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Posts posted by sstuff3

  1. A tourist island, with hundreds of non-locals hiring vehicles every day, and it's not necessary to put up speed limit signs?

    These people got their licenses in many other parts of the world where speed limits, no doubt, vary.

    Edit: I guess the tourists are not going to worry about speeding tickets anyway. Who's going to pay, the owners? laugh.png

    The renters will pay. I received a speeding ticket in the mail from Sydney after a recent trip, along with instructions on how to pay online, as well as a $75 "handling fee" tacked on by the rental car company (automatically charged to my credit card). The owners of the rental cars won't mind.

  2. House I was renting in Pakret (Bangkok) was broken in while I was at work (May 2009). The house had security grilles on every door and window (upstairs and down) as well as alarms. Even having my two-year old English Bulldog inside didn't deter the burglar He entered through the roof and according to the police probably spent at least three hours in the house and stole everything of value, laptops, mobiles, jewelry, watches, old currency collection, Gurkha fighting knife, and the list goes on and on. He even help himself to Pepsi and lunch from the refrigerator and changed his shirt for one of mine from the closet (he left his behind). Despite fingerprints all over the place and a witness who saw him carrying a large bag over his shoulder exiting from behind the house and getting promptly picked up by another man on a motorcycle, no one was ever caught. The most painful loss was my computer and backup hard drive that had my daughters pictures on it for her first nine years of life (now gone forever). I offered the police a 30,000 baht reward for the return of the hard drive but they told me it wasn't enough, then when I raised it to 50,000 they said they "would try". Needless to say, nothing was ever recovered. I moved shortly afterwards and now keep all of my valuables and laptops in a proper safe and have complete CCTV coverage of the outside and inside of the house, as well as two English Bulldogs now (not that they are much help, but they are great fun to have around).

  3. I had some rings and other items custom made at Siam Utopia in Paradise Park in Bangkok. Very satisfied with the quality and level of customization. They are very helpful and pleasant to deal with.


    Thank you Stuff - I will drop in next time I am in that area and check them out.  I am not good with shopping mall names and areas of town - do you have a street crossing or familiar intrersection for me ?


    Can you tell me what you had made.?  I already have photos of a few ring settings I am willing to be flexible with the design.


    I want the shop to build the setting around whatever diamonds I happen to buy such as baggettes etc...  I am trying to buy some nice stones not too large and have the Thai gold settings.  Thats what this is really about is having the Thai gold instead of the mixed gold from other countries.


    Its fairly straight forward for any goldsmith - I added a couple photos of the ring guards for anyones example.  I need 1 womans solitare and mans diamond band made also.


    Thanks for the info.

    Sorry for the delayed response, I've been out of pocket.

    Paradise Park is on Srinakarin Road (Between OnNut Road and Udonsuk Road) on the same side as Seacon Square but closer to Udomsuk Road.

    I had two rings made ( man and woman's) and also a custom pendant style necklace to house a "lucky" heart-shaped stone my daughter gave me when she was five. They did a great job with all and are very flexible and easy to work with. Their shop is on the ground floor not far from Villa Market.

  4. This is supposed to be a "good" thing? The few times I've used the taxi "system" at Suvarnabhumi was a joke. You expect to pay a 50 baht fee for the system to protect yourself from being cheated. On one occasion we needed a larger (van-type) taxi because we had 4 people with luggage. There was one in the queue so I asked the attendant if we could arrange it. Her reply was sure but you will have to pay 200 baht more. The last time I returned from my home country with my Thai wife, the taxi driver didn't turn the meter on when leaving the taxi pickup point. I asked him to turn it on (had already waited in the proper queue and got my 50 baht ticket) and he refused. He explained to my wife that our house is "too close" to the airport so the "fixed fee" is 200 baht. Normally a taxi from my home to the airport is around 85 baht. What is the point of having a so-called proper taxi system at the airport if the staff manning the stands and the drivers aren't held to standard? By the way, I fly in and out of Thailand, for business, at least 2-3 times a month and I can confirm the taxi "system" at Suvarnabhumi is a joke and shouldn't be used as a model for any other airport unless it is fixed. I personally try to avoid it by having my wife take me to and pick me up but that is not always possible as sometimes she travels with me.

    I would have immediately told him to "Stop!", and begun shouting for police. I've never had this happen from the airport, but HAVE had it happen from a hotel (after being careful to ask for a metered taxi and the driver assuring that he was/would). Got my stuff & walked half a block back to the hotel & complained to the front desk, and gave them the taxi no. They were very apologetic and had me driven to Suv. in a hotel car free of charge. 'Don't know what, if anything, happened to the recalcitrant taxi driver.

    I've never had problems with the taxi system at Swampy, and I've been using them for years. I do kind of make a point of examining that receipt/complaint form they give you, so the driver knows I know... ...without being in his face about it.

    After 24+ hours of traveling I honestly didn't have the energy to fight, which I am sure they count on. I did send the complaint form in but seriously doubt any follow-up is ever done on those as I found it quite bold of him to violate the rules knowing I was given a complaint form with his taxi number on it.

  5. This is supposed to be a "good" thing? The few times I've used the taxi "system" at Suvarnabhumi was a joke. You expect to pay a 50 baht fee for the system to protect yourself from being cheated. On one occasion we needed a larger (van-type) taxi because we had 4 people with luggage. There was one in the queue so I asked the attendant if we could arrange it. Her reply was sure but you will have to pay 200 baht more. The last time I returned from my home country with my Thai wife, the taxi driver didn't turn the meter on when leaving the taxi pickup point. I asked him to turn it on (had already waited in the proper queue and got my 50 baht ticket) and he refused. He explained to my wife that our house is "too close" to the airport so the "fixed fee" is 200 baht. Normally a taxi from my home to the airport is around 85 baht. What is the point of having a so-called proper taxi system at the airport if the staff manning the stands and the drivers aren't held to standard? By the way, I fly in and out of Thailand, for business, at least 2-3 times a month and I can confirm the taxi "system" at Suvarnabhumi is a joke and shouldn't be used as a model for any other airport unless it is fixed. I personally try to avoid it by having my wife take me to and pick me up but that is not always possible as sometimes she travels with me.

    • Like 2
  6. Sad news. Heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased.

    Why is it that anytime a shooting happens in the US, it gets worldwide media attention and turns into an endless debate on gun control?? (Rhetorical question).

    Gun control is not relevant to this or any other news story related to the use of guns. Furthermore, gun control in America is not the business of anyone except

    the citizens of America. The Bill of Rights was written for a specific reason, should, and will be upheld, as this is the will of the majority of Americans.

    Unfortunately, the reason it was included in the Bill of Rights seems more relevant today than at any time in recent history. For non-Americans to engage in debates regarding gun control in America is simply a waste of time and energy for all involved.

    Didn't know the US has a copywright on orginal thought. So you are saying that if a non US citizen had an epiphany that contributed to policy regards gun control, leading to a reduction in gun crime, it would be rejected?

    I doubt any opinion posted on a TV forum in Thailand will ever have any meaningful effect on legislation in any country, but by all means feel free to contribute what you wish.

    My point was, and remains, that this story has nothing to do with gun control, just another sad story about an apparently disturbed individual intent on inflicting injury to other people.

  7. I would recommend using any other courier besides DHL. DHL Thailand has a track record of charging (overcharging) for any shipments from overseas. I am currently in a tussle with them over importing an item covered under the ASEAN/China FTA and despite the item clearly being "exempt" they are still pushing me to pay ฿6,750 for Customs duty. The shipment has been held for over a week already and they aren't budging despite having all the required documentation. I've had this same experience with DHL Thailand in the past. Never had a problem using FedEx, UPS, or even the regular Postal service. My advise would be to avoid the frustration and find another courier to use.

  8. That could be a Chinese Rat snake, Ptyas korros. The large eyes are pretty telling, but I am not 100%.

    Thanks for that. After googling Chinese Rat Snake, and reviewing the pictures, I am confident these are Chinese Rat Snakes and probably not bad to keep around. Thanks again for the reply. I guess it is possible the cobra previously found may have been hunting these....
    Oh yes, those will be great to have around. I would have noted that, but thought you may just want to know. Snakes are the best by me, they stay out of the way, they run like hell when they see you, and they eat all the things we don't like Posted Image

    And also the creatures I do like. My friendly toads for instance.

    My primary concern is for the safety and well being of my two English Bulldogs. For sure the snakes try to avoid us humans but I would hate for one of my "boys" to come across one, especially a venomous one. I guess I'm a bit nervous after catching the cobra a few weeks ago. Now that I know what this one is I can breath a bit more easily. Toads aren't good for my boys either so I prefer the Chinese Rat Snakes....

  9. That could be a Chinese Rat snake, Ptyas korros. The large eyes are pretty telling, but I am not 100%.

    Thanks for that. After googling Chinese Rat Snake, and reviewing the pictures, I am confident these are Chinese Rat Snakes and probably not bad to keep around. Thanks again for the reply. I guess it is possible the cobra previously found may have been hunting these....

  10. Was sent here by the regional office in Hong Kong for a 5 month project. More than 7 years on I'm still here and enjoy the culture and climate. Obviously there are things about Thailand that drive me crazy but the good easily outweighs the bad. Until that changes, I will continue to call Thailand home.

  11. After having a house broken into and everything of value removed, I will never again stay in a house outside of a gated community in Thailand. The house had a high wall around it with spiked bars on top of it, bars on every window (upstairs and downstairs), had alarms on every door and window, and I even kept a dog inside. None of that discouraged someone from climbing onto the roof and dropping down through the ceiling (and then back out the same way). Of course the police were no help at all despite a mountain of evidence; fingerprints everywhere and even some of the burglars clothes which he exchanged for some of mine. I know the security at the entrance of the moo baan may not be perfect but it does provide some level of deterrence.

    The house I now live in is in a gated community with roving patrols and security at the gate. Ay visitors trade their ID card for a slip which must be stamped from the residence visited before being allowed to exit. Of course, one must still take responsibility for your own security which is why I now have security cameras both on the exterior and interior of the house which is backed up locally and on a secure cloud through the Internet and can be accessed from my smartphone to check on my house anytime when I'm away. Based on my experience this is better than any alarm system and/or bars on the windows. A good strong security rated safe is also recommended for keeping laptops, gold, and any other items of value, monetary or sentimental.

  12. Combine two sub-standard airlines to create an even larger sub-standard airline that will continue to charge sky-high prices with nil customer service. No wonder the economy in America is in distress. wacko.png

    Where do you draw the logic that American Airlines is the reason for America's economy being in the dumps? They are a pretty good airline, and US Airways has always provided bad service, but your conclusion is based on what? They aren't Congress!

    I did not say that American Airlines is the reason for America's economy being in the dumps (are you related to my ex-wife? She had a way with twisting words too). My point was pretty simply stated. Many obviously do not share your conclusion that they are a pretty good airline but I do respect your opinion. Different people have different experiences and standards.

    Possibly this merger will place them on the government's "too big to fail list" entitling them to government bailouts in the future to compensate for poor management.

    Sorry, but I also read your post the same way. The American economy is doing fairly well. Not great, but about the same as most large economies around the world, maybe a bit better? Many Asian economies are doing quite well.

    It' hard to compare a "for profit" airline like AA to one like Singapore Airlines. If I am not mistaken, many of the better airlines in the world are either owned or sponsored by their host countries? So they can focus more on quality as opposed to their stockholders. Who are more interested in a return on their money. Which is fair.

    Large mergers such as this are not good for the economy. There undoubtedly will be consolidation, which means fewer jobs, less competition, and higher prices for consumers for the same poor quality service. American-based airlines receive many “benefits” from the government in terms of tax breaks and other support. There is NO excuse for the poor service from any of these airlines especially when their rates are equal (most time higher) than their global counterparts.

  13. Combine two sub-standard airlines to create an even larger sub-standard airline that will continue to charge sky-high prices with nil customer service. No wonder the economy in America is in distress. wacko.png

    Where do you draw the logic that American Airlines is the reason for America's economy being in the dumps? They are a pretty good airline, and US Airways has always provided bad service, but your conclusion is based on what? They aren't Congress!

    I did not say that American Airlines is the reason for America's economy being in the dumps (are you related to my ex-wife? She had a way with twisting words too). My point was pretty simply stated. Many obviously do not share your conclusion that they are a pretty good airline but I do respect your opinion. Different people have different experiences and standards.

    Possibly this merger will place them on the government's "too big to fail list" entitling them to government bailouts in the future to compensate for poor management.

  14. Funny how the bleeding hearts, anti war-on-drug,"human rights" activists are quiet today. If this drug dealer has been deal with earlier, this poor lady will still be alive.

    He had been dealt with earlier as he had just been released from prison on the kings parden one week ago, so maybe these people you seem to despise have a good point .

    These people released each year on the King's pardon, are they selected at random, or is it a blanket pardon? Are they profiled for suitability of release? When released is their any parole system?

    I thought I read somewhere that people convicted of drug and/or corruption offenses were not eligible for the pardon. Maybe someone sluffed this one up.

  15. If he had any honor or respect for the rule of law, he could have already been back home and "actively" back in the political mix instead of playing puppet master from abroad. All he had to do was spend a couple years (more than likely months, if not weeks) in a Thai jail (more than likely with special accommodations). How anyone can still respect a person like this is beyond belief.

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