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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. How is it that these folks [consistently] look like mob bosses?
  2. Don't hold your breath expecting well thought out and written features from the usual sources.
  3. After all is said and done, the bottom line of historic precedent suggest that any such opposition that deems to be a real threat to the traditional ruling circles will never see the day of light. This dreamy play that offers hope of change is purely part and parcel of the entrenched sleight-of-hand theatre of trickery and misdirection that they prefer to present. For any paradigm to be shifted, the dragon [and associated] requires slaying - little to do with the invented surface politics.
  4. Nonetheless, that's what government does - purposeful suppression and control. The base for their existence.
  5. Oh dear. Appears that the conditioned and repeated narratives are out there - still thriving and too many instinctively imbibing. Never mind all that other evidence to discount it all.
  6. Experience and exposure. The greater difference of those who commute or pass through occasionally and almost always don't know what they're taking about.......and those deeply resided here for decades and have the knowledge. Notice the difference.
  7. Indeed. But, this instance is like every other - it's all about themselves [as individuals] instead of the political party and it's identity. Actually, this was bound to happen - even with these folks.
  8. Wow. Whatta haul. Wonder the the good police authorities' plans for it? ????
  9. That's usually the reasoning and convoluted logic most [if not all] trivial laws and ticky-tacky regulations - to gather revenue unethically. And most certainly practiced the world over -
  10. The local distillers have much improved on their graded quality of Lao Khao over the last couple of years.
  11. Songkran was ruin and spoiled by Farang and their take on the celebrations.
  12. They might be popular among the masses, but political entities like MV will never see a day with a clear majority and control. As long as the ruling oligarchical machine is in place, real opposition has little hope. What they should be promoting is a revolution, instead of playing the game.
  13. Over the last couple of years, the development of such companion dolls has grown leaps and bounds. Almost life like......if you know what I mean.
  14. Yet, you definitely will find such in the Western propaganda media.
  15. Yeah. Not his house - never was. .....and to this day, some don't get it.
  16. I sense, from personal observations, that the Move Forward affiliation has distance itself from the original intent. Certainly since Khun Thanathorn was forced to step away and the native Future Forward Party was banned and dissolved, things haven't been the same. Presently, does anyone have a comprehension of what MV's core philosophies and values might be? I believe today they might be all over the map. Also, been well known that principle factions within the party have vacated their presence to form other annexing progressive/revolutionary political parties. Whose to say what the current state of health is, regarding this once unified political force.
  17. Oh dear. Anything wikipedia-esque as the carved-in-stone standard? Really...? Not curious about exploring alternatives or questioning the highly manufactured dominant paradigm? This is what it's come to. Mesmerized and dumbed down by the protocols of convention and officialdom.
  18. The essential crux. The long standing theatre never changes and the players just alter their roles. The embers of revolution need to be stoked.
  19. True. Yet, you'd never know it by way of the very controlled establishment media.
  20. Indeed. Yet, they [world's politicians/economists] all speak of rosier times when the shadows of reality and doom and gloom might prove otherwise. That would be the people's economy [the only economic factor that is worthy], not the fledging faux economies that are reflected through corpocracies.
  21. Until next election. And then what....?? Gives 'em time to hand pick another worthless old geezer from the selected club.
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