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Posts posted by backsoon

  1. Now we begin to see the real agenda of the Red Shirt Brigade,Thaksins money is useful to them along with Hun Sens socialist principles.

    ''Whats' mine is mine, what's yours is also mine'' :D

    Please do not distort history, truth and socialist principles!

    :) "What is mine, is mine; what is yours, is ours" :D

  2. Coming from 3 weeks history of a dog bite.

    Total of 5 injections needed. Go for it.

    No, you will not get vaccine for all 5.

    Total cost about 2,500bt.

    Forget about any compensation from owner (unless he is willing to pay???)

    The usual routine here is: Dog is a Thai, you are farang.

    Ownership here is not proveable. No dog registration exists. As soon as a dog bites, it has no owner to pay for this. Legally.

    Forget the incident and don't try to be smart,- no use.

    Your insurance Co will want to ask questions you can't answer, or prove.

    Bon voyage! Cheers :)

  3. The situation desribed for private schools vs govt schools can be easily addressed to.

    You have no rights. Beaut! No responsibility! In any civilised society, teachers would immediately demand a written contract, with all your rights stipulated. Individually, or jointly. Do not wait to be sacked at the moment convenient to the school. Quit! Now, teachers are supposed to be educated intelligent lot. It shouldn't be difficult to make private schools to face closure.

    In future, any teacher seeking employment with a private school must demand a contract protecting his/her rights at the same level OR BETTER as the govnt's schools. Those already employed, must go and ask for one such contract drawn up and signed. Or resign.

    Bingo! You have won!

    However, if you don't do this, - you are losers. Deservedly so.

    Or you are not as educated and intelligent as you are supposed to be.

    Oh, PLEASE, don't say you have families to feed! Err, and PLEASE do not mention the teachers moral obligations to society/kids either! Just look above... :)

  4. I don't speak Thai and only eat 2 Thai foods. This is better, for me.

    Bravo, Blondie. I thought I am the only one. Glad you spoke out.

    About the language. I have a good ability for languages. Being 100% bilingual, I can understand about 6 more different ones. As for Thai - I refuse to learn it because of their crazy alphabet. If I decide to study hieroglyphs, Hebrew, Sanskrit, Chinese will come first.

    About food. I like Thai, Vietnamese, French, Italian, Spanish, etc. The food ingredients here are very good and readily available. They are also cheap. Unfortunately, unless you dine at 5* restaurants, with a really good Chef, the average Thai cooks DONT KNOW HOW TO COOK. Most likely nobody taught them. The result is usually overdone, too spicy, too salty, burnt, etc. AND FORGET ABOUT THE SAFETY OR HYGIENE. :)

  5. More than 300 troops have been deployed at barb-wired Govt House, TV live footage shows. Traffic is v light at Rajadamnoen. 11 minutes ago

    Men's excrement will b thrown at Abhisit, women's excrement against Suthep. And the "third sex" excrement against Prem. 32 minutes ago via web

    In case u haven't read about it, a red leader, Arisman, claimed 3 different types of excrement will b used against Prem, abhisit and Suthep. 33 minutes ago via web

    Men's excrement will b thrown at Abhisit, women's excrement against Suthep. And the "third sex" excrement against Prem. 34 minutes ago

    The Nation's analysis of the latest situation:

    Will Thaksin be saved? http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Thaksin-Saved-t346623.html

    Rotten eggs, rotten tomatoes, dead dogs and cats as well as excrement is often used on politicians around the World by disgranted people. And more often than not these acts are well deserved...

    But in the LoS this one is NEW! Never in my life have I seen human excrement (sh_t) having been sorted out by its origins! Unless the Red shirts are setting up the collection booths for men, women and 'third sex', they will have to ask The Experts for analysis in the latest situation. :)

    Now, my friends, it is time for your contribution to this FUN POST.

    Please, avoid trivia, only one fact to one post. Keep it short. You can post as many facts as you like. Remember, it must be entirely Thai Funny Joke!

  6. And this is going to be a "peaceful demonstration" ........................................

    I didn't know that any group had as yet claimed responsibility for the bombs. what do you know that the media doesnt yet know?

    No group has claimed responsibility. The article implies that the blast occurred as the red shirts were leaving for Bangkok.

    And no group will claim responsibility for any violence in Bangkok either. It doesn't matter how they're dressed. It will all be blamed on other groups.

    Beware of red shirts (or blue shirts or yellow shirts or green shirts) because they might actually be blue shirts or yellow shirts or green shirts (or red shirts) dressed as red shirts (or blue shirts or yellow shirts or green shirts).

    Give me a break, man. I am colorblind.

    Why can't they go topless? Than we could see whether they are elite or not!

    And see all the strings attached. :)

  7. Drugs for Children in Schools, Sugar Shortages, the Meking Drying up and half the Country suffering water shortages, Global Warming and all They worry about is this self serving criminal politician and his angy thugs.

    No small wonder Thailand remains in the fast lane.

    The Media here could do a lot more to help if it focussed less on personalities and more on serious issues.

    GO TO this very site mediators and ask them about paragraph 16 of ThaiVisa rules.

    We are not allowed to discuss this kind of subversive topics: Drugs, Prostitution, Underage sex,... even Illegal Copies of Clothing/ CD/ DVD, etc.

    Things like this are unheard of in this beautiful land of smiles. They do not exist in Thai.

    More likely than not this post will be edited. Cheers :)

  8. It can also just be mis-information and no weapons were taken.

    Then on the other hand this is Thailand so if they claim 6,000 taken that really means 60,000 taken but not admitting it due to loss of face.


    The 6,000 never were actually in the building but some audit was going to happen and to cover up the missing weapons "they were stolen"


    The sick water buffalo needed them to plant rice...

    Excellent post but the point is: "6000 lost weapons is the usual amount every week. Nothing to worry about. Business as usual."




  9. Sometimes, this racism is also colored by what people call Nationalism. The kind where people say, "My country is better than your country". If you count that as racism - just imagine how the locals treat their neighbors - the Burmese, Laos and Cambodians.

    A good post, spot on.

    There is a good OP on Nationalism in general in today's Best. Interesting. Many good responses. Read it.

    Racism, Nationalism, Religious Fanaticism, Colour intolerance vs Internationalism, Atheism, Globalization, Tolerance, Multi-culturalism, etc.

    Neither of this BS is actually bad or good. It exists. Always has been around. Nevermind the terminology. Because it is in Human Nature. And it always will be around. Nothing wrong with it.

    TO A POINT! Birds of feather flock together... naturally. Men prefer women, whites prefer whites, blacks stick to their brothers, Christians disapprove Muslims, Catholics are up against Protestants, Anglicans vs Roman Catholics, All together against the 'bloody' Jews, and so on...(well, there are sometimes exceptions). No problem, so far but...

    TO A POINT! The point, the pivoting point, the point that turns a natural harmless individual preferences into wars, killings, crimes against humanity,- this point is reached when the natural INDIVIDUAL preferences are politically manipulated, organised and directed FROM ABOVE, by the respective Governments.

    Than, and only than we see Crusaders Wars, Conquistadores, Inquisition, Turkish Armenian mass extermination, Jewish Holoucast, Tatar and Chechen displacement, African Tribal mass exterminations, so called War on Terror, etc.

    Now, if we have to return to the question about Thailand...

    Are Thais different from farang? - Yes.

    Is this a problem for farang on INDIVIDUAL level? - No.

    Are these differences politically manipulated, organised and directed FROM ABOVE through the mechanisms of Legal, Immigration, Employment and Economic authorities? - I am not sure :D:):D

  10. The crowd that I hang out with are not the problem. :)

    Oh I get, you just like to hang around with the stupid farangs

    At least most of them can write a correct sentence. :D

    Ulysses, James, chill out, high IQ is not contageous. You don't change it by mixing with anybody. Once you have it, you get stigmatised as a 'Smart arse' and it will make you unpopular with your mates. Anything/anybody smart is unpopular, because the majority is dumb (the law of nature).

    OP, why bother? High IQ is not an overwhelming trait for expats/Thais. Chill out, you are in a safe place. :D

  11. It always amazes me how some nations are so scared of individual characters.

    Here we have the Thai government afraid of offending China by granting Jetsun Pema, sister of the Dalai Lama, a visa. This is a 69 year old, peace loving lady.

    The same can be said for China's fear of The Dalai Lama, a wonderful old man with a great sense of humor and of the world.

    Last but not least Aung Sa Suu Kyi, who has terrified the medal laden generals of the Burmese military for two decades.

    At least the Dalai Lama got to see Obama inside the White House. :)

    This is a perfect example of

    1) Special nature of 'Thai Culture' everybody is quick to mention.

    2) Special nature of Thai Foreign Ministry job - not to get involved in International Politics

    3) Big is right... Thailand is small... and has many Chiese living here. They are not farang, but a part of 'Thai Culture'. The circle is closed. :D

  12. FOR THE LAST TIME. a)I was on the open public beach at low tide walking near the water edge. :) I did not run before, during or after attack. c) I yelled at the woman from water edge while she was standing and watching the attack. d) I did not provoke the dogs in any way. e) I did not panic at any stage. f) I know a difference between barking dog and attack dog. g) I live and walk on this beach for 4 years.

    I know I am in Thailand. I am fine, I will live, I am taking the injections prescribed. I am not expecting any money.

    I accept TIT and it is full of Thais and their dogs. I know Thais are Buddists. I have heard of 'Special Thai Culture'.

    I thank the majority of posters for concern, good ideas and generally contributing to the topic.

    I even accept that I am less important than the Thai flea on a Thai dog.

    THE ONE THING I CAN NOT ACCEPT IS FARANG WITH A HEADBLOCK> please do take it personally... you know who!

  13. I think they are playing a very wierd game of creating panic,the government that is.

    No doubt if the media plays it up and spotlights it again and again, you're just giving those responsible exaclty what they want indeed: mayhem, fear, panic. I know some locked themselves up in their homes. Its best to just get on with daily life, as there are risks and dangers in every big city.

    That composite sketch narrows it down to about 20 million males.......

    All this is completely none of our business.

    But out of curiosity, is the General making a statement on behalf of the Government? Or is he running the Government? Did I miss a moment, or blinked, or something? Isn't the PM supposed to ask the Army's help? TIT for TAT, but not even the decorum :)

  14. As Herr Naam has pointed out many times..... At the current burn rate of the FED

    We can all expect Mr US Tax man to soon be looking under ever stone in hopes of finding incomes to loot.

    Even here in the US they are now scrutinizing things such as farmer markets to be sure taxes are being collected & paid on sales that average $1 or $2 USD

    Even if it means doubletaxation, we should all be happy, knowing that the money will be spent well.

    Like helping out the Big Banks, Multinational Corporations, or paying for 'Global Warming' in these cold days.

    Can you think of better uses? It is your money, isn't it? :)

  15. :)

    Oh lord, I don't know why I even bother to try to explain...but I will.

    Finding "true love" by chance is a western myth. The truth is that MOST COUPLES break up before they take the time to learn to understand each other...not some couples but MOST COUPLES.

    Therefore you can expect to fail with a bad relationship at least 3 times for any good one you find. Maybe more. This is independent of nationality, place, or social class. It also occurs in the U.S. or the U.K. If you don't believe that, just think of all the time that is spent in those countries on advice to the singles, counseling, marriage counslors, advice to the lovelorn, etc.

    It isn't easy to develop a honest trusting relationship....and it takes a lot of practice and a lot of compromise and understanding on the part of both partners.

    Why haven't you figured this out yet?

    Most couples that have been married for years will tell you it isn't easy to stay together that long. You have to LEARN to tolerate each other...and it takes a lot of work and a lot of love and tolerance to get there.


    Statistics. 30% of all mariages end up in divorce within 3 years.

    30% of all mariages surviving that end up in divorce within the next 3 years. Total 90% of all mariages end up within 10 years.

    The remainder are:

    a) True love; :D Too costly to divorce; c) Thinking about kids; d) Find the French solution; e) Fight it to the bitter end; f) Roman Catholics; g) None of the above.

    N.B. This is a multiple choice question :D This is a joke :D This is truth :D

    This is an old man's blabber :D No comebacks, please! :D

  16. Is simple, they don't want us in their county, so they are pushing everything up in fees to drive us away. ATM fees, Land fees, next it'll be 200% on beer and hotel rooms.

    Just wait, the women will be charging us a added tax when we take them away for the evening. :D

    This isn't going to bother me as we already own our home. Don't drink, don't use hotel rooms or pay a woman to spend the night with me.

    It is a bit selfish/shortsighted. I am in the same position, but my g/f upon my death will have to fork out 300,000bt for the transfer. And no land is involved! :D:)

    Comparison with the West here is out of place, considering the local earnings level.

    Besides, this is a Tax on money imported, not earned in Thailand. A bit unfair?...

  17. A simple way to avoid this increase is don't buy a property in Thailand which is heavily loaded against foreign ownership.

    Hold on, please. My property (condo) is in my personal name, no Company is involved.

    It is duly willed to my g/f. If the property is valued upon my death at, say, 10M, does this mean she will have to fork out 3% (300,000bt) for the name transfer? :D

    This is her 3 x yearly salary!

    Besides, this will create a strong tendency for Land Office to overvalue properties on paper, compared to realistic market price. This smells of artificial inflationary process at the end.

    Poor girls... Their own govt forces them to work strictly for cash... //vulgarity deleted// The western optimists could placate them by saying that in their country tax rates are closer to 4\10 :)

    And older ones can't have even this, if there are no takers? :D

  18. What color shirt to wear that day would be the safest?

    White skin. Both sides know Farang have nothing to do with this and there aren't going to be people on the streets looking for blood from anybody they can find.

    I agree that TV should tone down the subject line of their email's. Fear mongering at it's finest to generate pageviews. Don't you care about your reputation, though? And what happens when there is a real crisis or problem and 90% of people ignore your email because it sounds just like all the others?

    I said it before and stand by it now: Thailand is safe

    Just watch out for those mad dogs. They smell Farang! :)


    This post becomes a runaway train. Stop bickering, please!

    I know dogs. I know their psychology and behavioral patterns. I have even dealt with wolves.

    There are hundreds of stray dogs here in the streets and on the beach. They are NEVER aggressive, since they are not on their territory. I am NEVER afraid of ANY dog, even aggressive type. And I would never run. These dogs really meant business.

    It is not the dog problem. It is entirely Thai problem. NOT CULTURAL DIFFERENCE. Lack of responsibility. Killing this dog would be childish. I would rather teach the bastard who let them loose. He does own them. Remember, I have returned with the Police.

    I am not crazy enough to seek legally justice. First of all I am a Farang=> less than a Thai dog.

    Second, the Thai family living there and looking after dogs, site, building materials, etc. ARE POOR. I wouldn't get any money out of them, even IF they were ordered to pay. Third, I don't want their stinking money! They are good for nothing anyway.



    THERE IS NO FENCE. THIS WILL HAPPEN AGAIN. MAY WELL HAS HAPPENED BEFORE. FROM ALL YOUR RESPONCES HOWEVER DIFFERENT I COME TO A SAD CONCLUSION: we, Farang, matter less than the fleas on their f_cking dogs. Sad, very sad story! Bad for Thailand at the end...

  20. antifreeze

    Embalm the dog?

    Thanks to everybody. Most considerate. And lots of good ideas.

    But. I'm not Thai. Couldn't do this. Mind it, I could kill it, but not poison. Firearms are out of the question. This leaves airgun shooting heavy pellets? Or an arrow/bow? Or better still, underwater speargun?

    Question is how legal are these weapons in Thailand? Self-defense is ok for locals, but do we have the same rights? I THINK I SAW AN AIRGUN FOR SALE, using big (5mm) steel pellet-balls and a small gas cylinder as power source. Is it legal? (I think I know the answer - legal for Thais, but NO-NO to me).

    Thanks to all, once again. :)

  21. Introduction. Farang, Retiree, Country dweller, over 3 years in LoS, Reasonably happy with the lifestyle here, except when it bites and becomes a pain in the butt... which brings us to the story.

    Story. Last night I went for a walk on a beach. At some point I passed by a new development site. Suddenly a pack of 8 dogs ran out onto the beach, surrounded me, growling, snarling and attacking me from all points. I must say here that I am not scared of dogs, I could manage chasing off 2-3 of them easily. But not 8, with no stick or rock to threaten them with. In short time the alpha male big bastard got me just above the knee. What pissed me off more than the dogs, was a Thai woman standing at the property step onto the beach where the dogs came from and watching all the developing battle.

    So, I got bitten, my knee bleeding, I scream abuse to her (sure she didn't understand), finally she walks out onto the beach and chases the dogs away. They run back into the property (development construction site). I continue walking, but start limping, feel pain, anger and deside to return. Would you believe it? Passing by the same site, the same 8 dogs give me a chase again! This time no casualty, as I picked up a 4-5 ft bamboo stick, but the Thai woman didn't even show up. Now I am really pissed. I go to local Police.

    Make a statement. Show the bleeding knee. They right it down in a book. take me into their car and we drive to the property. Police talks to the man. The woman is also there. So are the dogs. I do not understand neither of them, except for the dogs. The man goes into the police car and they all escourt me home. On the way, Police officer says I must go to the city hospital (some 40km away) for rabies vaccine.

    I did go. Had an injection, was given a kilo of useless tablets and paid 545bt. I was also told that I must come back 4 more times for the same. LoS!

    Any constructive ideas, advice??? Please, serious comments only. I have an acute sense of humour, and understand how lucky I am the dog didn't go for the groin. So, have a laugh, but to yourself, because right now I am not in the best of my moods, and try to avoid being rude to anyone.

    :DHave I any rights? Are there any laws? Can they be enforced? Or TIT your mama? :D:)

  22. This finance minister is not to be trusted. I think he's incompetent.

    Is there any reasoning or justification behind either of those accusations or are they simply incredibly stupid comments that I have demeaned myself replying by to.

    I fear the latter.. Korn's accomplishments are internationally recognised and respected, despite tremendous challenges the Thai economy is doing remarkably well.

    I recall reading that HSBC remarked that most of this upturn is due to domestic demand, rather than exports, which have been improving too. Even tourism is picking up, try booking a hotel in Phuket for Songkran. Whilst Bangkok occupancies underline the fact that its not all unicorns and roses, its certainly not doom and gloom everywhere.

    Or find a vacant spot on a Pattaya beach for a quicky

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