how a royal pardon can be enacted. Nor can such a writ be overruled or overturned. There have been a number of examples over the decades [not terribly publicized] of a number of forced/self-imposed exiles receiving royal pardons - all of which never saw incarceration time.
  14. A most common trait among political and authoritarian types. One less corrupted mafia figure.
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