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Posts posted by Foreverford

  1. Yes there is a charge for each team as there will be a record 22 teams competing with many professional players coming to compete in the top level. the cost will be either 5 or 6 thousand baht depending on how many players we have. This includes the two dinners at the Dusit which leave nothing to be desired with the beachside restaurant dinner a seafood specialty buffet but all the other courses you can imagine also. If you can't play Tyker come on by and watch a game or two and say hey to the guys on the team. thanks for the interest.

    Also I made an error with the games as we play 3 games on Monday the 8th not two

  2. The world famous Hua Hin Hop A Longs are looking for a couple of players for this year's event. we are in the "Masters" division this year so that means we need players 45 years old or older. The tourney involves playing 5 games one on Saturday the 6th and two more each following day. We then have an off day on Tuesday and playoffs will be on Wednesday. Introductory huge buffet dinner is on Saturday night at the Dusit Hotel (as is the tourney) at the beach front outdoor restaurant and is semi-formal (not so much so if you don't want to but if your wife or girlfriend likes to dress up this is their chance). Final dinner and awards are casual outdoors on the lawn but still the full on Dusit buffet again. If interested call Tom at 086-621-9693

  3. You are driving, yes?

    If so then you should expect really bad traffic before and after especially if there is a large exhibition at Challenger next door. Add in a football game at the Thunderdome stadium (located just north of Challenger) and the whole area can be a huge traffic jam. (And don't forget that 10k also live in the MTT condos, located just to the east of Impact)

    On the occasions when there are a few events on the same night at various venues, getting in and out of MTT can be a nightmare. On those nights, it is not uncommon for people to spend over an hour trying to get to Chaeng Wattana rd (1.5kms away) on really bad nights or 30-40 mins getting onto the Expressway ramp. If it is only the concert, then it won't be too bad.

    Arriving 2 hrs earlier will give you time to park in the carpark. However, if you know the area there are a few better places to park away from Impact which provide a quick exit (given you don't know the area so well it may just confuse you to detail these options).

    There are a few restaurants adjacent to Impact and if Challenger is open many eateries located in the pedestrian link between Impact & Challenger will be as well.

    However, you wanted a picnic. There is a grassy area immediately in front of Impact Arena but this will be noisy with people. There is another located to the west of the Arena adjacent to the rd which runs between Imapct and Challenger. This will be nicer, more quiet and still close.

    If you really want some space then somewhere around the Lake which is located to the NW of Challenger/Impact you'll find some areas to hang out (access from Bond st which is continuation of Chaeng Wattana soi 33) but then you have the problem of driving that last 1km or so to Impact when traffic may be bad.

    I'd probably stick with arriving early, picnic by Impact which also gives time to visit some eateries and restaurants nearby should you wish.

    Thanks Lake buddy also you too Friso guy. We are going to have a driver with a van take us there and are leaving Hua Hin at 3pm for 8:30 show. When i leave for the farm in Buriram I am usually somewhere short of Saraburi in about 3 hours (leaving at 3am). So we are factoring for a frijole full of traffic into our plans and like the idea of the 1 kilometer away lakeside spot for picnicing as we want to be able to walk away from the crowds of the venue to rondevous with our van driver and won't need to worry about having parking nearby as he can be waiting 5-10 kilos away until the show is over. thanks for the help For Fans and Fords Forever

  4. Anybody been to this venue? We are coming from Hua HIn so have the fudge factor for the traffic and will arrive possibly two plus hours before the show. Is there anywhere around the venue close by that would be good to have a picnic dinner? Any other suggestions. Muchas gracias

  5. yeah I was a bit incapacitated at harvest. Harvest is when you pay all the vbills because got to get it out of the wet into the pile then off the straw into the bags dried to optimum out and into the bags if necessary and anywhere to do it with the weather then the cost to get it to the buyers warehouses and and then no warehouses wants to do this govt idioticy so can't sell to them at 20 and there are only a few houses buying under the govt program; as it was easy to promise but there was no delivery by the paper pushers and the plant growers brogught in their wares. Some day they would only process three!! trucks with the paperwork for pledged rice and the other dozens to hundreds of vehicles in the cue could spend the night and hope it didn;'t rain or as they always do sell to the houses out of program price. My FIL got conned into 11 baht for organic hom Mali and never even saw close to 14. Some might remember the little bit of flood waters to deal with. we were flooded early and manage to sve the crop others lost theirs (organic methods and nano-calcium and high foliar feedings of essential micros were teh key i believe) then a big drought hit and turned everything the other way. the new water and irrrigation system saved us again and then the big floods came sooooooo not a very big rice harvest on top of that, Weneed to feed nearly 20 people with the rice there wasn't so much to sell and when I found out our big farm's entire minmal harvest was conned away for 11 baht we didn't make the money to get the stugff ojut of thr ground and into the mill. Our premium stuff was completely held back to feed the family and hopefully a few newer bigger strains are harvested and in bagsand will make for a good seed stock for this year. we got hammered by this 20 baht bull. It just gave the buyers another edge to get the ignorant indebted Issan farmers completely devastated. i guaranteed my FIL that I will buy all his rice this year for 11 and yes we started with flooding again which scrtewqwed the palnting again this year but now are in a drought so we maintain consistency over the last half dozen years. Enormous crop of Jack fruit this year as effects of lots of organic compost and EM are showing.

  6. My back aches just looking at the monster rolls of sod. Well done and many things can be done many ways. I grew turfgrass on pavement not too intentionally but definitely it can be grown from the top down no problem. Like Aussie and others say. Supply the nutrients, mulch the cuttings bacvk into the turf will eventually make slightly alkaline as is ideal to keep vermin away but Zoysia is magic grass and is the indigenous (native) grass of this area that has been shipped over the entire world and is considered an extremely effective droughtand disease resistant invasive hot weather turfgrass. effective irrigation and dilligent weeding in its original introduction will produce the best turfgrass in Thailand bar none unless you have huge saline problems then "Seashore paspalum" would be best. A constant diet of good organic compost and effective microorganisms, EM and you will have a lawn that will survive isn the best and worst of conditions. Feed it good and keep it happily moist and you can't lose. I just was in the middle of nearly a thousand of rai of it in an old pineapple plantation and it was magnificent.Fore on Fords Forever

  7. Thanks guys I've done a bit of work with a big Kobelco and they actually had a computer inside to count the work hours so that is always the preferable method; and then you can ascertain if he is a competent operator; if he isn't then have to renegotiate for a by the job bid. Been hearing 1500 an hour so Soundman sounds like you are in the ball park. the best way to find these guys is look for mud on the road and find a job in progress that you can then tail onto so transport is short and then can jump their que before they head to the next Changwat. Timing timing timing. FFF

  8. To have ten years of hemp seeds I'd be in heaven. I just blew it by not replanting the Pah Teung (hemp) after working my last into the ground and we got two good rains. Dumb dumb and dumber. A real miss in the gamble of farming, pure and sweet goodness would be awaiting my lovely soil (probably about two and a half meters below historical forested land levels due to older practices causing massive erosion) if I didn't go on the cheap and try to save some of my last 200 pounds of seed for next year. The "Fool on the Hill" as the Beatles once sang is how I feel but get over it as must be. Am I going to rejuvenate the soil and buil;d back that 2 meters and a half of lush topsoil in my lifetime. Now not that much of a ":Fool" to dream that but the great grand nieces and nephews? or their kids kids? I don't think so; maybe a half dozen centuries might show some change to the better in replenishing not just rejuvenating. Sustainable is the bare minimum organic non-chemical the guidelines to the process. No time to go on to one of my epic responses but eill touch base with you guuys thru the draconian mode of more finger banging. "On the farm.." in the Organic seection is where I'll get into it a bit more specfically with the use of Issan Aussie's composts and worm castings and methods. The Dog has already started creating a new world with his soil on his homestead as he produces tons more food on his plot as anyone other does for many a mile around. His earth is growing and will always continue to thrive with what he si doing; in a couple of generations pweople willsee amazing rejuvenation and actual elevation changes in the replenishing of the topsoil as the massive tree specimens he has introduced will continue to flourish and shed and keep the entire biological circle flowing and going and growing, the way it always used to do such a short a time ago. Foolin' on Fords Forever As an afterthought to all, I do have an idea how to speed up the process and see sonme significant improvement in replenishing the soil. I need to fill in one more piece of the puzzle and this is going to be interesting try9ng to find all the players and see if the weather will hold up and if the Ford will get the the new front spindle and bearing and the massive leakage from the main hydro pump and rear end can be solve and r4epairtred soon. Maybe a little bird will fly uop and magiccally it will all be better. Funny that bird has been at it for nearly a half yeart and nothing is getting better gee eee it actually doesn't look as good. I'm looking for a contact number for a big exacvator in the Buriram Surin Cambodia border area (Prachon Chai/Prasad). This will be for right after Songkran (stop l;aughing somebody will be sober at least three weeks after hopefully). Thanks

  9. Hey where the tol are, what's happening? I can't believe peeps have left you strung out here without any response because you will kill or save the trees you have based on what they is bad boy. Avo's have a fiberous rooting system basically like maybe you woukld think of a lawn where the roots are extremely abundant but very small and shallow in the soil. the mango has a "tap" root which is a single main root almost copying what is growing above ground 15 inches of mango growing above ground it would be good to get at least that much depth in your "ball" of soil you are able to keep attached to the roots system. If you can leave one in the ground where it is and see what it does and transplant the other two where they can at least get partial sunlight and bunches of good rain or water for a while should give you a chance for success. Excessive shwading will definitely force a very tall weak high reaching specimen in either one.

    Remember ALL dirt is "nice" dirt, you just have to learn how to understand it. treat it nice and it will be more than nice back to you. By composting you're geeting how to be nice, so right on and left off as some say. Mangoes can be extremely reactive with some people, me included, as the skins on the fruit contain the same type of toxins as North American poison oak and poison ivy. That said it can be a little difficult to correctly identify a mango seeding and an avocado. You could try the old look, touch, taste test with a leaf and compare it to mature specimens in your area but at theses trees early age shown opf your photos it appears that if you go a good shovelfull or more deep and put it in the best prepoared hole you can make and put whatever nice dirt you can muster up and water it in good and slow and deep and cover the earth with some old leaves and cr4eate a temporary shade structure for say 3-7 days I think either an avocado or a mango can make it at the stage yours are in now. forget pots let your dirt be free and it will be one less step to getting the trees on their way. Avo's would do fgood if you wanted to pot up one in reserve that the others don't make it. but with a mango probably a waste of time unless you have a very big container that you cvan use before transplanting the final time. Have fun with your compost as you can n0w see you don't have to have a basket or container to make compost aas a couple of chunks out of the earth and a wet hole is a great start to creating more compost. FFFFords FForever

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  10. just had about 20 minutes of typing gobbled up and so i am going to make this short and to the point. You have a great opportunity as you have the roadside avility to selll you stuff and I g feel it is a necessity for now day farmers to be able to make it financially. You also have water so the only thing you need to get together is the ability to make good soikls to for your varying needs for cuttings and seeds and then transplanting into larger bags. For example it will cost next to nothing to fgo fiond beautiful abandoned bouganvillas everywhere around and you can go andf take cuttings and put themin good draining (sdandy) soil and keep them moist for a WHILE AND BINGO THEY WILL ROOT AND SOMEONE WILL BUY THEM AND THEY WILL BECOME THEIR NEW SECURITY FENCE OR A BEAUTIFUL hanging WINDOW BOX. I planted a few hundred papaya seeds and then transplanted them into bags and eventually told the family it was time to put these hundreds of trees into the ground and they griped and complained that where how and why and what and they don't grow and died and and and but it appears that we have hendreds of papaya trees growing around the house and some have dozens of fruit hanging and ahave had some that in the past produced welll over 50. Many iof the seeds were from purchased fruit and saved and others were local store bought seeds. Total cost couldn't have been over a few hundred bsaht bags included. Again your secret will be in making soil for all the different cuttings and seeeds that you will plant. Your products will be based on what people in your area want to buy and visiting others in the same business will help you understand this. start small and hopefully you will be able to expand in a logical and profitable way. remember everything you don't sell doesn't get thrown away it can either be planted at your place and consumed (food) later or you can put it in a bigger bag and create a larger and more valuable specimen. Issan Aussie has a good source of worm castings and composts that are essentials to starting to crate good soils and comoposts and uyou would love to be able to find a source of good clean sand whereever you are located. Most of this stuff isn't about growing different plants and seeds it is about creating the correct soils ffor the plants and seeds so they can thrive in their early stages so you have good specimens.

    a lot of the pumpkins we transplanted this year duidn't do good because the chicken "compost" was no good my f-i-l said. I told him he was nmistaken as the chicken compost wasn't compost at all it was kee (that is pure chicken manure and some rice husks). I told him to transpalnat them in issan Aussie real "compost" mixed with the natural soil and amazingly those are doing just fine oh well maybe they'll get it some time as e all know "a little is very good so a lot alot has to be so much better" Chioke Dee PS there are a few pinned subjuects in the beginning of this forum that will help you with all this such as composts and trees etc lots of good informative reading you can use to make it start happening. Farming Fords forever

  11. Just put in another crop of sun hemp but the big news was that the family was finally able to get free seeds from Buriram. Other provinces have been doing this for years but B stands for backwards and Buririam. Of course you couldn't go the 100 kilometers roundtrip they required you got a minimum of 7 people or they wouldn't give the seeds also had some crap about having to have land papers but that was forgotten or jive or whatever. Of course they wouldn't make it available until long after the optimum tiome to plant but what else is new. we are stockpiled for next year and hopefully will be able to get m0re. the soil has greatly imoroved with one year getting three crops in and also heard it is great for people klooking for pollinators for trees etc and have really notice plenty of flying bombadiers buzzing about doing their thing when 100's of thousaqnd of rai lie fallow all around. Fixing N in a Ford Forever

  12. Howdy you really need to do your homework before posting this as this has been covered 500 different ways from sideways and back. Check all the old info available and then post a variant on the subjuect eith your personal wants wishes and questions but you aren't going to get too much info from others on this because we have covered this subject so many different times with newbies. We all were once so go to "pinned topics" subjects for help as a Newbie (this is one of the first 15 or so subjects available in this forum) and they have a section tho help you as a Newbie then research below that in the topics for more info that is available and then resubmit a new topic specific to your needs you will get a better response and hopefully the info you need. Fine in the Forums with Fords Forever

  13. Thanks beechguy and JohnC I am at Prachuap Khiri Khan in Hua hin and they are pretty straight forward even after a few uniformed folks tried to come in from Pattaya years ago and start to try to get bribes and all that nasty stuff. So now we are still doing busdiness as normal and I will try to speak to them this week but if others have done it 60 days early i think it should be no problem. Don;t need to do it til end of May but want to make plans in advance and maybe see Carlos Santana in Vegas in June and tickets go on sale on the 27th. thanks Again Figurring on Fords Forever

  14. Careful with the fertilizers right now unless something like Issan Aussie's worm casting tea or the castings themselves. Prefeered way to plant would be to completely ammend your soil first before planting and then ammend and fertilize when growing vigorously. Ideally you may have got a drought resistant strain and you can weventually starve and dry out your area so that you can control all the invasive stuff before you let your bermuda flourish. If it will take a low cut then that will also be a way of controlling invasive plants by mowing it down low. rememberr every time you cut the crash you are wounding it and makeing it suseptible to disease so there are always tradeoffs in care. In the future you might be intersted in using Zoysia grass (usually and easiwet to acquire here by getting cuttings instead of seed stock) as it is indigenous to Thailand and I have noticed that it is must stronger and prolific to invasives and doesn't seem to get the diseases like fusarium and other funguses that are highly prevalent around here in this humuidity. It looks very good from your photo and it would be good to see if you can get your cuttings to grow in the future. Choke Dee Fusarium Phosphorous and Fords Forever PS Zoysia is extremely drought resistant

  15. Jim what is the process to be able to do this? They can't do it with a battery? Do they start a generator and then zap the water? We managed the net robbers by placing barbed wire under the water in some of our ponds but have been told about this method but don't know how it is done. Thanks for any help

  16. Keep em going good buddy hopefully a circuit could be set up that prevail in the harvest seasons in the US where organic farmers meet weekly. As per events in Issan it hasn't been too sucessful from what I hear in and around Surin. so far the obvious markets will be Bangkok Pattaya hua Hin and Phuket with many central provinces possible. with middle men cut out there is a viable chance of possibly breaking even and getting something left over AND sell your stock. Transport will be the key to all markets but it looks like this could work if the Chinese and the Indian consumers can be attracted as the are big buyers of Chemical free sustainably raised organic foods. I'll send you the info on the H2O2. Pure magic. Too burnt fried stung out to get much more down for now. this should be changed over to our organic side or posted on both sites to show there are alternatives available, anyone want to purchase 5 tons of hand harvested organic Hom Mali paddy/or clean to spec, Filloeing Furrows For Food on Fords Forever

  17. My first car was a 55 Chevy coup that someone had dropped a 348 cu. in. V-8 with 409 heads. It had a high ratio rear end and would go too much above 80 mph. But it got there fast. It was black when I bought it, but I hit a tree and we had bolt a new doghouse on it. It was from a primer orange body. We also used the trunk lid from the same body, so I wound-up with a two-tone 55 Chevy coup. Pumpkin orange front end and trunk lid and a black body. It was a street legal 1/8 mile dragster that flashed "pull me over" to every cop in the city. We called it the Halloween car.

    Had a budy wi8th a 55 and he wired a piece of wood to the backside of the clutch pedal so when clutch disengaged bam and the wood would restrict and further depression of the pedal to the metal. I beloieve it was that car or his corvette that ended up in a tree. too too fast. That metallic 57 Cad Biaritz convertible with the dual quads 4 spd auto and full candy apple blue leather interior with the saber spoke original aluminum wheels was one bad mammajamma. One of less than 1000 ever made. Cads Forever

  18. Kaesesart (sp) University ususaly has their Ag Fair about the middle of January and has all you are looking for and more. Floods will most probably afffect this year's event. Choke Dee Fords and it's


    I'm due back in Thailand mid Nov till July 2012. Apart from the Korat agri-show in August-time, does anyone know of any other agri-shows taking place..I'm mainly intrested in machinery & implements rather than fruit & goats. Dates & venue info would be most welcome thanks.

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