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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Yes, of course. The whole process seems to contradict itself. Either figure it out or don't grow sugarcane.
  2. Sure.....if govt is gonna be involved in controlling markets they might as well aid in production. If those that are truly uptight about the burning and whatnot - they need to practice what they preach. If not direct subsidies, then encourage govt sponsored community collectives. Might be a win win for everyone.
  3. Well....it's the best that the ruling class has to offer. There are bountiful options, alternatives and opportunities if they were allowed to be. Unfortunately, the in-family feuds are easily digested and a greater distraction regarding bigger pictures.
  4. Political backstabbing and tonnes of cash make for strange bedfellows - Oddly enough, they come from the same secret club......yet, promote the pretense as if they don't. Makes for good gossipy and lakorn copy though, doesn't it?
  5. Wonder if this suspected growth sees it's way trickling down to the benefit of the working classes - the real strength and reflection of any economy. Nah.....probably not.
  6. This proxy war, in particular, is steeped in propaganda and disinformation - almost exclusively from the good guys' circles. It's not even close. Shouldn't expect the usual conditioned patriots, defenders and apologists to recognize such things - as they never do.
  7. Indeed. Published in the Royal Gazette and all the associated blessings. We know what that means, don't we?
  8. It's madness. Ever attempt to have a decent conversation, or whatnot, with an individual or a gathering without any of them requiring to be obsessed with the gadget distractions. Some of us [older friends/family] know how to conduct ourselves in social gatherings without "the aid" of a bladdy phone. I guess old school does have it's moments.
  9. Best start brushing up on your Mandarin. The coming lingua franca.
  10. Should this surprise you, knowing how they historically do things. Clusterphuck comes to mind.
  11. There are other dinosaurs much more influential. The military are subservient. Because they continue to exist will be the principled reason for the ongoing coups and disruptions.
  12. That would be a number of close families - as they have for ages.
  13. Shhhhh..... It's all too secret and the practices continue on, as they have for some time. Regardless of such faux rescinding or debate.
  14. Yet....promoted as for the people. Same trickery theatre, different players.
  15. Less about education and more about profiteering. Just going through the motions.
  16. A positive and constructive note, but the downside is that the overwhelming percentage of cane farmers can't even imagine to afford such a decent practice.........unless acting as a collective along with govt subsidies.
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