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Posts posted by backsoon

  1. What is this obsession with 'Thai Culture'? I know no country or culture which would tolerate urinating, defecating or having sex in public places. Not even in 'nudist beaches'.

    The problem is, it only cost them what? 500bt? 1000bt? 2000bt?... cheap payment for the thrill. Making it cost 100,000bt plus immediate mandatory deportation would

    look good for Thailand

    help maintain the law and order

    bring sizeable money to the state

    send good strong message to their country

    serve as a more serious deterrant in future cases

    'Thai Culture' would not change though,...sorry. :)

  2. Again, what is with Russians these days?

    The people must be very kinky.

    Or maybe it is a case of 'old habits die hard'? They were used to screw everybody everywhere in the past... Perhaps an atavistic syndrom? Or a case of short lived erectile problem? Like 'now or never'? : This also may come from the attitude. The chovinistic people's disdain for locals? I really do not know, but the problem is not sexual, rather psychological.D

  3. Just a tip in Aus we put insulation [sarking] under the tiles and double sided foiled insulation as well, however at this stage put bats over the ceiling, being careful to make sure all electrical connections are in a junction box and fully taped cables should be over insulation to stop fire hazards. A good idea which is simple is to have a vent on the windwood side ie a tile out higher than the lee side sucks out the heat in the ceiling space.

    Another good easy and practical idea is to use a wind propelled heat pump selling everywhere. pumps out hot air from the roof/ceiling space and keeps it cool. They're cheap, simple and do not interfere with the structure/wires. Just make sure there is some tray under in case of heavy rainfall.

  4. hello....


    60k baht is expensive for an implant....?

    try 600,000 per in bkk for a one week stay, all inclusive.... :D

    now that is extraordinary.... body massage is optional and additional as well.... :D

    and i just got two partially completed for the lower jaw two weeks ago.... and got a wat-po massage instead.... :)

    Try searching for more advanced technologies. I have 100% upper and lower mandibles done in Australia. $17,000 = 500,000Bt. Go speak of cheap med tourism in LoS! :D

  5. how can you fall from the 16th floor and land on the 6th floor,surely if you fell from the balcony of your room you'd land on the pavement below.too odd for words,but i'm sure it was suicide..............open and shut case,next one please.

    Miracles are always going against the laws of gravity, aerodinamics and common sense.

    For example: implosion of the World Trade Centre, both buildings, and in accordance with demolition science.

  6. Any failed suicide attempt is a halfhearted act. Fullhearted acts are successful.

    The guy definitely needs help. Hope he gets it.

    Cut wrists? Typical... But cut neck? Hmmm.

    Is this one of those scenarios, when a man dies cutting his head off?

    Amazing Thailand!

    We are not amused :)

    Let's hope he lives to tell his story. I wish him well.

  7. Nice thought but bet the execution is all politicking... BS to say the least. :)

    well if its gonna happen the BIB have picked the right guy for the job - Pol Gen Wuthi Liptapallop is one of the most respected officers in the force here -- and if he is heading up this clampdown it sure will happen -- he has a long distinguished list of busts to his credit = and one of the few who has the strengths to get this job done - good to see that immigration finally has someone in charge with the balls to get things done -- i wish him all the very best -

    Sorry, do not know anything about the General, but I wish him well. God help him to do his job successfylly! :D

    I mean, successfully, of course. :D

  8. Nice thought but bet the execution is all politicking... BS to say the least. :)

    well if its gonna happen the BIB have picked the right guy for the job - Pol Gen Wuthi Liptapallop is one of the most respected officers in the force here -- and if he is heading up this clampdown it sure will happen -- he has a long distinguished list of busts to his credit = and one of the few who has the strengths to get this job done - good to see that immigration finally has someone in charge with the balls to get things done -- i wish him all the very best -

    Sorry, do not know anything about the General, but I wish him well. God help him to do his job successfylly! :D

  9. Your child will be a British citizen and so entitled to a British passport and all the other rights of a British citizen no matter where it is born.

    See How to register a birth from the British embassy.

    I think, but am not 100% sure, that your child will also be Thai regardless of where it is born, but this may apply only if you and the mother are married. Hopefully someone will be able to clarify.

    See also Guidance for British nationals wishing to marry in Thailand.

    Best wishes for your future family life.

    The above may be right as far as GB is concerned. They have laws there.

    However, speaking of Thai laws I'm not 100% sure. Their laws are full of holes like Swiss cheese. And their interpretation of their own laws is subject to the latest crackdown.

    Quite simply, ask your g/f what does she want for her child to be. Thai girls are very practical and not prone to illusions. Good luck. :)

  10. There are only 5 nationalities that can legally teach English in Thailand:

    English, Australian, American, New Zealanders, Canadian.

    However, non native speakers of English can find employment as an

    English Teacher, but usually in a school with 50 kids in a class.

    Not nice and low pay!

    Not being a Thai basher, I must say that so called 'English speaking' Thai language skills are abominable. That is speaking about majority. There are exceptions.

    The blame for this must be laid squarely at the feet of their teachers!

    The Thai education system also does not help, being based on drilling, rather than understanding. Little emphasis on reading (not only in English) compounds the problem.

    Learning English as a second language must include Grammar, Vocabulary, Lexics, Spelling, Phonetics. How many of the English language techers qualify for this?

    The only prerequisit seems to be 'being a native speaker'. B. Shaw asked in 'My Fair Lady',- 'Why English can't speak?'.

    I am not speaking about every one of them. This is not directed at YOU.

    But the majority of so-called native speaker teachers really are lacking skills. :)

  11. I have been a book-worm and my library is a painstaking result of 50 years of collecting.

    Too heavy for luggage, too precious (to me) to abandon. No two books similar. Not one in thai language. All used books. All printed from 1900 to 2000. I was slugged with tax, import duty, etc., after it cost me $1500 to crate and ship to BKK.!!!

    Books, as information source, as provider of KNOWLEDGE, are not taxable in countries, which want their society to advace. Period. :)

  12. Funny having this kind of rating now, following the reports of bad relations between Thailand and USA

    I personally said long time ago, when Thailand refused to extradite Victor and spoke against USA wishes in regards to Burma that USA will find some diplomatic way to punish Thailand.

    I think this is just the beginning of the punishment,there could be more to come

    Yeaa, turn the Gulf of Thailand into Bay of Pigs! :D

    P.S. If Thailand is a high risk country, where would you go?... Just be careful and don't stay at your home country! :)

    One more thing. I live here. I like many things here. I also dislike many things here.

    But honestly it must be said:- Thailand is safe and stable. That's for sure... :D

  13. Funny having this kind of rating now, following the reports of bad relations between Thailand and USA

    I personally said long time ago, when Thailand refused to extradite Victor and spoke against USA wishes in regards to Burma that USA will find some diplomatic way to punish Thailand.

    I think this is just the beginning of the punishment,there could be more to come

    Yeaa, turn the Gulf of Thailand into Bay of Pigs! :D

    P.S. If Thailand is a high risk country, where would you go?... Just be careful and don't stay at your home country! :)

  14. Oh come on... This is classic:

    Problem (self created)

    Reaction (blame it on someone)

    Solution (have the infamous security laws on the day when the reds want to march with all those draconian devices like the sonic boom machine that can disperse people in a radius up to 2 KILOMETERS)

    This regime would stop at nothing!

    Look how the Nazis did it! They burnt down the Reichstag and blamed the commies...

    the fish stinks from the head!

    Same with those 6 bombs at Victory Monument last time, it's the show to have new legistlation passed and to have a boogie man... it's all them, yeah, there ya go

    Sick of these fake games!


    Tend to agree with you, but ALL THIS IS CALLED POLITICS! What is it you complained about?...

    Stop whining. Could you continue the list from above, please? Do not forget:









    .................. and many, many, many others. This is called HUMANS, you know,- 2 hands, 2 legs, 2 eyes, many different colours, but shit for brains. Why kick Thais? Look at your own, wherever they are. :)

  15. What do you want from the guy? He is only trying to make a living...

    DOUBLE STANDARDS is a National policy of Thai Govnt. Go to many national parks with paid entries, and you will see: ENTRY FEE: 20bt (Thai), 200bt farang. Big black on white board SHAMELESS RACIST note. :)

  16. Are there many rich farang who married a poor Thai lady?


    Sure most of them.

    Or at least they're not too rich.

    If they are, you can't probably afford them... :D

    I can not afford a poor Thai lady?

    Well, you probably can't afford any, rich or poor... :)

    What a mixed bag of emotions, ideas, thoughts, concepts.

    Love is not sex, sex is not marriage, marriage is not money, thai are not farang.

    The OP was a hollow question. The others pour water into it, having fun. It's OK.

    Money seeks money. Poor, eventually, go to poor. Rich farang in LoS is a poor farang in his own country. Rich Thai is rich anywhere, but she is still a Thai.

    There is no racist sentiments here.

    Statistically speaking, all marriages end. Unequal marriages end sooner. :D:D:D

  17. One thing I notice on this site is the constant whinging from expats living in Thailand about the government & police. You are lucky enough to live in Thailand but instead of being grateful for this opportunity, you bitch & moan. No one is asking you to live there so if you do not like it, return to your home country & then Thai policy will not affect you.

    You are a guest in Thailand so quit your complaining. Your opinions on Thai policy have no importance whatsoever & the govt does not need to take your thoughts into consideration as you are not a citizen. I see no difference between whinging expats in thailand and immigrants in australia that whinge & expect australia to change it's ways to suit them.

    When you ask to come & live in a country you should accept it the way it is as you asked to live there & it is not your birth right.

    Be grateful and if you do not like the way your new country is run, leave. You won't be missed.

    Dear Joker,

    Could you please send this opinion to the huge number of people in the the United Kingdom who wish to change the structure and laws of the UK to suit there own beliefs. Then hear the scream of 'rascism, 'human rights', 'religious bigotry' etc.

    I agree that we 'foreighners' should not express our opinions too vocally, we must try to influence matters in a more subtle way, take our MONEY and BUSINESS elsewhere, to countries where we are more welcome, where the governement actually wants to integrate with the rest of the world. Those of us that can of course, there are many, like me who are committed to Thailand who just have to 'go with the flow'.

    John and Joker. You are both right to a certain extent, therefore both wrong.

    There are cracks in your logic. True, I am a guest here, like all of us. True, I never meddle in politics, not even in my own country. But even if I like living in Thailand, this does not mean I like everything. Or have to like everything.

    Therefore, when I see shit,- I call it shit. When something stinks,- I don't say it smells. And when these things happen, I don't care if the opponents call me racist, fascist, ungrateful, a bigot or just plain farang dog. Cheers to both of you.

  18. :):D:D

    Oh, what a tangled web we weave....

    Seized Il-76 tracked back to Kazakhstan

    AN extensive investigation into the tangled web of shell companies that were behind the Il-76 seized in Bangkok (Thailand) for arms running, has tracked its owner back to Almaty (Kazakhstan).

    The cargo aircraft and crew were detained last year by the Thai authorities after a tip-off from US intelligence agencies. On board were 35 tons of explosives, rocket-propelled grenades, surface-to-air missiles and other weaponry picked up from North Korea and destined for…which is where the trail grows murky. The crew and manifest claimed the cargo to be "oil industry spare parts".

    Research uncovered layer upon layer of suspiciously new and previously unknown companies and an extremely elaborate flight path. Starting in Baku (Azerbaijan) it first flew to Al-Fujairah (UAE) and Bangkok before taking on its cargo in Pyongyang (North Korea). It then returned to Bangkok where it was then held. If it had been allowed to continue on its journey it would have continued to Colombo (Sri Lanka), then Al-Fujairah again, on to Kiev, where it would double back to Tehran (Iran) to offload and then ending up in Podgorica (Montenegro): in total, a distance of over 24,500km.

    The web of companies is just as tortuous. Overseas Trading FZE, a leasing company based in Sharjah (UAE) and owned by Svetlana Zykova, leased the Il-76 to a Georgian firm, Air West, owned by Levan Kakabadze. Air West in turn leased the aircraft to SP Trading, a company that was created by Yury Lunyov only weeks before the deal was set in motion. SP Trading charted the aircraft to the Hong Kong-registered Union Top Management (UTM). UTM was also only created a month previously. The founder of UTM – Dario Cabreros Garmendia of Spain – cannot be found nor can the North Korean company that sourced the weapons.

    Lunyov claims that another company – the Ukrainian Aerotrack – had responsibility for chaperoning the shipment from North Korea to Iran and that it was Aerotrack that originally falsified the charter agreement and packing list to suggest the freight was the spare parts.

    No Aerotrack has ever been at its listed address and its main contact's – Victoria Doneckaya – telephone number is a private residence that has never heard of her or Aerotrack.

    In fact, all the companies' owners (at least, those that could be found) – Zykova, Kakabadze and Lunyov – deny ever knowing what the shipment was. However, they all share one connection: Alexander Zykov, husband to Zykova and known associate of Lunyov.

    Zykov owns East Wing a Kazakhstani airfreight company. It was his crew that were detained. Companies and aircraft belonging to Zykov are known to have been involved in arms trafficking in sub-Saharan Africa. However, Zykov claims that the crew were on temporary leave when they were caught.

    Friends and family of the crew say that working for Zykov is well paid but in return the crew must ask no questions of the shipments and be prepared to fly dangerously ill-maintained aircraft into conflict zones, such as the Sudan and Somalia.

    A friend and once fellow pilot of one of the crewmembers – Mikhail Petukhov – said: "It's not easy working for [East Wings]. For one thing, their planes are old, so the flights are dangerous. And it also means being ready to break pretty much every aviation law on the books. But it's work, and they pay well," he said.

    An engineer who regularly works on Zykov's aircraft said: "You get paid to do the flight, and you don't ask any questions about what's inside the boxes."

    BRILLIANT!!! Precise, concise, well researched, informative... Thanks. :D:D:D

  19. Gary, take her to a good doctor, willing and able to do microbiology tests.

    Depending on tests results she can get proper treatment. Unfortunately, 9\10 doctors

    (I mean GPs) in many countries will try a quick fix based on a guess. Not good.

    As to dehydration (and she definitely is dehydrated) drnking fluids orally will not deliver them to where they are needed (blood, tissue cells). She needs IV. Take her to a hospital, or keep your fingers crossed. Best wishes anyway.

    P.S. You two have made 2 big mistakes. a) shouldn't travel sick. :) should have notified the authorities at arrival point; she most likely would have been quarantined, hospitalised and tested, at no cost to you, if this a sticky point.

  20. "Bt3.3 billion for three engines for international routes."

    There are no 3-engined modern aircraft that I know of. Maybe MD-11, but that was a flop at launch and no longer in production. DC-10? Lockheed Tristar? B727?

    They must be talking od SPARE engines "crocodilexp". I guess the airlines need them standing by in case of a plane developing engine problem or dropping one off on the way and still landing. At last I know how much they are: 1.1 billion THB each. With all my savings I'm nowhere near to buy myself even an engine cover ;-(


    You are running a business with a BIG loss, year in, year out. Solution?! Give them another credit of 35Bn to prove that the losses were not accidental!

    Second best to owning a bank must be owning a flag carrier! REALLY, as they say,- help them to help themselves! Or was it UNESCO money? :D:):D

    And do not expect TG to drop the prices... Now they have a perfect excuse,- it's the bloody Yanks, Aussies and Europeans, forcing us to fart less... :D

  21. "Bt3.3 billion for three engines for international routes."

    There are no 3-engined modern aircraft that I know of. Maybe MD-11, but that was a flop at launch and no longer in production. DC-10? Lockheed Tristar? B727?

    They must be talking od SPARE engines "crocodilexp". I guess the airlines need them standing by in case of a plane developing engine problem or dropping one off on the way and still landing. At last I know how much they are: 1.1 billion THB each. With all my savings I'm nowhere near to buy myself even an engine cover ;-(


    You are running a business with a BIG loss, year in, year out. Solution?! Give them another credit of 35Bn to prove that the losses were not accidental!

    Second best to owning a bank must be owning a flag carrier! REALLY, as they say,- help them to help themselves! Or was it UNESCO money? :D:):D

  22. The government should distribute the Thaksin Asset to the poor people of the North East so it will keep peace and make everyone happy :)

    This is not a bad idea. Ask Mr. T if he loves his people so much to give all the funds held by the courts to be used to help the rural people. Make schools and hospitals use the money truly to help the people who he took it from. If Mr. T said yes to this I would forgive him on all accounts. Now I would never forget what he has done and the lives lost. But we could all move on and save what is left of our nation.

    Ah, there it is! Three times in this forum I have been asking WHAT has he done. NOBODY remembers or answered. Now, seriously, tell me what did he do? I mean under 'good' and 'bad' sections. Truly, I do not know :D .

    Come on, junglist, tell me, please.

  23. Standard problems here in Thailand, fast speeds available within the Kingdom but once you access a website outside of Thailand everything slows down to snails pace!

    Afternoons kids get home from school and hit the internet therefore increased demand, evenings people get home from work and hit the internet again increased usage all of which slows everything down.

    The problem is the same everywhere in LoS. The usual Land of Jokes tricks. TOT sold me an ADSL promising higher speed. Bullocks! If there is no connection for hours, the speed is ZERO. As soon as I switch my PC on, the permanent cookie is there, saying cheerfully: Status-connected. Speed-100Mb/sec. Bullocks again! My Messenger can not sign in, Internet Explorer can not display anything! Ring up TOT 1100. Blah-Blah...

    For English press 9. Press 9 and you are thrown back to Blah-Blah. Try this at after 5pm


    No alternatives (in my location), no competing ISPs, no cable. But plenty of TIT smiles.

    Helpless rage is all I can afford. Last night got through to Internet site, try to download. The actual speed of download clocks at 0.5Kb/sec!!!. Gave up on it...


    First of all, I fully understand the frustration of having this problem...

    But don't say it is the same everywhere in Thailand.

    I have never had any problems like that where I live now, Samutprakan, Bangpoo area, True Internet 12Mbs.

    Inside Thailand it is usually quite close to the bandwidth I have paid for, International is is lower but that is also what they say... They promise 512kbs international and I often get a lot more than that.

    I have maybe 3-4 times per year a complete loss of bandwidth and I have to call True (interesting discussions sometimes). Connections goes down and immediately up again maybe once per week or so... I log it, otherwise I wouldn't see it at all.

    Are you sure you computers are ok? You can try booting your computer from a Live CD and test again...

    The 100Mbps you have indicted on you computer is the speed of the network between you computer and the router. As far as I know none of the ADSL is 100Mbps speed yet. (I may be wrong here).

    I had problem with connections in Huahin 2002. I was hired as IT manager on a resort. When I started working there, the line was down 3-4 days per week and the business suffered from delayed emails. I set up logging and called every time it was down, sent emails with the logs and asked for refund for the downtime. One month later the situation was a lot better and about 3 months later the connection was normal with maybe one hour down per week...

    So don't give up, log everything, test everything to rule out problems with your own computers/router etc before you call. Try to get to the same technician every time you call. I even got the mobile number to one of the technicians. It helped a lot...


    Thanks, Martin. Very kind of you to respond. My VAIO had all programs booted from CDs. I also have a Norton 360 to keep it clean, and it reports no problems. I understand about the cookie, but it really rubs things in when there is no connection. Took my ADSL router to TOT, they checked it and said it's OK.

    I am not ambitious, I would be happy with 1Mbs, as long as its there. Maybe my problem is that I am about 200km from BKK? And the Earth is not round but flat? Usually after 5pm I lose the Internet for hours. Drives me nuts. Good idea to ask the busters for a refund on a pro-rata basis for downtime, but I am not a computer wiz, don't know how to set up monitoring. It even may be inbuilt somewhere, but I am a real computer bum, typing with one finger only. As I said, thanks for compassion. :D

    P.S. Since it deteriorated severely in the last week, could it be related to the TOT/AIS dispute?

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