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Posts posted by patklang

  1. 30 million is including male children too?????

    i dont hang around in thai mens space when they are drinking heavy,thats one of the big problems in Thailand especialy upcountry.I generaly keep in the company of strange farangs lol.Thai bars and karaoke places can be a bit dangerous,as we have seen many many times on the news.


    i have no problems leaving home and feel safe in Thailand but there is a trend in THAILAND for crazy shootings.

  2. The best fish and chips in Pattaya is at my house.gf does an amazing meal every couple of weeks and its always brilliant.

    Nah... MY wife's fish and chips is the best!

    For the rest of you do-it-yourself types, try 'Gogi' brand tempura batter mix. You'll thank me for it.

    dont believe you mate,you will have to invite me round for a fish supper then i might believe you lol.

  3. I have found the place to be worse than the worst.Food ok,service crap and beer warm.Realy need a bomb up its arse and start again with fresh staff and management.Try to be high class but fail miserably except for the price.

  4. Bangkok is a SUPER DUMP.

    For me the biggest problem is pollution not holes in the road.Both are dangerous but the BK pollution could kill you in a few years,and its getting worse.I know the bangkokonians will scorn this as they condemn Pattaya,then sneak over for a long weekend lol.If you dont like bk dont live there is the answer.

  5. As far as the deposit is concerned you need to check everything in the condo to make certain you havent got any damages incurred by yourself.Have you got a 3 month contract with everything listed in the condo.The owner can increase whatever he likes when your contract expires,you have every right to find somewhere else.Life isnt perfect and things do go wrong from time to time.

  6. yes some of the the guys act the same as the bar girls, who are well renowned for their acts of vengeance

    Never heard of many thai girls with a gun.Its a natural occupation for thai guys to shoot each other for fun.A very strange type of person these thai guys,in fact the strangest i have ever seen in my life,they are like a loose cannon ready to explode,except all of thaivisa ladies husbands/bf/bar boys/beach boys.

  7. been here 5 years and the bars are very quiet,but i think this is due to the gbp/baht currency exchange .seems to be plenty of people walking but nobody wants to spend,other than some gogo bars in wlaking st,which i dont go to as this is a touristy area.

    all in all nice and quiet for me but not good for owners.prices for drink/food seems to be on the up though.

  8. been dead the times i have been,cant even smell the food cooking.maybe i should try to the food market in the evening,cant beat threppresit market for food though.there is a car park near the corner of pattaya thai,on 3rd road

  9. as a retiree i feel luck that i can sleep when i want and wake when i want.sometimes i sleep 4 hours and other times 8.went out last night until 1-30am and was up at 6.30am feeling groggy but had a cold shower and coffee and felt ok,did shopping and had a good long walk then had my late afternoon 2 hours kip and awake to a cold shower again.what a life i have lol.

  10. I can tell you for nothing it's been bloody chilly at night up here!

    Even inside my house the temperature has barely reach 20C all day - at night considerably colder.

    In my native UK this would be nothing since in the UK you have heating and the houses are designed for colder weather - but here the house are designed for hot weather so you have no way of warming the place up! Also since my house is north facing the sun doesn't even warm the living room since the windows are north facing also!

    I have to say however the cooler days are very enjoyable . . . just at night it gets a bit on the chilly side!

    Have you got your long sleeved stokie top there lol

  11. kep the email account open just for him and save everything for possible evidence.After listening to so many stories that turn into disasters,if i was a woman in thailand i would move and keep my head down for a while.Many of these guys are nuts and after losing face(and money) they can turn very violent,and i would not trust any of them.


    Cheers for the nice comments rather than some jumped up journalist that still thinks aresole-nal play the beautiful game.Hope the thrashing by man u will make chelsea twitchy and nervous against the mighty potters.

    Overall i thought a draw was a fair result against liverpool but we did make them look an ordinary team.

    Be Loyal

    Be Proud

    Be Stoke

  13. not big headlines,all the expats here know they are worse than criminals.There are some very nice criminals in pattaya who would serve and protect me much better than the police and i dont pay them a baht.

    i just hope and prey that none of us have to deal with some of pattayas nastiest people,exclding my thai friend of course.i have only seena good side of my police friend but maybe he is the same as the rest.

    btw he has just bought a brand new 7 seater for his other businesses???

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