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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Yep. There are a few of us that realize that nothing's gonna change. If not reflected in May........than not too long after. They'll figure a way as they always do.
  2. From the looks of it......and such positioning going on, nothing is going to change. The power groups will retain anything they wish to - by hook or crook.
  3. Rain water. Old school. ????
  4. Unfortunately, such programs - so practical in many ways - are not profitable or return any dividends to those creating/running them. Never mind about the betterment and well being of the commons.
  5. Or.....being suspicious of the loyal and ever-abiding Thai mainstream media that create and distort such frivolous stories. Always them. Never us.
  6. A curious "what if" note might be explored. Has anyone ever wondered if the military henchmen would've been gutsy enough to pull off a coup while Thaksin was in country or how successful such an act would've been......instead of waiting for him, and his entourage, to take leave during state visits abroad.
  7. Yet, the courts, judges and constitution are emplaced and controlled by the military and another high influence. Therefore, making any ideal that such judicial decisions might be anything less than non-partisan.
  8. Nice sentiments, but the Move Forward folks will have little or no chance of a majority rule or control. Just the way things work here. I'm waiting for the revolution.
  9. And as we speak, there are hidden movers and shakers are behind the scenes pulling the manipulating the strings and creating a new stage for upcoming events. Don't be surprised if nothing changes whatsoever. Whatta show.
  10. Come on over......I've a freshly set batch of Ya Dong ready to be tasted. ????
  11. Could've been worse. Might've had his head buried in his all-hypnotic mobile gadget. Playing cards, indeed.
  12. The first rule of a hackers club is not to bring unnecessary attention to oneself.
  13. .....and some of us ignore the ideals of history repeating itself. So is the manner of contemporary Thailand.
  14. Only one reason, historically, for the standing military presence. Doesn't take too much deduction.
  15. And if I recall from the start, no one was on the same page regarding this rather new voa policy. From what I understand, there was lots of confusion as to what is what and what isn't. Early on, they were just stamping people in with no purchased voa - paperwork or electronic. Perhaps, this boondoggle has been corrected or updated.....or not.
  16. Your much exaggerated civil war [2010] theory was clearly confined and concentrated to Bangkok and her environs, whereas a broader percentage of rebellious participation and thought was looked upon indifferently throughout the rest of the country.......making such activity more of a local show, less a overwhelming popular revolt. Those that wish to rewrite history with an exaggerated and imaginary pen can be somewhat dangerous, as their dispositions are repeated over and again creating a fuzzy reality of this and that.
  17. Clearly, there's not an intelligent or competent strategy [generally speaking regarding the related subject matters] - been of this nature for quite some time. Can't see any adjustable and working changes in the foreseeable future. A Thai thing. Wiser folks will just accept what is and move on.
  18. All this angst and disgust over a figure that isn't even present, nor can we do anything about the situation. Yet, we forget about the variety of criminals that currently [and have been for a while] rule the roost. Why not concern ourselves with what is, right now in our presence, instead of the dreamy possibilities of what might come. Twisted or ignored priorities.
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