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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. They burn because they don't have [or not offered] alternatives....
  2. Criminally suspicious political parties. Such a character might describe all of 'em.
  3. Nothing encourages the ever expanding fanciful growth more than tonnes upon tonnes of foreigners coming around. Repeated often and loud enough, it all becomes true and real.
  4. That appears to be the clandestine bottom line for quite some time now. The base quality and standards of educations and proposed training of said educators has been continuously downgraded over decades. The fanciful proposals of one step forward, all the while it's really three steps back. Quite clearly reflective of the lower educational levels, more embarrassing are the university and tertiary sectors.....in which they fail bigtime. The obvious priorities of the ruling classes, as they're not looking to encourage an educated population.
  5. As raw cane leftovers doesn't decay or decompose very fast [reasons why they don't sow it back into the ground], it might be wise for this particular ministry, and the farmers, to set up waste collection stations where such post-harvest materials can be turned into a mulchy mix and eventually distributed as an additive to all farmers in the area. Wouldn't be terribly costly - across the board - as everyone [farmers, govt, whomever] pitches in to contribute to the benefit of the local commons.
  6. Not much hope......he, and his gang, have never been popular within the broader region.
  7. Indeed. More commonplace than not the world over. It's just the way things work - and accepted.
  8. These are things we don't talk about in polite Mafia circles.
  9. Convicted in absentia......so such charges and convictions can't be true. ????????????
  10. Well sure. Isn't that what it's all about? [everywhere] Has little or nothing about representing the people.
  11. As the original [and numerous] varieties are more comfortable in torrid zone environments - where they're native. We have a few types ourselves. Make for great flowering border gardens......as they flower up and bush out quite marvelously.
  12. Yes, of course. Always greener pastures on the other side. Somewhere new to complain and whinge on about.......all the while being set in the miserable ways. Same same wherever they may be or relocate. It's not the locale or environment - it's them.
  13. Easier said than done, as we all understand how the machine works here.
  14. Exactly. The irony of this whole charade is that there are plenty of worthy and real alternative/opposition parties and candidates out there......they're just not allowed to participate [banned, dissolved, exiled, ruled against, etc] as they're not notable or loyal club members. Thai democracy.
  15. Expecting the old boy to be granted amnesty or a pardon from the very high authorities before long. Lotsa intense rumours and gossip being played currently.
  16. Why not promote true Thai tea, instead of these concocted drinks. Thai tea does have a particular virtue about it - only taken a few decades too perfect Hybrids from southern Chinese teas.
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