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Posts posted by Foreverford

  1. :o I hope this has nothing to do with that crook <name removed> who has a hand in the stadium.

    I see the Observer has raised its head again, not sure who fronts it for him, everything in his wifes name, he has gone bust so many times now. Never see him out and about for obvious reason's.

    If he has anything to do with it, its a CON. :unsure:

    You've got to be joking and obviously not from here for long. the Observer and all who are involved with it have been together for a long time and have handled themselves very professionally in all that they do. I recommend them highly. You are very foolish to make your last statement as you are 100% wrong and should think before writing such nonsense.

  2. Hello JB, I think the Banana guy maybe having a 'flood sale',

    his area seam's to be quite wet.

    Between the storms passing threw Korat, I can sometimes

    hear the faint sound of a song in the wind, I think it's FEF

    humming 'The Banana Boat Song' over Surin way rusted to

    the seat of a water logged ford.(Flooded On the Road Dead)


    Day O dayyyayy oh daylight come and me gotta go home

    We singing day ayye ayye ayyyyee ohhh daylight come and me wanna go home

    Hey mista tally mahn tally me bannana

    Daylight come and me wanna go home

    Woman Sweet and she take your money

    Daylight come an me wanna go home.

    bannana ripe it taste like honey

    daylight come and me wanna go home

    Day oh Day aye oh........

    Well anyway a banaana song for the soul

    right now it feels like time to sing that Dead old "Ships of Fools" We are under about a couple of meters of water but the levee after three years work is still holding so floodwaters are passing us by so far and the rice is massive and all tha banaanas are high and dry for now. I wish everybody luck in quick relief and drier days. "Went to see the captain, strangest I have found..........I would slave to find a way, to sink your ship of fools" Fools 'n Flooded Fords Forever

  3. <br />Hi FEF<br />Interested in "Supergreen, EM and "Beyond Organic" micro nutrient spray we formulated"<br />I have tested just supergreen on cassava and it works well so wondered what else you add to it.<br />ie what is EM and "beyond organaic" <br />I have been trying to think of ways of adding some NPK to the supergreen so as to kill 2 birds with one stone when spraying. Hoping your EM and beyond organic are the answer.<br />Steve<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Hey Somo internet and this site are acting peculiar but will try to9 answer. BO and EM are not your answer for NPK but are micronutrients in BO and microorganisms in the EM. Y9ou will see info on EM in the pinned subjects above and hopefully at the end of this will be some info for you on the BO. Krauti had said he didn't get much results with cassava in field tests so hopefully you are proving him wrong but I was very satisfied with the results I got though it wasn't a very good test this year do to a multitude of factors. Hopefully next year will be much more scientific but Ifeel it was rather helpful to get the rice thru drought stress. Choke Dee. Sorry no luck downloaDING info but can send to you if you wish or will try again later at another internet cafe. Fumbling on Fords Forever

  4. I can only speak for Pattaya in that most temples with a crematorium attached will carry out a cremation according to the deceased wishes, that is, Christian clergy can conduct, bud hist monk can conduct or just a simple cremation with no religious input. Enquire at your local temple.

    Thanks there johhny Big C does anyone know if this does happen or been involved. Did you Johnny? Not cremated yourself i mean. a yukka yuk a. Thanks again

  5. Hello FEF, this was a booth at a orchid show/contest(4 days) downtown Korat,

    I saw this booth and took a look. I should have bough then, next day they didn't

    have any more of the red ones.


    Got some hanging now with hundreds on. Grandma mom and baby (leaving three trees in a bunch and rmoving all others) I think is the key to getting them to set but still too short a time and not enough smart strong backs to get control of the jungle but we are digging and spreading them about and bedding in Issan Aussie's compost. Fords and Fingers of Fruit Forever

  6. OK, so FEF is back and its only a matter to time before he publishes another Down on the Farm Epic, so I thought it was time to issue the challenge to him this time and get in first. I wrote a message to a friend today which was amusing so I thought I would rewrite it t todays story. Actually true, it did happen ...

    Room for a Laugh.pdf

    Hope you enjoy it.

    Isaan Aussie

    "Doesn't matter what they're looking at just as long as they are looking" or something like that was a quote from the end of Steinbeck's " Cannery Row" or "Sweet Thursday". If you read them them IA maybe you renmember why it was said. I wonder if its almost the same as "doesn't matter what they are reading just as long as they are"? Well I've saddled up to the internet cafe's slap traption and here goes again. A day in the life of "Down On The "farm" Todday" . Hey that sound like a pretty gopod title to a song (if yoou drop the quotes) if you could find four mop head kids to sing it (nah no way not a good idea)? Anywho and how and what should be laid out to the world to see today "Down On". Well the level is rising and after coming up about 7-8 meters it has one meter more before it reaches the top of the levee on the big klong and at our place that is about 30 or so meters wide. So you might figure that at the surging river-like flow of this monster water snake that it is somewhat like liquid dynamite. I was able to put another 50 cm on the top of the levee at a nasty turn of a oxbowand right on th property boundry so hopefully it'll hold on this historically weak spot. the rice is huge and broad and way overhead and starting to set up. It's hasn't ever been this huge but the last time it was close to this size until further upstream from our new levees the main levee explioded and put under tens if not hundreds of thousands of rai underwater and ours was comopl;etely under for nearly two weeks and probably lost 80%. It wopuld be fun to see if we can move towards the magic 1000 kilo mark but ain't that like counting chickens before the eggs are even laid? Avos doing ok but lost most of the Taku hardwoodf trees to the drought we had after the earlier pre-season floods. The bifg farm is weed infested due to the flooding and later drought ( and laziness in not cutting it down after the drought finally passed) but believe that the nano calcium Supergreen, EM and "Beyond Organic" micro nutrient spray we formulated were verry effective in keeeping the rice strong thru the drought. Tons of other things going on bubut got to go now. So "Nickles" 36 years ago was some kind of wild times but that story will wait until we get together, too much, too long ago to even think of putting to print even for esteemed students of the College of Small Minds. Peace and lotsa love 4 4'ds 4ever

  7. Let's give it a try and see if I can remember my hydraulics. I believe every 2.304 feet of elevation will give you 1 pound of pressure. So would .454 pounds of pressure for a foot of elevation equate the same? (I used to know this stuff). So I know 20 psi (pounds per square inch of pressure) will give a decent shower and 30 pounds will knock your socks. HDPE is expensive and good great stuff but I would recommend blue PVC with paint on it for any exposed surfaces for your first try. Anything underground is no problem. HDPE is the best but generally a bit more difficult to use for many reasons especially the hot welds required (otherwise it is expensive with the use of gasket fittings). Rule of thumb is to reduce the size of your pipe the further you go down the line to keep the pressure loss down (flow will be restricted but pressure will remain good). I will be using 4" pipe (for storage and structural rigidity) for the exterior exposed pipe coming down from my tank house (then paint it for PVC) and then reduce it to 2" where it goes underground and eventually have it down to 1/2'' at the end of it's run about 350 meters away. The bigger the pipe in the run the less loss of pressure due to friction loss. 1000 feet of 2'' will deliver a specific flow at a higher pressure than the same in 1''. It may be as much as 13 times higher friction loss in the 1'' compared to the 2'' but i wouldn't bet on my #'s as it has been over 25 years since I ran my last fire truck but the principle is correct I believe. Flowing Fluids in Fords Forever

  8. Hello FEF, glad your seed buying worked out. I used some seed from Territorial in the past, but used

    mostly from: https://www.nicholsgardennursery.com/ I started buying seed from them in 73 when

    I lived in Parkdale OR, the upper town in the Hood River Valley(apples&pears) and a great view of the back side of Mt. Hood.

    Nichols was big with the 'back to the land people', they had cheese/beer/wine making supplies and a large selection of "H" and OP seed.

    In 83 I got on a 'home garden field triles' with the Ag school in Corvallis OR. I got to try some of the

    2nd. generation 'Sugar Snap Peas' and couple of bush beans. They now have a black tom they bred I would like to try.

    Heres a picture of my raised bed garden and tractor. The two rows with the 2by's are the trellis supports for the peas. I added to more beds the size of the small one later.

    Bought some toms plants in Eugene at a small garden shop that carried Territorial Seed, in an area I would spend more time on my weekly trips in to the big city. 'Animal House' was shot a few blocks away and 'Down by the River', about 1/4 mile away. That movie was about some students from Milptas High School. There was the "WOW Hall", saw CJMcD with The Manizata Band doing backup. The WOW was the old union hall for, 'Woodworkers Of the World'.

    It now a community center that has some good music concerts and some good story telling.

    I really liked being able to see someone I had heard on KFAT. It was about, " The Worst Job I Ever Had", U. Utah Phillips spinning the yarns. "Hallelujah, I'm a bum", which could be a redshirt battle song.

    As I'm hunt and pecking this dribble, it's still raining here, E. of Korat, and they say a few more days of this to go. Bring life jackets for your seed. If it keeps up like this, your ford will be a rust spot by the time you get back.

    Another seed source for 'H' seed is in Petaluma. http://rareseeds.com...luma-seed-bank/ This is

    hooked up with Baker Creek Seeds out of MO., but not bulk.

    My seed order is high in CO and should be leaving on a jet plane soon.

    Flaco was Peter Rowen's back up chest organ squeezer that New Years at GAMH way back then.

    Do you remember what you were doing 35 years ago Sep.?

    The picture is me in Big Sky country, up above jelly stone MT. on the cut banks with German Browns.


    Well hey there Big Cat (like in the photo) you could mix some compost in that tractor. Timing Timin timing, so we leave Tomorrow and tomorrow is the start of the first National Heirloom Exposition out here in Santa Rosa somewhat sponsored by "Rare Seeds" from your link above. I'd sure love to talk myself into 5 hours and Golden Gate Bridge and on the road again to check it out as I just returned from a Tahoe whirlwind turn around trip as time has slipped away. Doc Treelove is coming by for Tom Yam Gung and some idea exchanges tonight as he is really getting it on with his business taking him from basically Santa Cruz to Santa Rosa. He's looking for some Romneya (poppy family) seeds from Thailand if you have seen or heard anything about them.

    That fishing photo is too good. Reminds me of my first time "belly crawling" as a 7 year old along the headwaters of the Snake on the other side of the Tetons from where your photo was taken. Your talk of Oregon reminds me of laying lines in the MacKenzie and Alsae (sp?). You really set the sparks off in the old and addled brain when you asked about what I was doing Sept 35 years ago (Full on college, CSM, Canada and Skyline, for EMS and Firefighter credentials, umpiring high school baseball, hauling, gardening, tree cutting, selling firewood, buying fixing and selling cars and trucks to help pay the rent and put boots and levis on the body). Now 36 years ago, that was some bad bad stuff happening then too too cool...but another story for another time.

    Well looks like I'll miss the Heirloom Expositon this year but hopefully they'll have it again next year. I'd like to learn any new secrets to growing and saving heirloom seeds and this looks like the place to get them. Seeds that Feed with Fords Forever

  9. Hello FEF, I don't know when you'll be in SF area then, but:

    Come meet Bill McDorman, Executive Director and Belle Starr, Deputy Director of Native Seeds/SEARCH at the stunning Studio Barndiva, in Healdsburg, Friday, September 16th at 11 am. An enjoyable, sumptuous brunch will be served with delectables from the Native Seeds/SEARCH collection of southwest seeds. Bill will give us an update on the current state of "our" seeds.

    We'd love to meet our California Native Seeds/SEARCH members after the National Heirloom Expo in Santa Rosa. Please register in advance (so we know how much food to send to our BARNDIVA friends). www.nativeseeds.org

    Don't miss the National Heirloom Expo Tuesday, September 13 - 15 at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds in Santa Rosa.

    Questions, comments, feedback welcome. Please email: [email protected] or call: 520.622.0830, ext. 104. Much thanks.


    Thanks Nickles but will be landing back in LOS on the 16th. Ended up buying a bit from Territorial but found Snow had a much bigger variety of organics and much better prices than anyone else so I have my bags full of almost all organic seeds. Jerry Jeff and Ry really put on some special shows with Ry bringing Flaco Jiminez on for the entire show and had a 10 piece horn section. the sound for each show was superb, a great experience for the wife and me too. PS Were those trees you showed before in the pictures, mesquite? FFFFForever

  10. I could wax on/wax off about this forever. Two points for me are critical and not relevant to which country we are in. One, it is either theft or laziness, secondly, we all get apathetic about many small things because it is easier when the shutters go up over a minor thing. But in this case the importance to my mother and thought she put into the small gifts and greetings out rules any chance of letting this slide. My clock got properly wound.

    RBH is correct on registered mail and collection notes being left. Where we lived before in Suphan Buri the postal service also would not deliver parcels by bike, you had to collect them after a note was left. It seems to me from the dismissive nature of the local post master that they are on the wrong side of the law here and that other post offices are either straight or just as bent. When you find a bent one, act. I have never had reason to doubt Thai post before moving here.

    Getting important mail sent by EMS or registered mail is a smart move and advice I will follow, in fact have already acted on. But I am sure it erks you all as much as me that others must spend extra money to cover the corrupt practices here.

    Now, an admission. I said before that I didn't play the mind games here. Well to me I didn't, I made a statement of fact. In the email I left no doubt as to my background here in Thailand and the level of people I dealt with during those early days. Lets just say senior diplomat. I have no doubt that influenced the response from Bangkok and afterwards level of investigator that visited us, the 2IC for the province. He told us as much and offered to sack the locals. Thieves deserve to loose their jobs and pension rights to me, but I am also a realist and this is Thailand. I wish it was different and if everyone spoke up, maybe some day it will be.


    Fantastic . you suggest you are an Ozzie. Your rant is totally out of line .This is NOT your country. You are a guest in this country. If you cannot cope with the way things happen here ,using the vernaculer-piss off. I gave you a valid. workable solution ,which sadly ,you chose to totally ignore. Instead ,you chose to rant and rave, on something which you have no right to do. Not happy - piss off, this is not your country, and let us ,who learn to live within the parameters,enjoy our lives. I am mightily sick and tired of farang who critize , a country in which they are a guest. Don't like it ? piss off. I repeat I gave you a totally workable solution ,Which you chose to TOTALLY ignore.

    I truly don't understand why this was allowed on the forum. If you feel you need to swear at someone go find a mirror. There is no place for it here. You are telling members what to do with four letter words and it is unacceptable. From this point on if there is not a complete and specific apology to the members I will never assist you or participate in any topic you inititate. This kind of response based on someone not completely following your advice is completely rude and disrespectful. As you said you are "sick and tired" and now you probably have left no doubtrs in the mind of the members that you are in fact all of that. Get control of your life and actions and words and take them somewhere else that isn't as civilized as we are trying to keep this forum. Please and thank you. Forget the Ford For now and Forever

  11. Just to update my post. It's been 8 days since the storm and we've recovered quite nicely. I've used up 18kms of 7mm rope, thousands of ecu posts and my 7 year old trees are all upright. A spider would be proud of what it looks like in there now.

    First two photos are before and after from approx. the same angle. The third photo is of a corner that was 100% knocked down and looks great now.

    I was thinking about going in with the tractor to help pull up trees but was leary of the damage I might do getting stuck. I found using the quad was actually the best. It can pull the tree up and is heavy enough to hold it in place while the support ropes are pounded into the ground. Made things very much easier

    The last two photos are from my neighbor's place. He was planted on a east to west layout and the north wind hit his 7 year old trees brutally. He's using a wooden framwork to support the trees which is very strong but is slow going to put in place. He's also trimming his trees too much in my opinion but each to his own.

    It's still a work in progress and by the end of this week we'll be done. There is still lots of straighening to do but we can go at a slower pace on that. At least all my trees are green side up now and hopefully will stay that way.


    Hey Khun Toi kwoni

    I'm curious what material you used to protect your trees trunks from your rope supports. I think I would favor the pruning back like your neighbor did in the regards that you will have less mass to catch the wind (rather unimportant when you have the superstucture he is creating for the trees) but also lesss stress on the tree trying to maintain all that mass when it has a compromised root system. I may be seeing Dr Treelove today hopefully and maybe I can see what he thinks. Choke Dee FFFFFordsFFFFForever

    I put a piece of plastic/rubber water hose on the rope where it goes around the tree, and didn't tie it tight to the tree, kind of like a collar. I did do some pruning back when the tree was on the ground. The trees I've put up are very solid compared to ones with no rope on them and we also packed in a lot of dirt around the base of the tree. I'd be interested in what the Dr. has to say about my neighbors pruning. Personally I think he set his big trees back by cutting so much.

    Signed Ken on his Kubota.

    Hey toy guy how ya doin'. I saw the Doc the other day and told him your situation and he says you did it right. Old school said to get rid of the green to let the roots establish and now they say leave the green to photosynthesize to help the roots. So he said just cut out the minimal amount that would help in regards to not catching too much wind but better to leave as much as possible. So thar she blows matey. Fo'c'stles Fords Forever

  12. Hello FEF, another place(s) to get OG is:


    they have a great selection of "H" reg & OG


    Also, http://www.territorialseed.com/ out

    of Cottage Grove, OR. Been there, done that,

    use to live E. of Eugene/Springfield up Hwy.58.

    If a seedco won't ship international, set up an

    account with: http://www.shipito.com/

    people have used/talked about it on other TV

    threads to 'Re'-ship packages to LOS.

    But my main source for seed is:


    the cheapest OP bulk veg. seed you can find for

    the small grower. They ship USPS to LOS, take CC's,

    but still don't have OL ordering. E-mail or fax,

    but I still call to order, only takes a few minutes.

    I'm still tweaking my order around to keep it under

    1Lb., will be ordering on 9/3.

    Have fun at the GAMH, remember waiting in line

    and watch the string of minibuses bringing loads

    of men from the Rising Sun to Mitchell Brothers.

    My last GAMH was either Joe McDonald or Proctor

    and Bergman.

    We had 8-couples at a New Year show their with

    Peter Rowen(The Free Mexican Air Force) and Norton


    Did you ever make it to The Matrix on Fillmore?


    Thanks for the sources will check them out in a bit. I'm off to see Dr Treelove in 20 minutes so have to go. Didn't ever make it to the Matrix but saw the Rowan Bros with the Dead one time. It's been about 25 years since the last time at the GAMH. It was some kind of all-star band with Johnny "Guitar"Cippolina, from Quicksilver and Barry "The Fish" Melton from Country joe and the Fish and a couple other super stars but can't really remember who but as always a good time for all. Feeling like I'm a Fixin' Fish ona Ford Forever

  13. Hello FEF, I tried snowjob 5-6 years back. @'ed them for a price

    quote on some seed they sold and got no reply, was using my

    San Mateo address. That's before their new website with O/L

    shopping format they now have.

    I found Snow after after a dead end with HM's Fresno office, the

    seed co that breeds the seed I wanted said to contact their BKK

    office. Ended up ordering from Tomato Growers Supply in FL.


    Has been a great tool for finding seed, OG/OP/Hyb.

    I get most of my seed out of CO, one of Snows suppliers.

    Not OG, but OP and a few of us have been happy with the seed

    quality from them, they've been in seed and breeding seed 112

    years. The picture is from saved seed I got from jaideeguy in CM.

    will be planting this seed the first part of Sep. after the eagle shits

    to pay the tractor guy. Great OP, 8 row, small cob, dent.

    For "H-OG" I like. http://www.southernexposure.com/

    My new charcoal trees, think S.W. BBQ smoked flavor.


    Hey there Triple Nickles. Snow was a bit slow in responding to me also and i found out they will not and can not ship internationally. I'll check out seedquest and southern exposure. So was I looking at young mesquite by chance in your photo? Still haven't run down Doc Treelove as he is a busy man. this is the coldest summer in over 50 years or more. Foggy until late late morning nearly every day (think San mateo in the south bay). going to see Ry Cooder and jerry jeff Walker at the Great American Music Hall this next week. Ry is 25 bucks and jerry is 55 with dinner and a front table should be too cool as nearly 30 years since I've seen the old codger. FFF

  14. thanks all for posting your point of views to this thread , i am taking all information on board , this website is just brilliant as are all the members , so happy i found it although not that difficult as it seems to be top of google all the time , i will update this later , with how i have got on . :)

    Simple rule to follow, same as gambling or share dealing, only put into the project (financially) what you can afford to lose . If its a win win situation reinvest the profit rather than risking additional equity that you cannot afford to lose. If on the other hand your 85 years of age - just go for it !

    If I make 85 I will be blowing it on wine, women and song. The rest I would just waste. Jim

    Heck my body is very close to 85 years worth of wear and tear (emphasis on the tear) so might as let my fiscal sense follow course and Jim your plan is an excellent one that I am attempting to evaluate and test. Fooling Fiddlin' Frolicking on Fords Forever

  15. Read this and you will see really the only thing this has to do with farming is with the person's name. This is the age old story of contractural business law. Put bar owner, curios shop, housecleaning company, restaurant or any other type of business in this same old scenario and it becomes evident that you usually are only as good as your attorneys. Sweet and Simple and if anyone has any other secret to this I'll listen but I'll would still make my first and biggest priority, before setting up any business, in any country in the world, that I would invest big bucks in great attorneys. Fiduciaries Farming Fords Forever

  16. Year round growing conditions, lots of open land, cheap labor and abundant untapped water supplies underground. Even with the poor soil conditions from decades of neglect everything grows here without much help. But as with everything else here you are farang and you aint getting in to the club. Most people here are very xenophobic\nationalistic, throw in the high level of illiteracy amongst most of the rural areas and you are asking for trouble trying to bring about change in the system. One only has to look at the palm oil fiasco recently to understand how a few wealthy influential families control all farming production here, rice, pork, fish , sugar cane, casava, palm oil you name it and farmers are just slave laborers, there is no free market system here. Come to thailand buy a few rai (your wife that is) start a small hobby farm for yourself, maybe do some crop research for fun and relax this is what you can expect to do farming here. And dont even think about the corporation thing we have a new gov in town and depending on the economy the next couple of years things could turn very unfriendly towards falangs owning large tracts of land through proxy ownership.

    Most of what you say bears truth but maybe as Dylan said "the times are changin'".The history of the man in charge of the new party now in power shows that he attempted to open discussion for allowing massive corporate (read Saudi) investment in Thai farming industry. When and if that happens all the farmers in Thailand will be instantly rich until they crash their newly bought pick-ups while drunk on the non-stop flow of whiskey from the new (almost all gone by now) money received for selling their ancestral farms to huge Agro groups and major corporations (read Monsanto, Dupont, Coca Cola, General Mills etc etc). Foreseeing the Future For Fords Forever

    Come gather 'round people

    Wherever you roam

    And admit that the waters

    Around you have grown

    And accept it that soon

    You'll be drenched to the bone

    If your time to you

    Is worth savin'

    Then you better start swimmin'

    Or you'll sink like a stone

    For the times they are a-changin'.

    Come writers and critics

    Who prophesize with your pen

    And keep your eyes wide

    The chance won't come again

    And don't speak too soon

    For the wheel's still in spin

    And there's no tellin' who

    That it's namin'

    For the loser now

    Will be later to win

    For the times they are a-changin'.

    Come senators, congressmen

    Please heed the call

    Don't stand in the doorway

    Don't block up the hall

    For he that gets hurt

    Will be he who has stalled

    There's a battle outside

    And it is ragin'

    It'll soon shake your windows

    And rattle your walls

    For the times they are a-changin'.

    Come mothers and fathers

    Throughout the land

    And don't criticize

    What you can't understand

    Your sons and your daughters

    Are beyond your command

    Your old road is

    Rapidly agin'

    Please get out of the new one

    If you can't lend your hand

    For the times they are a-changin'.

    The line it is drawn

    The curse it is cast

    The slow one now

    Will later be fast

    As the present now

    Will later be past

    The order is

    Rapidly fadin'

    And the first one now

    Will later be last

    For the times they are a-changin'.

    [ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/b/bob+dylan/the+times+they+are+a+changin_20021240.html

  17. Hey doggeroo this da_m site is dumping my responses so I make this short and sweet as the lost one wasa bit detailed. Basically I don't see using that side shute on your new chipper and pushing the stock in like the guy in the photo. If there is a knot in the wood or it is too dry and it bucks it hits him in the head or neck not good by me. I don't ever think that you should feed the material in and have it chipping unless the stock is very very small. In this example i think you would be safer making the piece he has into two or three pieces and dropping them into the top and standing back and let them self feed to the chipping blades. Just start with very small size pieces and you'll get the feel but if at all possible try not to have to physically feed anything of any kind of size into the blades once it has ahold of your piece material. It'll make sweet cream out of your avo branches. Fixing Fords Forever

    PS dumped this one also for some reason but I backed it up this time and hopefully it will go thru

    I wrote a nice long review and the web site ate it !

    Now all you will get are the pictures & conclusion; works well, side chute chipper for lage diameter, stay away from dry wood.

    BCS is great , so is the garden pizza oven. Was a nice day, we splurged.

    Pictures bellow.

    Rattzulflapen. That is what I have said more than a few times when this site eats a long missive, so I know how you feel old Mah Thanon. I always say I am going to create it somewhere else and then transfer it onto TV and by the time I get lazy and don't (like now), another one hour worth of key banging is lost.

    Well your tractor looks too too tough especially with the blade on front. I'm glad to see you wrote about DRY MATERIAL as it can be very dangerous and people can read my previous posts in this topic in regards to how dangerous dry material can be. Both size (diameter) and length of material may need to be reduced by 75% to be able to safely and efficiently introduce them into the machine. The oven is a work of art. Feeling the Flames ona Ford Forever

  18. In the last few days I have had some interesting phone conversations with other TV members. The one question that has emerged repeatedly is "Why pigs?"

    Well I looked at many different animal opportunities (being a dog lover but the return is to low) and pigs were the obvious chopice. Heres the logic behind the choice:

    If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.

    (Hardly seems worth it..)

    If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.

    (Now that's more like it!)

    The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.


    A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes.

    (In my next life, I want to be a pig.)

    A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death. (Creepy.)

    (I'm still not over the pig.)

    Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.

    (Don't try this at home ; maybe at work.)

    The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body.. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off.

    (Honey, I'm home .. What the...?)

    The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field.

    (30 minutes. Lucky pig! Can you imagine?)

    The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.

    (What could be so tasty on the bottom of a pond?)

    Some lions mate over 50 times a day.

    (I still want to be a pig in my next life...quality over quantity.)

    Butterflies taste with their feet.

    (Something I always wanted to know.)

    The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.


    (Thats because in too many people it never stops moving!!)

    Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.

    (If you're ambidextrous, do you split the difference?)

    Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.

    (Okay, so that would be a good thing..)

    A cat's urine glows under a black light.

    (I wonder how much the government paid to figure that out. Why doesn't the government spend some $ figuring out how to cross a pig and a lion??

    Then in my next life, I could come back as a lion pig!! Not a lying pig, we already have them, they are called politicians!!!!)

    An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

    (I know some people like that.)

    Starfish & jellyfish have no brains.

    (I know some people like that, too.)

    Polar bears are left-handed.

    (If they switch, they'll live a lot longer.)

    Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.

    (What about that pig? Do the dolphins know about the pig?)

    Hey I/A I'll vote to be reincarnated a lion as it said nothing about the marriage thing and it can possibly have 50 different partners, so it's a vote for diversity over indurance. So oif you could put a set of wings on that cross between a dolphin, lion and hog you'd crreate the perfect dream. Flyin' like a Lion with Fords Forever

  19. Listen here Jack of the impossible Rippers, Jack of the nitrogen fixing green manure Beanstalks, dont be so quick to dismiss good ideas. Anyone with a tractor would be more than ready to vote those in. Even Jack of the Box scraper would get my vote.

    But they have got to be seen first, so are you volunteering to host a field day? You should, plenty to learn from your finger prints in the dyke walls.

    Edit: Maybe a good date would be the 66th of the 10th?

    Let's look at the dry season (like our place has been for the last two months) like maybe the 44th of the 4th or something close to that when everything is kicked in (like my toot) and the new growing season is well underway. Remember while bringing all permits and forms (I'll bring the 50 pages required by the govt for our certification into organic by ACT) (isn't it great that some guys on TV are real sweethearts and love to contribute with a big blow fly in the ointment of soothing salves by contributing nothing but negativity?) not to travel over the speed limit and come to a complete stop at all stop signs. I will be adding other very important pieces of advice and do hope that I may be "permitted" to even die in Thailand as i hear that the Drs are trying to repeal the Euthanasia Law that was just implemented. I wonder if it is permitted to use human blood as a fertilizer as I know I have unfortunately contributed a bunch in the process of trying to help my family achieve the King's greatest goal for the people, which is Sustainability in the "Sufficiency Economy" of Farming. good on you IA for bringing this out to the masses by getting your operation of "Hospital Sanitary Standards" for hog raising with integrated management of composts for use and resale along with an extremely efficient worm compost farm all highlighted by Thai PBS in a broadcast to the nation. I'm glad your family permitted them to get some hands on experience of what is really new, innovative and possible in todays world (I know you were mighty confident having Duang's mom, the 27 kilo enforcer at your side for back up). Others will obviously be permitted to observe and benefit from the planned gathering and should be a good fun family affair, weather permitting. I know there is a verse from a Dylan song i could throw in now but it eludes me. FF

    I was "wandering" if he has a work-permit to "Paint his Waggon"

    I was born under a wandering star. wheels are made rollin........ Jack of Hearts ona Ford Forever

    Well hot dog that is it Jack, I've got the Dylan song IA, and here it is, good things do come to some that wait. Enjoy it's been a long time since I've enjoyed this one. I hope ya all do too.

    "Lily, Rosemary And The Jack Of Hearts"

    The festival was over and the boys were all planning for a fall

    The cabaret was quiet except for the drilling in the wall

    The curfew had been lifted and the gambling wheel shut down

    Anyone with any sense had already left town

    He was standing in the doorway looking like the Jack of Hearts.

    He moved across the mirrored room "Set it up for everyone" he said

    Then everyone commenced to do what they were doin' before he turned their heads

    Then he walked up to a stranger and he asked him with a grin

    "Could you kindly tell me friend what time the show begins ?"

    Then he moved into the corner face down like the Jack of Hearts.

    Backstage the girls were playing five card stud by the stairs

    Lily had two queens she was hoping for a third to match her pair

    Outside the streets were filling up, the window was open wide

    A gentle breeze was blowing, you could feel it from inside

    Lily called another bet and drew up the Jack of Hearts.

    Big Jim was no one's fool, he owned the town's only diamond mine

    He made his usual entrance looking so dandy and so fine

    With his bodyguards and silver cane and every hair in place

    He took whatever he wanted to and he laid it all to waste

    But his bodyguards and silver cane were no match for the Jack of Hearts.

    Rosemary combed her hair and took a carriage into town

    She slipped in through the side door looking like a queen without a crown

    She fluttered her false eyelashes and whispered in his ear

    "Sorry darling, that I'm late", but he didn't seem to hear

    He was staring into space over at the Jack of Hearts.

    "I know I've seen that face somewhere" Big Jim was thinking to himself

    "Maybe down in Mexico or a picture up on somebody's shelf"

    But then the crowd began to stamp their feet and the house lights did dim

    And in the darkness of the room there was only Jim and him

    Staring at the butterfly who just drew the Jack of Hearts.

    Lily was a princess she was fair-skinned and precious as a child

    She did whatever she had to do she had that certain flash every time she smiled

    She'd come away from a broken home had lots of strange affairs

    With men in every walk of life which took her everywhere

    But she'd never met anyone quite like the Jack of Hearts.

    The hanging judge came in unnoticed and was being wined and dined

    The drilling in the wall kept up but no one seemed to pay it any mind

    It was known all around that Lily had Jim's ring

    And nothing would ever come between Lily and the king

    No nothing ever would except maybe the Jack of Hearts.

    Rosemary started drinking hard and seeing her reflection in the knife

    She was tired of the attention tired of playing the role of Big Jim's wife

    She had done a lot of bad things even once tried suicide

    Was looking to do just one good deed before she died

    She was gazing to the future riding on the Jack of Hearts.

    Lily took her dress off and buried it away

    "Has your luck run out?" she laughed at him.

    "Well I guess you must have known it would someday

    Be careful not to touch the wall there's a brand new coat of paint

    I'm glad to see you're still alive you're looking like a saint"

    Down the hallway footsteps were coming for the Jack of Hearts.

    The backstage manager was pacing all around by his chair

    "There's something funny going on" he said " I can just feel it in the air"

    He went to get the hanging judge but the hanging judge was drunk

    As the leading actor hurried by in the costume of a monk

    There was no actor anywhere better than the Jack of Hearts.

    No one knew the circumstance, but they say it happened pretty quick

    The door to the dressing room burst open a Colt revolver clicked

    And big Jim was standing there you couldn't say surprised

    Rosemary right beside him studying her eyes

    She was with big Jim but she was leaning to the Jack of Hearts.

    Two doors down the boys finally made it through the wall

    And cleaned out the bank safe it's said that they got off with quite a haul

    In the darkness by the riverbed they waited on the ground

    For one more member who had business back in town

    But they couldn't go no further without the Jack of Hearts.

    The next day was hanging day the sky was overcast and black

    Big Jim lay covered up killed by a penknife in the back

    And Rosemary on the gallows she didn't even blink

    The hanging judge was sober he hadn't had a drink

    The only person on the scene missing was the Jack of Hearts.

    The cabaret was empty now a sign said. "Closed for repair"

    Lily had already taken all of the dye out of her hair

    She was thinking about her father who she very rarely saw

    Thinking about Rosemary and thinking about the law

    But most of all she was thinking about the Jack of Hearts.

    From "Blood On The Tracks" maybe one of the greatest modern blues albums ever released bar none. Rumour had it that Big Jim worked for CP. Thanks for the inspiration Grime on the Bobley.

  20. Listen here Jack of the impossible Rippers, Jack of the nitrogen fixing green manure Beanstalks, dont be so quick to dismiss good ideas. Anyone with a tractor would be more than ready to vote those in. Even Jack of the Box scraper would get my vote.

    But they have got to be seen first, so are you volunteering to host a field day? You should, plenty to learn from your finger prints in the dyke walls.

    Edit: Maybe a good date would be the 66th of the 10th?

    Let's look at the dry season (like our place has been for the last two months) like maybe the 44th of the 4th or something close to that when everything is kicked in (like my toot) and the new growing season is well underway. Remember while bringing all permits and forms (I'll bring the 50 pages required by the govt for our certification into organic by ACT) (isn't it great that some guys on TV are real sweethearts and love to contribute with a big blow fly in the ointment of soothing salves by contributing nothing but negativity?) not to travel over the speed limit and come to a complete stop at all stop signs. I will be adding other very important pieces of advice and do hope that I may be "permitted" to even die in Thailand as i hear that the Drs are trying to repeal the Euthanasia Law that was just implemented. I wonder if it is permitted to use human blood as a fertilizer as I know I have unfortunately contributed a bunch in the process of trying to help my family achieve the King's greatest goal for the people, which is Sustainability in the "Sufficiency Economy" of Farming. good on you IA for bringing this out to the masses by getting your operation of "Hospital Sanitary Standards" for hog raising with integrated management of composts for use and resale along with an extremely efficient worm compost farm all highlighted by Thai PBS in a broadcast to the nation. I'm glad your family permitted them to get some hands on experience of what is really new, innovative and possible in todays world (I know you were mighty confident having Duang's mom, the 27 kilo enforcer at your side for back up). Others will obviously be permitted to observe and benefit from the planned gathering and should be a good fun family affair, weather permitting. I know there is a verse from a Dylan song i could throw in now but it eludes me. FF

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