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Posts posted by pitrevie

  1. 7 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    If you don't know, then probably a good time to work it out.


    Not that it matters as Grouse has reported a post and thereby attracted the attention of the mods - so all these posts are likely to be deleted as they are off-topic.

    Yep I was expecting that response just like Khun Han you make these ridiculous statements and then cannot explain what is meant by them.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


    He just likes to play debating games.

    You might not have noticed but this is a forum where we debate things. What would be a novelty is for you to produce some evidence for some of the more ridiculous statements you make. Then when asked to do so you accuse people of playing debating games. 

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, Khun Han said:


    You misunderstand Andrew. Or maybe you're playing your debating games as usual? Brexit is about taking back control from foreign globalists. It's certainly not about isolationism.


    By the way, why did you block me from your twitter? That's a bit cowardly, isn't it?

    What globalists are you talking about that have this control? So now we are going to become globalists but not being controlled by your imaginary globalists. I guess all those financiers, bankers the gnomes of Zurich will all just go away as soon as we exit the EU.

    I don't know what this thing is that you have about twitter I have asked you several times in the past to explain what on earth you are talking about. Let me explain it to you in simple terms as you refuse to elucidate. I do not have a twitter account, I have never had a twitter account, I have no intention of having a twitter account so how the hell can I block you?

  4. 17 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    I apologise for deleting so much of your post - but agree with this entirely - and its a facet that's been overlooked on these threads.


    The poor and under-privileged realised a while ago that globalism is not in their interest - and those on average salaries are beginning to recognise that its not in their interest either.

    Correct me if I am wrong but I thought that was the whole point of Brexit for Britain to be a globalist player.

    Boris Johnson: "Britain needs to be reshaped into a great global player"

    Brexit will make UK more globalist, Theresa May says

    or are some globalists different to other globalists?

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


    If Hilary Dilary had won, would those "lawmakers" have clamored for an inquiry regarding her family foundation, it's very large payments from the Saudis and the German governments; her husband's runway meeting with the AG just before the Feds said she was negligent but not merited prosecution; her still hazy comments on the emails and servers and the claimed obstruction of the investigation?


    Of course not because they'd all backed her to win and thought they'd still have endless access to the trough.


    Sorry, but American politics is in a very bad place. Had it not been, Trump or anyone else like him wouldn't have got close. 

    You really are clutching at straws mentioning the foundation which unlike Trumps foundation has been given a clean bill of health. Note Clinton met with the AG of the US not with Putin or the Russian ambassador. Now we need to know what was promised in return for the lifting of sanctions and were those talks encouraged by the President elect. As for the trough you mention the snout is already deeply embedded, membership rates doubled at his golf club where presidential meetings take place. Just how much is that costing the US government.

  6. 4 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

    During the Abe visit...needless to say, foreign intelligence services have joined Trump's Mar-a-Lago country club, assume that's why he raised the initiation fee from $100,000 to $200,000?


    Mar-a-Lago guest takes picture with nuclear 'football' briefcase


    A visitor to President Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida posted a Facebook photo with a person he says is responsible for carrying the black bag that contains the nuclear launch codes for the president of the United States.


    “This is Rick...He carries the ‘football’ The nuclear football (also known as the atomic football, the President's emergency satchel, the Presidential Emergency Satchel, the button, the black box, or just the football) is a briefcase, the contents of which are to be used by the President of the United States to authorize a nuclear attack while away from fixed command centers, such as the White House Situation Room,” the caption reads. 


    The two images, one of which shows the man carrying the briefcase, is tagged at "Donald Trump Palm Beach Home."




    Given that there is now some real doubt that Trump can read we had better hope he knows the difference between lunch and launch.

  7. 50 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


    Oh yes, it would be very easy for me to show: I would just have to quote every single post Sheung Wan has made in these discussions on the matter :crazy:. You, on the other hand, only have to find one post by him in these discussions flagging up an actual rise in Sterling.


    I think it's time for you to find someone else with whom to play your silly debating games Andrew. I know it's what floats your boat. And what gets you into so much trouble. Bye.

    Well if its easy for you to show the supporting statement then please do so. I don't know anyone silly enough to state that sterling only ever falls in value. I think what is being said and what you cannot accept is that sterling has fallen in value as a direct result of the Brexit vote which most of those silly experts said it would. http://www.cnbc.com/2016/06/22/if-uk-votes-leave-in-brexit-referendum-pound-sterling-will-likely-tumble-dollar-surge.html Who is Andrew by the way? I also note that you still have clarified your remarks with regard to twitter and how that is connected to anything i have said. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


    I'm asking you to prove me wrong. By your own admission, you are well acquainted with Sheung Wan's posts. So, how about you stop playing the childish games and prove me wrong?

    You have it the wrong way about. Its not for me to prove you wrong as any logical person will tell you. You cannot find something which does not exist. However if you are so sure that " According to some posters, Sterling only ever falls in value " then it should be relatively easy for you to show. However Just like your twitter remark you have again made a statement that you cannot justify.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


    It's my assertion, based on reading these discussions, that Sheung Wan only posts negative news about Sterling. Prove me wrong. Find a post by him in these discussions which flags up a rise in the value of Sterling in a positive manner. You won't, of course. You'll just continue with your intellectual dishonesty, because it's all about winning the debate for you.

    Let me remind you what you stated, " According to some posters, Sterling only ever falls in value." Its not my job to find a post supporting that statement, you made it, now show me a post that supports that statement, by the way you used the word posters so it shouldn't be too difficult for you given there is more than one. While you are at it justify your ludicrous post linking me to some remarks on twitter.  Also as someone who often reads Sheung Wan's informative postings I cannot ever recall him stating that sterling only ever falls in value, perhaps you can show me otherwise.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


    And anyone following the running commentaries on Sterling's performance by the likes of Sheung Wan and Grouse would expect Sterling to be trading at about 80 or 90 US Cents by now. According to some posters, Sterling only ever falls in value.

    Links please to support that statement.

  11. 1 minute ago, onthesoi said:

    Can you list which predications were proven wrong?


    The biggest currency devaluation in more than 30 years might just qualify as a catastrophe....& article 50 hasn't even been submitted yet, so the worst could be and is most likely still to come!

    Agreed we are probably going to see the pound go much lower and a 120 billion pounds of extra borrowing which the current Chancellor announced caused by Brexit might also qualify. 

    • Like 1
  12. 15 hours ago, Khun Han said:


    My point about Osborne was to highlight the offtopic nature of the Farage posts. But I suppose, when the arguments are as threadbare as yours, attacking the public figures, particularly the peripheral ones, is an easy option. And, I've noticed, one that you use on your twitter account all the time.


    Perhaps you would like to explain the remark about twitter I have no idea what you are talking about and more to the point I suspect neither do you.

  13. 4 hours ago, Khun Han said:


    Ah! The government isn't developing it's brexit strategy from professional advice or even it's own instincts. It's all being put into place off the back of Nigel Farage's musings. Got it. You're hilarious :biggrin:.

    Once again no attempt to address what is being said. In little over 6 months the government has ditched retaining access to the single market on which the referendum was fought. To quote you, " And it's relevance to the upcoming brexit negotiations is? "

    Something I missed earlier from your reply which about sums up the accuracy of your remarks, "And, I've noticed, one that you use on your twitter account all the time." Perhaps you would like to explain that nonsense.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


    There is nothing to address. You are trying to argue that Farage is a playa in the upcoming negotiations (which is plainly nonsense) in your attempt to justify your inane attcks on him as somehow being ontopic. Frankly, you come across as a boring flat track bully :coffee1:.


    Yep no answer just resort to name calling. Farage is not a player and yet since the referendum we have moved from being assured that we would remain part of the single market to leaving the single market and somehow this has nothing to do with the hardline adopted by the likes of Farage and his allies in the Tory Party. 

    Let me remind you what the leader of the Brexit campaign said to the Britsh people. "The UK will 'still have access to single market’ despite Brexit". Its curious how Farage has received so much credit for his campaign to take us out of the EU but now we are being told that he is of no consequence. However I am quite prepared to let Farage speak for himself.

    An ecstatic Nigel Farage hailed Theresa May for stealing Ukip’s “phrases and words”, within minutes of her landmark Brexit speech. 

  15. 4 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


    But what part will Farage play in the upcoming negotiations? How will he even influence them? The government has made a big point of distancing itself from him.

    Do you think for one moment that the government is operating in a cocoon when they carry out these negotiations. May will have her eye on every by-election between now and 2020

    Farage and his hard line ilk will be pushing for the hardest Brexit. Shortly following the Brexit result Farage attended a party at which several of the more extreme right wing of the Tory party including MPs were present and at which he received a rousing reception. You must be living in la la land if you think that May isn't still under pressure from that wing of the party and any deal that she finally brokers..

  16. 2 minutes ago, nontabury said:

    He has been campaigning for this length of time to be made redundant. exactly the same as those SNP's in Westminster. Do you not see the comparison.

    And all the while making himself a very rich man. His career in politics has certainly been a lot more profitable and rewarding than his former career. 

  17. 1 minute ago, Khun Han said:


    And it's relevance to the upcoming brexit negotiations is?

    Since Farage is pushing for hard Brexit along with many of his political allies I think its highly relevant. In fact the referendum question didn't touch on the subject about the type of Brexit and the one UKIP MP has stated that he disagrees with Farage and his version of Brexit. 

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