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Posts posted by backsoon

  1. Can anybody tell me what I can do to get my deposit which is about 40 k from my landlord? She is charging me for the painting and maintaining the house. I think I deserve to get at least 15 k back from her. But she said she won't give it back and that she decides to keep it. She also said I could sue her for that. It's not fair as she decides to cheat me at the last minute.

    It would be great if someone can advise me on this.

    15,000 Bt isn't much to worry about. Just walk away and consider it as a good lesson.

    You got it very cheaply. Next time find a lady that does not ask for money. :)

  2. A "Crackdown on Criminal Ladyboys", surely this is a play on words and not a serious thread!

    It gets weirder and weirder...

    Do the famous US navy/marines really need protection from Thai civilians?

    Why only from ladyboys? Are Phuket Ladygirls totally safe?

    Are ladyboys the criminals per se? Or are the police cracking down on known crims?

    If so, why wait for US navy/marines to come to Phuket? For reinforcement?

    This stupid tradition of fanfared 'crackdowns' is so much like the ilfamous 'campaigns'

    in the Western politics. Never achives much, except admitting their own inaction and inability to get results.

    I wonder if any part of Phuket policeforce is designated to protect tourists and/or residents from 3000 strong young sex starved men unleished at this small island?

    Ooops, sorry... I am wrong. The amirican boys can't do anything wrong, can they? :)

  3. I think this "apology" goes beyond diplomacy and public relations and smacks of political correctness. I wonder if Ambassador Quayle has read all 10 pages of Sir Anthony's valedictory letter. He got a lot right. It is unfortunate that the remarks creating a stir were taken out of context.

    Where can I read the full Sir Anthony's letter?

    But no matter what it says, the things I have read by now are veeery true.

    These things may be offending and/or inflammatory, but true, nevertheless.

    In any case, being a private OPINION, it can't be wrong.

    Publishing such an opinion IS politically incorrect. The apology should be coming from the <deleted> who made it public. No more, no less.

    But all links to source of the full text have been edited here. Is Thaivisa=The Nation? :)

    On the one hand you state the content of the letter to be 'veeeeeeeeeery true' (I wasn't aware the letter'd been removed, I downloaded it a couple of days ago), and then go on to say 'the apology should be coming from the aholes (sic) who made it public?! :D Well, there's no need for 'an apology' (why?) from anyone you consider to have spoken the truth, is there?

    I hope your nik implies you're not already here and perhaps you should not add to the other knuckledraggers and stay exactly where you are.

    Dear wilsongobrown, no need for animosity in your posts. We are all entitled to our own opinions here and everywhere. Sir Anthony's was private, confidential, and potentially damaging opinion. It was candid and in my opinion true. Therefore it should have been let stay this way.

    I am here and not going away. The matter of 'truth' you are referring to is complicated. There are many of 'truths' and no absolute one. Also diplomacy often dresses them up, to remove complications.

    But I see you are a non-complicated man prone to throwing stones and missing.

    By the way, my nickname is not an indication of intent/action, but was taken from English classic tale.

    Please, do not reply.

  4. I think this "apology" goes beyond diplomacy and public relations and smacks of political correctness. I wonder if Ambassador Quayle has read all 10 pages of Sir Anthony's valedictory letter. He got a lot right. It is unfortunate that the remarks creating a stir were taken out of context.

    Where can I read the full Sir Anthony's letter?

    But no matter what it says, the things I have read by now are veeery true.

    These things may be offending and/or inflammatory, but true, nevertheless.

    In any case, being a private OPINION, it can't be wrong.

    Publishing such an opinion IS politically incorrect. The apology should be coming from the <snip> who made it public. No more, no less.

    But all links to source of the full text have been edited here. Is Thaivisa=The Nation? :)

  5. Intellectual property

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    "Intellectual property (IP) is a number of distinct types of legal monopolies over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial, and the corresponding fields of law.[1] Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; ideas, discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Common types of intellectual property include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets in some jurisdictions.

    Although many of the legal principles governing intellectual property have evolved over centuries, it was not until the 19th century that the term intellectual property began to be used, and, it is said, not until the late 20th century that it became commonplace in the United States.[2]"


    Pardon me, but what is intellectual about Bangkok Post? Or did I miss something? :)

  6. It's the law. :)

    Now, this is the most intelligent answer to the OP question. This should close the matter

    However, the answer to 'Why such a law is needed' is much more complicated. E.g. :

    You declare one place, but stay in another...

    You declare a fictitious place, that does not exist.... etc. etc. etc.

    Strictly speaking, such a law is redundant, as every owner of any place must report your stay within 24hrs (even private house). This is the law.

    Other reasons??? There may be a million of them, but all purely speculative...

    To annoy you

    To provide you with reason to talk in a bar

    To keep an eye on you

    To discourage you from staying too long

    To remind you that you do not belong here

    To collect fines when you fail to report

    To make you contribute to local economy (travel costs)

    To know where to recover your body if you get involved with wrong people



    To piss off people by asking stupid questions about stupid laws :D

  7. I'm no expert in Russian, but I would think that is very hard to get a hold on out here.

    Will it work with stickers on the keys, or is the Russian keyboards not the same base?

    The number of characters is greater for Russian alphabet. Also there is a matter of key allocation. Big problem for me. If someone knows where a Russian flexi keyboard can be purchased, - please post the info. You can also notify me personally, as I am afraid I can miss the post. Thanks in advance.

  8. Just take a look at British Farang at Songkran

    In Thailand they feel there are no laws meant for them and go beserk

    So maybe its not that Thailand is so bad

    But that British tourist do not know how to control them selves

    so the heading should be


    True: I had myself a resort during 9 years. I live in Thailand since 17 years.

    I can confirm to have had the must troubles with British guests:

    1. Disturbing others while drunk

    2. Needed first aid after drunk-driving a motorbike !!

    It is their attitude: Feeling "superior" to any situation.

    The Scandinavian are the top-drinkers during holidays BUT they always are quiet and POLITE. They don't touch a bike.

    So there is absolutely nothing to complain about Thailand BUT the behavior of some first time tourists misunderstanding the mentality and culture of the host. Thinking that the Land of "may pen ray" means "I can do what I want".


    I would agree with most things said here, if 'British' was removed.

    Tourists from most countries come to have a ball. Drink, sex, drugs, ride a bike, etc.

    In Britain they have more constraints imposed than in many other countries.

    Plus their disgusting superiority complex. Can say the same about 'Yankies'.

    Altogether, there are decent people and trash. Trash tends to gravitate to cheap places. :)

  9. I am not sure and do not want to rain on your parade, but as far as I believe, she can have 2 passports, but must travel on one of them. Switching during travel may pass, or may not. Check with the Immigration Authority in Aus, they will advise. I do understand your predicament. Better not break even stupid laws in either country. Maybe check with a lawyer. Best of luck.

  10. Hello,

    I'm new here and i have read a lot of postings, but there still is one question i do not understand really. Please can someone make this more clear for me?

    After Marriage my Thaiwife and me would like to stay at her place here in Thailand. I think I will not have an monthly Income of that required THB 40,000 but there is no problem to keep 400,000 or 500,000 THB in a Thaibank account of me. Is it enough to put this money one time (2-3 months before request the visa) on my bank account and keep it there for every year - like a reserve. Or have I to put in 400,000 THB each year again? What exactly do they want / or check?

    Because I think I can keep this money one time as a kind of a reserve, but every other Income, will be needed to live for us.

    Thanks you for help me to understand this one!


    400 000 BAHT on the account would be ok forever, but there is no need to keep it there all year.

    HMMM. True, but FOREVER? You mean existing regulation, surely. Look up the frequency of new regulations coming up. :)

  11. For an extension based upon marriage the 400K needs to be in the bank for 2 months according to the rules but some offices are requiring it be there for 3 months. Check with your assigned immigration office to confirm this and any other requirements they may have.

    You can leave it the bank if you wish to and even put it in a fixed term deposit account (CD).

    Yes, you have good advise here. But I am really concerned about your future. The reason is haste. You say you are new here, but married already. You ask questions that should have been asked before. I wish you luck, but I am concerned. :)

  12. Anyone find an answer to this yet? It's been happening to me infrequently since last night. I have Maxnet in Chiang Mai. It's not often, and not tied to one website.

    O.K. gentlemen. Let's see if we can put some sense in and take some fear out of it.

    First look at history. Look back. In some last 2500 years all nation-states had it. Call it secret police, informants, spies, spanish inquisition, censorship, lese majeste, national security, state secrets, pornography, blasphemy, heresy, gestapo, kgb, fbi, cia, surete, mi6, or any other name. The sauce or glazing may be different, but the main dish is always the same: A MUZZLE ON YOUR MOUTH. It always was, is and will be there.

    The means can be different. Ceasar would send you poison or a knife. Chingis Khan nookers would break your back. Spanish/Roman Inquisition would burn you on a stake.

    Lenin/Stalin/Hitler/Mao would??? do something!

    These days they close your internet site, restrict access, blackout the names in your postings, put he_l and &lt;deleted&gt; instead of your real words. SO WHAT?! Find some real drama in life and concentrate on it... Or did you really think that a publicly open forum accessible to anyone, is ignored by the your caretakers? Maybe you really think that same caretakers can not control such a forum?... Please, be wise, or be smart. :D

    How about being both? There is nothing wrong with attempting to understand what is occurring. It is neither wise, nor smart to bury one's head in the sand when experiencing a phenomena that has yet to be explained. No fear, no panic, merely attempting to understand.

    Dear Ventura, you can't be both... Do you know the difference between wise and smart men?

    As to explanation and understanding,- read my post again, try to get its meaning, not picking a word. :)

  13. Anyone find an answer to this yet? It's been happening to me infrequently since last night. I have Maxnet in Chiang Mai. It's not often, and not tied to one website.

    O.K. gentlemen. Let's see if we can put some sense in and take some fear out of it.

    First look at history. Look back. In some last 2500 years all nation-states had it. Call it secret police, informants, spies, spanish inquisition, censorship, lese majeste, national security, state secrets, pornography, blasphemy, heresy, gestapo, kgb, fbi, cia, surete, mi6, or any other name. The sauce or glazing may be different, but the main dish is always the same: A MUZZLE ON YOUR MOUTH. It always was, is and will be there.

    The means can be different. Ceasar would send you poison or a knife. Chingis Khan nookers would break your back. Spanish/Roman Inquisition would burn you on a stake.

    Lenin/Stalin/Hitler/Mao would??? do something!

    These days they close your internet site, restrict access, blackout the names in your postings, put he_l and &lt;deleted&gt; instead of your real words. SO WHAT?! Find some real drama in life and concentrate on it... Or did you really think that a publicly open forum accessible to anyone, is ignored by the your caretakers? Maybe you really think that same caretakers can not control such a forum?... Please, be wise, or be smart. :)

  14. Blowing him up with military grade explosives isn't exactly your average bump off the competition with a .38 revolver.

    Sounds like someone is sending a very clear message going to such extremes.

    Anybody knows more details about the dispute? How much is involved?

    There are two reasons for this question. a) Everybody says life is cheap in Thailand. I want to know, how cheap? :D I could also try to figure out whether I qualify for C4 or .38. :)

  15. Thai Customs Dept facing overhaul

    BANGKOK: -- Deputy Finance Minister Pradit Pataraprasit announced yesterday he would seek Cabinet approval to submit a new draft customs law as part of his plan to radically reform the Customs Department so it facilitates more trade.

    The new law will also make the Customs Department more open to judicial scrutiny. Meanwhile, all the information relevant to import duties will be made public from September 1. "I will propose the new draft for Cabinet to consider within 60 days," Pradit said.

    This overhaul of the Customs Department is said to be the largest since the agency was established more than 135 years ago.

    Pradit said, the reforms were designed to make the Customs Department more of a service provider that facilitates trade and less of a collector of duties.

    "My vision is for the department to transform from a 'duty collector to a trade facilitator'. The world is moving toward a free-trade environment and we have to adjust to those realities," he said.

    In addition, Thailand attributes about 70 per cent of its gross domestic production to exports. "The Customs Department should become easier to deal with if the country wants to boost foreign trade and accelerate economic recovery," Pradit said.

    Moreover, he added, the department would also be providing clearer rules on product classification and evaluation methods to help businesses to better estimate importation costs. The newly appointed director-general Wisut Srisuphan will lead this change.

    After meeting with representatives of various trade associations and the Chamber of Commerce, Pradit concluded the most common complaint is that companies cannot get the Customs Department to confirm exactly how a particular product will be classified, which leads to vague duties and a waste of time.

    'Single window' system

    He also said the department would confirm the classification of duties and the evaluation of products before they are imported. It will also commit to a single, consistent evaluation method for duties on a product, regardless of when and how it is imported.

    "These are services that we will provide our customers to help facilitate trade from September 1," Pradit said. He said that once the new law was approved, it would help encourage transparency and consistency in all rulings and allow citizens to appeal for independent judicial review more easily.

    "We frequently hear complaints of how judgements by Customs seem to be arbitrary," he said.

    Previously, the Customs Act required a fixed "five-times the import value" penalty to be imposed on an importer if he loses a case in court and a substantially lower penalty if the case is settled out of court. "This stopped cases from going to court. Now we are proposing to cut the ceiling down to 'four-times the import value', as well as give judges more flexibility on assessing penalties so they have a chance to recognise genuine mistakes," he said.

    Meanwhile, Wisut said the department would cut out a lot of unnecessary paperwork by eliminating redundant forms duplicating information submitted to the department, such as the Cargo Control Form used at Suvarnabhumi Airport.

    He said the department will also amend the draft law to allow importers bond-based monthly payments so they do not waste time tending to repetitive processes for each shipment. This way, they will be able to consolidate all their payments to the Customs Department into a single payment at the end of the month from a bond they post with the department.

    In addition, the department is accelerating the implementation of a "single window" for the submission of paperwork, so shippers do not have to waste time running from one ministry to another.

    "With these reforms, I expect the Customs Department to increase its revenues for the state by around 15 per cent," Pradit said.

    He added that the next priority would be to enhance the country's cross-border trade in the next three to five years. The department will also train its customs officials at the borders to ensure they have the know-how to deal with complex transactions.

    "We will also work with our Asean neighbours to encourage them to set up a 'single window' system to make trade easier for our exporters," Pradit said.


    -- The Nation 2009-08-20

    Does this mean I will get my money back for 'importing' my personal effects, like books, CDs, furniture, etc.?

    Or that imported cheeses will be less than 3 times more expensive than in Australia?

    Or that dried apricots from Turkey will stop being a luxury item? (dirt cheap everywhere)

    Or olives will stop being a rare thing to spook the kids with?

    Please explain...

  16. Heard from a friend that a few days ago on Chaweng beach there was an accident involving those *amn jet skis. He said the rescue/ambulance people were performing CPR on a foreigner who had come off his jet ski and was hit by another following just behind. At the time of the accident I heard 3 ambulance sirens. Why not provide helmets to their customers ?

    Don't hire jet skis here. It will almost always lead to an expensive problem.

    The real problem with use of any recreation craft on water is one and only,- no basic knowledge of rules and lax enforcement of such rules.

    I live here virtually on the beach. Hundreds of boats, fishermen, speedboats, rowing, etc break all the rules. The usual arguments of TIT are not applicable, because the Maritime Laws are universal for all countries and Thailand is no exception.

    I have a boat operators licence for powered and/or sailing craft. Being a responsible person I tried to have it officially registered here. I was told it's soooo complicated ( by the relative authority), that I gave up.

    What the poor sods didn't realise, is that holding this licence and being a member of ORC Australia, I do not need their boody permission.

    On the other hand, their speedboaties with banana in tow are a real menace. No licences, no knowledge of basic rules. All this means one thing - people die and will keep on dying on water in Thailand. And the fact will be always described as 'unfortunate accident'... What a pile of crap!... TIT :)

  17. School uniforms = safety for kids.

    School uniforms = moral conformity and corporate unity spirit for kids.

    Students are adults, many of them work, many are in or looking for relationships.

    The world class unis have done away with uniforms. They concentrate on standards of education, research, equipment, libraries, etc. Thai education standards both at school and uni levels are low. The learning/teaching process is based on drilling, memorisation, not understanding, not questioning the established views. Any progress and development are weakened by this. Stagnation,disintegration will be always present, followed by a traditional wai and insincere smile.

    For sensitive people,- I am talking not personally, but statistically.

    Oops, sorry, going back to uniforms. Speaking of not sexy unisex uniforms (one for all) with conformity to one TIT standard, I remember beautiful Chinese student uniforms of the Mao era... Ah, those were the times! :)

  18. At Sor Tor 02115/1072

    (Mins of Edu document number)

    Ministry of Education

    Bangkok 10300

    August 5, 2009

    Re: Teacher License for Foreign Teachers

    To: Licensed Private Schools

    Reference is made to the government's approval for foreign teaches to work

    in Thailand. The teachers who do not pass the government's assessments and

    requirements after the first two years, they are to pass the requirements of the

    governments. Thai government announce as per following:

    1/ Education Council allow foreign teachers who do not meet the

    qualifications to continue teaching and allow the schools to

    continue their employments.(consideration to be made on the

    case by case basis)

    2/ After the first two years of license approval from the Council, schools

    are able to continue hiring their foreign teachers legally. The schools

    must submit their statements stating their needs and their necessities to

    employ their teachers. The Council will consider as per schools' requests..

    This is to announce for all concern.

    Respectfully yours,

    Mr. Bundit Sripuntangkoon


    The Private Education Commission

    Schools under special policy

    Tel 0 2282 9598

    Fax 0 2282 9634

    The original Thai version (scanned copy):


    Looking at the language of this document, the authors apparently learned their english from those unqualified teachers.

    Looking at the content,- it gets more scary. What they are actually saying, is this:

    'One must be qualified to teach. But if one is not qualified, he/she still can teach.

    And the employers of such teachers do nothing wrong'...

    GREAT! So why to hel_l bother with the document??? :)

  19. Hi, there! Since I can only guess what 'Farang kwai' means, tell your friend from me:

    a) never give/lend money to strangers, unless it is a gift

    :) never think with genitals, use your head

    c) internet is a virtual world, not a place for real love, sex or money

    d) even real people can turn nusty for 40,000Bt

    e) how old is your friend? how old is the girl? did he really think? can he?

    f) if/ when duped, no use wingeing, especially publicly

    And finally, what makes you think this is an interesting story?

  20. I will be rebuilding an old fiberglass sail boat here in CM...does anybody know some good fiberglass/resin suppliers,also need a waterproof ply,good quality epoxy paint etc.

    It will be nice to meet some CM "boaters" here,hope there are some around... :)

    A bit confused. Are you building? or repairing?. If building a new boat, consider a better alternative to Marine grade plywood,- Honeycomb polyethylene. Lighter, stronger, no rot, easily repaired, etc. How big is your project? Hobby or production? And why to hel_l CM? Dont you need water sometimes? :D

  21. what did they do

    Swindling, swindlers. Phoning people who did not pay their debts and convince them to pay to them instead. I do not see the Thai authorities punishing them, after a few months they will be send home, because it will be impossible for the Thai authorities to prove that they have swindled people out of their money, unless Thai Nationals were involved of course. Not too good for those with a Chinese passport. We have seen it with the Boiler room operations in Bangkok a few years ago, there is not so much that can be done if non Thai citizens or banks have lost money.

    Let me see... 60,000Bt fine, or 2 months in jail, or both? Not bad for $29M pickings. :)

    As long as you are not involved in drugs or lesse mageste,- crime pays in LOS.

    Besides, I am sure the people they rounded were not the cookie jar holders.

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