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Posts posted by sstuff3

  1. What's water lettuce called in Thai? Any other decent plants that absorb this algae?

    It looks like this


    and is found all over the place, just grab a couple of plants and you're away.

    Additional plants don't absorb the algae, they absorb the excess nutrients that encourage the algae.

    We've got Tilipia (Pla Nin) in with Koi and Goldfish in the condo pond, everyone seems happy. The Tilipia breed like rabbits so eating a few is always in order.

    Thanks, I'll give this a go and see what happens.

  2. In nearly all these extreme jealousy cases the women are from "the industry ",they trust no one,and have serious issues that can result in killing you for something they have imagined ,.......and yes i was a recpieint of attempted murder by one,. :)

    I cannot agree that they are "nearly all from the industry"

    My GF (and never been in the industry) is always going on about my Thai wife even though I haven't seen her for more than five years.

    All this bullshyt such as "yes I stay with you but she stay in your heart"

    Take a look at this link http://www.chiangmainews.com/ecmn/viewfa.php?id=2586 it explains a lot about the psyche of Thai women.

    Obsessive jealousy bordering on paranoia is very hard to live with :D

    I have to agree with this (nothing to do with the "industry"). My, now ex-gf, was always saying similar stuff about my ex-wife and couldn't understand "why you keep giving her money if you don't love her anymore?" No matter how many times I explained that alimony and child support are required by the court..... she never understood it. Finally, after many months of near violence (on her part), we broke up. I would come home from work and find her sitting in the garden waiting for me (after she climbed over the 2 meter wall). I finally had to relocate house to get away from her. Nothing worse than an "over-jealous" woman.

  3. I have 2 Koi ponds, one in the front of the house and one in the back garden. The one in the front is always clear and requires almost no maintenance while the one in the back is always cloudy with green water. I have a 3-well, canal-type fliter system with lava rocks, etc. on the back and two water falls to keep the water circulating. I emptied 3/4 of the water and cleaned the filter system and it seemed to help for a few days but now the water is back to green. I don't want to add a lot of chemicals but want to know if there is a certain type of fish or something that can help clear the water. Really strange since the front pond is also so clear with no maintenance but no matter how much I do in the back nothing seems to help. Any advice will be appreciated.

  4. At the head of most traffic jams in BKK is normally either a policeman or a bus (or both)..........

    The fact that most of the u-turn points are blocked forcing everyone to drive sometime several kilometers further to u-turn can't be helping either.

    It is always amazing to me (frustratingly so) that on some days the 27KM drive to the office can take 30 miuntes and the very next day can take 2.5 hours with no visible sign of a cause.......... Amazing Thailand :)

  5. [\quote] And talk to neighbors, motodrivers ( don't know how to call these ******) and "security" guards...tell them you offer money for anonymous return of at least the external backup drives. There is a chance they are not erased and sold yet.

    Sorry for what happened and good luck!

    Edit: spelling

    Thanks for the advice. After checking around I found a contractor who was working on a Soi behind my house who said he saw a "skinny teenaged boy carrying a large bag on his back with the bottom of his t-shirt pulled up to cover his face and nose". He said he walked out from behind the row of houses where my house is (mostly overgrown trees and very high weeds back there) at around 1200 PM in the afternoon and was promptly picked up by a motorcycle taxi.

  6. Speak to the head honcho at the Police station that covers your area.

    Money talks. Half now, half when he gets back your photos. You have to make it worth their while, otherwise they will do sod all :)

    Done already. Unfortunately doesn't seem to have motivated them much.

  7. First off, big condolonces to the OP, like you said mate hardware you can replace over time but the photos etc.......bad news! Do you have any online (facebook etc) or stuff you have sent to friends (check your sent items in your email)......sorry if this sounds really basic and like I'm being condescending........not meaning to I'm just trying to think of any way thing that might help.

    Best of luck

    Thanks, I do have some online but only a small fraction of the ones lost. Appreciate the suggestions.

  8. Sorry that you got robbed. May I ask a bit more info, was it moo baan si chi tong on the cheang wattana side or the main entrance side?

    SiChai Thong, Chaengwattana side.

  9. If you can't afford a security system - A rotweiller (or any big dog) works just as well and makes a good companion too.

    I have an English Bulldog, which although harmless most Thais are afraid of. He was not harmed during the burglary, instead he was fed the left-over pizza from the fridge. Thankfully he wasn't harmed.

  10. you need sensor beams inside..so no matter where they get in ...any movement inside and the alarm will go off...hope this never happens again .........

    This is good start, then you need to network the beams and connect them to hidden wall mounted machine guns that will tear anything in half that sets the beams off.

    I wish that option was available.

  11. you need sensor beams inside..so no matter where they get in ...any movement inside and the alarm will go off...hope this never happens again .........

    Have motion detection and beams now but it's kinda like closing the barn door after the horses escaped. Am pretty confident that the system will detect future entry attempts.

  12. sorry to hear that ...why would they bother taking photographs..probably fo the nice frames you had them in i suppose.......scum bags

    The pictures were all soft files stored on the hard drive of one of the computers and the back-up disk.

  13. My house in Pakkret was broken into during the day on Tuesday, May 19 while I was at work. The burglars managed to escape detection of the house alarm by entering and exiting through the roof and dropping down through the ceiling. My entire house, 1st and 2nd floor was ransacked and the valuables taken out through the newly created hole in the roof.

    Included with many other things, they made off with a couple notebook pc's and even managed to find my external back-up hard disk stored in another room. Every picture of my daughter from the night of her birth until now (9 years) are stored on one of the notebooks (which happens to be missing a keyboard which can not be purchased in Thailand) and backed up on the external drive. All the material things that the bastards took can be replaced over time but the thousands of pictures can never be.

    I know that I will likely never get them back and the computers and hard disk will likely be reformated (erased) and the items sold off for quick cash but I still want to believe that there may be some way to get my pictures back.

    Any ideas? I am literally sick over this. Of course the police were informed and reports taken but after living here for more than 3 years, I don't have much confidence they will be able to turn up with anything.

    Very sorry to hear that.

    Do you live in a moo baan? Or is it just a stand alone house?

    Moo Baan just outside of Nichada Thani

  14. Sorry to hear about your loss.............

    I am thinking about installinga system soon, have tons of windows in the house, so all these contact points for me are "pointless". Just wanna put 2 IR sensors down stairs, 1 in the hall way upstairs over looking the hall and main unit for the alarm, and one in the main bed room.

    My thought is, cant stop em getting in, but once in, hopefully can catch their movement inside.

    So..... my question is, how come they did not trip the alarm coming through the roof? If the master unit is in the beam of a IR sensor, would be hard to disarm it. If contact based, then i can understand it.

    Sorry for your loss, i too have all pics in soft format ( and 14 years of business correspondance, sample contracts and anything you might want to accumulate )......... so I know how you would feel............

    Tomorrow am going to open a safe in a bank - and keep on hard disk there - bit extreme, but i dont see anyother way.

    Recon a super heavy safe would help too, very hard to move around

    Unfortunately the house is 10 years old and is (was) only equipped with contacts on all the windows and doors and panic alarms. I never knew it was so easy to come through the roof by simply sliding a few roof tiles aside. The thought never crossed my mind. By not opening any external doors or windows, they escaped detection. The system is now upgraded and they will be hard pressed to get by it now. Although that is somewhat comforting, it doesn't bring back the lost memories. Opening a safe at a bank to store soft files of pictures seems like a great idea to me, in hindsight, not extreme at all.

  15. My house in Pakkret was broken into during the day on Tuesday, May 19 while I was at work. The burglars managed to escape detection of the house alarm by entering and exiting through the roof and dropping down through the ceiling. My entire house, 1st and 2nd floor was ransacked and the valuables taken out through the newly created hole in the roof.

    Included with many other things, they made off with a couple notebook pc's and even managed to find my external back-up hard disk stored in another room. Every picture of my daughter from the night of her birth until now (9 years) are stored on one of the notebooks (which happens to be missing a keyboard which can not be purchased in Thailand) and backed up on the external drive. All the material things that the bastards took can be replaced over time but the thousands of pictures can never be.

    I know that I will likely never get them back and the computers and hard disk will likely be reformated (erased) and the items sold off for quick cash but I still want to believe that there may be some way to get my pictures back.

    Any ideas? I am literally sick over this. Of course the police were informed and reports taken but after living here for more than 3 years, I don't have much confidence they will be able to turn up with anything.

  16. My English Bulldog (almost a year old) is in desperate need of a female mate. I am not looking to make any money from him at this point (although he is registered and from champion blood-line) but I wouldn't say no to one of the puppies if he is successful. We live in the Bangkok area and can travel if needed. Can anyone help?

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