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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. He's been restricted from participating in political circles for quite some time. Need to keep up.
  2. They sure do promote these things as if it's something extraordinary. It's not.
  3. They sure do....the laws that they manipulate, coerce and change for their favour.
  4. You might consider who's behind such a survey and proposed rankings.
  5. You'll be reminded that all these actions [and rule] over the decades require permission and support. The principle crux behind all this. A base protection racket. We do, unconsciously or not, forget which broad entity needs to be removed - permanently.
  6. Never witnessed the local girls at the morning markets and numerous other instances, have ya? Much more commonplace [braless] than not. Guess that might depend on one's general exposure and experience. Blanket statements based on personal limitations and the expected stereotypes are to be expected.
  7. And still not recognized by the masses. It grows deeper and deeper with each passing year. Dumbed down.
  8. Nah. These types will never acclimate in this manner. Misery loves company.
  9. Before any of these things show progress or reality, Thailand needs to rid itself of the single controlling influence and it's traditional minions.
  10. I've always been perplexed as to the reference or label of things being international. Whatever the <deleted> that is. International. Think about it.
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