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Posts posted by sstuff3

  1. It seems the delivery of mail has resumed. The entire MooBaan wasn't receiving mail, so it wasn't isolated to only my address. Mail delivery resumed yesterday but I suspect I will never receive the missing mail from the last month. I pay my bills online but do like the ability to check them before paying. Hopefully the service will continue normal now.

  2. After nearly 6 weeks of no mail delivery, the Postman showed up today, with one current bill. When asked about the mail from the last 6 weeks, he said this is all we have, the regular guy is gone (didn't elaborate) and he is the new carrier for this area.

    I guess all past mail will be gone forever. Hope there wasn't anything more important than the regular bills.

  3. Hi,

    I am not sure this is in the right place.

    But we are interviewing someone and she is has a great resume and want to know how much we should pay her.

    Can we ask her last employer how much she was getting paid? I think not, but my business partner says everyone can do that in Europe.

    So what are the rules here. Is it allowed? I thought common sense would be no

    What bearing does a persons last salary have on the job being applied for now? He or she is not applying for their last job they are applying for the new one. Review the application and resume, do the interview and then if interested make a reasonable offer based on the job at hand. Past salaries have no relevance. Pay the person for the job they are applying for, forget about the past.

  4. Returned to the Post Office today. They handed my wife 3 letters addressed to us but said they still can't find any other mail from the past month. A neighbor went and was reportedly told the carrier for our area has been and remains on leave and this is the reason the mail hasn't been delivered but they hope to resume deliveries in a few days. She reported that they handed her a bundle of old mail addressed to her.

    I guess all I can do is wait and see what happens.

  5. Received several phone calls lately asking why payments haven't been made (Internet, phone, etc.). Told them I can't pay a bill I don't receive. Local Post Office was adamant that all mail has been sent out for delivery. Still no mail delivery today. I hate being late to pay my bills but don't know what I can do about it.

  6. Thanks for the replies. I took them back to the dealer for my new tires and their staff promptly put them in the back of his truck. Hopefully they won't try to reuse them because the rubber is cracked and unsafe.

  7. I haven't received any mail delivery since before Songkran (except for EMS). My normal utility, credit card, and other bills have not arrived and are now either past due or will be later this week. I've been to the local Post Office (Onnut, Bangkok) to see if there was any problem and they stated that all mail has been sent out for delivery. Checking with several neighbors in the same Moo Baan, and no one else has been receiving mail either.

    Anyone else in Bangkok having problems with mail delivery lately? Any suggestions on how to correct this?

  8. He turned himself in and the name and age he provided the hospital was correct. The car wasn't stolen, it belonged to a doctor who let his girlfriend drive it and she didn't return it after they broke up. Seems to be an embarrassing case for the police since they obviously jumped to the wrong conclusions.

  9. I don't agree that countries should be allowed to carry out penalties that are just plain wrong, without criticism.. Who agrees with the public beheading of women in Saudi ? Yes Indonesia has expressed their right to carry out the sentence, which some posters agree with. But I look at it and say that they have already been punished for 10 years in a terrible environment, but still in that environment, as a lot of people believe, they have reformed. They were only very young when they performed this crime.

    Additionally if the execution is stopped it is not that they go free, they will still spend the rest of their days in an Indonesian jail.

    The only reason they were forced to spend "10 years in a terrible environment", is because "due process" WAS followed and after several appeals and requests for clemency, the convictions and sentences were upheld. It seems to be that it's time to bring it to an end and carry out the sentences in accordance with the laws of Indonesia.

  10. Can anyone experienced Garmin user explain this, please?

    When I go to my girlfriend's sister's house (from Pattaya to Ban Chang) it (correctly) takes us "cross-country" but on the way back it wants to keep us on route 3. Why the different routes for the same journey albeit in reverese?


    You're settings may indicate "faster route" which will sometimes cause this to happen. Try different settings like "shortest route" to see if that suits your driving style.
  11. Got mine done today. Stopped by the district office at 1130am (Prawet, BKK) and gave them a copy of my passport, 4 pictures, the blue book from the house, marriage certificate (also registered at Prawet), completed a two-page form and answered several questions. Was told to return at 1pm. After returning, was asked a few more questions and then was interviewed by the district chief. 30 minutes later was handed the yellow book and when my wife asked what the charge was, she was told "no charge, have a nice day". Seemed to be a pretty painless and quite pleasant experience. Perhaps Prawet district is easier to deal with than others.

    • Like 2
  12. Where can you pick up those covers to keep the dirt off your tags?

    I find that the cameras on the Motorway only seem to work if you are going between 130 to 160Kph.

    If you go 180 or higher I think the timing is off and they are too slow to get a clear shot.

    I have had half a dozen in the last 18 months from the same spot, but always says around 140-155Kph on the


    Never got one yet when passing it at much higher speed.

    What's the need for traveling at high speeds? Do the road conditions suggest this is safe. I'm not concerned a/b those who feel a need to go excessively fast, but how about others.

    I often wonder what "speeders" do once they arrive at their destination? Sit on their ass and eat somtom? Talk a/b a selfish mentality e.g. go fast/tailgate those in front/blink lights/swerve in and out to maintain high speeds. FOR WHAT? Hell if ya wanna go fast and get a thrill get a BIG ASS MOTORCYCLE and blast on. What!!!! Toooooooooooooooo dangerous????? Pathetic.

    Oh maybe excessive speeding is the result of "I'm a REAL man" mentality?

    At the same time, if you want to go below the posted speed limits, stay to the left and no one will have reason to tailgate or flash their lights at you, especially on the motorway and expressways.

  13. I got a ticket in the post last year, so they have had the capacity to do it for a year at least.

    Speed limits on highways have in places been 120 kmh for years.

    If they actually did this properly they would make an absolute fortune at 500 baht a pop.

    Wrong. Only two roads in Thailand have an official speed limit of 120km/h, which are the two "inter-provincial" motorways, namely the 62km Bang Na to Bang Pa-in Eastern Outer Ring Road and the Bangkok-Chonburi motorway, which now extends to Pattaya and is around 140km long.

    All other highways throughout Thailand have a 90km/h speed limit, but may have a tolerance of 120km/h before fines are imposed for speeding. However, if the average speed of drivers is relatively low, then many drivers doing about 110-120 will be caught, in the event of a shakedown. Case in point is me: I was caught in Udon Thani once driving on the Friendship Highway and going at a speed of 116km/h in a 90km/h zone (outside of town, about 20km south of Udon). The fine? 200 Baht, payable at the table nearby with a receipt.

    However, if Thailand wants to get serious about enforcing speed limits, apart from the obvious extra enforcement it could start by first of all, imposing realistic speed limits on all highways and REGULARLY posting speed limit signs. Then and only then might they consider setting up more speed cameras and stricter fines, as well as stricter enforcement to ensure violators pay their fines on time.

    Where are all the speed limit signs in Thailand? For a first-time visitor who didn't know any better, they'd be led to thinking that Thailand is the land of no speed limits because speed limit signs are posted so rarely. Must be one of the few countries in the world which has so few speed limit signs, let alone ambiguity about speed limits (hence why you were confused). For me, the only way I normally know about speed limits on any given Thai road is based on what my GPS tells me because I obviously can't rely on any non-existent signs.

    Don't rely too much on the speed limit shown on GPS, mine shows 110 kph for the road between Udon Thani and Khon Kaen but the police who ticketed me says it is 90.

  14. The average speed of traffic through Khon Kaen last Friday afternoon was only about 5-10 kph, not a big threat of getting a speeding ticket when I past through there. If they were to get serious about road safety, they would likely make a bigger impact by keeping the traffic in the proper lanes, instead of allowing lines of vehicles using both shoulders of the road as travel lanes. This undoubtedly resulted in more congestion and the traffic police at the intersections never attempted to stop it. A trip that took 8.5 hours going up took all of 14 hours to return, all due to the selfish nature of the drivers here. If everyone would maintain the proper lanes of travel, the traffic would flow.

  15. sstuff3, I replied yesterday:


    You would be 100% correct sstuff3...in a perfect world.

    I stand by what I wrote.

    sstuff3 said:

    In addition, your description of the local villagers is a bit naïve at best (foraging for food in the jungle, really???).

    That comment tells me you haven't been to the real Isaan. When I write "real Isaan", I'm referring to the villages. Like my wife's village, 45 minutes outside of Sakon Nakon.

    Perhaps you been to the larger cities of Isaan? Seen all the new this and that. Think the whole region is like that?

    I'll tell you what, next time you are up here in Isaan...PM me and I will give you written directions to the house & village in question. Check it out for yourself...up close & personal.

    sstuff3. I am truly sorry you home was broken into. Having had the same thing happen to me...I can empathize.

    My wife's village is about 100 kilometers east of Udon Thani, I believe I am familiar with the type of villages you are describing but I personally would not describe what they do as "foraging for food in the jungle", but hey, everyone has their own perception of things.


  16. The immigration officer is wrong. That the original visa has expired is of no consequence, what matters is that you have a valid permission to stay based on a non-immigrant visa, which you have.

    I would ask to speak to a superior and ask for a clarification as there seems to be a misunderstanding.

    Returned to the Immigration office today (because my wife forgot to collect her ID on the way out last week) and took the opportunity to speak to a Supervisor. After hearing the history of my case, he said I should be able to apply. I told him the same officer I met in September told me last week that I could not. He then directed me to call the Inspector (phone number above the exit door) and ask her. I did, and she told me to go ask the same officer I met last week. I did, and she repeated that I had to exit the country apply for a new visa and then return. I asked to speak to her Supervisor. Her Supervisor explained that after my first visit (30 Sept), the regulation was changed on 1 November and she showed my wife the regulation in Thai. She apologized for the inconvenience and told me the only thing I can do is leave the country, apply a new visa and them come back.

    Unplanned trip coming soon.

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