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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. More disturbing are those who buy into. Nothing challenged or questioned. The rather contemporary adage: It ain't rebellin' if you're buying what they're sellin'
  2. Might we expect anything less. Keep moving the dates up so they can feasibly plan and strategized the next event that will justify any such emergency government empowered for another few years. Watch....and see what comes about. Guaranteed.
  3. But an upfront working manner. They're not shy about referring to themselves as mob bosses, as that's what they are anyway.
  4. I also suspect that these netizen types are not numerous or influential. Kind of a made up term. Great percentage of everyday folks don't consider such things.
  5. It's all about the distractions - worthy or not. As are the other items of random, sensationalized, gossipy, tabloid-like info that passes for news and pushed continuously.
  6. One could argue that most Thai "originality" derives from elsewhere -
  7. Evidently, within particular Thai media circles he's still not likened as a turd.
  8. The only practical intervention might be a full on people's rebellion. Though......don't hold your breath.
  9. Less we forget or ignore the realities that all of these unsavoury and dubious activities are required to be signed off on, permitted and blessed by a supreme influential entity.
  10. Doesn't matter the proposed political identity that they may wish to abandoned, jump to similar or form anew - the club remains the same in it's essence. Nothing really changes.....not even the rhetoric. Mostly for show and features for the gullible press and electorate. Same as it ever was.
  11. The dark underbelly of contemporary Thai Buddhism and the deeper infrastructures. It's quite clear that the astute institutions have turned into something more sinister. Just have to observe everyday comings and goings. .....and they wonder where this catch-all term, Saffron Mafia, comes from.
  12. Offering bail without securing travel documents is more common than not.
  13. And many still haven't worked out that you're non entities.....in some eyes. ???? Yet, not the standard in some instances where a handful have integrated/acclimated [long-timers] are not looked upon in this manner. The good Thais have this sense about who's who and whose not. Body language, and other things, tell them a lot. ????
  14. Can't really see that the youth [or older folks] of today are taken in by any of the extended Junta Gang. News features of this nature are purely instinctive by the subliminally loyal establishment media - they've nothing else to sell. Imagine, if one can, the perplexities that might occur if this side of the press might focus much more on alternatives than that of which they're expected or conditioned to cover. As presently, it's all rather pathetic.
  15. .....and thanks for introducing such scenarios. Siwilai. [not]
  16. What might be more disconcerting are the long-timers that still haven't a clue.... Never mind the idealistic newbies.
  17. And most certainly not that terribly influential on the economic sector. Yet, repeated often and loud enough that it is.
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