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Posts posted by pitrevie

  1. 2 minutes ago, nauseus said:

    I mentioned widespread acceptance, not the rantings of one or two. Read me properly,  that you may come back with some constructive criticism. Ken Clarke is one classic example of someone who can't accept the result of the referendum, as are you, whatever you say.

    Given that Farage is a leading member of UKIP I think it fair to say what he says reflects quite a big chunk of the British electorate or are you unable to figure that out.. Given that Bill Cash is a leading member of the Tory hard right I think that he also reflects a wide section of the political spectrum. I thought you might have been googling to try and come up with some leading members of the REMAIN campaign who made such preposterous statements but it seems not. Its a bit like Trump when asked would he accept the result but the big difference here is now Brexiters are telling us that they would have accepted the result without whinging. 

    Common statements on this forum if you cannot accept the result then you should go and live in North Korea, Try googling and find anyone following the 1975 result who made such an extreme statement.

  2. Just now, nauseus said:


    Thanks. But my guess is that if the remain vote had won by any majority, then there would have been widespread acceptance and significantly less moaning by the leavers, than has been seen from the remain camp now that they have lost this democratic and binding referendum. Just my guess, of course.

    Well your wrong and if you took the time to read my posts I have given you quotes from leading Brexit campaigner who stated quite clearly that they would not accept any result as final if it favoured REMAIN.
    In fact if you even bothered to follow the parliamentary debate Clarke made that exact point while looking at one such person who confirmed just that. However don't let facts get in the way of your guess.


  3. 38 minutes ago, shanesox said:

    It's a referendum get! You don't accept the result but say you do, as the other losers do!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    You obviously have difficulty reading. As I have said Bill Cash MP  a prominent Brexiter said he would never accept any result as final that went against him. I have said repeatedly that I accept the result but that doesn't stop me expressing an opinion on the ongoing situation. Try reading a newspaper every day there are columns on this very subject or perhaps they should all shut up and not criticise anything just like North Korea. However as I have said no need to read my posts or respond to them.

  4. 13 minutes ago, petermik said:

    Some folks just don,t get it in a normal reply no matter how many times its explained so they have to resort to a "constructive reply" as a last resort.....now do you understand...........you lost the vote we won and were out thank goodness :thumbsup:



    And some people cant figure out how democracy works. Bill Cash that prominent Brexiter stating that he had no intention of accepting the result if it went against him and he would be even more amazed by the suggestion that he was not entitled to express any further opinion. Try to understand how democracy works and how this forum works. I and others will continue to post  our opinions whether you like it or not, in fact nobody is forcing you to read my posts let alone respond to them, however if you do respond try something constrictive. 

  5. 1 minute ago, shanesox said:

    Ah! As if those who didn't get the result they wanted last June , obstruct and attack as you do! Such hypocrisy!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    Examples please? I take it you understand how democracy works, people while accepting a decision to leave are free to voice an opinion or have we now become another North Korea? Perhaps only those in favour of Brexit should be allowed to post on this forum. I guess all the times you never voted for a government in the UK you must never have voiced an opinion to the contrary while they were in office.

  6. 1 hour ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

    Please, Great Oracle, tell us more of your wisdom and knowledge...

    The EU has never had a unanimous decision as far as I am aware. Even if you can quote one I bet it was made by the unelected tossers that run the EU.

    You say you "accept the referendum decision", but you continue to bleat on and on and on and on and on.

    Get a grip on reality. It will happen.

    I have had enough of your sliding from one principle to another, either put up a sensible argument or shut up.

    Most decisions arrived at in the council of ministers are unanimous. As to being unelected can you tell me which posts in the UK government are elected. We elect MPs but the PM is appointed and the entire government is then appointed by the PM. Just like the executive of the EU none of the executive are directly elected, each is appointed by its member government . Its the way governments operate.

    You seem not to be able to accept that we live in a democracy. I cannot recall any time after the massive decision in 1975 to remain in the EEC people been told that they should shut up. In fact people on this forum even suggest if the decision is not to your liking that you should go and live in another country. Is that what the UK has been reduced to now, some democracy.

    As I have pointed out time and time again prominent Brexiters MPs and MEPs have stated quite clearly that had the decision gone the other way they would not have accepted the result as final. 

    As for sensible arguments do you bother to read your own posts, you appear to have a problem with the way democracy operates. I am entitled to my opinion just as much as you and I am also entitled to express that opinion on this forum just as much as you. As one other poster suggested if you cannot accept that principle perhaps it is you that should consider moving to North Korea as has been suggested on this forum.

  7. 4 minutes ago, evadgib said:

    The challenge to which you refer were nonetheless accepted.


    How about doing same?


    That reply doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Death threats were received by those involved and its quite clear that many Brexiters resented our own Parliament making the decision and would have preferred the appointed PM to make the decision based on some royal instrument how democratic was that. So its no good rejecting the EU court if you then reject our own Supreme court because they rule against you. Just what court decisions are you prepared to accept? It had nothing to do with a challenge it was about the rule of law.


    As for doing the same you obliviously don't read many posts on this forum. Go back to the very days following the vote last year and you will find posts from me stating that like all the EU leaders I accepted the result of the EU referendum and that we should get on with it as soon as possible. Indeed at the time there was a marked reluctance to do just that and its taken us almost a year to fire the starting gun. Unlike Brexiter Farage who placed conditions on accepting the decision or Bill Cash who stated that he would reject any decision that went against him, I accepted it.



  8. 8 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

    Err, and when haven't we, and without whinging on and on?

    You obviously have a short memory. You reject the jurisdiction of the ECJ and only recently Brexiters were up in arms regarding our own supreme court rulings. You remember when that lady wanted to bypass our sovereign parliament and use that democratic method called the royal prerogative  The supreme court ruled otherwise which didn't meet with the approval of Brexiters. 


    Perhaps we need to abolish the British courts as well as they have not found favour with Brexiters and replace them with peoples courts. We could fill them full of UKIP members I am sure that would then meet with your approval. 


    Nigel Farage Warns Of Untold "Public Anger" After UK High Court Decision.


    Brexit campaigner Gina Miller may be forced to flee the UK after death threats


    The most senior Supreme Court judge has opened the latest stage of the legal battle over Brexit with a warning about the threats and violence that have been directed at some of those involved in the case.


    UK court says Brexit needs parliament's approval


    No you are quite right some people don't whinge on and on but take it to another level.



  9. 23 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

    You want to check the records of Gordon Brown before you start pointing fingers. After finally being kicked out of No.10 to retiring in 2015 and continuing as United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education (a job he started doing in 2012) he had one of the worst attendance records at the HoC.

    The Rule of Law according to ECJ in Luxembourg, no thanks, had enough of that s#it.




    Nope the rule of law according to the UK supreme court.

  10. 27 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


    Whichever way you want to interpret this, it's obvious from their responses that the EU did not expect the UK to play hardball. It has served as a very effective wake-up call to them. Remember the EU goon, on being asked if they would offer the UK a good trade deal, replying with a smirk: "Why should we? What's in it for us?" Well, here's one "should": you get your third-rate intelligence services brought up to speed by a first-rate one if you do. Did the EU really think they would have things all their own way in negotiations? Fools. No amount of bleating by them will give them that privilege.

    You've become an expert on the intelligence services now have you?

  11. 13 minutes ago, nontabury said:


      Are companies in the UK still allowed to trade, if they fail to submit audited accounts for 22yrs? This same question could apply to the governments Books.

    Certainly the companies that have wasted millions of government money go on trading and competing for new government contracts. headlines like failed government IT projects waste 100 million in just one year. 

    After spending the extortionate sum on the system, the Ministry of Juistice ended up outsourcing the back-office functions to Steria - the very company given the contract to set everything up in-house in the first place. How about we put our own house in order before we criticise others.

  12. 1 minute ago, stander said:

    "Most academic economists, along with the Treasury, the Bank of England, the IMF and the OECD, forecast an immediate downturn as a result of a Leave vote.

    In the event, all these organizations have since been scrabbling to revise their predictions upwards, and you can see why. Britain grew more strongly in the six months after the vote than in the six months before it and ended 2016 as the world’s most successful major economy. Employment, investment, share prices, retail activity, manufacturing output, and exports are all rising."


    Oh goodie now that our economy is growing stronger I am sure that we are going to see sterling not only regain its value but soar to heights never seen before.

  13. 3 minutes ago, evadgib said:

    ...after the 'victim' reported him to the headmaster despite numerous offences in his own right :sad:

    Really and I am sure you can illustrate that. There is a difference between banter and the type of smear that occurred yesterday. In fact I was also the subject of a smear from another poster who was suspended (not as a result of any action on my part) and who tries to take the moral high ground. I am often told by this character that if I ask him to provide evidence of some assertion he has made that I am engaging in debating tricks.

  14. 3 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    "Well we didn't have to wait and see what affect deciding to leave had on our currency as correctly predicted by all those silly experts, it plummeted."


    Which leaves me a little perplexed - bearing in mind May gave the date on which Article 50 would be triggered a while ago.  And yet some were taken by suprise, resulting in sterling falling again??

    Could you tell me what was the value of the pound the day before Brexit and what happened in the days following. Nothing perplexing about what happened, I am no economic expert so I really didn't have to be told what would happen to the pound if the UK voted for Brexit, 

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