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Posts posted by 321niti123

  1. Sorry, no way I can read 35 pages to see if this has already been said, but seems to me that someone is taking revenge for the assassination of that Thai military officer, a while back, with the shooting of Sae Daeng.

    its possible, he did say he had trained the men who did it

    although i favor the 'from within his own ranks theory'

    the bullet will tell the tale.........

    I heard the red killed seh dang story too, and its seems to be supported by the interview he gave before he got shot which revealed major conflicts between red leaders.

    to me it seems that he is in a conflict with the 'dove team' he mentioned, and i also heard that the 'dove team' wanted to accept PMs roadmap which Seh Dang was against.

    Interview Link:


  2. I stated that civilized people respect human life.

    If you prefer killing people that's your problem.

    I am with you on this. Some people think this is a video game where kills aren't real. It shows their immaturity.

    If the death of one criminal save the lives of innocent hundreds, i would allow that criminal to die.

    And i say hundreds because of all the workers laid off, paid less, etc-how do we know what that money means to them, it could mean the difference between having a meal on the table and having to go hungry-I only respect the lives of people who works towards saving lives and not destroying them.

  3. What morons you are here? It's not funny when somebody gets shot, especially in this fragile environment.

    And apparently most of you overlook the risk involved if he should really pass away.

    Actually Seh Dang is one of the only few Red Leaders who didnt accept the road map, I remember Nattawut accepting it so early, and Weera already left the red camp for many days.

    Without Seh Dang, the violent radical factor reduces and it is more likely that the Reds will accept the roadmap.

  4. I am looking towards singapore, australia (or maybe Canada or US-less likely), which one do you think is more helpful for me because i dont actually have a specific college in mind, and i would like to take it before ROTC which i would have to skip to go take the test. I can only skip 4 times and i need to skip 2 to go to malaysia and once for SAT II

    I know Australian universities prefer the IELTS, and I bet that would go for Singapore as well. What degree are you going for (bachelor's, master's?) and in what field?

    I think i have a good chance of getting into a good university in Australia because i am currently enroled in the IB Diploma Program

  5. I am looking towards singapore, australia (or maybe Canada or US-less likely), which one do you think is more helpful for me because i dont actually have a specific college in mind, and i would like to take it before ROTC which i would have to skip to go take the test. I can only skip 4 times and i need to skip 2 to go to malaysia and once for SAT II

  6. amazing. going into hiding in Phuket. what an arse!

    here's a picture of an arse.

    What an asshole_e. Wish you'd have to make the time in Thailand, not in Germany. Time to rip off your arse in a Thai prison.

    Please BKA let him stay here for a while..........

    Erm he didnt commit any crimes in Thailand..

    Did you read the info or just knee jerk reaction ??

    He'll probably be detained in a thai prison for a while before sending him back to Germany. :)

  7. This is not thai to english but english to thai

    I was watching a movie that had a machine rendered Thai subtitle. Instead of translating can in the context of "I can do" the machine translated in the context of "tin cans"

    The whole movie was like: ผมกระปงทำได้(I can do it)

  8. It looks like a pawn slip for some gold jewlery.

    Here is a partial translation, with my limited comprehension.

    Someone with better skills than I can fill in the gaps or provide a better translation.

    Store Petchatong 99

    65/7-8 (street name)

    Open 10:30 am – closed 9:30 pm

    Customer (Person pawning): Ratchanee Murapee

    Gold: Weight 2.1 Gram

    Silver: 1200 baht #

    Date received: 11 Apr 2053 Date of Arrival [Date to be picked up]: 11 May 2053

    If I do not come to pick-up at this time, I will release (item) to the store.

    This card is good for one month After which forfeit.

    ( [if ] the card is lost, the store is not responsible

    Its not silver, เงิน has two meanings, means money and silver.

    In this context it means Worth (as in the gold is worth 1200 baht)

  9. Abhisit, here again shows his inability to keep his words. Cunning, and always look for an excuse is never a leadership quality. What he will become in his political future, another Chuan LEEKPAI?

    If the reds are incapable of keeping any of their promises why should the PM be expected to follow the roadmap on his own while the reds keep making ridiculous demands.

    agree with lazurus, how will any one be able to organize an election with a very high possibility of a red attack in the back of their minds.

    The reds have lied, cheated, and stole and now are holding the government to the standards that the reds themselves could never meet.

  10. If you read the whole article, it didnt say that the election date was abandoned.

    Abhisit just said to the reds, 'If you dont agree with the 5 points, then you are not being truthful and loyal to the country, and you do not actually want to help the country'

    He also threatened to cut power and water supply. I heard that the protesters found a way around it using fire hydrants and a power generator.

    BTW...the article is basically saying the same thing as the article in the news clipping section called "Thai AUthorities to Sever Red Shirt supplies..."

    THis topic is probably going to be closed soon, due to the policy about politics in the 'general' section.

  11. Hi all,

    you'd do a big favor if you could help me on this here...

    I need the thai translation for "with an open heart".

    For "heart´" I liked the following translation, because it also means soul.


    But is this the right translation?

    Thank you soooo much for your help!


    ใจ (pronounced: Jai) is correct already

    This word for heart would be used in common phrases such as:

    Kind Heart: Jai Dee/ใจดี

    The Phrase for open heart would be: เปิดใจ (which literally means open heart would be used in thai to mean, open your heart up to accept new things/ideas)

    For the literal meaning of heart (as in the organ) it would be: หัวใจ

    Please feel free to correct if you have any corrections, hopefully you got your answer

  12. How about Richard please?


    My name is Richard, and I always spelt it as ริชชาด - For the last dozen years or so> That's also what on myt marriage certificate, so I'm stick with it. As a transliteration, I guess it depends where you put the emphasis and who transliterattes it. This wold be Rich-Chart, which sound right when a Thai says it.

    Sanscrit sylables end in sala-I, but not Thai (other than borrowed words from what I understand) so the spelling abobe Ri-Cha(miss the RD) - would be pronounced Richah (the little symbol above the Ror Rua would cancel out the RD at the end).

    Actually it wont canel out the D at the end, the symbol is to show that the R is not pronounced (not pronounced when a thai says it). If they symbol is above the the last letter then it might cancel previous letters but that one the symbol is correct

  13. Pick up any newspaper any day and count the positive pieces in the news section but then, as the saying goes, no news is bad news.

    Nowhere on this planet is perfect and life itself ain't perfect but a whinge or two on an anonymous internet forum doesn't actually hurt anybody and it's better than manning the barricades in Banfkok.

    News usually reports bad stuff anyways crimes, disasters, sickness, diseases, etc. even in western news. Its pretty refreshing on this forum (esp. the general section) to get away from all the bad stuff. There is good and bad in everything, a news paper or a news report just doesnt report it.

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