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Posts posted by backsoon

  1. Standard problems here in Thailand, fast speeds available within the Kingdom but once you access a website outside of Thailand everything slows down to snails pace!

    Afternoons kids get home from school and hit the internet therefore increased demand, evenings people get home from work and hit the internet again increased usage all of which slows everything down.

    The problem is the same everywhere in LoS. The usual Land of Jokes tricks. TOT sold me an ADSL promising higher speed. Bullocks! If there is no connection for hours, the speed is ZERO. As soon as I switch my PC on, the permanent cookie is there, saying cheerfully: Status-connected. Speed-100Mb/sec. Bullocks again! My Messenger can not sign in, Internet Explorer can not display anything! Ring up TOT 1100. Blah-Blah...

    For English press 9. Press 9 and you are thrown back to Blah-Blah. Try this at after 5pm


    No alternatives (in my location), no competing ISPs, no cable. But plenty of TIT smiles.

    Helpless rage is all I can afford. Last night got through to Internet site, try to download. The actual speed of download clocks at 0.5Kb/sec!!!. Gave up on it...


    First of all, I fully understand the frustration of having this problem...

    But don't say it is the same everywhere in Thailand.

    I have never had any problems like that where I live now, Samutprakan, Bangpoo area, True Internet 12Mbs.

    Inside Thailand it is usually quite close to the bandwidth I have paid for, International is is lower but that is also what they say... They promise 512kbs international and I often get a lot more than that.

    I have maybe 3-4 times per year a complete loss of bandwidth and I have to call True (interesting discussions sometimes). Connections goes down and immediately up again maybe once per week or so... I log it, otherwise I wouldn't see it at all.

    Are you sure you computers are ok? You can try booting your computer from a Live CD and test again...

    The 100Mbps you have indicted on you computer is the speed of the network between you computer and the router. As far as I know none of the ADSL is 100Mbps speed yet. (I may be wrong here).

    I had problem with connections in Huahin 2002. I was hired as IT manager on a resort. When I started working there, the line was down 3-4 days per week and the business suffered from delayed emails. I set up logging and called every time it was down, sent emails with the logs and asked for refund for the downtime. One month later the situation was a lot better and about 3 months later the connection was normal with maybe one hour down per week...

    So don't give up, log everything, test everything to rule out problems with your own computers/router etc before you call. Try to get to the same technician every time you call. I even got the mobile number to one of the technicians. It helped a lot...


    Thanks, Martin. Very kind of you to respond. My VAIO had all programs booted from CDs. I also have a Norton 360 to keep it clean, and it reports no problems. I understand about the cookie, but it really rubs things in when there is no connection. Took my ADSL router to TOT, they checked it and said it's OK.

    I am not ambitious, I would be happy with 1Mbs, as long as its there. Maybe my problem is that I am about 200km from BKK? And the Earth is not round but flat? Usually after 5pm I lose the Internet for hours. Drives me nuts. Good idea to ask the busters for a refund on a pro-rata basis for downtime, but I am not a computer wiz, don't know how to set up monitoring. It even may be inbuilt somewhere, but I am a real computer bum, typing with one finger only. As I said, thanks for compassion. :D

  2. Standard problems here in Thailand, fast speeds available within the Kingdom but once you access a website outside of Thailand everything slows down to snails pace!

    Afternoons kids get home from school and hit the internet therefore increased demand, evenings people get home from work and hit the internet again increased usage all of which slows everything down.

    The problem is the same everywhere in LoS. The usual Land of Jokes tricks. TOT sold me an ADSL promising higher speed. Bullocks! If there is no connection for hours, the speed is ZERO. As soon as I switch my PC on, the permanent cookie is there, saying cheerfully: Status-connected. Speed-100Mb/sec. Bullocks again! My Messenger can not sign in, Internet Explorer can not display anything! Ring up TOT 1100. Blah-Blah...

    For English press 9. Press 9 and you are thrown back to Blah-Blah. Try this at after 5pm


    No alternatives (in my location), no competing ISPs, no cable. But plenty of TIT smiles.

    Helpless rage is all I can afford. Last night got through to Internet site, try to download. The actual speed of download clocks at 0.5Kb/sec!!!. Gave up on it...


  3. This belongs to a friend of ours. Glad no one was hurt

    Although fires in LOS are usually looked upon as accidents in many cases they are not accidental, but rather waiting to happen.

    I did report on this site how a highrise condominium building did not have any fire alarm and/or protection for over 3 years! As a result I filed a matter in Court against the Managing maintenance Co. Guess what happened? The alarm system was installed within 2 weeks. Case dismissed!...

    Speaking of this OP, I wonder, what shape was the fire safety in this joint. The 20M bt

    damage may be a dream never come true. Usually the insurer claims, that the accident happened due to negligence or malice on part of the insured employees is not paid for. :) (unless the compensation money is split up wisely).

    hmm maybe you could have a word with Mahidol University International School in Salaya...many of the fire safety devices have been removed probably because they didn't look pretty. One of our teachers actually pointed out that the holes in the ceiling once held smoke detectors.

    Fire safety is overlooked far too often in Thailand.. it's scary.

    Nice people. Beautiful land. Pleasant climate. Bandar-log management. :D

  4. Not that I am aware of. In fact I have seen plenty of bodies that are still being kept around in temples.

    You might ASK if they want them though, and even if they say "no" now, be sure to keep it for later when things calm down.

    Agreed. I recently attended a funeral of a Thai friend. There was a photo near casket in the WAT. Also the numerous photo and portraits of monks, kings etc. are everywhere.

    I am not sure about Video, but think it's no problem. Talk to a monk. Ask the family. :)

  5. Sounds rough ....

    I am curious though, are you a native English speaker?

    Corporateteacher. I usually avoid making comments about poster's spelling and english.

    But in this case I think it would be justified. I am not impressed...

    You also have made many mistakes.

    You should know the level you were going to teach.

    You should know the motivation level of your students to be.

    You should prepare lots of Audio/Video aids (are reusable in other classes).

    You should indicate the standard level of motivation/effort expected (I usually do).

    And if the above is not satisfactory, you should not have taken the job (I never do).

    That is why I NEVER tought English in Thailand. With the Corporate clients, usually the decision to study comes from the top. The students are not volunteers and not motivated. You must 'pass' them, or they hate you. Etc...

    To learn a language there must be good teaching and good learning efforts in the group!


  6. Jonathan, you should apologise. Bkkc is right. I know a lot of Yanks and Brits who can't spell. Now to the OP, -

    You must get all your citizens together and put an end to vile practices by thai ISPs (ALL OF THEM) signing in customers, taking our money and giving so little in return.


    I am currently with ADSL. The cookie happily shows 100Mb/sec. Status-connected. But can not connect. Last time clocked download speed 0.5Kb/sec. LoS. Go, smile... :)

  7. the main problem of the google language tool,

    they offer only one translation of a thai word.

    In Thai Language, words have 5 meanings or more, and you have to decide, what is fitting.

    a better online language translation tool,


    Oh, really?!... How silly of me... After a few years in LoS I came to a firm conclusion that Thai say one thing, meaning another. And visa-versa.

    Saying something and meaning it is virtually impossible to Thai... Reasons are many, -

    -you may 'lose the face'

    -the speaking person may 'lose the face'

    -it would be against the thai 'culture'

    -each thai word has many meanings

    -many thai words have no meaning

    -disparity between meanings of the same word in english and thai languages

    -poor language knowledge

    -scarcity of people with adequate knowledge of both languages

    -bad teachers of english in Thailand (exceptions do happen)

    -alterior motives (outright lies)


    Did I forget something? :)

  8. Good nobody hurt. Would hate to hear of more bad news for thailand.

    Times are hard, nobody here. Oh, let's have a fire, that'll bring us some money.

    Seems a bit to strange, no pics, no reports... :)

    I agree it is good that there were no injuries.

    Cynicism is so easy in Thailand and I am often guilty but, let's wait and see shall we?

    Jonathanpattaya, I agree with you 99%. To have 100% you must rephrase it: 'Cynicism

    is impossible not to use in Thailand'

  9. This belongs to a friend of ours. Glad no one was hurt

    Although fires in LOS are usually looked upon as accidents in many cases they are not accidental, but rather waiting to happen.

    I did report on this site how a highrise condominium building did not have any fire alarm and/or protection for over 3 years! As a result I filed a matter in Court against the Managing maintenance Co. Guess what happened? The alarm system was installed within 2 weeks. Case dismissed!...

    Speaking of this OP, I wonder, what shape was the fire safety in this joint. The 20M bt

    damage may be a dream never come true. Usually the insurer claims, that the accident happened due to negligence or malice on part of the insured employees is not paid for. :) (unless the compensation money is split up wisely).

  10. I think it'is a two side question, with possible twofold answers.

    1. Many countries try to be assured that you do have means to support yourself and have a reasonable chance of leaving. Like a well paid job, house, family etc. in your own country.

    Since Thais are prone to 'copy-copy' and 'same-same' they ask some questions on a tit for tat basis.

    2. As to OP concern about a pssibility of using this information by criminals for robbery, extortion, kidnap for ransom, etc. - yes, it is possible. I wouldn't call him paranoid. Yet, the probability for these things happening in Thailand are much lower than in many other destinations, notorious for organised crime/government connections. I am sure you can think of a few.

    The bottom line,- there is organised crime everywhere. Their infiltration of government organisations, especially Immigration, has a slim chance in Thailand. Relatively speaking.

  11. Had the same, connect a mouse and turn off the track pad in the system preferences. Got something to do with heat or moist.

    OP, did you check where is your Mac made and where is the battery made?

    The brand name may be there, but the quality may be not.

    You know, 'same-same, but not the same' ! Chose carefully your stuff. The name brand isn't all these days. Sorry to say this, but it is a fact... :)

  12. "Consumers will now know if they are cheated"

    How many people in Thailand actually get out their cars to check what is being put in ???....what you going to do demand a "p*ss test" of the pump before they put the fuel in

    Pardon my scepticism, but the history teaches us, that for any new law people invent 'bylaw', or 'bypass'.

    Are the colour additives cheap? Can I buy them? Etc. etc. etc....

    Hmm... If the money is to be made, they would put yellow piss in my tank. The problem is, the car can not drive off.

    P.S. Just as a curiosity point: back in my country petrol is cheaper than drinking water and soda water!!! Go on, talk about limited fossil fuels... Makes me wonder, how many people, companies and governments should learn to put their money where their mouths are, - we all know where they put our money. :)

  13. Regional differences and prejudices towards those people are common not only in Thailand but around the world. Southerners think Isaan to be country bumpkins that eat everything, Northerners think Southerners are jaidum,. In the US people from the North think Southerners are rednecks, people from the South of England have all sorts of lovely non complimentary names for Northerners. Many Germans I know do not consider Bavarians "real Germans'. Etc Etc Etc.

    Its called human nature.

    Brilliant! I'm not an expert on regional differences in Thailand, but people hate people everywhere for all sorts of reasons. This is human nature.

    Without entering into any discussion or speculations on this issue, I want to point out a striking difference I observed from the car travelling South of BKK. Clean roadsides and outdoors of all houses.

    This is a fact. I am not even trying to explain it. Usually Thai people are OK with personal hygiene, but the filth of the land around their homes is notorious. Not so South of Hua Hin. Why the rest of Thailand looks like one huge rubbish tip really beats me. :)


  14. Upsetting Westerners is not a part of the picture, the numbers for January to October last year show that most visitors to Thailand come from :

    A Malaysia 1,359,220

    B Japan 822,767

    C United Kingdom 670,904

    D China 590,725

    E Australia 520,090

    F USA 496,812

    I wont say who but some posters don't know what they're talking about.

    January to October last year. Lucky guy who can get the stats from 01/01/2009 to 31/10/2009.... source ???

    OK. That covers a total of 4,460,518... Who are the other 6-7 million? Escimoes? Afgani? ??? :)

    When telling fibs, make them at least look true...

  15. Why start a campaign to focus on high end tourist and potentially dissuade lower end tourist coming, thinking they're not welcome??

    Why doesn't TAT focus on, just, tourism????

    That is the solution: stop upsetting the majority of tourists (most are not rich) and start focusing on tourism in general for all income groups--high, medium, and low income.

    The solution is so simple. Why can't TAT see this? Why continue to upset Westerners and ruin the tourism industry?

    I won't say where or who, but some organizations are run by total idiots.

    Upsetting Westerners is not a part of the picture, the numbers for January to October last year show that most visitors to Thailand come from :

    A Malaysia 1,359,220

    B Japan 822,767

    C United Kingdom 670,904

    D China 590,725

    E Australia 520,090

    F USA 496,812

    I wont say who but some posters don't know what they're talking about.


    In essense, all the arguments are trying to decide whether the new policy is TIT for TAT, or TAT for TIT. It is futile... because it is neither NEW, nor POLICY. Besides, NOBODY among those 'in power'

    1) read this

    2) if read, can understand this

    3) have real power to change anything

    4) can give a dam_n about anything

    So, please, stop... Close the bla-bla-bla... ENOUGH! :)

  16. the nicest car I have ever seen in Thailand ? the crashed ones in those horrible Thai magazines showing accidents. Better ones with bloody chunks of flesh dangling from torn metal.

    Just for once, can you turn off the venom? Try nosex, may help, sometimes...

    A very nice OP. I saw two cars that took my breath away. Both very old, antiques, but very beautiful.

    First was an old (about 1929) SINGER. Immaculate condition!

    Second was an old classic sports car DSS CITROEN, I believe of 1967(?). It looked sexier than an XJ Jaguar, which is not easy... I am not French, but crazy about their old Citroens. :) Cheers!

  17. I have voted this as a 'bad idea'.

    The reasons are many.

    High rollers do not go for Thai holidays. Full stop.

    They go to places that offer what Thai doesn't have. Or if they have it, the regulations here can not give it to them.

    On the other hand, younger people from affluent countries are not exactly 'high fliers'.

    There is safety in numbers. The more people come here, the more tourist dollars come in. Even if they are 'budget' tourists. Rich are in short supply around the world, compared to a number of average income people. The low of averages dictates that high rollers are not only short in supply, but are a more 'volatile' group. Ask any bank whether they prefer one deposit of $100,000,000 or a 100,000 deposits of $1000.

    Maybe they need a consultation with Thaksin on this issue. He might be the only one to attract money without people. :)

  18. Apart from Phil, the replies have been serious - which is what you hoped for. Le't wish that you get more replies to add some views on this thread.

    I think frustration is one cause of TEAS. The obvious examples: Can't own land, double pricing.

    One can't "retaliate" against these so we take it out in our attitudes. And I take that point from seeing an expat get very irate in Tesco over some dispute over goods. He raised land ownership, double pricing ( though that does not apply in Tesco), fake Thai smiles, lack of democracy, corruption, ...

    None of it applied to whatever his problem with the store was. He just had to get it off his chest. And I can see how we all sometimes get like that. In the West we can write to our MP or local authority, in a criminal action we can get help from the police. We feel unable to do that here. I think that moves on to frustration and TEAS

    I'm sure there are other causes and I hope this thread can debate them.


    Everyone is an ASS or EAS sometime. Some more often. Some have been all their life. Nobody can escape own self. We come here with the package. The numerous local cultural, social, economic, language, political, religious differences affect us. Sometimes in weird ways. The age factor also kicks in.

    Net result - TEAS. Let's face it, in Europe it would be EEAS, in Malaysia, - MEAS... and so on!

    It seems the only permanent component is US being ASS.

    Maybe it is not the meek, but the asses, who will inherit the world, after all? :)

    P.S. Sorry to be an ....

  19. My impression is that you generally need a Thai will only for your assets in Thailand. For US brokerage accounts you can designate your beneficiary directly with them (usually online) and that plus a death certificate would be adequate for an heir. If you have significant assets in the US where you can't designate a beneficiary directly, a US will would be advisable. You can actually do simple ones quite cheaply (online services, paralegals, etc.).

    Jingthing, since I have assets only in Thailand, would an informal will in Thai language doubled up in English, both signed at local Amphur in favour of a Thai g/f (not legally married) be sufficient? I do not feel like spending 10-15K on a very simple piece of paper.

    Another question, - will my good for nothing progeny in Oz have a real chance of contesting such will? I want to make absolutely impossible for them to benefit from my estate.

    Thanks for advice.

  20. A beautiful and rare animal.

    The thoughtless and immediate reaction of farmers to kill it must be stopped.

    Does Thailand have an equivalent of RSPCA?

    If the locals are allowed to kill it, the shame and blame will go to the Thai nation.

    Black panther is a shy and secretive beast. No threat to villagers if it can be persuaded to go back to the mountains. Calves and dogs are plentiful in this country... Usually it hunts wild pigs, deers and monkeys, and does not interact with humans.

    Bangkok relevant authorities must interfere urgently, unless they are only good for charging farang 10 times the price of an admission to any national park. :)

  21. Silly man! Hope that the punishment will fit the crime, as no doubt it would, in Iran!

    At least the Iranian Govt will not interfere if he gets the Capital punishment.

    And being Iranian, he can not claim being mentally handicapped.

    Whichever way his punishment will go, he will meet his end soon. Thai prisons do not serve yogurt or tea. May his God have mercy on him... I don't.

  22. Pretty slim on the details and exactly what types of work will be restricted, however the pattern that is emerging right now is clear - we are becoming increasingly unwelcome in this country. Within the past couple of months crackdowns have occurred on:

    -ED Visa's from Thai Language Schools (testing of Thai speaking ability)

    -Tourist Visa's (people extending multiple times in a row)

    -Now Work Permits

    That covers every type of expat I'm aware of other than Investment Visa's and Retieree's - and possibly those types have had crackdowns as well, or will have them soon.

    You forgot married people. Hopefully no crackdown on us :D

    Contradictions, contradictions, everywhere I see them.

    Start with 'married people'.

    I am not talking about 'married' because they can't work, do business, own house, own land under the house, etc. Let's look at those 'happily' married, adopting fathers. Do they own here anything? Hmm...

    No crackdown?... Wake up, mate, you have been cracked from the very start.

    Now go to... ED Visa. Never heard of, or met a farang coming to LOS to learn Eng., Med., Law, IT, Technologies, Economics, etc. Why does it have to be always Thai Language? There are many good reasons to learn English, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, even Russian (sometime). These are huge economies, and many Thai study them... But why a farang in Thailand goes to a course for about 25,000Bt/year to study virtually a dud language? Ooops, NO OFFENSE meant to any Thai, or the Nation.

    But it is a small, local event... nobody speaks Thai except Thai. And the go-go industry do speak English.

    The answer is obvious... ED Visa is a way of getting a VISA. But why create such circumvent ways?

    Multiple tourist Visas, or 'VISA RUNS'. There is no need for any crackdowns. These people are reduced to the status of half dogs, half vermin, half refugees, half undesirables... That's right, 4 halves. I think it takes twice a man to continue living under such conditions. I know I would not...

    OK, what is this post about? I think it's coming to the point when, like it, or not, we all should oblige this LOS Govt AND GET TO hel_l OUT OF HERE! Sell out, get your precious wife + kids and get to hel_l out. Or, if you have the stomach,- leave them here, so that they do not lose their Thainess. :)

  23. The more I read on, the more I'm bewildered.

    You are BUYING her! Are you that much of a moron, to open this discussion?

    W.S.MAUGHAM said: 'No woman is worth more than a fiver, unless you love her. If you do,- she is worth everything you have'.

    Obviously, this is not the case... So, what are you guys discussing?

    You are buying her. For 20,000Bt + keeps. 20,000Bt is cheap. The keeps can be anything... from supporting her family to the the cost of reattaching your penis!

    Now, get off your high horse of the 'slavery' morality... Look at your own face in the mirror. Do you look 'fresh from the farm'? Have you just 'stepped off the bus'? Is your penis still there? Does it do your thinking for you? :D:)

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