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Everything posted by andersonat

  1. Words have meanings - you can't just make-up-meanings for words in discourse. ... "can be used in any sense which gets the point across ... " --- According to *you*, what particular point was being made here by Riclag ? - Because, if language is not being used correctly/accurately, then I am somewhat at-a-loss. -- I'm pleased for Riclag that he has a Supporter, or at least an Apologist.
  2. R, 1. Do you know *anything* about Communist Ideology ? 2. Are you a Christian ?
  3. I'm intrigued ... for which Benefits are (newly-arrived) Immigrants in the UK eligible ?
  4. The PRIMARY function of any Government is the protection of the country's population from either external- or internal-factors. The Prime-Minister has singularly failed in his duty-of-care to protect the health of the Residents of (and Tourists in) Chiang Mai.
  5. TBL, You're going to have to do a tad more reading/"research" in order to learn what DT is actually being charged with in the Florida-Case, in order to understand why Biden was "excused".
  6. -- Trumpers spew lies and never expect to get challenged. - They never expect that they have to show evidence for their statements, and, in fact, they never *have* any evidence.
  7. You've stated that Joe Biden is a pedophile. --- I'm going to ask you a question ... Can you guess what it's going to be ?
  8. The Brains-Trust of The Democratic Party believes that Biden is The Right Man to compete against Trump ( - because Biden can run on his record for the past 4 years). - If Trump were not to be the Republican-Candidate (for whatever reason), then I'm sure that The Brains-Trust would consider changing their Election-Plan. And since it is a staple of Trump's playbook to delay-delay-delay in the court-cases against him, almost certainly he will be the Candidate for The Republican Party.
  9. As someone here mentioned yesterday, in order to be consistent, Mr Sonthiya really ought to be calling for the arrest and punishment of 14,233,895 Thais.
  10. For my past few Retirement-Extensions in Chiang Mai, I produced (and had copies of) the small paper-slip that I received from the TM30 Office (that the Officer stapled into my passport). My Wife recently registered with the online TM30-system, and she made a print-out of the data-entry screen to show my latest place-of-address ( - I had stayed in a Hotel in Pattaya, and the Staff “updated” my place-of-address to the Hotel using their online-system). — Do you know if this PC print-out is accepted/sufficient for Immigration for the Extension, or do they want to see one of their “own” documents ?
  11. I copied+pasted the quote - *unedited* - in my post from:- https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-14/#amendment-14-section-3 "Section 3 No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability." *** If I've made an (unintentional) error, I am always open to being corrected. -- Please copy+paste the words/sentences/section that I omitted (in error).
  12. Once again, The 14th Amendment Section 3. -- What this Section discusses is insurrection-or-rebellion *against The Constitution* ... not (only) against The Government. - And so it's not only about what happened on 6 January.
  13. Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. *** Section 3 does *not* mention "conviction".
  14. I think that I'm missing something here ... I realise that I have to re-Register, but when I click on the "Register" button (below the Log-in button) The System only offers me another "Log-in" screen, and if I try to use my 'old' information on this Log-in screen, then The System tells me that my User-ID ( = email-address) and/or Password are invalid. -- How do I actually *register* again ? I'd be grateful for any information/suggestions.
  15. From the OP:- "In the video Amornphan Villa Resort owner said that in the 40 years of operation the monthly power bill had never exceeded 500,000 baht but this month it skyrocketed to 711,470.60 baht despite electricity and air-conditioner usage being the same as before." ( - the underlining has been added by me.) My interpretation of the sentence is that she did read the no. of units on the bill.
  16. I finally have a "definitive" answer on the situation concerning using the Online 90-Day Report Service for the situation in *Chiang Mai Immigration* from a Supervisor/Manager based at the Chiang Mai Central Festival Office. If I travel around Thailand, and if a Hotel registers me as being a Guest, and informs The Immigration Office of this, then The Immigration Office (in Bangkok) will update my address in their national records. If I *don't* go to Chiang Mai Immigration (at the Airport-Office) when I return to CM, and tell them that I have returned to my home, then the Hotel-address will remain my address on-the-official record. This is *not* a problem for CM Immigration Staff if you want to make a 90-Day Report *in person*, or *by post*, because the CM 90-Day Report Staff can understand what has happened/is happening, they will give you a new paper 90-Day Report, and there *won't* be a fine. HOWEVER, if you *don't* update your address (to your Home-Address, with a new TM30) then you *won't* be able to continue to use the *Online 90-Day Report Service", and you'll have to do the 90-Day Reports in person, or by post.
  17. I live (and for TM 30 purposes I'm registered) in Chiang Mai. I visited Pattaya for a weekend 2 weeks ago for a holiday, staying in a (large, well-known) Hotel. ... I tried to make an online 90-day Report a few days ago. ... My application was refused, because I had stayed in, and had been "registered" by, the Hotel in P (said the email). ... The refusal-email also told me that I have ( = my Wife has) to make a new TM 30 declaration at CM Immigration, before I can make my 90-day Report. .
  18. It appears that The Pollution "Control" Department merely *monitors* the Pollution, rather than actually *controlling* it.
  19. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5920433/ "Previous studies have identified a marked association between particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) exposure and increased incidence of pulmonary diseases (1). ... PM2.5 comprises a mixture of solid and liquid particles, including black carbon, metals, nitrate, sulfate, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and automobile exhaust particles (4). It has also been indicated that PM2.5 may trigger asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) and lung cancer through the activation of various signaling pathways, ... A European cohort study indicated that PM2.5 exposure increased the risk of lung cancer, particularly lung adenocarcinoma (12). .. " *** https://oem.bmj.com/content/61/10/799 "While many uncertainties remain, it appears plausible that known chemical carcinogens are responsible for the lung cancers attributed to PM2.5 exposure in the extended ACS Cohort Study. However, the possibility should not be ruled out that particulate matter is capable of causing lung cancer independent of the presence of known carcinogens. ... " *** https://www.esmo.org/newsroom/press-releases/scientists-discover-how-air-pollution-may-trigger-lung-cancer-in-never-smokers "A new mechanism has been identified through which very small pollutant particles in the air may trigger lung cancer in people who have never smoked, paving the way to new prevention approaches and development of therapies, according to late-breaking data [to be] reported at the ESMO Congress 2022 by scientists of the Francis Crick Institute and University College London, funded by Cancer Research UK (1). The particles, which are typically found in vehicle exhaust and smoke from fossil fuels, are associated with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) risk, accounting for over 250,000 lung cancer deaths globally per year (2,3)."
  20. Has anyone heard of any Local, Provincial, or National Politician recently discussing possible ameliorations/solutions to this annual-problem ? [ - I *haven't* ] -- This is a public-health disaster, and it seems that the people in CM are expected to sit-tight, and wait for the winds to come and blow the smoke away..
  21. - On an *individual* basis, you are correct. However, the Epidemiologists have collected and analysed the Covid-Patient statistics, and the statistics say that, in general, Vaccinated-Sufferers have lighter symptoms, compared to Unvaccinated-Sufferers.
  22. In the UK there is a Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme that *might* pay out somewhere between £2,500 and £11,000 to the spouse of a person who has been murdered.
  23. JVS, You may well have an "information-advantage" over me. - You wrote that Pol Capt Phanurak Rattanaphaisorn had *already* paid the Family/Families. I searched on the Internet, but I could not see a news-story that reported that the money had *already* been paid. From the OP above, I read that The Court has *ordered* him to pay 5.5m Baht to the Families.
  24. D-L, You made a bold statement that "refugees are supposed to seek refuge (under International law) in the first country they enter after "fleeing" their home country". -- I will make a similarly bold statement: what you wrote is not actually true.
  25. UJ, I’m sure that I read somewhere/sometime (here ?, in the past 6 months ?) that it was still necessary to report to the *Chiang Mai* Immigration Office within 24h after returning from abroad, even with a re-entry permit. … Are you able to confirm, one way or the other, if this is still the case.
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